Scar's Reign

Scar's Reign

Postby LilTiger » July 2nd, 2009, 9:49 pm

Scar’s reign
Scar came back for the gorge. At the bottom of priderock, he saw Sarabi. “Where’s Simba and Mufasa”, Sarabi said. “I have to tell the whole pride the bad news”, Scar replied. “Bad news”, Sarabi asked. “Yes”, Scar replied. Then, Scar gathered the whole pride to tell them. “Mufasa’s death is a terrible tragedy, but to lose Simba, who had barely got to live, it is a deep, powerful resident lose, but it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne, and yet out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise, to greet the dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena, come together, and greet a glorious future”, said Scar as he gave his speech.

A couple of weeks past and all of the lionesses were expecting a cub. Except Aisha, she had already had a cub with a rouge. Scar said that is could stay. But also, Sarafina was expecting a cub by the same rouge. A few days past and Sarabi and Sarafina had their cubs. Sarabi’s cub was orange, like her father. She also had the same color eyes and tail tuft color like her father as well. But the only thing the cub had like her mother was her ear rims. Sarafina’s cub was yellowish tan and had a head tuft like Simba. And Mheetu had a brown tail tuft. Sarabi and Sarafina were talking then Scar came in. “My, what do we have here”, Scar asked. Sarabi growled and said, “Sarafina had her cub and I had mine”. “Well, let me look at them”, Scar said. First, Scar looked at Sarabi’s cub. “Well, when I talked to you last you said you were going to have my brother’s cub”, Scar said. Then, Scar looked at Sarafina’s cub. “Sarafina, do you remember when you visited Aisha and I told her that her cub could stay as long as he hunts with the lionesses”, Scar said. “Yes”, Sarafina replied. “Well, I’m saying the same thing for you”, Scar said. “Thank you for sparing him King Scar” Sarafina said. “I’m not sparing him, but if he messes up a single hunt, I’ll have to… maybe you won’t to know”, Scar snickered. Sarafina knew what he’d have to do; after all she had to do the same thing to her brother to prove that she was loyal to him.

7 months later Mheetu and Ni were able to hunt with the lionesses. They did a fine job. Scar asked Zira to watch out for Mheetu and Ni if they’d mess up. After they got prey, they’d eat. Nala told the younger cubs to stay near her. While Scar ate, he looked at Sarabi. Then, he walked over to her. “Hello Sarabi”, Scar said. “What do you want your majesty”, Sarabi asked. “Well, I thought you’d like to be my queen”, Scar replied. “Never!”Sarabi said. “Well, the tradition is that the first female in the pride that has the leader’s cub will be queen”, Scar said. Sarabi had to think of something quick. “Well, you wouldn’t want a female to be the heir” Sarabi said. “Never mind that rule, no matter what, you’re going to be my queen, and that’s final!” Scar said. Then, it was time to go back to priderock. When they got back, Scar told Sarabi to go into the cave with him. She refused. Then, he threatened to exile her to the elephant graveyard. Then she had to accept. While that happened, Zira was on patrol. She saw a lioness. “Hey”! “What are you doing in the Pridelands”, Zira asked. “I’m looking for my sister”, the lioness said. “Well, she isn’t here”, Zira said. “Well, my mother told me to find my sister to help me”, the lioness said. “Who is your mother”, Zira asked. “Her name is Akili”, the lioness said. “Wait that was my mother’s name”, Zira said. “What do you mean?” the lioness asked. “She died a long time ago, along with my father Shaka”, Zira said. “My father’s name is Shaka”, the lioness replied. “That’s impossible, my parents are dead”, Zira said. “Well, mine aren’t, but my mom told me that I had a sister, I think her name was Zira”, the lioness said. “My name is Zira”, Zira said. “Then you must be my sister”, the lioness said. “What’s your name”, Zira asked. “My name is Hawa”, Hawa said. “Well, welcome”, Zira said. They went back to priderock. Hawa snickered and said in her mind, “he he, I know her parents are dead, they aren’t even mine, my father was the one who killed her pride, then, I’ll tell her that I’m not even her sister, but I’m the daughter of the rouge who killed your family, it will bring memories and then she’ll go mad”.

6 months past and in Sarabi’s den all the lionesses were there. Scar wondered what the commotion was. “Let the king through” Scar said. Then, he looked at what was between Sarabi’s paws. “It’s a boy, Sarabi said. “Well, now you will be my queen”, Scar said. Sarabi’s cub was darker than her but lighter than his father. Scar left. “I’m going to name him Amari”, Sarabi said. Laini and Mheetu were playing when Sarabi called in Laini. “I have to go”, Laini said. “Okay, bye”, Mheetu said. “Bye”, Laini said. Then, Laini went into Sarabi’s den.”Hi mom”, Laini said. “Hello darling”, Sarabi said. “Who’s cub is this, are you babysitting him”, Laini asked. “No, Laini, it’s your new little brother, Amari”, “Well, he is kinda cute” Laini said. “You may go play now”, Sarabi said. So, Laini went off. “Welcome the new heir!” Scar said. Zira wasn’t so pleased. Zira knew that she was going to have Scar’s cub. So, she made a plan to kill Amari. So, her plan was carried out.

So, 6 months later and Amari wanted to go exploring. Sarabi said fine as long as he didn’t go too far from priderock. But guess what, he wondered to far from priderock. While he was walking, he wondered why this place was like this. All gray, and dusty. While he was walking, he bumped into Zira’s leg! “You better watch out”, Zira said. “Sorry Zira”, Amari said. “Well, it’s not your fault; after all, your half brother caused this mess”, Zira said. “What do you mean”, Amari asked. “Well, one day, there was a stampede in the gorge, because Simba started it , Mufasa and Simba died, it was all your half brother’s fault that this place is like this, of his disgrace, we sometimes call this place Shadowland”, Zira replied. “But why would he do that”, Amari asked. “Because, and if you tell your mother or Laini what I told you, you will be in big trouble”, Zira said. Then, her claws snapped out. “Zira, why are your claws out”, Amari asked. “So long, brat”, Zira said. Amari started to run. As he ran, he wish he never went this far. He was panting. Then, all of a sudden, Zira grabbed his tail and pushed him back toward her. She scratched him, he screamed, but no one could save him. (20 minutes later) She left with blood on her mouth and claws. Amari was all bloody. Zira washed up and went back to priderock, pretending to limp. “What happened”, Scar asked. “Amari wandered off to far, I stopped him but then a lion tried to kill him, I tried to stop him but the lion knocked me out, and when I woke up he was dead”, Zira told Scar. Sarabi heard this and cried. Sarabi ran into the cave. Nala and Laini were upset too, so they went to comfort her. “How could you let this happen”, he was my son”, Scar asked. “Well, for your information…”Zira said as she felt a pain. “What’s the matter”, Scar asked. “Why would you care, you have Laini and Sarabi, I bet you don’t even care that this is your cub”, Zira said. Some of the lionesses ran to her and helped her in the cave.

Scar paced outside the cave, he didn’t even care though. Zuri came out and told him “Congrats”. Scar ran into the cave. He looked at Zira’s cub. ”˜Even though it’s mine I have to say something, well it is better if I told you when he’s older. Zira thought this meant that her cub, Nuka was going to be king. (6 months later) Nuka was playing in the cave while Zira watched. “Hello Zira”, Scar said. “Hello Scar”, Zira said. “Well, I have to tell you something, Nuka won’t be king, Laini will officially be crowned queen when she is an adult”, Scar said. “What, I thought you meant”, Zira said. “You thought wrong”, Scar said cutting her off. Then, Scar left. Zira growled as he left. So, she decided to go find him some food, this might make him change this mind, she thought. Then, she came by a rouge. This rouge had a yellow fur color and he had blue eyes. “Baridi”, Zira asked. “Who are you”, Baridi asked. “It’s me, Zira”, Zira told him. “Wow, I haven’t seen you in a while”, Baridi said. “Same with you”, Zira said. Then, it started to rain. “It’s too far from priderock, do you want to sleep with me for the night”, Baridi asked. Zira thought, well, Scar wouldn’t care; after all, she hasn’t seen her childhood friend in a long time. “I’ll come with you”, Zira said.

The next morning Zira came back. “Where were you?” Scar asked. “I was with a friend”, Zira replied. “Mommy”, Nuka said running to Zira. ”˜You missed your hunting party”, Scar said. “What do you mean”, Zira asked. “I felt bad because you were upset that Nuka wouldn’t be king so I arranged you to lead the hunting party, but you didn’t come back, so I let Sarafina lead it” Scar said. Zira growled at this. She saw Sarafina about to enter the cave. Zira ran up to her and said, “Better watch out Sarafina”, Zira said. “Zira”, Hawa called. “I have to talk to you, tonight, or now if you want”, Hawa said. “Now”, Zira said. Hawa got all the lionesses out of the cave. It started to thunder. “Now, do you remember who killed your pride”, Hawa asked. “Yes, that black- mane two face toad”, Zira said. “Well, there’s a lioness in this pride that is his daughter”. “Who”, Zira asked. “I am, my father killed your pride”, Hawa said. “Why”, because that’s the way my father was”, Hawa said. ”˜You”……., Zira said. They started to fight. And she soon killed Hawa. A few months past and Zira soon found out that she was expecting a cub. She soon had to cub. It was a girl. It looked just like Baridi……

One day. A lioness came near Priderock. “Why are you here”, Scar asked. “I need a place to stay”, the lioness said. “What’s you name”, Scar asked. ”˜My name is Waridi”, Waridi said. “You can stay”, Scar said. Waridi walked up to Priderock. She walked over to Zira. “Hello”, Waridi said. ”˜Hmp”, Zira grunted. Waridi started to get sad. “Hello”, Sarabi said behind Waridi. “I’m Sarabi, what’s your name”, Sarabi asked. “Waridi”, Waridi told Sarabi. “I don’t want that new lioness to be friends with that Sarabi, I’ll go talk to her”, Zira thought in her mind. Zira got up. “Hello”, Zira said shoving Sarabi out of the way. “I’m Zira, what’s your name”, Zira asked. ”˜Waridi’, Waridi said. ”˜What brings you here’, Zira asked. ”˜Well, I’m expecting a cub’, Waridi replied. ”˜I can see that’, Zira replied. ”˜When’s it due’, Zira asked. ”˜In a month’, Waridi said. ”˜Well, want to see my cubs’, Zira asked. ”˜Sure’, Waridi replied. Zira and Waridi walked in the cave. ”˜Nuka!, Vitani!, Come here’, Zira said. ”˜Yes mother’, Nuka asked. ”˜Meet Waridi, she’s a new member in the pride’ Zira said. ”˜Waridi, meet Vitani and Nuka’, Zira told Waridi. ”˜Hi’, Vitani said. ”˜Why don’t you rest’, Zira told Waridi. ”˜Okay’, Waridi said.

That night, Scar was at the end of priderock. ”˜Father, mother, can you hear me’, Scar asked. Ahadi’s face appeared in the sky. ”˜What happened’, Ahadi asked. ”˜Well’, Scar said. ”˜I one thing to ask Scar, Mufasa’s up here, do you know why’, Ahadi asked. ”˜Well, I killed Mufasa’, Scar told Ahadi. ”˜What have you done? You killed your own brother! My son’, Ahadi exclaimed. ”˜I now wish I was dead, and not him’, Scar told Ahadi. ”˜I see’, and I wish, Ahadi whispered. ”˜I will do the right thing now’, scar said. ”˜DON’T, you will never be a better king’, Ahadi said. And Ahadi disappeared. ”˜I wish I’d never killed him in the first place’, Scar whispered. Then, it started to rain.

Soon, Waridi had her cub. ”˜Congrats, Waridi’, Zira said. ”˜Thanks friend’, Waridi said. Zira was shocked; no one had called her ”˜friend’ since she lived in her pride. Zira looked at the cub. He’s so, Zira stopping all of a sudden. ”˜He’s perfect’ just perfect to be Scar’s heir, but how do I get him, Zira thought. Then, the answer came her. She didn’t want it to end up like that, but she wanted that cub. She knew it, Hawa was reborn.

A week passed and Zira decided to carry out her plan. She went into Waridi’s den. ”˜Hello, Waridi’, Zira said. ”˜Hi Zira’, Waridi said. ”˜Could you watch over Kovu for a second’, Waridi asked Zira. ”˜Sure’, Zira said. Waridi went out of her den to go get a piece of the meat. Zira standed above Kovu. Waridi came back. ”˜Zira, I didn’t mean that much watching over,’ Waridi said. ”˜I know’, Zira said. Well, you can, Waridi said. ”˜Silence!, Zira exclaimed. ”˜Don’t come any closer, or you’ll die, Zira said. Waridi got scared. She thought Kovu would get hurt, so she ran. Zira cut her off. ”˜You’re not going anywhere!’ Zira said. Zira jumped on Waridi and attacked her. Waridi also fought back. They both had cuts. But it was nearing the end. Waridi was about to slap Zira when Zira jumped at her, making Waridi collapse. ”˜Please, why did you do this’, Waridi asked. ”˜I’m sorry, friend’ Zira said before finally biting Waridi on the neck, making her die. Waridi lay there, dead. ”˜I’m so sorry’, Zira whispered while having tears coming down her eyes. Zira just killed her only friend. Soon, Kovu came crawling over to Zira. ”˜Mew’, Kovu meowed. Zira grabbed Kovu by the scruff, and took him to her den. That night, Zira went to the end of priderock with Kovu. Zira just laid there. Then, Hawa’s ghost appeared. ”˜Well well, I see you had the guts to kill someone’, Hawa’s ghost said. ”˜This is your entire fault’, Zira said. Then, Hawa’s ghost was gone. So, Zira took Kovu and herself to bed.

2 weeks later, everything was getting worse. The lionesses had a hunt. They only caught a baby zebra. Nala told Sarabi that she was going to go find help, so she went. So, Nala searched and searched. Then she found Simba and went back.
Simba defeated Scar. Scar’s body hit the ground with a thud. Then he got up. Hyenas came. Ahh, my friends, Scar said. Friends, I thought you said we were the enemy, Shenzi said. Yeah, that’s what I heard, Ed, Banzi said. Ed laughed. Then more hyenas’ came. No please you don’t understand please no I beg of you, Scar said. Then all the hyenas jumped on him and attacked. A few minutes later, lionesses came and attacked the hyenas. The hyenas left. The lioness who was Scar’s mate was Zira. Scar, Scar, wake up. ”˜Zira, I love you.’ ”˜I love you too Scar’. ”˜Daddy are you going to be okay’? ”˜Nuka, take care of your mother.’ Zira?’ ”˜Yes Scar?’ ”˜Make Kovu the heir, and Vitani.’ ”˜Yes daddy?’ ”˜I love you.’ ”˜I love you to daddy.’ Zira’s eyes were filled with tears. Then, Scar took his final breath, and died. When Scar died, Zira heard a roar. ”˜Simba…’ Then Zira and her cubs ran to find her old friend, Baridi, for comfort.

Baridi, Waridi, Hawa, Amari, Laini, Shaka, Akili ©Me
Other characters © Disney
Sig by Simbaholic, userbars by WildSimba and Simba.
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Re: Scar's Reign

Postby KiarasMate » July 3rd, 2009, 9:27 pm

That was a great story LilTiger. ^^ A bit confusing at some points but very nicely done. ^^ Still would have loved to see a bit more character development but this has to be your best Fan Fic yet. :) I liked how you had Scar have a slight change of heart and the way you portrayed Zira was fairly accurate. ^^ If I didn't know the storyline to TLK2SP, this would make perfect sense to me. Nicely done once again my friend and I look forward to reading any new stories that you might post in the future. ^^ Keep up the awesome work.
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Re: Scar's Reign

Postby LilTiger » July 4th, 2009, 3:30 pm

Sig by Simbaholic, userbars by WildSimba and Simba.
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Re: Scar's Reign

Postby KiarasMate » July 5th, 2009, 10:51 pm

You're most welcome my friend. ^^
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Re: Scar's Reign

Postby CommandoTheLion » August 9th, 2009, 5:01 pm

its good i like it xD
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Re: Scar's Reign

Postby Meskhenet » August 10th, 2012, 11:13 pm

Are you going to make more?
Let this prayer be your guide

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