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Species Lion
Close Relations Father Simba, Mother Nala, Uncle Scar, Grandfather Mufasa and grandmother Sarabi.
Appearances The Lion King (film), The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, and in numerous books.
"Let's just end on the next generation. Here's Fluffy, Simba and Nala's new little cub. Let's just end on Fluffy."
—The Lion King film makers, on the 1995 commentary track of the film, refering to the cub at the end.

Fluffy is what the cub at the end of The Lion King was officially called.


Fluffy looks a lot like its father Simba did as a baby. It has very similar facial features, golden brown fur, pale toes, and big black pupils without irises. But there is one big noticable difference: it has black ear rings whereas Simba didn't.


After The Lion King

After the release of the film in June 1994, the cub became very popular object of speculation as for who it is. The film's content itself doesn't say anything about the cub apart from its outside appearence. No name or gender is given.

In 1994, few months after the film, was published the book series The Lion King: Six New Adventures, which became the most popular but remained quite unknown as it was released only in USA. In it, Simba and Nala have a son named Kopa. In 1995 the film's creators released a commentary track for the Laserdisc release of the film, wherein they called the cub "Fluffy" and didn't refer to it as either a 'he' or 'she' - even though Kopa was in Disney's copyrights and there would've been no harm done by turning the cub into him.

Soon enough Disney's film makers started to create an official sequel film, but the crew was all different from those who created the canon film. A rumour has it that the sequel's creators were planning to write two cubs, a boy named Chaka and a girl who had several name options, but cut the boy out in early production and developed the story only with the girl. This girl was one of the primary characters in the film, her name was Kiara.

After The Lion King II: Simba's Pride

So, as far as the cold hard facts from the films' makers go, in the official movie universe the cub is genderless Fluffy,

While the first film's commentary track proves Fluffy never was even supposed to be officially anyone, fans often speculate that this cub might of been Kiara, or Kopa. These are two of the most popular fan theories, but neigther of them have ever been officially proven.

Fan Speculation

Although nothing about this character was ever officially proven, considering it was never given a name, or gender, fans still like to make up their own theories about the cub. One is that the cub was actually really Kiara, and that it was intended to be Kiara from the first place, altough Kiara looked nothing like the cub at the end of the film.

Another theory is that the Cub was really Kopa, and that before the second film he was murdered by Zira. This also explained why Zira had the hole in her ear, because in the books Timon takes a bite out of her ear, in attemp to save Kopa.

Neigther of these theories have been proven, and should be treated just as that, theories.