The Lion King III: Battle of the Rails

The Lion King III: Battle of the Rails

Postby Zaphod Scotsman » March 14th, 2013, 5:00 am

My own idea of a sequel to Simba's Pride would involve a group of people trying to restore a railway line that once ran through the pride lands for tourism, without thinking of the animals. But I might as well get to the summary:

The Pride Lands are in a field of excitement: Kiara is pregnant with her first cubs! Unfortunately, a group of railway enthusiasts want to restore an old railway line that once ran through the Pride Lands, without even thinking of the animals, and the owners refuse to give up, even if it means animals will be harmed. Kiara is now worried about the survival of her children, as the trains running through, especially the steam locomotives, could suffocate her children and kill them. It's up to Simba to figure out a solution for both sides of the story. However, one of the locomotives, a newly-built tank engine named Jonah, dislikes the idea of harming wildlife, and joins up with the Pridelanders as a result. But will a solution to satisfy both sides be found?

Well, there's the summary. Now, for the list of characters:


Simba: The king of the Pridelands and initially pleased when he hears about his daughter's pregnancy, his pleasure soon turns to worry when a railway is being rebuilt in the Pridelands.

Kiara: Simba's daughter, pregnant for the first time in her life. However, the new railway has made her worried about the survival of her offspring. She soon starts refusing to trust anything related to the railway, even a certain steamer that the other locomotives look down upon. She also starts refusing to listen to her father's orders to calm down, too concerned about the life of her own kids to care about the other lions of Pride Rock.
Note: Kiara is out of character to some degree, but this is due to her pregnancy. I mean, seriously, no mother would want their offspring to die.

Sarabi: Simba's mother, who Simba and Kiara often turn to for advice, due to her being more serious and saying more sensical things than Rafiki. She also takes the lead when the lionesses go hunting for food.
Note: At first, the contents of this may not make any sense. However, Rafiki has been known to be more silly than serious at times, not what you'd expect from an elderly being, even a monkey. Also, you may be wondering why she's a major character. Well, the fact that her original voice actress died still isn't a good excuse for her absence in Simba's Pride, as they could've just hired somebody to replace the original actress.

Zazu: Simba's majordomo, who for the first time ever, finds a girlfriend. However, he still retains his old personality. Zazu also has constant chats with Jonah, who also has a crush on a female steamer. His catchphrase in this story is, "SIIIIIIIMBAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" He says this when he needs to see Simba, or when he's annoyed with Simba, even when he doesn't have to.

Timon: The wise-cracking meerkat has not lost his seriousness and remains Pumbaa's best friend. Unfortunately, while Pumbaa usually gets unharmed, Timon is always injured in certain situations, even non-dangerous ones. Despite this, he remains loyal to Simba and Pumbaa, refusing to turn his back one either of them.

Pumbaa: The idiotic warthog remains loyal to Timon and Simba, Pumbaa never gets harmed. But at one point, he fights with another male warthog, who is older, over a female warthog which both are attracted to. During the fight, Pumbaa forgets about his friends, only focusing on his instinct to fight his older rival for the female.

Rafiki: The wise, old mandrill remains an important advisor to Simba and his wisdom remains intact. However, in order to make the character's age more believable, his silliness has been tones down a little, as old beings are not usually silly. However, Rafiki still has a little silliness inside of him, and he still sings his famous catchphrase, "Asante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, mi mi apana."

Kovu: Kiara's mate doesn't play much of an important role. However, he is frequently seen throughout the story. As a result of his limited appearances, his personality isn't explored much this time.

Jonah: A tank engine that was built in 2010, and loves animals. Due to this, the other engines find it hard to like him, since the tank engine refuses to harm animals. Seeing an advantage on teaching the villains a lesson, Simba gets Jonah onto his side. Kiara, however, refuses to trust him, due to the fact that, since he's a steam engine, he makes tons of smoke.
Prototype: Though South African in origin Jonah is based on a British steam locomotive design: the 0-6-4 tank engine, Moel Tryfan. This historic locomotive was built by Vulcan Foundry in 1875, and sadly, was scrapped in 1954, as when the Ffestiniog Railway, her home at the time of scrapping, was preserved, she was considered beyond repair. Jonah is a replica of her.

Leah: A female 0-4-4 tank engine, a year younger than Jonah. Jonah has a crush on her, but she rejects him, due to his love for animals, which, like the other locomotives, she doesn't share at all. Leah can be somewhat bossy and temperamental. She has a soft side, but doesn't always show it.
Prototype: Leah is based on an engine currently based on the Welsh Ffestiniog Railway: Talisien. Talisien was originally built in 1876, and scrapped in 1931 after a collision. However, a replica was completed in 1999, using the reverser from the original. The replica still remains in service today.

Robert: The main antagonist, a diesel engine who hates nature, and agrees that it shouldn't stand in the way of the project. He is cold hearted to animals and hates anybody telling him to be kind to them.
Prototype: Albert is also based on a Ffestiniog Railway locomotive, but this one was actually built in South Africa!

Albert Randoga: The owner and controller of Jonah, Leah, and Robert, Albert is also the main antagonist. He is in charge if the project and cares nothing for wildlife. He will stop at nothing to achieve the goal of restoring the old railway that once ran through the Pridelands.

There's more characters, but to me, it would take too long to explain them. Anyway, what do you guys think?
Zaphod Scotsman

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Re: The Lion King III: Battle of the Rails

Postby SimbasGuard » March 29th, 2013, 9:32 pm

Interesting concept, feels like sort of a Lion King/Tomas The Tank Engine crossover type thing. I will try to keep an eye on this story. (I don't read Fan Fiction as much as I used to, I usually have other things I need to do when I'm on line). I also don't get here as often as I used to.
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Re: The Lion King III: Battle of the Rails

Postby FlipMode » April 10th, 2013, 4:19 pm

I honestly think it needs a little revision, but I only say that because this is an interesting concept and could be a great story if the kinks are ironed out. Or maybe the plot holes are intentional and the story itslef will explain them, in which case it seems pretty good to be honest! :)
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Re: The Lion King III: Battle of the Rails

Postby Zaphod Scotsman » February 15th, 2015, 8:26 am

[quote="Flip_FTW"]I honestly think it needs a little revision, but I only say that because this is an interesting concept and could be a great story if the kinks are ironed out. Or maybe the plot holes are intentional and the story itslef will explain them, in which case it seems pretty good to be honest! :)[/quote]

Sorry for the late reply, but to be truthful, I don't know what you're saying: what plot holes are you referring to?
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