The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Chapter 10

Postby Adofo » August 26th, 2013, 8:29 pm

The pridelanders walk into the mansion and they can’t even bring themselves to express how amazing the place looks.
Adofo: Well what do you think Simba, will this work?
Simba: Oh, I think this will work just fine!
Christen: Hey I want to show you something. You guys may get a kick out of this, come this way, this is the master bedroom this is actually a custom super king size bed, and if you want to still have to feeling of sleeping outside then the ceiling can open up into a skylight.
She flips a switch on the wall and the ceiling begins to move. It breaks up into sections and move off to the sides to reveal the sky above.
Adofo: Wow.......
Christen: Well I've got to get back but if you want anything just press that button on that little machine there and it will let you talk to me directly!
Adofo: Uhhh.....yeah, yeah! Will do! Thank you!
Christen: Alright....I’ll see you around. Make yourselves at home! Good night!
Adofo: Yeah, good night!
She leaves the house and Adofo turns back around and notices everyone staring at him with smiles on their faces.
Adofo: What?!
Nala: We never thought we would see the day!
Adofo: What?!!!
Kovu: Someone’s in love!
Adofo: What!? Me! Come on, you really and her! Come on!
Simba: Come on Adofo, it’s written all over your face! You can’t hide that!
Adofo: Well guess what, I don’t have to admit anything to any of you!
Vitani: You don’t have to, if you left your mouth open you’d get drool all over the floor.
Adofo just rolls his eyes with an annoyed look on his face.
Adofo: Alright, I think it’s about time we all got some sleep.
Simba: I think it’s fair you get the main bed.
Adofo looks over at the huge bed, it’s so big he wouldn't even take up one fourth of the space.
Adofo: Nah you guys can have it.
Simba: Why not?
Adofo: You guys are the royal ones, you take it.
Kopa: Hey, you're part of the family too. So that goes for you too!
Simba: Yeah, go ahead Dofo, take it.
Adofo: How about this, I take one corner and you guys take the other three?
Nala: You sure that’s okay? You can have the whole thing if you want.
Adofo: Look at this thing! There's more than enough room!
Kiara: Thanks uncle Dofo!
Adofo: No problem.
Adofo takes one corner at the head of the bed and Simba and Nala get the corner next to him. Kiara and Kovu take the corner below Adofo and Kopa takes the spot under Simba and Nala.
Kopa: Hey Vitani you want to sleep next to me?
VitanI: Really?!! I mean, I don't know, I'm not real sure if Adofo and and your parents are fine with that.
Adofo: Fine by me!
Nala: We don't mind!
Kopa: Come on.
Vitani: Well I don't even know if there's enough room.
Kopa: There's plenty of room, it's fine.
Vitani: Well are you sure the-
Adofo gets out of bed and walks over to pick Vitani up and puts her next to Kopa.
Vitani: Umm...hey!
Kopa: Hey! It's okay, relax.
Kopa starts to fall asleep and Vitani starts to fall asleep as she snuggles up with Kopa.
The others find places to sleep on the sofas and chairs throughout the house.
From the other room Timon yells to Adofo.

Timon: Good night, lover boy!
Adofo hurls an extra pillow into the other room and the pillow slams Timon right into the wall.
Timon: I'll give it to ya, you've got a good arm! *he passes out*
Simba: Don’t mind them Dofo, she is pretty and seems really nice!
Adofo: Yeah......she is.
Simba: But close your mouth before you go to sleep, otherwise you'll flood this whole place!
All the pridelanders have a quick little laugh before falling asleep.
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Chapter 11

Postby Adofo » August 27th, 2013, 4:46 am

The next morning the sun starts shining through the windows and the giant skylight above.
Adofo yawns as he crawls out of bed.
Adofo: Everybody up?
Nala: Yeah I think so.
Simba: So when do you think your uncle is going to get here?
Adofo: Uhh, I don’t know.
Adofo’s cousin suddenly walks in to check on all of them after their first night’s sleep in the big city.
Nick: Hey everyone! So you all get a good night’s sleep?
Adofo: Oh yeah, this “bed” we slept on was really nice!
Nick: Yeah well it should it cost a lot of money! Hahaha!
Adofo: Money? What’s money?
Nick: Right, uhhh I’ll tell you later.
Adofo: Hey so anyway Nick when is your father supposed to get here?
Nick: Actually that's what I came to tell you, he’s going to be landing at the airport soon! We should get going.
The pridelanders all follow Nick till they come to a private airport and right when they arrive they can hear a plane off in the distance.
Nick: Alright there’s his plane, how are you feeling?
Adofo: Kind of excited, but also a little nervous.
Nick: Don’t worry, my father is very nice, plus you’re family, you have no reason to be nervous.
Adofo takes in a few big breaths to try to calm himself down.
Adofo: Alright.
The plane slowly gets lower until it touches the pavement of the runway and eventually comes to a stop. A door on the side opens up and two men exit the plane. The shorter one has blonde hair combed back and wearing glasses while the other man has long black hair tied back in a ponytail. Nick approaches the man with the long black hair and gives him a hug.
Nick: Hey Dad!
Jack: Nicky my boy! *He returns the hug* You’re looking well!
Nick: Yeah I started working out again, but I believe you didn't come here for me.
Jack: Yeah.
He looks over his sons shoulder and sees a man standing with a bunch of animals.
Jack: Is that him?
Nick: Yeah, that’s him!
Adofo: Uh, hi sir, nice to meet you!
Jack goes and stands in front of him, examining him with a sort of discouraged look on his but then it finally turns into a smile.
Jack: Charlie! HA HA it is you, get over here and give your uncle Jack a hug!
Jack pulls Adofo in for a hug.
Jack: Wow, I still can’t believe it, after all these years you’re alive! And you were raised by lions apparently! I can’t wait to hear about that! By the way this is my assistant Reed, if you ever need to talk to me but can’t find me, look for him, he’s easier to keep track of.
Reed: Nice to meet you.
Adofo and Reed quickly shake hands.
Jack: We should talk more inside.
Adofo: Alright, any of you guys want to come?
Simba: I think I’ll tag along.
Nala: I think we’ll just go back to the house.
Jack: Alright then let’s head on up!
They all go into the main building and go up to the top floor and they head into Jack’s office.
Nick: Go ahead and sit down.
The two sit down in chairs in front of Jack’s huge desk while Nick and Jack sit in two chairs behind the desk.
Jack: So tell me, what happened to you, how have you been?
Back with Nala and the other pridelanders, they arrive back at the house.
Kopa: Wow, I’ve never seen Uncle Adofo so happy before!
Nala: Yeah, I haven’t seen him this happy since we found your father.
Nala: Yeah? What is it Kiara?
Kiara: Uncle Adofo really does seem happy and I’m glad, I’m happy for him but......
Nala: What is it?
Kiara: What if he likes it so much here.....he won’t want to come back home with us? I..... I just don’t want to lose him........
Nala goes over to Kiara to comfort her daughter.
Nala: Oh don’t worry.
Kiara: I know it sounds awful of me to want him to come back home if he's happier here but-
Nala: I know, it's scary, but I know for a fact he won't stay here.
Kiara: How do you know?
Nala: Trust me, I grew up with him, I know him and even though he really likes it here, I know he'll stay with us.
Kiara: Thanks mom!
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:27 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Chapter 12

Postby Adofo » August 28th, 2013, 7:09 am

Jack: So it looks like you two have seen a lot together over the years huh.
Simba: Yes sir, Adofo’s helped me and the pride such much over the years, we’re happy to have him!
Adofo: Hey I was happy to do it!
Jack: And again I'm sorry to both of you about your father, that must have been hard on you both and everyone else.
Simba: Thank you sir.
Adofo: Thanks.
Jack: Well now I think it’s time we got down to business, since your parents were the ones who founded this company you rightfully inherit the whole business! Congratulations Charles, you are now the CEO of the whole company, you own it all!
Simba: Wow Adofo, it’s kind of like your a king now huh!?!
Adofo: Wow, this is just....what do I say?
Nick: Don’t say anything! But you know what? We should celebrate this, we should all go out to eat tonight, us and your pride! Does that sound good?
Jack: That sounds like a great idea!
Adofo: Sure!
Simba: Sounds good to me, I wouldn't mind trying the food you eat!
Jack: Great! I think you and your pride will be pretty satisfied!
Adofo: Okay, I guess we’ll see you all tonight. I think we’ll go back to the house and get everyone ready.
Nick: Alright, I’ll make sure that the restaurant is ready for us tonight.
Simba, Adofo and Nick all walk out of the office eager for dinner later in the day.
Nick: See you tonight Dad!
Jack: Alright, see you all tonight!
Reed comes in right after the three leave and closes the door behind him.
Reed: Well it looks like Charles managed to grow into a fine young man, and that lion brother of his isn't bad either.
Jack: Yeah..........It makes me sick!
Reed: Me too!
Jack: I can’t believe that little brat survived, even if he had survived I thought the wild life would take care of him, and I didn't mean RAISE HIM! After all these years, I made this company what it is today and I’m not about to let some little wild child that grew up under a rock, come in here and take it all away and drive it into the ground!
Reed: What are we going to do then?
Jack: We get rid of them!

Jack: Years ago I had this twisted little plan!
That ended with me, everything in my hand!
My brothers demise helped me arise!
I had everything I could want, from fame all the way to money
but now since that little brat is back

I made this place mine and out of nowhere he will just rip it away
Now I don't know about you, but I'm going to make him pay!!!
When he came, who do you think kept up with the company?
Who poured his blood sweat and tears to keep it here?!
Reed: Was it your brother? Maybe your mother?
Jack: NO! IT WAS ME!!!!!

Charlie was taken by the wild. But I didn't want him to be raised in it!
So here is my plan, he cares so much for that little "family" he has. If we split them up
We can take them all out! It's so simple that crazy monkey could have thought of it!
Reed: I love it!
Jack: Then let's do it!

Oh so many ways, which should we do?!
Should we use fire or go with poison?!
Reed: Should they be drowned or be frozen?!
Jack: Oh I have great idea, they should be hunted down like animals they are!
And once they are gone all we say was it was a horrible incident!
Reed: What about a catastrophe?
Jack: Fancy, I love it!

That little brat and those lions will regret the day they were born!

Later that night Jack, Reed, Nick, Christen and the pridelanders all gather together at a local restaurant in a huge room with a giant table covered with all kinds of food.
Jack: Everyone! I would like to make a toast, to my dear nephew Charlie, whom I thought for so many years had perished with my brother and his wife. I still miss them both dearly. I still remember when they brought you home Charlie, I never saw anyone care so much about anything else more than they did with you, I know you don’t know me very well since we basically just meet but I want you to know they really loved you and even though you were raised by a pack of lions I can honestly say that you have grown into a fine young man and I hope you have many more great years to come! To Charlie!
Jack, Reed, Christen and Nick all drink from their glasses while the pridelanders just stare at the food on the table sort of puzzled as to what they are looking at.
Kovu: Ummm so what is this stuff anyways?
Nick: Yeah, here we kind of serve food differently but we have all kinds of assorted meat’s, pasta’s and fruits......
Almost immediately they all jump onto the table and start to tear into all the food.
Christen: Wow! Hehehe!
Timon: Hey not to sound like a buzz kill or anything but me and Pumbaa here don’t really eat meat or fruit.
Pumbaa: We’re more of the bug eating types.
Nick: Well....I don’t know about bugs but we do have a dessert cart over there.
The two go over to the dessert cart and look at the oddly colorful food, Timon picks up a spoonful of ice cream and reluctantly takes a bite. Immediately his reaction changes with him getting a huge smile on his face.
Pumbaa gets up on to table and takes a huge bite out of a cake and with frosting all over his face he gets the same attitude as Timon, they go crazy about the sugary food.
Pumbaa: You're right Timon, this stuff is GREAT!!!!
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Chapter 13

Postby Adofo » August 31st, 2013, 10:00 pm

After a long meal all that’s left on the dinner table is a big mess.
Jack: Well that was a......good dinner. And I’m guessing you all enjoyed it.
Simba: Oh yeah!
Adofo: Best I've ever had!
Timon: It. Was. Amazing!
Nick: Well we had better go, it’s getting pretty late.
Jack: Yeah good night everyone. And again, welcome back nephew!
Everyone starts to leave the restaurant with Christen and Adofo being the last ones out.
Adofo: Hey Christen you heading home?
Christen: Yeah, it’s a bit of a walk but I don’t mind.
Adofo: Why don’t I walk you home? If you would like.
Christen: Wow, what a gentleman, thank you Adofo!
The two proceed to walk back to Christen’s place all while the pridelanders watch the two of them walk away, happy for Adofo.
Kovu: Saw it coming!
Christen: You know I had heard a lot of good stories about your parents, I mean your birth parents that is. They did so much to get the company up off the ground and they did so much for so many people.
Adofo: Really?
Christen: Yeah, back when your parents first came here this entire place was just a village filled with starving people and old buildings but when your parents came they did everything they could to help, they built new houses, gave people food and fresh water. Everyone here knew them, they loved them, it hurt everyone after they went missing. I would have loved to meet them.
Adofo: Yeah, I really wish I could have known them too, I mean this place is amazing and they do sound great, but still.....I wouldn't trade my life for anything else in the world.
Christen: I still can’t believe that you lived with lions for twenty years, it’s amazing!
Adofo: Yeah but it certainly wasn't easy.
Christen: From all the stories you've been telling I would say so! Haha, but you know, even your adopted you seem to be a great brother to Simba.
Adofo: Well thanks but I think I could do better.
Christen: What are you talking about?!? You helped him take back his home, you've saved his life multiple times over, what else could you do???
Adofo: Well.....a lot of that could have been avoided if I had done something about it earlier.
Christen: What are you talking about?
Adofo: When I was a kid I should have seen what Scar was doing, I should have known something was wrong, and because of that I lost my father and I almost lost Simba, for a long time I thought I did. I promised my family that I would protect them all.....but I failed.
Christen: Adofo, look at me.
Adofo looks up from the ground and stare’s Christen right in the eyes.
Christen: You were just a kid, it wasn't your job and it wasn't your fault. Don’t beat yourself up for something that isn't there.
Adofo: Maybe you’re right, but I do miss my father.
Christen: And I’m not saying you shouldn't but just don’t blame yourself for something that was out of your hands. And Simba and the others don't seem to blame you, you shouldn't either.
Adofo: Okay, and thank you for listening!
Christen: Oh it’s okay, I love to help people and you’re no exception. Well this is my place thank you so much for walking me home!
Adofo: It was no problem.
Christen: Well listen Adofo, I like spending time with you and I was thinking maybe sometime we could go out and eat dinner, just the two of us, if you wanted to that is.
Adofo: Uhhh yeah......that’s sounds great! I'd love to!
Christen: Great! How’s about tomorrow night?
Adofo: Yeah, sounds great!
Christen: Okay then I’ll see you tomorrow night! Well good night!
Adofo: Good night!
After Christen gets into her house Adofo heads back to his house, ecstatic for tomorrow night.
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby NightDaiana » September 1st, 2013, 9:01 pm

good story. my friend 8-)
we are one in Pridelands

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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Adofo » September 1st, 2013, 9:23 pm

Thank you! :)
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby NightDaiana » September 1st, 2013, 9:40 pm

by anything :cutenala: :cutesimba: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :) :D
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Chapter 14

Postby Adofo » September 2nd, 2013, 7:03 am

Adofo gets back to his house with a huge smile on his face, when he gets inside the pridelanders are waiting for him.
Nala: Well someone looks happy.
Simba: What happened?
Adofo: Nothing, I just walked her home, we talked and she asked me to have dinner with her tomorrow night.
Nick walks in from another room.
Nick: Well cousin it sounds like you’ve got a date!
Adofo: What are you doing here?
Nick: It’s pretty obvious you like Christen, you’ve had hearts in your eyes since you first saw her!
Vitani: HA! I knew it!
Adofo: So, what’s your point?
Nick: Well she’s been my intern for a few months and I know some of what she likes, and I know she likes you but let’s face it, you're filthy, you’re going to need to look a lot better for your date tomorrow and I’m going to help you.
The next day after spending all day getting ready Nick finally comes back right before his date.
Simba: Where have you been and where’s Adofo! He’s supposed to meet her in a few minutes!
Nick: Well he gave me a lot to work with, but I think he's ready.
Adofo walks in wearing a black button down shirt, a blue under shirt, black dress pants and shoes and has his hair gelled back.
Kiara: Wow! Uncle Dofo you look amazing!
Adofo: Thank you Kiara!
Simba: You look like an entirely different person!
Adofo: I feel like an entirely different person!
Nick: Alright now you've got to go, you’re already late. Your limo is outside.
Adofo: Alright guys, I'll see you later.
Adofo quickly rushes to the limo to go pick up Christen.
Zazu: Ahhh you kids grow up so fast!
Rafiki: Oh it only feels like yesterday when Simba was born and Adofo’s plane crashed.
Zazu: Those were simpler times!
Simba just smiles and rolls his eyes.
Adofo arrives at Christen’s house to pick her up. He goes up to the door rings the door bell and waits for her, when she comes out she is wearing a beautiful blue dress.
Christen: Hey!
Adofo: H-hey! You look amazing!
Christen: Thank you! And you clean up quite nice, I almost thought you were someone else!
Adofo: So you ready to go?
Christen: I am.
Adofo: Okay, let’s go!
Adofo then escorts her to the limo, letting her get in first. They drive to the newest and fanciest restaurant in town. After they leave they decide to up to the roof of the company and look out over the city to see an incredible view of lights and buildings below. But then Adofo takes them up to the giant hill just outside of town to show Christen the beauty of the moon light touching the landscape of the plains in the night and they both lie down on the ground and start to stare up at the stars in the sky and after a while they turn towards each other, look into each other’s eyes and smile and Christen surprises Adofo with a kiss! Afterwards they then leave to go back to the limo and Adofo drops off Christen at her house.
Christen: I had an amazing time!
Adofo: Yeah me too!
Christen: We should do this again sometime!
Adofo: Yeah, we should!
Christen: Good night!
Adofo: Good night!
Christen kisses Adofo good night.
Adofo goes back home with a huge smile on his face. When he gets home Nick and the pridelanders are waiting for him.
Kopa: How was it?
Adofo: It was nice!
Nick: I knew you two would have a great time and once you’re here for good you two can see each other all the time!
Everyone in the room looks either shocked or surprised with what Nick said.
Simba: What do you mean “here for good”?
Nick: Yeah, once all of you leave to go back home, he’ll stay here and him and Christen will be able to see each other all the time! And you'll even run the company! Isn't that great!?!!
Adofo: But I....
Kiara: NO!..... No it’s not great!
Kiara runs outside bursting into tears.
Simba: KIARA!
Adofo: What’s wrong with her?
Nala: This is what she was worried about.
Adofo: What?
Nala: She was afraid you weren't going to come back home.
Nick: Ohh.....ohh I’m so sorry I didn't think....
Adofo: Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault.
Simba: Maybe I should go talk to her.
Adofo: No I think I should, it’s probably best she hears it from me.
Simba: Okay.
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Chapter 15

Postby Adofo » September 3rd, 2013, 6:48 am

Adofo walks out the front door and out in the distance he sees Kiara lying on a bench on the sidewalk crying her eyes out. Adofo walks over to her to talk to her to try to calm her down.
Adofo: Hey.
Kiara looks up and tries to sees through her tears.
Adofo: Mind if I sit down?
Kiara: .....yeah.....
Adofo sits on the bench with Kiara.
Adofo: What’s wrong?
Kiara: I don’t want to talk about it.
Adofo: *sigh* don’t want me to stay do you?
Kiara: know that sounds selfish but......I would really miss you!
Adofo: Hey.....
Kiara: I mean you would just leave us and......we would all miss you! And.....
Adofo: Kiara.
Kiara: seem so happy here but...
Adofo: Kiara! I do like it here but I like it with my real family more. And if any of them, even just one of them didn't want me to stay here I'd go back in a heartbeat! So honestly, do you want me to stay here or go back?
Kiara: ......come back.
He wipes away Kiara’s tears.
Adofo: Okay. I will never leave you guys! Like I told you before and I even told your father, I promise I will never leave!
Kiara: .....thank you Uncle Dofo!
Adofo: Come here!
The two smile and then give each other a nice big hug.
Adofo: Let’s go back inside.
The two then walk back into the house together.
Nala: Everything okay?
Adofo: Yeah, it’s all fine now! And Nick I’m sorry but I made a promise, that I would stay with my pride, no matter what happened on this trip. And honestly, I can’t leave them even if I wanted too.
All they do is stare at Adofo and smile.
Nick: Don’t worry, I completely understand. They're your family, I don’t want you to have to stay unless you want to!
Adofo: Thank you Nick!
Nick: No problem! But since you are still alive you still own the company even if you don't run it!
Adofo: Really, hmmmm cool!
Back in the main company building Reed is watching security footage of the conversation in Adofo’s house.
Reed: Jack's going to love this!
He immediately rushes up to Jack’s office to tell him what he’s just heard.
Reed: Jack! Hey, you’re not going to believe this!
Jack: What?
Reed: Charlie says he’s not going to stay, when those creatures leave he’s going to go back with them!
Jack: Hmmmm this is excellent!
Reed: So do we about the plan then?
Jack: We still have to get rid of him for good, with him still alive he still owns the company. But now that we know he doesn't want to leave those mangy beasts of his, we can use that to our advantage. We just have to wait a while longer for the next step, after a few weeks he should have made himself more than comfortable here to want to stay.
Reed: How do you know they will stay here for that long?
Jack: Have you seen Charlie with that girl, he’s not going to want to leave for a while.
Reed: True!
Jack: We just have to wait for the right moment.
Over the next few weeks Adofo and the pridelanders make themselves at home in the big city. The pridelanders are really adapting to the modernization of civilization, and even the locals are warming up to them being around. Adofo and Christen are constantly seeing each other, getting really close to each other. All of the pridelanders are loving living in the city, but one day Reed finds Simba and has something important to tell him.
Reed: HEY!!! SIMBA!!!
Simba: Hey Reed what wrong?
Reed: Your brother and his uncle wants to talk to you right away!
Simba: Did he say what it was about?
Reed: No but it sounded important, they are up in Jack’s office.
Simba: Okay I’ll head up there now! Thanks!
Reed: Oh yeah, no problem!.........Stupid animals!
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Chapter 16

Postby Adofo » September 3rd, 2013, 8:06 am

Simba takes the elevator up to the top floor and goes to Jack’s office, but before he goes in the door is cracked open and he hears them talking about something.
Jack: Wow so was it that bad?
Adofo: Yeah, I mean all those animals ever do is cause trouble for each other, they all only ever had half a brain! And that’s when you put them all together. And you know what, having those lions as “parents” was the worst! My “father” couldn't even save himself, even though he was the king he was to dull to see what scar was up to. I’m glad he’s dead.
Simba: .....wh-what!?!
Simba quickly runs back down the hall in anger and back into the elevator, furious with what he heard Adofo say. But when Simba’s elevator closes the next elevator opens with Adofo inside it. He walks down the hall into Jack’s office.
Adofo: You wanted to see me Uncle Jack?
Jack: Yes Charlie, please sit.
Adofo: So what did you need?
Jack: Well my security cameras found a little something you may be interested in. But I must warn you this is something that maybe a little hard for you to hear.
Adofo: What?
Jack: Security was reviewing the footage they got and.....they found this.
He shows Adofo footage caught on camera of Simba walking around the front of the companies building and talking to himself.
Simba: I can’t believe Adofo likes this place, to think his parents actually built something like this, it’s no wonder they’re dead, they couldn't even fly that airplane, they probably couldn't even do anything for themselves without someone else holding their hand! I guess that would be the one good thing Adofo got from them. Getting him to do whatever I want is easier than drinking water! Hehehe!
The video shuts off.
Jack: I think that should be all you need to see. I’m so sorry but I thought you should see it sooner than later.
Adofo: How could he?!? How could he talk about me like that and about my parents?!?!!?? I protected him all these years! I treated him like a real little brother!
Jack: Charlie just calm down!
Adofo: Where is he?!!!??!!
Jack: Well he’s outside but...
Adofo: It's time I talked to him!
Adofo rushes to the elevator and heads down to confront Simba.
Outside Simba meets up with the rest of the pride in front of the company building.
Nala: Simba what’s wrong?
Simba: It’s Adofo, you’ll never believe what I heard him say!
Nala: What?
Adofo: HEY SIMBA!!!
Simba: You!!!
The two walk up to each other and stare each other down with fury in their eyes.
Adofo: What is your problem!?!?!! What did I ever do to you!?!?
Simba: Oh so you consider calling MY father too dull to save himself nothing?!?!!!
Adofo: What are you talking about!?!! You’re the one that called my parents stupid, that they had to have their hands held for them to do anything!!!! And that the one good thing I got from them was being so stupid you could just get me to be your little puppet!!! And saying my parents were so dumb they got themselves killed crosses the line!!!
Simba: What?!!? You’re the one who said that having lions for parents was the worst thing ever! AND you were glad that MY father was killed!!! YOU MAKE ME SICK!!
Adofo: .....Well at least I didn't help kill my father!
Simba roars and charges Adofo at full speed. Adofo quickly picks him up and tosses him to the ground then grabs his feet and spins him around before letting go, sending him flying. After sliding across the ground Simba quickly gets back up and charges again and rams Adofo’s legs making him fall flat on his face. Simba quickly turns around the claw at his back but Adofo rolls out of the way. Adofo quickly stands back up but Simba claws Adofo on the right side of his neck, leaving four big slash marks going down his neck leaving part of his t-shirt torn up.
All the pridelanders do is stand on the side lines watching the gruesome fight of the two brothers.
After Adofo gets slashed he quickly draws away from Simba and when they both get ready they charge at each other getting ready to end the fight.
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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