What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » October 31st, 2011, 4:22 am

Finally beginning Mheetu's tale. I'm hoping this will be successful, and at least a decent piece of work. I'm trying to make it pretty long, not so much a novel but a pretty good story that might take up a bit of your time--cuz that's just what I do, waste you people's time. x3
Hopefully no, I don't intend for this to be a waste of time. I really hope it is a wonderful story. So please, give me feedback and constructive criticism.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Mheetu ♂ [Son of Asubuhi and Sarafina, younger brother of Nala]
Sarafina ♀ [Mate to Asubuhi and mother to Nala and Mheetu]
Nala ♀ [daughter of Sarafina, older sister to Mheetu, leader of the band of Pridelander cubs]
Sarabi ♀ [former Queen of the Pridelands, Mufasa's mate and Simba's mother, Naanda's sister]
Scar ♂ [or Taka; current King of the Pridelands]
Kula ♀ [young cub of the Pridelands, sister to Chumvi]
Chumvi ♂ [young cub of the Pridelands, brother to Kula]
Tama ♀ [young cub of the Pridelands, Nala's current best friend]
Tojo ♂ [young cub of the Pridelands]
Naanda ♀ [Sarabi's sister and mother of Tojo.]
Jani ♀ [Pridelander, mother of Tama.]
Haraka ♀ [Pridelander, mother of Kula and Chumvi.]
Asubuhi ♂ [father of Mheetu and Nala, mate of Sarafina]

Don't open the spoiler unless you have read up to the most recently released chapter. ;3
Characters That Appear Later: show
~The MeadowLanders Pride~

Map of the Borders

Filimbi ♂ - King of Meadowlanders
Madini ♀ - Queen of Meadowlanders
Jeshi ♂ - Prince of Meadowlanders
Hatari ♀ - Princess of Meadowlanders
Mjanja ♂ - Defender of Meadowlanders
Kijani ♀ - Huntress of Meadowlanders
Nzuri ♀ - Cub of Meadowlanders
Uchawi ♀ - Huntress of Meadowlanders
Kishindo ♂ - Cub of Meadowlanders
Kitawi ♀ - Huntress of Meadowlanders
Ngoma ♀ - Huntress of Meadowlanders
Kupata ♀ - Lost cub, adopted into the Meadowlander pride
Samaki ♀
Kilfalme ♂

TLK, Mheetu, Sarafina, Nala, Sarabi, Scar, Naanda (c) Disney
Tojo, Tama, Malka, Kula, Chumvi (c) rightful owners
concept of Meadowlanders Pride, all other characters (c) Me. Do not use without permission.
Last edited by Zoketi on November 5th, 2012, 3:14 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » November 2nd, 2011, 2:14 am

Mheetu's Birth

Chapter 1:

Sarafina's dull eyes lit up with happiness as she gazed at her newborn son.

"Mheetu." She whispered, all her joy and love expressed in that single word. The stone floor of the cave felt less harsh as she held the cub, and the recent dark events were forgotten for a moment. She could see a perfect haze of light in her mind, protecting her and her cub for these few minutes. Before cold reality set in, and the danger was real.

Sarafina bent to lick her cub, her soft tongue grazing his pale, speckled fur. He was a very light color, like the creamy wheat color of herself and her mate. His stomach and muzzle were even lighter, almost as white as milk. His front paws were too, but his hind ones were uncolored like his mother's and sister's. The patches around his eyes were very dark in contrast. And he was speckled too, they were more pronounced than most cubs. She had seen many newborn lions, all of them displaying the usual youngster spots. But her son's were more bright, a tan color that looked more permanent. She wondered what his eyes would be, aqua like her own or perhaps blue like Asubuhi's?

"I'm sorry you were born in such a terrible time." She sighed softly, looking around the empty cave. The rest of the lionesses were out and about, hunting or napping, and Scar was off doing who knew what. The death of King Mufasa and Prince Simba had been a few days ago. The Pridelands were only just recently under the rule of new King Scar, who had instated a few other things along with his hyena nonsense-at least, that's what she thought it was. Those foul beasts were obviously not going to care about the lionesses. Sarafina was hopeful that the pride's new leader would be able to keep the responsibility and care that Mufasa had held, but so far his reign was turning out to be very different.

For example, there were to be no cubs born without the knowledge, and permission of the King. Obviously, Sarafina could not have prevented her birth, as she was already nearing her time when Scar anointed himself ruler. And that had made her very jumpy until she had given birth. She had kept her pregnancy mostly hidden; Sarabi, Mufasa, and a few others had been aware, but not Scar himself. It hadn't been hard to hide it either; Sarafina guiltily could admit that she had been eating very well recently.

Well, that was one law broken. Sarafina was at a loss of what to do. She let her head fall on her right paw, pressing her cheek against little Mheetu's head.

"But I'll protect you."

Sarafina smiled sadly at the tiny cub. He was rather undersized too, smaller indeed than Nala had been. She recalled Asubuhi mentioning in one of their many meetings that he had been a runty child. So his son was to be too. In almost every way Mheetu resembled Asubuhi. It made her heart twist with pain, but with adoration as well.

Sarafina let out a rusty purr. She couldn't help but feel comforted by the new life snuggled between her front paws, breathing in breaths that could still be counted. The lioness swiped her tongue over her child's head.


The call, thick with exhaustion and grief, rang through the stone cave, making Sarafina lift her head, ears pricking up. The voice itself had made her tense, preparing to tuck away Mheetu if she needed to, but in the same millisecond she recognized the voice of Nala, her only daughter and eldest child. Relief swarmed through her limbs, making her realized how scared she had been for that moment.

Nala, who was a pretty cream-colored lioness cub, was padding towards Sarafina, her expression dull and depressed. It made Sarafina's heart break to see her child so upset. Nala had been such a bright young lioness, smart and playful and kind. She had been Simba's closest friend, more twined with him, a male, than she had been with even her female companions Tama and Kula.

Her paws made soft echoing sounds on the stone floor, a hiccupping rhythm that made Sarafina shift slightly. They were uneven, Nala was no longer stepping quick and strong, but dragging her paws and walking slow and withering.

"Nala." Sarafina greeted her daughter, her tone at first steady and unemotional, but growing proud and bittersweet as she continued. "Come see...your brother." She drew out the sentence, unintentionally creating a bit of a dramatic whisper.

Nala's eyes—nearly identical to her mother's—widened with shock and her whole expression brightened. The pained mask of depression lifted, and a shadow of the former happy creature she had been flitted over her demeanor. She bounced over to Sarafina, skidding to a standstill beside the lioness's head. Intense joy crossed her face as her eyes set upon the tiny cub. She too, had known of her mother's expectancy—how could you hide something so important to your own child?

Something happy had not happened since before the demise of the King and his son.

"He's adorable." She whispered, her eyes glowing. Sarafina gently rubbed her daughter, rumbling happily deep in her throat, and Nala returned the affectionate move. "What's his name?" She mewed, lowering her haunches to sit beside her mother.

"Mheetu." She replied softly. Nala gazed on, her expression happy but taut with an empty depression. She was distraught over the death of her best friend, as any cub would be. It had taken some part of her away—a bright part that her mother had always been so happy to see. Now it was gone. Sarafina nuzzled the cub, letting Nala take a moment to calm down. They broke contact and Sarafina gazed up at her daughter, two pairs of blue-green eyes locked in the same depression, and then Nala plodded away.

Sarafina turned her gaze to her son. Mheetu's paws twitched as he dreamed, and his little nose trembled. His innocence made the lioness feel a wave of panic, completely terrified for the young cub. What would she do? What had she done? It pained her to look down at him, to see his pure and new features that she had brought into this dangerous world.

But she hadn't known. None of them had.
Last edited by Zoketi on September 7th, 2013, 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby QueenRalexia » November 3rd, 2011, 8:22 am

Nice start I like it :)
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » November 5th, 2011, 3:20 pm

Thanks! :3
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » November 5th, 2011, 10:51 pm

I liked it ^^' Can't wait to see the next part =)
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » November 5th, 2011, 11:32 pm

Thankies very much! :smile4: Already working on it.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » November 10th, 2011, 3:17 am

Chapter 2:

A tremor of panic raced down Sarafina's spine. The voice was a different one this time, masculine and low. She immediately recognized it as Scar. He didn't sound angry, just commanding. But that didn't change the fear she felt. The reality was this lion would kill her cub if he found him.

Sarafina sat up quickly, her mind beginning to whirl with fear-produced ideas to protect her child. It was one of those moments when you had seconds to cover up something you did wrong or were not supposed to be doing. But it was more serious. A life was on the line if she failed.

She brushed Mheetu's small body up close to her soft stomach, closing her paws in front of him. But that wouldn't be good enough. If Scar made her move, she wouldn't be able to cover her cub. She stood up, backing away against the wall of the cave. A sharp, jagged line in the stone formed a small crevice, an almost perfect place to hide her son. She nudged him inside, praying to the Great Kings that he would keep sleeping. She was ever so gentle, making sure she didn't hurt him, but her racing thoughts urged her to hurry.

Sarafina moved in front of the crack and sat down, pressing her soft fur against it. The opening stretched up higher, dwindling off, giving Mheetu room to breathe. She hoped it would be enough, but there was no time to make it more comfortable. She rubbed the stone floor with her creamy paw, trying desperately to erase the birth-scent that was easy to detect.

Scar's pawsteps were growing louder, much more even than Nala's had been. He would be almost to the cave now, she could hear the crackling of pebbles dislodging under his claws as he clambered up the path.

"Y-yes, Taka?" She replied at last, her voice so soft that for a moment she wasn't sure if he had heard. Actually, that might be good. Her voice had trembled greatly, and she couldn't let him get more suspicious than he already would be.

She had always called him Taka, nothing he said could change that. He had been one of her best friends years ago, when they had the innocence of cubs. Him receiving his scar might have changed him inside, but not to her. It took more than a simple name-change to make her forget all the lovely memories she had, the two of them playing at the waterhole, running through the savannah and causing mischief. He had been the brightest cub she had met, so full of curiosity and innocence. His older brother, the deceased king Mufasa, had been always the favorite, the strong and bouncy one. Sarafina had the capacity to see the imagination and brilliance behind the quiet shell of young Taka, forming a friendship with him that had faltered as they entered their young adult years. If she was honest with herself, she could have become his mate had he not gotten his scar and changed so much.

Sarafina lifted her head as the thin orange lion entered the cave, a dark silhouette poised in the mouth of the den, before slinking into the depths, towards the very back where she sat. The dark shadow represented all that had poisoned his mind and drew the line between them.

"Why weren't you with Sarabi's hunting party?" Scar growled, halting a few paces from her. He had a commanding presence, with flashing green eyes and a midnight-black mane. He didn't react to anything he might have scented, and Sarafina noticed flecks of blood along his jaw and the powerful smell of zebra flesh. Scar must have just eaten-the recent taste of his meal would block out the musky scent of her birth. Relief made her head spin.

It vanished as she comprehended his question. Right. She had forgotten about that little mistake. She, for obvious reasons, hadn't gone out hunting with the lionesses in the morning. Sarafina had felt it was her time at dawn. Sarabi had of course let her stay at Pride Rock to have her cub, so Sarafina had crept up to the empty cave, to collapse and moan as she had Mheetu. She hadn't foreseen that Scar would notice her disappearance, or even care.

"Since when did you care about the huntresses?" Sarafina retaliated, with a little frown on her face as she gazed up. She didn't know why she said it, but fear was making her become angry. At the same time, she hated standing up to the lion who had been her friend.

Scar's mane ruffled as he dipped his head. "We need as much food as possible, Sarafina. And that means more claws to catch the gazelle and wildebeest." His icy calmness made her shiver.

So much had changed. The voice that use to send thrills through her now made her quiver with a withheld despair.

"Taka, I'm sorry." Sarafina backed down now. She couldn't fight him. "I wasn't feeling well today." It wasn't a lie, not at all. She had just given birth! It wasn't the most pleasant experience.

Scar didn't say anything for a moment. His eyes scanned her, then he turned and with a swish of his black-tipped tail, he was gone. Nothing else to say, no accusations or threats.

Sarafina felt a rush of relief at his disappearance. Scar may not have believed her, but didn't push the matter-could he have remembered the companionship he once felt with her?

Sarafina relaxed a bit, the tension rushing out as he vanished. She shifted away from the wall, turning to look down at the slumbering face of her cub. He was still fast asleep, not aware of the danger he had been in. Sarafina's heart was wrenched with pain as she gazed at his little form, the faintest smile across his muzzle.

Sarafina blinked away her grief. Sarabi would have advice. Taking her son by the scuff, carefully edging him out of the crevice, Sarafina slipped out of the cave. Her eyes alert for any hyenas or Scar, she maneuvered down to the strongest scent of the lionesses. She crossed a few stones and down to where a couple lionesses were resting on the rocks. Majestic Sarabi, lying stretched out on a large smooth stone; her sister Naanda a pace away with her son Tojo draped over her paws; Diku and Dwala, Sarabi's other sisters, were nearby, napping against each other. Jani, mother of Tama, was sleeping on her side with her daughter snuggled against her stomach. Lastly, Haraka, mother of Chumvi and Kula, sunbathing on a taller rock with her two cubs tussling below her.

Hesitating, Sarafina kept behind a large stone. She couldn't let anyone else know about the cub. Glancing around, she hid Mheetu in a scraggly clump of grass and then poked her head around the stone, hoping Sarabi would see and come over. That she did, immediately rushing toward her friend with quick, concerned movements. Nala didn't approach her mother, but their eyes met.

Sarafina blinked sadly at Sarabi. Sarabi returned the blink, and then tilted her head with a faintly questioning look. "Was it successful?" She began hesitantly, as if worried to upset her friend. Sarafina gently pulled Mheetu from out of the grass, the cub sliding gently over the ground. He was still sleeping.

"He's beautiful." Sarabi murmured, her eyes gleaming with happiness, yet sadness shone as well from them. "What are you going to do?" She added, already knowing the possible consequences.

Sarafina heaved a deep breath, letting Mheetu rest against her legs. She had a plan, one that had only just popped into her mind after she had left the cave. It was her only choice that would make sure Mheetu survived. She would take him to his father, her mate Asubuhi. He would take care of the cub, him and the pride he was acquainted with.
Sarafina sat down, her eyes darting nervously about. The hyenas had free range of the Pridelands. They might be hiding anywhere. She set Mheetu gently between her paws. He let out a pitiful mew and buried his muzzle into her leg fur.

"I-I don't know." Sarafina replied softly, blinking at her tiny son. "What can I do? I had no idea he would be born in times like this." She ranted, turning her gaze to the sky. The white clouds drifted lazily across the blue expanse, a peaceful view that calmed the lioness slightly.

"I wish I could do something." Sarabi murmured, casting a glance back at the direction they had come from. "Scar is not the same lion he was."

"I know, Sarabi." Sarafina's voice grew stronger. Even just hearing Sarabi's voice was a great comfort to her. "Mheetu won't be safe here."

"That's a wonderful name." Sarabi replied, gazing at the pale cub. "What are you going to do?" Her voice was sharp now, edged with more fear as if she knew her friend was planning something.

"I'm-" Sarafina swallowed her grief. "I-I'm going to take him to Asubuhi." Her voice dropped to a whisper, and she trembled. She never hid her emotions, it was something she never bothered with. Although it might show weakness to some, she didn't care.

Sarabi's eyes widened with shock momentarily, then she pressed her head to her friend. "But why? We would keep him safe." She responded softly, her tail brushing against Sarafina's side in companionship.

Sarafina closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing. "I know. But I won't risk him. Nala and the rest of those cubs are old enough, but if Taka sees Mheetu he will surely kill him. He forbid more cubs unless he had allowed it." Her voice broke and she looked down at her cub, trying desperately not to fall prey to sobbing.

Sarabi bent down to look closely at Mheetu. He squeaked, pressing against Sarafina as he sensed the presence of another unfamiliar creature. Sarabi gave him a sad smile, then she looked back to Sarafina.

"I will go now." Sarafina murmured, her voice shaking. "I can't risk this any longer." How had it come to this?

Sarabi blinked. "Now?!?" She rumbled, tail sticking straight out. At Sarafina's determined, silent gaze, she relaxed and dipped her head. Her's eyes were pools of dark concern. "Do you need help?" She asked, obviously wanting to be as helpful and caring as possible to her best friend.

Sarafina shook her head. "Scar will wonder where you've gone." She took a deep breath and seemed to find strength in Sarabi's gaze. "Tell Nala and the others that...he's dead." However much it pained her to do this, she knew that no questions would be asked later.

With that, she picked up Mheetu and brushed past Sarabi. There was no time to waste, dangers lurked everywhere in the once-safe Pridelands. She kept a quick but even pace, trying to keep Mheetu from swinging and hoping not to be seen. Once in the long grass, her pale pelt helped her blend. Unfortunately the sky was darkening as the sun set, and she wouldn't be as well covered.

Sarafina moved onwards, hoping with all her heart that her cub would live a better life.
Last edited by Zoketi on July 8th, 2012, 12:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » November 27th, 2011, 5:47 pm

Chapter 3:
A Strange Gift

Sarafina's pelt was faintly visible as she loped through the savannah. She gasped with each breath, the smooth movements of her running still sending jolts of straining energy through her muscles. Her teeth gripped her cub's scruff, his fur ruffled by her breath.

Mheetu wiggled slightly. His still-closed eyes were screwed up even tighter against the wind, and his paws were clenching against his body. A tiny mew escaped his muzzle out of confusion and distress--what was going on? What was this rushing that blew back his fur and stung his nose? Why wasn't he lying against the warm shape that fed him that soothing liquid?

Darkness was pressing all around the land, and the sky shone with stars. The moon was rising, a glowing circle that turned Sarafina and her cub to silver.

As she ran, the Pridelands flashed by and the landscape changed. The trees became more stunted and the grass shortened. The rocks became abundant, until even the ground was stone. Sarafina's paws now thumped against the boulders, and her pace slowed. She didn't want to risk dropping her precious son on the now-hard ground.

A larger pile of stones grew larger on the horizon as the lioness approached. It stretched far to the left and right, and blotted out the view on the other side.

Sarafina didn't slow, but kept her eyes trained on the distant rocks. It was now silent enough that her own heartbeat seemed loud. The scruffy grass and numerous pebbles and boulders rushed by on both sides.

At last the heap of boulders was in a minute's reach. Sarafina's legs and jaw ached, but she kept going. She had to be back by daylight, or Scar would get more suspicious.

She clambered up the rocks, keeping her head high and steady. Her claws scratched against the stones, and she finally could see over the top.

It had been a long time since she was here.

Stretching across the earth, another lengthy savannah stretched out. It was spotted with numerous trees and was rather hilly too. Sarafina could only gaze across, legs trembling from her run. In her mouth, Mheetu squirmed and mewled. Sarafina jolted out of her trance-like stare and set her cub down by her paws. She nuzzled and licked him, soothing and warming him.

She looked up again, and memories blossomed in her mind. --Sarafina and Asubuhi racing through the grass, he pouncing on her, she giving him a last nuzzle before dashing away-- Sarafina shook her head and heaved a deep breath.

She bent to pick up her cub. With burning legs, she maneuvered off the rocks and into the flowing grass. The wind had picked up and the stems brushed her fur, bringing even more memories. Sarafina padded slowly, her ears pricked and tired eyes searching for her mate.

She headed towards a large tree, with large roots that stretched over a deep hole--Asubuhi's den. It was just how she had last seen it. A little more hesitant now, Sarafina reached the root den.

"Asubuhi?" Sarafina whispered through Mheetu's scruff, her voice seeming loud in the quiet savannah. She waited a moment, hoping he was in the den. "Asubuhi?" She repeated a bit louder.

Soft movement from inside the den told Sarafina that there definitely was someone in there. She stepped back a bit, being unable to scent anything but her son hanging from her jaws.

A very pale lion emerged, shaking the sleep away. His eyes drifted over Sarafina, steadily widening with shock. "S-sarafina?" He queried, blinking in surprise.

Sarafina couldn't help but smile at her mate, then moved closer. "Yes, its me." She murmured, her purrs stifled from Mheetu's fur. Asubuhi nuzzled her head, then turned to look at the tiny cub.

"Who's this?" He asked softly, but Sarafina was sure he had already guessed. Mheetu looked nearly identical to his father.

"This is your son, Mheetu." She purred, her pretty eyes meeting Asubuhi's.

"He's...wonderful." Asubuhi seemed to have trouble finding the right words, but his expression was full of love and wonder.

"I need you to take him." Sarafina spoke again, her voice now tinged with distress. "It's not safe in the Pridelands any longer..." She dropped her head, tucking her tiny son closer.

Asubuhi's gaze was full of shock again. "But...he's so young..." He protested--only because of Sarafina and Mheetu's sake, not because he didn't want to care for a cub. "Sarafina...."

But the pale lioness closed her eyes with a faint sigh. "Take him." She whispered, holding Mheetu out. Asubuhi gripped his son's head, then placed him on the ground and pressed him close.

Mheetu squirmed and mewled, wanting his mother's warm fur back. He didn't want this colder, stiffer-furred shape, give back the warm one! He squealed with distress.

Sarafinal looked as though she wanted to cry, and bent down to lick her son for the last time. "I promise, I'll come back for you one day." She murmured into his still-closed ears. Rising up to her full height, she pressed her nose to Asubuhi's cheek. He gave her a lick in return, upset for her and even a tiny bit shocked still.

"I'll care for him." Asubuhi's mew shook a bit as he looked back at Sarafina. "Go safely." With this, the pretty lioness turned and raced away, tail swishing.

Asubuhi sighed softly and gazed down at the mewing cub. He would need an adopted mother, and quickly. But for now, Asubuhi would let him sleep the night in his den. Tomorrow he would find the nearby pride, and start his life as a working parent.

Gently picking up Mheetu, he slipped back into his den and placed the cub on the grassy nest. He curled up with a heavy grunt, and licked the cub. Asubuhi's eyelids drooped, though it took him a while to finally go to sleep--there were so many things crowding his mind.

Mheetu stopped squeaking and buried his face in the moss. He felt the stiff-shape lying beside him, and moved closer. At least Stiff-shape had some warmth.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » November 27th, 2011, 9:15 pm

Wonderful two chapters! I felt for Sarafina ='( Can't wait to see more!
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TheWhistlerify » November 27th, 2011, 9:48 pm

Do continue!
Sometimes I simply sit down and write because I cannot help it. Who knows, perhaps one day something will come out of it. Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else.
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Nickname(s): TW
Gender: Male
Pride Points: 22


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