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[Private] Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 7th, 2012, 7:35 pm

It's Amy Marie's first journey as a Pokemon Trainer. She travels around Sinnoh, making friends, catching Pokemon and battling the Gym Leaders.
Was thinking all characters could start out in different places in Sinnoh, preferably where they were born and the two girls could meet in TwinLeaf Town and the two boys could meet in Jubilife City and they all meet together at Oreburgh City.
Characters -

Amy Marie (viewtopic.php?f=119&p=698216#p698216) - AmyMarie

Sophie (viewtopic.php?f=119&t=23549) - SophieCub

Matthew (viewtopic.php?f=119&t=23553) - SophieCub

Josh (viewtopic.php?f=119&t=23570) - AmyMarie

Amy Marie sighed as she packed her tent back into her bag, the morning sun was warming her, and she welcomed the cool breeze that came every now and again. She rolled up her her sleeping bag and clipped the two onto her backpack. It was the first week into her first Pokemon Journey as a Pokemon Trainer, in her home region Sinnoh.

Her male Shinx, who she kept out of his Pokeball was at her side to give her hand a nuzzle. The 14 year old girl smiled when he did that, returning his affection with a pet on the head.
"C'mon then Shinx, we might make it to Twinleaf today!". The little electric Pokemon chirped happily in response and the two began walking off onto one of the Routes by the side of the meadow they had camped out on.

Enjoying the walk, she decided to let her female Starly get some fresh air. Extracting her Pokeball from her pocket, she summoned Starly,
"Come on out Starly, get some fresh air". The Pokemon appeared in a flash of white light and flew up into the air, stretching her wings. Satasfied that both her Pokemon were happy, Amy continued walking on, her two Pokemon in tow.
"Dammit, I really thought I'd one that won!", said a slightly unhappy Josh. The 15 year old had just lost an early morning battle against an older trainer. The other trainer came up and shook his hand,
"You have a strong Staravia, and that Aipom and Bonsly are equally skilled. Better luck next time".
"Thanks sir," the teenager replied, smiling slightly and watched the victorious trainer walk away.

Turning to his Pokemon, he saw they were ashamed. Beaming at them, he crouched to they're level and said,
"Don't worry guys, better luck next time, you all tried your best!". All 3 Pokemon looked reasonably happy after that, "Anyway, if you'd care to return to your Pokeballs". He held up all three and the Pokemon soon returned. Placing them in his bag, he began walking in the direction of Jubilife City, we're he was going to visit the Pokemon Center and have a look around the large buildings.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby SophieCub » June 7th, 2012, 7:55 pm

The sun rose and Sophie woke up with a smile on her face. She was starting her Pokemon journey today. She had already received chimchar from Professor Rowan not too long ago and she had recently caught a female shinx. Now all that was left to do was travel. She was really scared to go into the Pokemon world without anyone but her Pokemon but it was something she had to do. She walked out her house and felt the warm sun resting on her face. It felt good.

Chimchar ran out her house with excitment. Sophie had grown to love chimchar. "Hey there, little buddy. You excited for our journey?" The Chimchar smiled and ran around in circles. Sophie giggled and then looked at her female Shinx who was too scared to come out. " Come out Shinx, it's okay. I'm scared too but we can do this together." Shinx looked at her and walked over to her. Sophie smiled and patted Shinx on the back, "Thats a good girl." Shinx then smiled and wriggled it's tail in joy. Sophie looked up at the blue sky and tryed to smile. She new her whole life would change as soon as she left the house gate. That she would barely see her mum. She didn't know how her mum would live alone, but her mum said she would be fine. Chimchar then jumped up on Sophie's sholder. Sophie said good bye to her mum and left the garden, slowly closing the gate. "Lets do this guys!"


"Tododile! Tododlie! Where are you, buddy?" The 14 year old boy Matthew had been battling another trainer and his Tododile had ran off. Matthew was worried, he loved that pokemon with all his heart. He felt his hair getting wet. He turned around and Tododlile was behind him, squirting water at him. "There you are, little guy!" Matthew said picking Tododile up and tickling his belly. The sun was blinding him, so he put on his sunglasses. "There we go. Much better. C'mon Tododile, lets go and catch more Pokemon and make new friends!" Matthew said running up a large grassy hill. Everything felt good, he was so excited to meet new people.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 7th, 2012, 8:25 pm

It had been an hour since Amy had started walking, surprisingly, they're were no Trainers to battle along this route. She noticed a couple of bug Pokemon catchers, but they didn't want trouble. Shinx was running ahead, chasing Starly playfully who was flying just slightly out of his reach. Amy chuckled, watching them. She noticed a sign ahead of her and took a closer look.

"Take the next left onto next Route for Twinleaf town, 5 mile walk". Amy sighed, but 5 miles wasn't that bad. She saw the next left and turned,
"Shinx, Starly, want a snack?". Starly landed and joined Shinx, both of the dancing around her feet. She laughed and fished out two Pokemon treats out of her pocket, giving one to each of them. When they had finished, she grinned and continued walking.
Josh however, had obviously been on a more active Route. He battled almost every Trainer he came across, decided to solely use his Aipom and Bonsly. The two Pokemon enjoyed it to say the least. Out of the 5 battles he took part in, he won 3. He was pretty happy about that. He was a good sport most of the time, but had met Trainers who weren't. As he continued towards Jubilife City, he noticed large buildings on the horizon. He was getting closer.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby SophieCub » June 7th, 2012, 8:46 pm

Sophie was on her way to Twinleaf town. It wasn't too far away now. There was a trainer ahead. She decided to battle with the trainer. But she lost as soon as she started, it was very embaressing. Her Chimchar was so tired so she ran to the Pokemon center and got him healded. She walked out the center. " We have to practice a bit more, huh.." Chimchar frowned and sat down. Sophie smiled and rubbed Chimchar's head, "You where great though, you tried your best. I was the problem, I need a better strategy and I need to get you stronger." Chimchar looked at her and then smiled.

Shinx was looking at the clouds and laughing. Sophie started to giggle. It was funny to see Shinx fasinated in the clouds. Shinx then ran off in a hurry. Sophie gasped, "Shinx! Come back here! Now! She ran after Shinx, in a panic. Chimchar followed. Sophie was so worried now. What would she do if she couldn't find Shinx. She was so scared.


Matthew was on his way to Jubilife City and was so excited. Tododile was also very excited, it walked beside Matthew grinning. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the grass. It was a wild Buneary. This was his chance to catch a new Pokemon. He brought out Riolu and started batteling it but it ran off before he could through a Poke ball at it. He was a bit upset about not catching it. He didn't let it spoil his day though. He kept his head high and continued to Jubilife City. He was getting pretty tired, he hadn't had much sleep the night before because he got up early to train. He looked down at Tododile who also looked tired, "Hey, lets say when we get to Jubilife City, we buy you some food. Wouldn't that be great?" Tododile nodded.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 7th, 2012, 8:57 pm

Amy saw a small rock formation, she went over and sat down for a moment to give herself a rest. Starly perched above her and Shinx was sat next to her feet. Letting her head rest on a tree behind the rocks, she closed her eyes. Decided to catch 40 winks, she sighed and got comfortable. However, after five minutes, she could hear the excited cries of her Shinx, but it sounded like there was two of them.

Opening her eyes, she saw her Shinx playing with a female one. Raising an eye brow she got up and looked down at the two Shinxes, who were currently playing a game that looked like tag. She smiled at them before looking around. She couldn't see a Trainer at that moment in time,
"Who do you belong to sweetie?", she said to the new Shinx, patting her head.
Josh was in awe. He was finally in Jubilife City, and after being raised in Floaroma Town, it was exciting to be in such a built up, modern place. Grinning, he began walking around, checking out the shops. Realizing his Pokemon must be a little worn out, he decided to go to the Pokemon Center. He found it soon enough by looking on a small map of the city, he entered and was welcomed by a few nurses who took his Pokeballs off him to be healed. He thanked them and sat in the waiting area.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby SophieCub » June 7th, 2012, 10:48 pm

Sophie kept running until she heard voices. She then stopped and saw her Shinx with a male Shinx. Chimchar also stopped and looked at the two of them. He thought he was seeing things. Sophie then looked up and saw a girl around her age. Sophie gulped and looked at the girl. The girl looked really nice, so it was worth a try to make friends with her. "Hey there. I'm Sophie. This is my Shinx, thanks so much for taking care of her. I thought I was going to lose her. It was nice of you." She was nervous since she wasn't great at talking to new people.

Chimchar looked around and pounced on male Shinx playfully. Sophie gasped, "Oh now Chimchar! Don't be rude!" She lifted Chimchar up and hugged him tightly. Chimchar frowned. The female Shinx ran back over to Sophie and looked up at her and then smiled. Then she ran back over to the male Shinx.


Matthew was in Jubilife city now. He was so happy. He looked at Tododile who was very tired. He took him to the Pokemon center. Then yawned and sat in the waiting area next to another boy who looked the same age as him. He smiled at the other boy and then looked around. It was just like the Pokemon center in his town. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 8th, 2012, 12:48 pm

Amy grinned happily, it was always good to make friends and Sophie looked like a pretty friendly person.
"Ohai, nice to meet you. I'm Amy Marie, but people just call me Amy. No problems, she's a sweet little thing". Amy could see the girl was a little nervous. Amy watched as her Chimchar pounced on Shinx, and then raised an eye brow when Sophie picked him up and the Chimchar frowned. "They were only playing. You've just gotta now when they take it too far and start hurting eachother". Amy's Shinx was playing happily with Sophie's one. It made her smile to see Shinx happy like that.

She looked at Sophie, "So, where you heading now? I'm off to Twinleaf Town...", pausing for a moment she stretched out her arms. "Fancy a battle? It'll be the first one of the day for me". Amy loved to battle, and she wanted to see how good Sophie was. Even if she wasn't that good, Amy could help her out. She liked teaching things.
Josh noticed a boy, slightly younger than him, enter the Pokemon Center. He was carrying a Tododile. He glanced at him when he sat down. The boy was smiling at him. Josh returned the smile and watched as the boy looked around. Sighing as well, he looked to the boy, deciding it might be a good idea to make conversation, maybe even have a battle later.

"Hi", he said, capturing the boy's attention. "I'm Josh, I noticed you have a Tododile, he looks in pretty good shape to me! Even though he look a little tired. Have you got any other Pokemon by any chance?".
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby SophieCub » June 8th, 2012, 4:42 pm

Sophie smiled at Amy, "Hey there Amy, lovely to meet you. My Chimchar doesn't have time to play, he has to train hard and be as strong as can be, don't ya buddy!" Chimchar looked up at her and smiled. She didn't want to sound harsh but she knew her Pokemon where very weak at the moment and that they needed to train hard and be all they can be. Chimchar then tackled the male and female Shinx.

She looked at Amy suprised and then smiled. "Sure, I'd love a battle. I'm also on my way to Twinleaf town. What Pokemon do you want to use?" She was stoked. This was her first battle in a while. All she had to do was have faith in her Pokemon and think of what her mother told her to do when it came to a battle. She began to kneel down and pat Chimchar on the head. She had more faith in Chimchar, she knew what moves to use and what to do.


Matthew looked at the boy, "Oh hey Josh, I'm Matthew! Thanks! My Tododile is okay at battling but we still need some more practice. Any more Pokemon? Yeah, I have my Riolu." He looked at Josh and smiled. He knew that Josh wanted a battle and a battle he would get. Matthew loved to battle and was very confident about it. He sat next to Josh again. "Hey, do you want a battle? And do you have anymore Pokemon?" He raised his head to look at Josh.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 8th, 2012, 5:02 pm

Amy smiled, she liked Sophie's enthusiasm. Starly at that moment in time was feeling a little left out. She flew onto Amy's shoulder and perched there. Amy turned her head to the side and Starly chirped happily. Hearing Sophie's reply to her battle proprosal, Amy grinned and replied,
"Well, I'd love too see how Chimchar is in battle. Not sure who to use out of mine though". After a moment of thought, she got out a coin. "Heads for Shinx, tails for Starly". She flipped the coin and both her Pokemon watched eargly.

"It heads, I'll use you next time Starly, I promise". Shinx jumped up and down excitedly, Starly looked a bit miffed, but Amy knew she'd be fine. "You ready little guy?", she said looking at Shinx. The Pokemon growled playfully and leaped up to nuzzle Amy's hand. She moved back from Sophie,
"Ready when you are, you can take the first move".
Josh grinned when the boy began talking to him, he raised an eye brow, Riolu were strong Pokemon.
"I'd love to battle and I have 3 Pokemon-". Before he could continue, the nurse came back, all of his 3 Pokemon out of their Pokeballs. "Well, there they are. I have Staravia, Aipom and Bonsly. My mother gave them too me, I'm proud of them".

All the Pokemon looked happy and healthy again, and proudly stood as high as they could at their Trainer's words. He chuckled at them and returned all but Aipom to their Pokeballs. "If we are battling, I'll be using Aipom. He loves to battle, don't ya?". The Pokemon danced around and then climbed Josh's back.
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Re: Sinnoh Journey (SophieCub and AmyMarie)

Postby SophieCub » June 13th, 2012, 6:13 pm

Sophie watched the Starly fly around and sit on Amy's sholder. It was so cute, Sophie loved bird Pokemon. She thought they had so much freedom and cool moves. She saw the excited Shinx that danced around. "I guess I'll use my Chimchar, since he is the strongest and more confident Pokemon. Shinx can get a shot next time." Shinx sighed and sat down in a bad mood. Chimchar ran and then stood infront of Amy's Shinx. Sophie had to start the battle. She had never started a battle before so she wasn't sure what move to use. Chimchar stood paitently waiting on a command. Sophie had finally thought of one. "Okay Chimchar! Use Flame wheel!"

Chimchar went into a burst of flames and headed towards Amy's Shinx. This battle was going to be messy. Sophie looked at Chimchar and then looked at Shinx, she then grinned. This would be fun.


Matthew also saw the nurse coming back with his Pokemon. "Thank you nurse! Now you guys can battle and train hard!" He looked at Josh who was talking about what Pokemon he was using. Matthew then opened his mouth, "Okay, I'll use Riolu then! I'm confident when I use Riolu. Do you want to take the first move or shall I?" Matthew didn't mind if he went first or not, it did not matter to him. What mattered was his strategy. He always changed it, he could never get it right. But this time he was going to get it right, he was sure of it. He took his Riolu out of it's Pokemon and then it stared at the Aipom who was currently on Josh's back. Riolu was really excited for the battle, it was just like Matthew. Tododile stood quietly in the corner wishing he was picked. "Lets do this Riolu!"
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