.::.Incubo Pride Story.::.

.::.Incubo Pride Story.::.

Postby Songo » October 20th, 2009, 6:44 am

.::Chapter 1: Isha's Last Threat.::.

Let’s take this story past the Pride lands; located on the opposite side of the jungle held another world. The sun’s rays shined down upon the jungle’s thick canopy, only a little sunlight making it to the floor. The air was still but noise could be heard in the distance. It disturbed the jungle’s serenity, trouble was approaching.

A medium size female bolted through the jungle, a young cub held tightly in her jaws. Her name was Isha and the tree tops were her home. Isha’s green eyes glanced warily around as she ran towards a large tree, “Hurry..Donte’.” she whispered as she stood on her hind legs and stuck him on a tree branch. Her ears flattened tightly to her cranium as she heard the lionesses pushing through the jungle debris. Isha knew they weren’t familiar with the jungle, so the trees and bushes bought her some time. Her muzzle lifted and nuzzled Donte’ once more, “Remember what I taught you Donte’, climb. Don’t come down until its safe or I tell you!” she said quickly stepping away from the tree. Her ebony paws crunched the leaves beneath her and she positioned herself, so Donte’ could stay in her view.

The little black cub nodded and slowly began to climb up the tree; he scaled it quickly for being so young. When Donte’ reached the third level of the canopy tops he hid in the leaves. “Mom…be careful...” he whispered softly as his green eyes watched below. Isha’s green eyes glanced up at Donte’ and she smiled slightly, she reclined back to her haunches and waited patiently for what was coming.

Two crème colored lionesses jumped through a bush and eyed Isha down, “So you’ve decided to fight…” the first lioness said. She had an ebony stripe over her right eye and she snickered, “I’m going to enjoy ripping you to shreds Isha and you little cub too.” she growled. The other lioness was smaller and a darker brown, “You can’t have Kilano! I don’t know why you’re claiming the prince would be the father of your cub. That pathetic little ball of fluff, panthers have no business with lions!” she snapped, her sharp teeth flashing at Isha.

Isha gave a hearty chuckle and stood up to her paws swiftly, she started to circle the two lionesses. “Rina, do you honestly think you can beat me. That’s why you brought your useless daughter Nekira with you?“ she spoke towards the lioness with the ebony stripe. A smirk crossed her delicate features and she lifted her forepaw flashing her long claws. “A panther I might be Nekira, but you couldn’t take the fact Kilano loved me.” She hissed. “I’ll kill you both before I let you harm Donte’.” She added.

Rina growled deeply and brought out her thick claws, “Try me.” She spoke before lunging at Isha. Meeting Rina head on Isha tackled back the two females falling to the ground, Rina on top she slashed at Isha’s face leaving deep gashes across it. Isha roared in pain as she used her hind legs to throw Rina off, she rolled back onto her paws and stood up to facr Rina. Rina stood up and chuckled, “Nekira, get her!” She ordered to her daughter.

“Certainly, this is for all the trouble you caused the pride!” She growled and jumped towards Isha. Nekira sunk her teeth into Isha’s neck, Isha slashed at Nekira’s chest. Nekira let go and stepped back regaining composure, “You couldn’t just stay away from him!” she growled in anger. Isha limbed back towards the tree Donte’ was in her green eyes glazed over with water. “He will never love you!” Isha growled and tackled Nekira to the ground. She swiped at her face with her claws and tears ran down her furry cheeks.

Rina saw Nekira losing so she stepped in and sunk her teeth into Isha’s neck drawing blood. Isha fell to the ground with Rina on her neck; she tried to fight her off. Nekira stepped in and slashed at Isha’s body slicing her open and she stepped back satisfied. “Your pathetic… we will find you cub and kill him.” She hissed and stepped off back into the jungle. Rina stepped back and chuckled softly, “Ohh..Isha I do love a good challenge.” She said smiling.

Isha laid on the ground, blood leaving her body from the deep wounds inflicted upon her. She winced and her green eyes stared at Rina hard, “Mark my words, Donte’ will return…someday and he will take what will be dearest to you!” she warned. Rina leaned her muzzle down by Isha’s ear, “We shall see…” she whispered. Rina's blue eyes checked around the trees by Isha but saw no sign of her cub. “We will find Donte' and Nekira will be Queen and Kalino does love her…” she stated coldly and disappeared into the jungle.

Two glossy green eyes gazed down on his mother’s body and he whimpered softly, “Momma...” he cried and made his way down the tree. He ran over to her body and nuzzled her scratched face, “Momma…you got to get up.” He whined. He licked her cheek once before nuzzling her, “Please..get up..”

Isha smirked as her green eyes opened and he was there, “Donte’, I love you. Just remember your mother was a panther, but your father was a lion. One day you will be king.” she whispered. Tears fell from her eyes and she moved her cranium towards him to nuzzle back, “If you need me I’ll be in your dreams, don’t be scared I trained you well.” She added and her eyes closed. Isha’s breathing slowly stopped and Donte’ laid down by her body. That night as he slept dreams started to flash through his mind, he started to whimper and cry in his sleep. His body moved and convulsed as his dreams played out trapping him in a endless nightmare.

Yellow eyes peered down from a tree branch; he spied the body of the dead female. Using the darkness as his cover he slipped down from the tree silently and walked upon the sleeping cub. Lifting his ebony colored paw he shook the cub unsure if he was alive or not. Donte’ jumped to his paws in fear and he backed into his mother’s neck. He looked back at her dead body and forgot what had happened not to long before, he started to cry.

The big panther reclined to his haunches in front of the cub, “Are you okay? Is this your mother?” he asked softly looking down upon him. Donte’ realized this male looked like his mom and stepped towards him, “I was having a bad dream and my mom was attacked earlier today. “ he answered in between sniffles. Donte’s green eyes gazed up at the male and he blinked a few times. “Who are you..?” he whispered.

The male smiled uneasily as he glanced over the torn apart Isha, “I’m Shadow. It seems like you were having a nightmare little one.” He added. “Well…you have no one else? What’s your name?” he asked glancing over Donte, this cub looked weird to him. Large green eyes peered up at the stranger, “D-D-Donte’ and no I only had my mom. “he whispered. His fore paw lifted and scratched at his chest softly, he tried to mimic the male as he sat there.

“Well Donte’...” he said rubbing the back of his head with his forepaw. “You’ll have to join me then.” Shadow said smirking. “I couldn’t let you out here alone; it’s not in me to leave you to die.” The panther stood to his paws and motioned with his muzzle to Donte’ to climb the tree, “I shall show you the ways to live, see us panthers love darkness. It’s when we have the best camouflage and can attack our prey swiftly.” He said watching Donte’ climb up the tree rather well, he nodded. “Good. Then your mother has taught you something.” He commented.

Donte’ climbed a little higher and he grabbed onto the branch tightly, realizing this was the highest he has ever gone. Shadow’s yellow eyes looked down on Donte’ as he kept climbing higher away from the cub.

“Wait..Shadow..” Donte’ whined softly looking up. Shadow looked down. “Donte’ if you’re ever going to survive you need to do it on your own. Follow me or be left behind.” He said in a stern tone, he had to learn the how to survive.

Written By: Songo.
Last edited by Songo on October 22nd, 2009, 5:07 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Chapter 1: Isha's Last Wish

Postby KiarasMate » October 20th, 2009, 7:21 am

Interesting story thus far Songo. Nicely written with rich detail and obviously a lot of thought put into it. Aside from a few minor blemmishes within sentence structure, it's pretty much flawless for being the start to what I'm sure, will turn out to be a great story. Looking forward to reading more as you post it and keep up the awesome work. :)
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Re: Chapter 1: Isha's Last Wish

Postby Songo » October 20th, 2009, 7:54 am

Thanks KM. I tend to write how I speak at times. It all plays through my head, sometimes I just can't get it onto paper. :?

But, I really did enjoy writing this yesterday. So I plan on Doing a couple more. ^^.

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Re: Chapter 1: Isha's Last Wish

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 20th, 2009, 12:15 pm

this is very interesting i cant wait till more parts of the story.
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Re: Chapter 1: Isha's Last Wish

Postby KiarasMate » October 21st, 2009, 1:10 am

[quote="Songo"]Thanks KM. I tend to write how I speak at times. It all plays through my head, sometimes I just can't get it onto paper. :?

But, I really did enjoy writing this yesterday. So I plan on Doing a couple more. ^^.

I understand Songo. :) Well, you did a great job at it this time around regardless and I hope you will continue this story if you find the time and inspiration/motivation to. :)
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