Luna-Brea Gardner (POTC OC)

Luna-Brea Gardner (POTC OC)

Postby Kopalover » September 5th, 2012, 3:19 am

Name: Luna-Brea Gardner
Nickname: Luna
Gender: Female
Age: Early twenties, late teens.
Birthday/Year: November 22nd
Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None. So far.
Hair: Curly and blonde, with the occasional brown streak or red streak.
Eyes: A bright brown, which glitters lighter than the sun.
Origin: British English, Pirate.
Language(s): English, some French and a tad Chinese.
Height: 5'1
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: With her small size, she is also very thin. Her entire body is thin. She has brode shoulders and a somewhat large chest.
Race/Species: Human.
Parents/Elders/Gardians: Parents are alive, but are staying away from her pirate ways. Stays with her grandfather Barbossa on sea.
Siblings: Has an older brother, who loathes what she's become.
Friends/Allies: None, really. Except for one female she crossed paths with named Elizabeth, though she hasn't heard of her since.
Enemies: Mostly Jack Sparrow, and the crew on the ship.
Careers/Past Careers: Was once a Salesperson before her parents died. Was young when she had that job.
Dreams/Life Goals: To be the greatest female pirate on the sea.
Hobbies: While on sea, she likes to fish. Or maybe even cook. Writing stories about the sea.
Likes: To watch the sunset on the water, and the moon shine off of it.
Loves: Fishing, writing stories, and cooking! And mostly, being a pirate.
Dislikes: Being gawed at by the other crew members on her Grandfathers ship.
Loathes: Getting harassed by the members.
Fears: That she will one day be raped. That the Government will find her and will have her hung.
Strengths: Her size. She can usually get out of a sticky situation if she just slid under someone or hid under something. Has a mind much like Jack Sparrows which is why she hates him, because he knows what she's up to.
Weakness: Hates being told that she will one day be found by the Government and hung. Also, her other weakness is her mind.
Turn Ons: Blonde hair, brown eyes, skinny, and tall.
Turn Offs: Being told what to do, or when someone hits on her.
Natural Talents: Can weild a sword better than most others can. Is a great fighter, and an evil master mind.
Temperament: Luna can usually keep her cool. Except for when a crew member violates her privacy, violates her, or even tries anything with her, then she'll grab her sword and get straight into action.
Background: Luna grew up in a quiet town, which Elizabeth's father governed. As a child, her mother taught her about money, and sales. While her father was a guard in the streets. When she was old enough to see over the counter, her mother made her a salesperson, for extra help.

Luna hated what she was doing, and just wanted to see the world, like her Grandfather, Barbossa. Secretly, she taught herself how to sword fight, and how to be very sneaky. Her mind evolved around that, and made her as witty as the famous Jack Sparrow. Her brother saw the change, and begun to spy on her during her self taught courses.

This training continued until she turned 16, when she told her family that she would love to be a pirate. As a guard, her father objected and wanted to take her in. But, as her father, he couldn't see his little girl die. Luna disowned her family by herself, for her families sake. Before leaving, during the night, she said her final goodbyes, and packed some food for her trip.

When she sought her grandfather, he was overjoyed to see her in such well condition. Yet, Jack Sparrow was with him, and took immediate interest in her looks. He tried to descive her, but with her well mind, she confused him. Before violating her, he pondered her. Who was this young mistress?

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