the moutins of Honshu(Ninja rp)

the moutins of Honshu(Ninja rp)

Postby Nukascar1 » November 14th, 2009, 10:52 pm

nesstled in mount Fuji in Japan lies a Dojo a ninja dojo of the raion clan and deep in its most sercrent layers lays a weapon of great power the raion ittou the lion sword said to be sharped with the teeth of keigo the lion god this rolplay takes place in 1185 the grand master of the Dojo has been assassinated now his advisor takishi habsuhi steaps up to take his place until his son Ryu Nakshi is of age then one day a rider on a black horse rides up to him it's a meassage from the shogun of the Honshu area he says the emperor has become corrupt he is willing to give up the island of Japan for his palace and gold with no thought for the people or their land the Shogun wants to go to war but that would mean putting their island against the whole of Japan and he will pay the ninja of the Raion clan to take out targets the new grand master agrees and so the battle begins

okay so to join this rolplay basicly just put your char bio here any questions pm me

here's my char bio

Name:Ryu Nakshi
weaponry:ittou((lion sword))shurikens and two sets of nun chucks wrist blades
appperance:Ryu has blue eyes and a deep long Scar down his right eye he wears black Ninja trousers and black Feiyue Wushu a black short sleeve Gi a black bandanna which he wears on his face
personalty:Ryu is quite silent and perfers to use actions rather then words but he does have a sensitive side you just have to let it come out
pets:one soon

okay so follow that as a base and if you wanna add extra stuff I say do it
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