Let's be nice about MLP

Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby TheIvanMuse » November 10th, 2011, 9:55 pm

Isn't that what this site is dedicated to, though?
MLK is meant for "fanboyism" about The Lion King. People have made their names extreme names like myself and many others because of their love for the movie. People outside of this community might see it as annoying too. So what your saying is that names like NalasMate would be unintentional trolling? I'm not sure I see how MLP fans and TLK fans differ in this regard.

Also, saying that we're both at fault (MLP Haters and MLP Lovers) is absurd. The MLP Lovers are just talking about MLP. Maybe too much, I admit. But still, because we are talking about it so much, makes us in the wrong? Elaborate. I'm not sure how that makes sense.

If you could give me an example where we have intentionally caused problems, then my last point will prove invalid, but until you can, I stand by it.[/quote]

Here's the thing, you have a forum dedicated to one subject, in our case The Lion King. While the forum itself can go around the topic, it is the primary source of discussion and interaction. When you have something like MLP that is becoming or has already become what it is right now, it outweighs TLK on this forum and therefore hurts the forum itself.
MLK IS meant for faboyism about TLK, but NOT for fanboyism of MLP, that is why MLP fans and TLK fans differ in this regard. Think about it this way, I'm a huge Kung Fu Panda fan, in some ways a lot more than TLK, but have you ever seen me spamming up any part of the forum because of that? No, because this is an TLK forum. You don't post about subject B on a forum that is dedicated to subject A, simple as that.

MLP lovers would be the first ones to considered ''guilty'' over this, if it weren't for that, we wouldn't have this ''issue'', but the fault goes back to the haters just as much. Yes, you are talking too much about it and it makes you in the wrong. As I said, this as a TLK forum is dedicated to TLK and while it has an off-topic subforum where you can talk about MLP,anywhere outside that part is where it gets annoying and frustrating to people who don't want anything to do with MLP. The major problem here are the macros and images that keep popping up where ever I look (chatroom and den) and you can't deny that you would be bothered yourself if someone threw a million images of some show you don't like at you face on a forum that is about a completely different show.

The beginning of the solution here would be to take things down a notch, ESPECIALLY with the macros, gifs, images and whatnot. That leads to less hate from our (haters) side and less need for moderators to get involved in this.

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Misiziri » November 10th, 2011, 9:59 pm

Well, because this is a TLK website for starters. On an MiP website, it's PERFECTLY acceptable to express your love for the show on there because that'd be the entire purpose of the website. A whole community of people who love the show as much or more than you. And this is a Lion King forum, not a pony forum. Of course, being as popular as the site is, there's PLENTY of room for expression of other things you like. There's threads for Avatar, for Shrek, for Kimba, for loads of other things. And it'd be perfectly fine for there to be a Pony thread, too.

As for you thinking it's both of our faults being absurd, nuh-uh. I don't hate the sane fans. Phantomhive is a perfect example. She's a great friend of mine on here, and she definitely likes MLP. Same with a bunch of other people. MLP lovers aren't just talking about it, they're going insane about it and that's one of the reasons I, and many others, hate. And it's not only MLK, I see ponies ALL OVER DeviantArt, especially the ones made on the Doll Divine maker. It's a good show and it doesn't deserve to fade away into oblivion like some shows have. But I don't want spam from bronies/pegasisters, "U MAD BRO, U MAD U MAD U MAD" and constant trolling non-fans receive. If we can all just get along together, that'd be better. If you want to discuss nothing but the show, take it to a thread on MLK not all over the site. Or a different forum. And if I want to do nothing but talk about Teen Titans, I'll do the same.

No aggressiveness towards you intended, NM. Or anyone else.

Wow I never argue this felt weird lol

EDIT: Well shoot, Ivan just said my thoughts exactly.

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby FlipMode » November 10th, 2011, 10:14 pm

^ I did read all of that, lovely post (referring to NM in this post btw). And I am not going to argue any of it. Obviously someone who likes the show is going to show counter arguments, and tbh I would only be repeating myself if I were to, because each of your points can be countered with a line from the rest of my post one way or another. Its pretty much a stalemate discussion after all,

Instead all I will say is - while it hasn't caused any (intentional) problems, it has caused problems. And well, there are other forums dedicated to MLP (Azdgari even made his own, and its very nice too lol). I can understand everyone having TLK related names on here, or pony related names on an MLP forum but the other way around? Really?

Actually, I will counter one of your points because it just hopped out at me. Yes you both are at fault, because the haters get mad seeing it everywhere all the time so the fans certainly are not helping themselves by bringing it up everywhere, or posting with names, avatars and siggies that relate to it. Your point about this being a site for fanboys of TLK is irrelevant because it is in the title "My Lion King", if you love ponies so much, go join a forum about that and you will meet more fans there. And I am not saying "leave" I am just saying that maybe you guys should join an additional forum for MLP to let your inner fans out.

Welp anyway, that is the last I have to say on the matter. The ponies are not going anywhere any time soon, and whilst I do not like it I have not and will not hold anything against you or anyone else who does. Clearly this is just a situation that has been taken further than it should have been (I find arguing over ponies even worse than the infamous "Kopa is cannon" debates).
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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Misiziri » November 10th, 2011, 10:16 pm

Oh God. The 'Kopa is Canon' debates. *quivers* I don't want it to escalate to that D:

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » November 10th, 2011, 10:21 pm

All I can say on this subject has already been said by Flipmode, Ivan and M&M x] I like MLP, I like it alot, but I don't go crazy like some people do, not referring to anyone here but I'm talking about other MLP fans.
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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby SnowyCheetah » November 10th, 2011, 10:26 pm

Everybody just needs to calm down. Haters and fans.

My opinion is that the fans should be able to post as they wish on the forum, just as fans of any other non-TLK-related fandom can (such as Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and the countless other offtopic fandoms present on MLK). No one is hating on them.

If someone wants to change their name to a MLP name, let them, they're not causing any drama or trouble by doing so. Same goes for if they want to create a thread about it, or have MLP images in their signature or avatar. They are not causing any trouble. The trouble arises from when someone dislikes the show and feels the need to cause trouble for those who enjoy it. I think it's about time the anti-pony-hater threads and anti-pony threads stopped, considering the fact that those threads are basically having a cold war with each other without openly saying it. The "friendly disagreement" has become anything but friendly.

My suggestion is this: the hating stops, the anti-hater promotion stops. Users should be allowed to post pony macros just as they are allowed to post any other macro. Users should be allowed to have pony names, pony signatures, pony avatars, whatever. Users who do not like MLP need to stop giving crap, and users who like MLP need to stop poking "fun" at those who do not.

It will be a sad day when no one is allowed to post anything pony-related on the forum over this petty dispute.

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Harvs » November 10th, 2011, 10:31 pm

[quote="StormySeethe"]Everybody just needs to calm down. Haters and fans.

My opinion is that the fans should be able to post as they wish on the forum, just as fans of any other non-TLK-related fandom can (such as Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and the countless other offtopic fandoms present on MLK). No one is hating on them.

If someone wants to change their name to a MLP name, let them, they're not causing any drama or trouble by doing so. Same goes for if they want to create a thread about it, or have MLP images in their signature or avatar. They are not causing any trouble. The trouble arises from when someone dislikes the show and feels the need to cause trouble for those who enjoy it. I think it's about time the anti-pony-hater threads and anti-pony threads stopped, considering the fact that those threads are basically having a cold war with each other without openly saying it. The "friendly disagreement" has become anything but friendly.

My suggestion is this: the hating stops, the anti-hater promotion stops. Users should be allowed to post pony macros just as they are allowed to post any other macro. Users should be allowed to have pony names, pony signatures, pony avatars, whatever. Users who do not like MLP need to stop giving crap, and users who like MLP need to stop poking "fun" at those who do not.

It will be a sad day when no one is allowed to post anything pony-related on the forum over this petty dispute.[/quote]

Thank you. I agree 100%.

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Misiziri » November 10th, 2011, 10:32 pm

Dude, I really hate arguing and debating but I'm tempted to post for some reason :P

Please, stop blaming it on the haters and admit some of you are taking stuff too far. Being the leader of the Anti-Thread, I know someone is going to call me out. Of course, I meant it sarcastically at first as a funny little war like I had with another user a long time ago. And I've never posted anything excessively hateful in that thread, that's for Tumblr XD

You can change your names if you want and I and many others wouldn't care. I changed my name about 5 times. I have no right to complain about naming.

And the reason people don't get upset when non-TLK memes/other stuff is posted is because it isn't CONSTANTLY being posted all over the Interwebz. :P

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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Regulus » November 10th, 2011, 10:33 pm

And is this thread itself not ironic? If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time I've ever mentioned anything about MLP in this forum. I don't give half a flip who likes it and who doesn't. If you want to talk about it, go somewhere else. If it bothers you that much that people are talking about it, once again, go somewhere else. All this is doing is adding napalm to the mass combustion. Including this post.
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Re: Let's be nice about MLP

Postby Misiziri » November 10th, 2011, 10:35 pm

Or just keep it in individual threads or post it moderately on the forum :P We're all kind of close-knit here, a lot of us really don't want to leave the site XD

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