The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 16th, 2009, 5:03 am

Part Two

Chapter One:
The Armies

So Bo was welcomed into the pride with open arms and everyone was happy. Months later, after the twins had gotten more used to their powers, Mercury, bumped into a lion one day while doing his usual speedy rounds. He got carried away and exited the boundaries of the Mistlands, his brother, Pluto, was trying to catch up, but no one could keep up with Mercury and his superspeed, except Bo, whose superspeed was even faster.

"Uhm, sorry," The young cub said. He bumped into a giant black lion. He looked menacing, a reason Mercury was on guard.

"Well, little one. What have we here? A lion that can runs as fast a blur. Your a Leo aren't you?" The Black lion's eyes were closed in on Mercury.

"Uhm," Mercury stumbled. He must have ran too far, maybe if he turned and ran away, he could get away, but then the lion would have an open window into the Mistlands."

"Mercury!" Bo sped into the situation, he emerged from the fog and was now at Mercury's side. "Crona sensed you were in trouble and sent me here. She's warning Mfalme as we speak."

"Mfalme? So that'swho you are," the black lion said stepping towards Mercury, "A mystic!"

"Watch out!" Bo warned stepping forward. He telekinetically lifted a rock off the ground as a warning. "Or else!"

The lion backed off. He was alone so he wouldn't try anything. That's when a loud roar was heard. He looked up in fear.

Out of the fog, a huge white lion jumped out, arms outstretched. It's giant white mane flowing in the wind. It landed next to Mercury.

"Mfalme," the black lion hissed.

"Don't you ever come into contact with my family again," Mfalme warned. Bo never seen him this angry, he was kind of scary.

The black lion sneered and turned as it ran away. Mfalme turned towards Mercury. "From now on, you will go nowhere near the perimeter, understood?"

Mercury nodded shamefully as he followed his father back into the fog, back into the Mistlands. Bo followed as well.

Later, that afternoon, Bo took the twins hunting. This was his first time hunting with them.

"So, how do you guys usually hunt?" Bo asked. He knew that they did their own hunting, they had powers unlike regular cubs.

"It's easy," Pluto burst, "I hide somewhere, and then my brother herds the prey in my direction. That's when I use my strength to take them down."

Bo nodded, "Seems like a good strategy. Have you guys ever used your powers together?"

The twins were confused. "I just told you we did," Pluto said.

"No," Bo said, "When Leo's put their power together it creates another power."

The twins jumped up in excitement, "Wow, really? Teach us." They said in unison.

"Okay, stop. You see that zebra up ahead?" Bo said.

"Yeah! yeah!" The twins said.

"Look at it. Focus all of your magic on it, that's all I want you to do since your young."

The twins did as he said. Mercury was imagining his powers reaching on the zebra, Pluto was doing the same. Bo could see the zebra getting slightly weary, it was working.

"Okay," Bo said. "Right now, you two are lending magic. That means using your magic together, your target is the zebra. Now I'll use my magic to attack it, but since you two are already lending your magic, my attack will be three times powerful."

The twins nodded, they were perhaps too concentrated to say anything.

Bo focused hard and got up on his two hind legs. He slammed into the ground hard, sending a powerful force blast towards the zebra. It smashed with heavy impact and made two more impacts afterwards, sending the zebra down to the ground with a snapped neck and four more injuries. The twins felt a spark on their noses.

"Whoa!" They said in unison again. "That was awesome."

Bo looked at the two as they ran to recover their prey. It was scary how they always said the same thing.

Bo sped past them and beat them to it. "I get first dibs," he teased.

"Hey, no fair. I wasn't even speeding," Mercury protested.

"It's okay, little guys, you can have this one...if you can handle it." Bo teased again.

"BO!" Bo heard his name being called. He looked up to see Maya rushing towards him, a look of horror on his face. "Bo, get the twins out of here. I had a vision."

"What did you see," Bo said.

"I don't know, it was all going by so fast, but from what I could see....hundreds of lions, HERE."

At that moment, growling and snapping of jaws could be heard. Bo, Maya, Mercury and Pluto all looked towards the perimeter of their lands. After a couple of minutes, five black figures were seen approaching them. Behind them, an army of lionesses and hyenas. Bo could also make out a few cheetahs in the mix.

"Mercury, Pluto, go to Mfalme...Hurry!" Bo ordered. And to his amazement, they actually listened. Maya looked towards the army, ready to fight. "I see the sisters, they are on their way."

Bo looked at Maya, her marks were somewhat glowing. "Does that always happen?" he asked.

"They glow when there's a threat to my life or to the life of loved ones." She replied.

Bo gulped, "That can't be good. Do you see us....surviving this?"

Maya shrugged, "My powers can't see into the future right now, their tied to my feelings, and since I'm shocked, so are my powers."

Bo then heard the paws of 12 legs, coming up behind him. No doubt they were the sisters.

Bo thought they would be scared of the armies now approaching them but they weren't. "Be careful, there's a lot of them."

Loona smirked, "Please. Me and my sisters could take them all with our eyes closed."

The reaction shocked Bo. "What! Do you see how many there are?"

Maya smiled, "Bo. They are really powerful together, believe me. But they still will need help. Loona's always been the cocky one."

Loona stuck her tongue out at Maya. "Ready?"

"More than ever," Maya replied. The lions were now within yards of them, they stopped.

"ATTACK!" The leader hissed.

To Be Continued...
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby KiarasMate » September 16th, 2009, 9:51 am

Well, while this is way outside my usual taste in Fan Fics, I couldn't help but find myself quite engaged in your story, due to your wonderful writing style and plot. While I'm more of a traditionalist with the stories I find involving lions and TLK related, I really must commend you on your work so far Patrick. ^^ I enjoy the imaginative nature of this Fan Fic and your descriptive detail for all the various characters and landscape is very well done. A bit confusing at some points when you introduced so many characters but I'm sure over time, they will all become as familiar as Bo. Even if this doesn't have any ties to TLK, other than involving lions, I'm still looking forward to keeping up with this awesome story and you should be proud of your work my friend. ^^ Keep it up and can't wait for the next part. :)
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 16th, 2009, 3:09 pm

Awesome Chapter xD
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 16th, 2009, 11:07 pm

Thanks for all of your support guys, really. It's nice to hear and makes me want to continue :)
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 17th, 2009, 2:49 am

No problem ^^
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Mike » September 17th, 2009, 9:23 pm

Yea, it's nice to encourage writers like you ^.^
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 18th, 2009, 5:46 pm

Agreed i really wanna see more ^^ ill be watching xD
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Mike » September 25th, 2009, 8:07 am

This is a super-useful reference to use while RPing :P I'm glad it's here.
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