Animal Adventure

Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 2nd, 2011, 2:16 am

Hi all! This is kind of a different story than the usual ones on here I think. It's about what would happen in my version of the Lion King if my friend and me got sucked into the movie. I hope you liked it! Reviews are appreciated. :)


"Oh my god! Are those meerkats?" Jenna exclaimed, pointing out of the window of the jeep she was riding in with Alicia. The two girls had decided to spend their vacation in Africa. They were enjoying being away from civilization and getting to see all kinds of different animals.

"They do look like meerkats!" Alicia confirmed, stopping the jeep. "Come on, let's go look at them!"

Jenna and Alicia jumped out of the jeep and went to look at all the meerkats scampering around. Jenna grabbed her camera and started taking a bunch of pictures. Once she had taken about twenty pictures, she stuffed the camera back into her bag and said, "Aw, they're so cute! Don't you just want to take one home with you?"

Suddenly, Jenna's eyebrows raised and she crept towards the meerkats.

"No, no, no, you can't take one home with you!" Alicia said, pulling Jenna back. "They wouldn't survive."

"Oh, I suppose you're right," Jenna said, fanning herself with her hand. "They like it where it's so hot out all the frigging time. Am I sweating? I'm so hot!"

Alicia sighed. Jenna had been complaining about the heat for the last few hours. She suggested, "Why don't you get a drink or something? Maybe that will cool you down."

"Yeah, good idea!" Jenna said, grabbing a water bottle from the jeep and pouring it all over her head.

"Jenna! What are you doing?" Alicia asked.

"Cooling down, why?" Jenna asked as she let the water drip down her body.

"You're wasting the water, we don't have that many water bottles," Alicia said.

Jenna looked guilty and replied, "Sorry! Hey, these meerkats remind me of Timon from the Lion King! You know that tunnel song they sing? I love that song. Oh, and of course I love Hakuna Matata!"

"I love that song too!" Alicia chimed in. "Hey, why don't we sing it?"

"Good idea!" Jenna said as the meerkats suddenly dove underground. Pointing to the jeep, she said, "Let's sing it in there though. At least the jeep has air conditioning."

Alicia laughed and the two girls jumped back into the jeep and started traveling along as they started singing, "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze..."

"Hey look! Baboons!" Jenna said, pointing out of the window. "Let's go take pictures!"

Alicia stopped the jeep and the two girls slipped down onto the ground. They ran through the sand and went to look at the baboons. Jenna started humming Hakuna Matata as she started taking pictures. One of the baboons was looking at her very intently.

"Hey Jenna, look!" Alicia said, tapping her shoulder. "That baboon is looking at you!"

"Yeah, he is," Jenna said with a frown. "He reminds me of Rafiki from the Lion King. I never really liked Rafiki though. I think he was my least favorite in the movie."

At Jenna's words, the baboons all stiffened and looked at Jenna. Not noticing that, Jenna continued on, "Don't you think he was kinda weird? I mean, that was annoying as hell when he kept going 'Look beyond what you see' in The Lion King 1 1/2, you know? I think-"

Alicia cut Jenna off and pointed to the baboons, whispering, "They're looking at you weird!"

Jenna followed her gaze and said, "God, you're right! Wonder what they want with me? They're just stupid monkeys..."

Suddenly, one of the baboons grabbed a stick with a rattle on the end of it and started shaking it. Before either of the girls could say anything, a wind started blowing around them. It went faster and faster until Jenna and Alicia thought they were caught in a tornado. Finally, the wind stopped as abruptly as it had started, leaving both girls on the ground.

Jenna rubbed her head with annoyance and said, "What the hell was that? Alicia, are you okay?" There was no answer. Jenna looked around frantically, "Alicia?"

Jenna looked down to see a meerkat next to her. Normally, she would be thrilled to see one nearby, but not in this circumstance. Where the hell was Alicia?

As Jenna was thinking all this, a voice to her right said, "Look beyond what you see."

Jenna looked up to see a baboon whispering in her ear. Her eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh my god, you aren't really Rafiki, are you? And what the hell do you mean by 'beyond what I see'?"

Rafiki nodded to the meerkat next to Jenna. Jenna gulped as realization struck her. Biting her lip, she asked tentatively, "Alicia? Is that you?"

The meerkat aka Alicia looked up at Jenna and said, "Um...I guess. But...look at us!"

"Why are you a meerkat?" Jenna asked before looking down at herself and seeing a dark brown paw with claws on it. "Oh my god, I'm a lion! What the hell?" Jenna turned to Rafiki and said, "Turn us back right this instant!"

Rafiki frowned at Jenna and said, "You are angering the spirits."

"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah," Jenna said angrily. "I don't care about spirits! I want to be a human again!"

Before Jenna could say anything more, Rafiki started shaking his rattle again.

"Hey!" Alicia asked. "What are you doing?"

Before Rafiki had a chance to reply, the sand started swirling around.

"Sandstorm?" Jenna asked as the sand rose up into the air, blocking her view of Alicia. Before they could say goodbye, the sandstorm started blowing them away in opposite directions. There was a loud thunk and then all went black for both girls.
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 15th, 2011, 12:45 am


When Alicia woke up, she found herself lying on the ground with the tall grass towering over her. She would definitely have a lot of adjustments to make in her new life as a meerkat. Looking around, she wondered where Jenna was and then remembered the sandstorm Rafiki had created after Jenna had insulted him.

"Jenna?" Alicia whispered just in case. "Uh, Jenna? Are you around?"

All that met Alicia's ears was the swishing sound of the grass. Getting a bit nervous, she got up and started walking to an unknown destination. She didn't feel safe just wandering in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, she heard footsteps.

"Hello?" Alicia whispered as the footsteps grew closer.

Nothing answered her. There was a loud crack from right behind her that sounded like a branch snapping. Alarmed, Alicia took off at a run through the grass. She wasn't used to running as a meerkat and tripped a few times. Nonetheless, she got right back up and started running until...

"Aaaah!" Alicia screamed, finding herself face to face with a large snout with gleaming tusks.

"Aaaah!" came a voice from next to Alicia.

"AAAAH!" all three figures started yelling at the top of their lungs.

"Just eat me now... and please make it fast. I got a low threshold for pain!" the figure from next to Alicia begged.

Turning around, Alicia started at the meerkat in surprise. In a shocked voice, she asked, "Timon?"

"Shh!" Timon quieted her. "This is no time for talking! We're going to be this big guy's dinner!"

"Easy, easy there, little guy. I'm not gonna eat you," the big warthog called Pumbaa reassured them.

"You're not?" Timon asked, looking very surprised.

Looking indignant, Alicia added, "Then why were you stalking us?"

"Well, gee, I saw you two go by and I figured little fellas like yourselves shouldn't be out here all alone," Pumbaa said innocently.

"Hey, what about you? You're all alone," Timon said.

"Yeah," Alicia whispered in his ear and added, "He isn't exactly a 'little fella' though..."

"Most animals give me a pretty wide berth," Pumbaa explained ruefully.

Timon's eyes suddenly lit up as an idea started to form in his head. He walked around Pumbaa with a studying expression and asked, "They do? Even the hungry ones?"

"Yeah, I drive almost everyone away. People see me comin' and they run for cover. They can't get out of the way fast enough," Pumbaa said with a wry smile.

Timon held up one of Pumbaa's hooves and started opening and closing them like scissors, saying, "You don't say, you don't say. Must be the gleam on those vicious tusks, huh? Strikes fear into their hearts."

"Actually, they say I wreck their appetite," Pumbaa corrected.

"Wow, it's like you have this—this... special power," Timon said in a scheming voice.

"Special power? Well, i-it's pretty powerful, all right," Pumbaa said, backing away nervously.

"Uh, Timon?" Alicia asked, looking at Pumbaa, "He has...uh...gas issues..."

"Oh, who cares?" Timon said, obviously distracted. Turning to Pumbaa, he said, "You're hired."

"Great!" Pumbaa said smiling before the smile disappeared and he asked questioningly, "For what?"

"To get me to a little worry-free haven out of that big pointy rock," Timon explained. Alicia and Pumbaa peeked over the grass to see a very large rock in the distance.

"And... you want me to come with you?" Pumbaa asked curiously.

Before Timon could answer, Alicia piped up, "But what about me? Can't I come too?"

Timon mulled this over for a few moments before shrugging and saying, "Aw, sure, why not? We all see eye to eye, don't we?"

Pumbaa's eyes lit up hopefully and he asked, "You mean like friends?"

"Whoa, easy there, big fella. I'd say more like..." Timon thought and then made quotations with his fingers as he said, "Acquaintances."

"Oh," Pumbaa said in a disappointed voice before he brightened up and added, "Well, it's a start!"

Not wanting to be left out again, Alicia raised her eyebrows and asked, "What about me? Am I a friend?" She fluttered her eyelashes at Timon.

Timon frowned and thought before saying, "Another acquaintance." He held out his paw and said, "I'm Timon."

Everyone shook Timon's hand as Pumbaa stated his name. "Pumbaa."

"No really," Timon said as Pumbaa grinned down at him. "All right then. What about you?"

"I'm Alicia," Alicia explained. "I'm here with my friend, Jenna, but I seem to have lost her."

"Aw, gee, well you got us now," Timon said with a grin as he waved everyone forwards, saying, "Let's hit the road!"

"You got it... acquaintance," Pumbaa replied as they all started walking.

Timon looked up at Pumbaa suspiciously and asked, "So clear up one thing for me. If you weren't gonna eat me, what kind of a wacky wild pig are you?"

"I'm an insectivore," Pumbaa explained truthfully.

Alicia made a face at this. She wasn't quite sure how Pumbaa and Timon could eat bugs! That was so gross. She wondered if there was still some of the food she and Jenna had packed in the jeep. But then again, where was the jeep?

Timon cut into her thoughts by exclaiming, "Oh ho! A bug eater! Well, me too. I just never had a name for it. I'm kinda partial to the crawly critters myself. How about you, big boy?"

"I prefer the ones with wings," Pumbaa said.

Timon turned to Alicia and asked, "What about you?"

"I don't eat bugs," Alicia quickly stated.

"You WHAT?" Timon gasped before elbowing Pumbaa and saying, "Did you hear that? She doesn't eat bugs!"

Pumbaa thought for a moment before saying, "Well, that could be a good thing."

"True, true. We all eat different things so none of us has to share," Timon grinned, throwing an arm around Alicia and Pumbaa as he said, "Alicia, Pumbaa, this could be the start of a beautiful... acquaintanceship."


When Jenna woke up, she found herself lying in a pit of sand. Coughing, she rolled onto her stomach and looked around warily. There were bones and skeletons of dead animals all around her. To her right, there were vultures circling over the corpse of an antelope. Jenna shuddered and suddenly remembered what had happened.

"Alicia?" Jenna whispered. Her words seemed to echo around her. Gulping, she quickly realized that Alicia was not here. Figuring that keeping silent might be a good thing to do in a place like this, Jenna saw some rocks up ahead. She climbed over them and looked around cautiously. She was a bit thirsty. Perhaps there was some water around?

Jenna noticed a pool of water to her left. She quickly scampered over to it and stared at her reflection with disdain.

She was a tan colored lion with a cream-colored chest, muzzle, and paws. Her hair (or should I saw mane?) flopped over one eye. Gulping, Jenna realized she had purple irises. Oh my god, she thought, I look just like Vitani from the The Lion King 2!

Not quite sure about this, Jenna peered out of her slanted eyes and started climbing over some more rocks in search of more water. She was still thirsty and hot. After a few minutes of walking, she finally came up to a cave. Figuring the cave might have water, she stuck her head inside and looked around. It was pitch black inside the cave. Frowning, she debated whether or not to keep going inside it. The thought of water spurred her on. She took another step forwards until she heard some sort of noise from the back of the cave.

Oops! Now was definitely a good time to go. Jenna turned to leave, but a dark figure jumped over her and blocked the way out of the cave as well as the light.

"Don't you know it's rude to leave without a hello or goodbye?" a voice purred in her ear.

"Uh..." Jenna stammered, backing up. "I didn't mean to come here. lost."

"Believe me, I know," the voice said scornfully. "The only one who ever bothers to pay me a visit is my brother and that's only when he wants something. You're from his tribe, aren't you? He sent you here?"

"," Jenna said as the lion moved out of the opening of the cave. Light streamed in and Jenna could see he had dark brown fur, a black mane, and slanted green eyes. "Oh my god, you're Scar!"

"Oh, very good, so you know who I am," Scar said, eyes lighting up. "But who are you? One of Mufasa's wife's friends? Or perhaps Mufasa's little mistress?"

"No, I'm Jenna. I'm not really a lion, I'm..." Jenna trailed off as Scar chuckled.

"You look like a lion to me."

"Yeah, well, it's all just a big mistake. I'll be going now..." Jenna said, backing up.

"Oh, so soon?" Scar said, eying her intently. "Aren't you looking for something?"

Jenna nodded and said, "Water."

"Of course," Scar nodded. "Well, the eavesdropping vermin behind you can show you to the nearest waterhole."

Jenna turned to see three hyenas peering curiously into the cave. They were eying her with interest. Jenna gulped. She didn't want to end up as their dinner.
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 15th, 2011, 11:21 pm


A few hours later, Pumbaa was running through the savannah with Timon and Alicia on his back, each of them holding onto one of his ears as they made for Timon's "big, pointy rock". Timon suddenly noticed it and cheered, "Whoo-hoo! There it is, the big pointy rock! Oh, baby, we're almost there."

Suddenly, Pumbaa stopped as they neared a ledge. Looking before them, the group could see a whole herd of animals. Alicia bit her lip and pointed out, "I think we're a bit late."

Timon's eyebrows narrowed and he said, "It's a landrush. That loud mouthed monkey! He must have blabbed it to the whole world!"

"What exactly did he say?" Pumbaa asked, looking over the massive crowd in front of them.

Timon spread his arms wide and closed his eyes to imitate the monkey as he said, "Look beyond what you see."

"So maybe you're supposed to look beyond the big pointy rock," Pumbaa said evenly.

Alicia ran her hand through the blond tuft of hair on top of her head and giggled as Timon repeated Pumbaa as if it was his own idea.

"Hmm?" Pumbaa asked in total confusion.

"Well... let's have a little look, shall we? Beyond what I see... beyond what I see... beyond what I see..." Timon murmured, looking beyond the big, pointy rock. Suddenly, he zeroed in on a cave on a hill behind the rock. "Oh ho! What do you know? The monkey's got an eagle eye for real estate!"

"Oh look!" Alicia pointed out the monkey holding up Simba on the ledge of pride rock.

"He-he-hey! It's the monkey!" Timon exclaimed.

"What's that he's holdin' up?" Pumbaa asked interestedly.

"Aw, who cares? It's not important. My dream home awaits! Come on!" Timon said, pulling Alicia off of Pumbaa and motioning for her to follow behind him as he started through the crowd of animals standing before Pride Rock.

"Uh... I don't do so well in crowds. Maybe we better go around," Pumbaa protested.

Timon rolled his eyes at Alicia and whispered, "Wait here." He turned back to Pumbaa and exclaimed, "Don't you know the shortest distance between me and my dream home is a straight line? Follow me!"

Timon began pushing his way through the crowd of animals with Alicia right behind him. Pumbaa followed at a bit of a distance. The animals started letting out disgruntled snorts and other noises as Timon pushed them around.

"Make room, make room. Watch it, Twiggy. I'm walkin' here!" Timon informed everyone.

Suddenly, Pumbaa's stomach gurgled and he sat down abruptly, saying, "Ahem... Timon? There's something I gotta tell ya."

"Pumbaa, Pumbaa, Pumbaa. We'll have a plenty of time to chat once we settle in," Timon chastised.

There was another gurgling noise as Pumbaa started to panic and said, "I could really use a rest stop."

Timon rolled his eyes at Alicia again, saying, "You go on." He turned around and tried to lead Pumbaa back on track, saying, "Don't worry. You'll get your second wind."

Knowing what was going to happen next, Alicia started running through the crowd to get away from Pumbaa.

"Ohh! I got a really bad feeling!" Pumbaa said, breaking out in a sweat.

"It'll pass. Trust me! It'll pass," Timon tried to reassure him.

"Or not..." Alicia grumbled as she tried to run out of the way.

There was a horrible sound and smell as Pumbaa released a big fart. Alicia held her nose and cussed under her breath while all the animals around Pumbaa and Timon started coughing and collapsing.

"So, I guess that's your special power, huh? What a weapon!" Timon said, going from aghast to thrilled.

"How can you stand that?" Alicia said, trying to wave the smell away from her nose.

"Look what it does to all the other animals though!" Timon burst out excitedly, pointed to all the collapsed animals.

"Uh, you mean, you don't mind?" Pumbaa asked in surprise.

Timon slapped him on the back and said, "Ha ha! Are you kidding? It was a gas! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Well, I don't like to toot my own horn..." Pumbaa trailed off.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best," Timon paused before pointing straight ahead of him and saying, "Let's go, Pumbaa and Alicia!"

"Lead the way!" Pumbaa directed.


Jenna hesitantly walked over to the hyenas, watching them quite suspiciously. She remembered how they had been starving in the movie and how they had devoured Scar at the end. Shuddering, she kept a slight distance from them as she stepped out of the cave.

"Shenzi? A moment, please," Scar said, waving Shenzi, the female hyena, into the cave. Shenzi stepped inside it obediently and whispered to Scar in a hushed voice while Jenna stood outside of the cave with the other two hyenas.

A minute later, Shenzi stepped out of the cave and looked everyone over, saying, "Well? Let's not sit and stare at each other all day. Come on."

The two male hyenas quickly followed Shenzi. Still a bit suspicious, Jenna followed after them at a distance. A few minutes later, Shenzi looked behind her to see Jenna trailing along apprehensively. Sighing, she said, "Look, honey, we're not gonna eat ya, so just relax. Speaking of which, I don't believe I've introduced myself. I'm Shenzi and this here is Banzai and Ed."

"Um, hi," Jenna said, relaxing just a bit.

Shenzi raised her eyebrows and prodded, "Well? Aren't ya goin' to tell us your name too?"

"Oh, right," Jenna replied, blushing. "I'm Jenna."

"Jenna? Interesting name," Banzai commented. Ed pitched in with a fit of giggles.

"So what brings someone like you 'round here anyways?" Shenzi asked as they approached the waterhole. "It ain't everyday you see a lioness walkin' around this area. Mufasa tells his tribe to keep out of the elephant graveyard."

"I was here with a friend and then I got lost," Jenna explained, sitting down by the waterhole. "I'm not quite sure what to do now."

"Aw, well, you can hang around here with us if you like," Shenzi said. "We don't bite."

At that comment, Ed burst into another fit of giggles.

Shenzi rolled her eyes and said, "Don't mind him. He's never been the brightest of sorts. Here, have a drink."

Shenzi flopped down on her stomach and started lapping up water from the waterhole. Jenna copied her hesitantly and started lapping up water as well. Hoping this water wasn't poisoned or anything, Jenna drank her fill and then sat up and looked around.

"So...could you show me around or something?" Jenna said, feeling in the mood to explore.

"I wouldn't mind it, but Scar told us to bring you straight here and straight back," Shenzi said with a shrug.

"Oh," Jenna said, frowning slightly. " is that?"

Shenzi shrugged again as she waved for Banzai, Ed, and Jenna to follow her, "I don't know his exact thoughts, but he told me he thought you were a spy for Mufasa. I can tell by lookin' at ya that you're not a spy, but Scar's always suspicious."

"Hm. So how do I make him not suspicious?" Jenna asked as the hyenas loped about.

Shenzi laughed and said, " can start by not asking questions. Scar hates questions. And just say as little as possible. Like a nod or shake of the head is better than actually saying something, isn't that right boys?"

Banzai and Ed nodded their heads in agreement.

Not feeling too reassured as the foursome stepped up to the cave she had found earlier, Jenna asked, "Will he hurt me if he thinks I'm Mufasa's spy or something?"

"Eh..." Shenzi and Banzai exchanged looks before Shenzi finished. "Well, you never really know with Scar. But if he gives you any trouble, just scream real loud and we'll come see what's goin' on, okay?"

"...sure..." Jenna said, still not feeling convinced.

Shenzi slapped her on the back and said, "Go on in, now. Don't want to keep him waiting. We'll be around."

Jenna watched the hyenas disperse before slinking back into the cave.
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby KingKovu44 » August 15th, 2011, 11:22 pm

Nice story. LOL, I have meerkat characters named Alicia and Jenna.
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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 15th, 2011, 11:23 pm

Thanks!!! Lol, really? Are they in another fanfic or RP or something? My bff's name actually is Alicia and my name is Jenna. xD
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby KingKovu44 » August 15th, 2011, 11:26 pm

I haven't used them yet. In my story, Alicia is Timon's mate and Jenna is one of their three chronically embarrassed teenage daughters.
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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 15th, 2011, 11:28 pm

Ah, sounds cool. My friend Alicia said she'd join next Monday when she has access to the internet at college. She's really good at RPing and stuff. Lol, in this story, Alicia ends up as Timon's made...but I'm not their embarrassed daughter. xD
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby KingKovu44 » August 15th, 2011, 11:47 pm

All right, I'll keep watching.
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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 16th, 2011, 10:49 pm

Okay, next chapter, sorry that Scar is so OOC here, I guess I got carried away. lol


After a long day of plodding to the new dream home, Timon, Pumbaa, and Alicia were finally looking up at the cave on top of the hill.

"This is it, buddy-boy. Home sweet home! And I don't gotta share it with anybody. Ha ha ha!" Timon laughed as he arranged a hammock for himself and flopped down on top of it with a relaxed sigh.

Alicia and Pumbaa exchanged looks before Pumbaa asked, "Don't you get, you know, lonely out here?"

"Lonely? Try commitment-free. The elbow-to-elbow life reminds me a little too much of home. This place has everything. Cool refreshments, cozy little hammock, a lovely water feature—and it's all mine," Timon explained as Pumbaa handed him a massive bowl of slush.

"Oh. Well... it's really coming together, Timon, so, uh, so I guess I'll just be going," Pumbaa said, starting to walk off.

"What about me?" Alicia huffed. "Do you want me to leave too?"

Realizing that he was being quite selfish, Timon paused and then piped up, "Wait a minute, now wait-wa-wait. There's no law that says you haveto go. I mean, if you want—"

Pumbaa zipped back to the clearing before Timon could even finish his sentence, saying, "Ooh, great! I already made up two beds! There wasn't enough for a third one, so two of us will have to share."

"Uh, I'm sharing with him!" Alicia said, pointing to Timon. No way was she going to get stuck with Pumbaa.

The three of them wandered into the cave and saw two grass beds. One of them was quite large and the other one was tiny.

Yawning luxuriously, Timon stretched his arms and plopped into the big bed, saying, "Ohh! Gee, all this construction work has me bushed. Think I'll turn in early."

Pumbaa sat in the tiny bed and murmured, "Ahh... Good night."

"Sleep tight," Timon replied.

"Dream of bed bugs tonight!" Pumbaa added.

Alicia shot Pumbaa a what-the-hell look before she climbed into the grass bed with Timon. She was starting to get just a bit hungry, but no way was she eating bugs. Looking over at Timon, she asked, "So what are we going to now that we've found our dream home?"

"Oh, you know, live the good life! Hakuna matata," Timon said with a big yawn.

Alicia started to close her eyes and then noticed that she was only feet away from Pumbaa. What if he had gas problems in the middle of the night?

Alicia quickly got out of the grass bed and said, "After thinking about it, I think I'll sleep outside."

"Outside?" Timon asked in surprise. "Is it even safe out there?"

"Safer out there than in here," Alicia said, giving Pumbaa a nervous glance.

"Suit yourself," Timon said, closing his eyes again. "Goodnight."

"'Night," Alicia replied.


Jenna watched her new hyena friends disappear before she took a deep breath and stepped back into the cave. She glanced around the inside of the cavern to see Scar watching a mouse that was scurrying around.

Scar glanced up at her with mildly interested green eyes before he said, "Back so soon? I trust you found the waterhole?"

"Mm hm," Jenna said, watching as Scar caught the mouse by it's tail as it scurried a bit too close by him.

Scar watched the mouse dangle from his paw and feigned a sympathetic expression as he said, "Life's not fair, is it? You see I - well, I... shall never be King." He sighed dramatically and continued, "And you... shall never see the light of another day."

Jenna watched with disgust. It was beyond sick in her opinion to eat a live mouse!

Sensing Jenna's gaze, Scar paused and asked, "Would you like some?"

Before Jenna could reply, an orange-beaked dodo bird flew into the cave and chided loudly, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?"

Scar dropped the mouse and held it to the ground with his paw, sighing, "What do you want?"

"I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning," Zazu said before eying Jenna and asked, "Who is she?"

The mouse from under Scar's paw scampered away. Scar really looked sad this time as he said, "Oh now look, Zazu; you've made me loose my lunch!" He followed Zazu's gaze to Jenna and said, "Don't you know her?"

"You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. And no, I don't," Zazu said, still looking at Jenna suspiciously.

"Oooh... I quiver with FEAR," Scar smirked as he said, "Come now, Zazu, she's Mufasa's little pet, isn't she?"

"Now Scar, don't look at me that way... HELP!" Zazu said as Scar pounced and caught Zazu in his mouth.

Almost immediately, a strong voice said, "Scar! ..."

"Mm-hm?" Scar murmured, not wanting to speak with his mouth full.

"Drop him," Mufasa ordered as he stepped into the cave.

"Impeccable timing, your majesty!" Zazu said as Scar spat him out in a puddle of saliva, "Eyyccch!"

Turning to Mufasa, Scar pretended to be overjoyed as he said, "Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners."

"Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba," Mufasa said, getting straight to the point.

Scar began to scratch his claws on a rock as he said in mock astonishment, "That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful." Admiring his sharpened claws, Scar added as an afterthought, " ...Must have slipped my mind."

"Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should have been first in line!" Zazu said, fluttering in Scar's face.

Scar clicked his teeth at him as a warning sign. Zazu quickly flew behind Mufasa. Leaning down to speak to him, Scar added, "Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball was born."

Leaning down as well so they were eye to eye, Mufasa added, "That 'hairball' is my son and the future king."

"Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy," Scar said in a mocking voice as he started to turn away.

"Don't turn your back on me, Scar," Mufasa said in a warning voice.

"Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps YOU shouldn't turn YOUR back on me," Scar said, looking over his shoulder.

Mufasa growled and jumped in front of Scar, asking in a deadly voice, "Is that a challenge?"

"Temper, temper. I wouldn't dreamof challenging you," Scar said with a roll of his eyes.

"Pity! Why not?" Zazu asked curiously.

"Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength..." Scar looked in Mufasa's direction before adding, "I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool."

Scar started to leave the cave and unsure of what else to do, Jenna began to follow. Mufasa's eyes focused in on her and he commanded, "Wait, Scar. Who is she?"

Scar turned with a raised eyebrow and said, "Oh! I was meaning to ask you that myself. She's your little pet, isn't she? Why don't you take her home and put her with all the rest of your 'pets'."

Mufasa glared as he said, "You know as well as I that I love only Sarabi. I have never seen this lioness before." Turning to Jenna, he said in a more even voice, "Of course you are welcome to join the tribe if you like."

", but I think I'll stay here," Jenna said, backing away from him.

Mufasa frowned but said nothing as Jenna followed Scar out of the cave. She followed him silently as they walked.

"So," Scar said as they crawled up a cliff. "You aren't who I thought you were. What did you say your name was again?"

"Jenna," Jenna said warily.

"Mm," Scar said, looking her over. "You don't look like Mufasa's lionesses. I see that now. Perhaps you could be helpful..."

"Helpful?" Jenna yawned. It had been a long day and she was tired.

"Sleepy, are we?" Scar smirked. "Well, I shan't deprive you of sleep. Go ahead."

Jenna eyed him suspiciously and didn't move.

"I'm not going to hurt you, my dear," Scar said in a reassuring voice. "I'm not sure what gave you that impression."

Hoping that he wasn't lying, Jenna sank down on her paws and tucked her head into a boulder on the cliff before falling asleep...
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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Re: Animal Adventure

Postby Maleficent » August 17th, 2011, 10:09 pm


Jenna woke up the next day to find that she was still lying on the cliff where she had fallen asleep last night. Still feeling a bit tired, she rolled over onto her back and stretched her legs in the air. Sensing someone's gaze on her, she looked up to see Scar looked down at her intently. Embarrassed, she rolled back onto her stomach and said, "Um...good morning?"

"And the same to you," Scar replied, a smile flitting around his mouth. "You slept for quite a while."

Before Jenna could say anything, a ball of yellow fuzz came whizzing towards them. Scar groaned and whispered, "Oh dear, it's the little bastard."

"Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what!" Simba, the young lion, exclaimed.

Wrinkling his nose ever so slightly, Scar replied, "I despise guessing games."

"I'm going to be king of Pride Rock," Simba said in a taunting voice.

Scar rolled his eyes in Jenna's direction and said, "Oh goody."

"My dad just showed me the whole kingdom; and I'm going to rule it all. Heh heh," Simba chuckled as he looked over the ledge of the rock and over the pride lands. Jenna smirked, finding it funny that Simba hadn't even noticed her.

"Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know," Scar said, flopping down onto his side.

"Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm king, what's make you?" Simba asked curiously.

Scar tried not to make a face and said, "A monkey's uncle."

"Heh heh. You're so weird," Simba laughed.

"You have NO idea," Scar said before pausing and adding, "...So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?"

"Everything," Simba said proudly.

Jenna made a face behind his back, causing Scar to smirk before he asked, "He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border?"

Simba's face fell and he said in a disappointed voice, "Well, no... he said I can't go there."

"And he's absolutely right. It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there," Scar said with a firm nod.

"Well, I'm brave!" Simba pointed out, looking indignant, "What's out th-"

Scar interrupted and broke in, "No, I'm sorry, Simba, I just can't tell you."

"Why not?" Simba asked.

"Simba, Simba, I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew," Scar said, patting Simba on the head.

Simba snorted and replied, "Yeah, right, I'm your only nephew."

"All the more reason to be protective. An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince..." Scar faked surprise and added, "Oops!"

"An elephant what?Whoa," Simba exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Oh dear, I've said too much...well, I suppose you'd have found sooner or later, you being SO clever and all," Scar said, pulling Simba close as he added, "Oh, just do me one favor - promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place."

After thinking for a minute, Simba said, "No problem."

"There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember... it's our little secret," Scar reminded Simba.

Simba started to leave, but then saw Jenna and turned around to stare at her in confusion. Looking between her and Scar, he asked, "Who's that? Is she my aunt?"

"Simba, Simba, Simba..." Scar chastised. "How many times must I tell you that you don't have an aunt?"

"Oh, right," Simba answered before hesitating and asking, "Um, who is she then?"

"I'm Jenna," Jenna explained. "I'm new around here."

"Oh," Simba said with a nod. "Well, why are you hanging out with Scar? Why don't you come with me and I'll show you-"

"I'm afraid she already has plans for this afternoon," Scar said, shooting Jenna a look that told her not to interrupt. "Now go run along."

Simba nodded and scampered off of the rock. Jenna and Scar watched him leave before Jenna raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "Um, what exactly am I doing this afternoon?"

"Just a little favor for me," Scar said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Go to the elephant graveyard and alert your hyena friends that a little hairball will be visiting them very soon."

"Simba?" Jenna asked.

Scar nodded and smirked before turning and whipping around the ledge.


Alicia woke up bright and early the next morning to a loud chorus of "I Just Can't Wait to be King". She hummed along and wondered how long it would take for Timon and Pumbaa to wake up. It took about two minutes.

"Uhh. Unhh," Timon snuffled as he blinked and woke up. Very annoyed, he leapt out of the bed, grabbed a stick, and started pounding on the ceiling and yelling, "Hey, keep it down up there!"

Pumbaa woke up and said, "We have neighbors? We should go say hello."

Wanting to go sing along, Alicia joined the group of animals outside and started singing.

"Noisy neighbors. There go the property values," Timon moaned as he and Pumbaa emerged and looked up at the pyramid of animals with Simba and Nala on top. Timon spotted Alicia and said, "Oh no, what is she doing?"

They watched the finale of the song with wide eyes.

Let every creature go for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be king Simba's finest fling
Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

"Oh, perfect. We moved to the theater district! Get a load of these guys," Timon muttered. He whacked the elephant nearest him with a stick and said, "Knock it off!"

The elephant's eyes popped open and he lost his balance, causing the whole pyramid of animals to loose their balance.

"Timon, look out!" Pumbaa said, pulling Timon out of the way of impending danger.

Timon pulled Alicia out of the way and yelled, "Aah!"

All the animals collapsed and Pumbaa and Timon ended up squished. Timon sighed and shook his head, muttering, "Oy. Phew. Show people."


Meanwhile, Jenna had gone to the elephant graveyard and had found Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed sleeping. Unsure what to do, she tapped Shenzi on the shoulder and said, "Uh, Shenzi? Scar has a message for you..."

"Huh? Wha-" Shenzi started out, opening her eyes. "Oh, it's you. Did you just say Scar has a message for us?"

"Mm hm," Jenna replied, "He told me to tell you that Simba is coming."

"Simba!" Shenzi chuckled before elbowing Banzai, "Hey, did you hear that boys? Simba is coming! Get up, get up! We have to watch for him!"

Banzai and Ed got up with much complaining. The foursome went to sit inside a skull and waited...and waited...and waited. Finally, a few hours later, a ball of fluff came scampering into view with another ball of fluff behind him as well as the annoying dodo bird. Simba came running into the skull, took one look at the hyenas, and went running right back out.

"I'll stay inside here and watch," Jenna whispered to Shenzi, who nodded.

Shenzi giggled as she stepped out of the skull and said, "Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?"

Banzai and Shenzi started circling the group while Banzai said, "Hmm. I don't know, Shenzi. Uh... what do you think, Ed?"

Ed burst into maniacal laughter as Banzai said, "Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers!"

"And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational error. Eh heh heh..." Zazu said, laughing. Jenna was so annoyed that she wished she could swipe at him.

"Whoa, whoa, wait wait wait... I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge," Shenzi sneered.

"I,madam, am the king's majordomo," Zazu said, trying to look important.

"And that would make you...?" Banzai asked Simba.

"The future king," Simba said proudly.

Shenzi's eyes lit up and she hissed, "Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?"

"Puh, you can't do anything to me," Simba said as if he was invulnerable.

"Uhh... technically, they can. We are on their land," Zazu admitted.

"But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering mangy stupid poachers," Simba said innocently.

Zazu tried to whisper to Simba, "Ix-nay on the oopid-stay..."

The hyenas exchanged disgusted looks before Banzai frowned, "Who you callin' 'oopid stay'?"

Looking a bit alarmed, Zazu tried to motion the cubs away, saying, "My, my, my. Look at the sun. It's time to go!"

Shenzi leaped in front of them, blocking their way out as she asked, "What's the hurry? We'd looove you to stick around for dinner."

"Yeaaaah! We could have whatever's... 'lion' around!" Banzai said, looking around at his group and adding, "Get it? Lion around!"

A peal of laughter broke out as Shenzi held up her hand in excitement and said, "Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one. Make mine a 'cub' sandwich. Whatcha think?"

She broke out into ridiculous laughter while Ed started jabbering.

"What? Ed? What is it?" Shenzi asked, annoyed at Ed for ruining her joke.

"Hey, did we order this dinner to go?" Banzai asked.

"No, why?" Shenzi asked.

"'Cause there it goes!" Banzai yelled as Simba, Nala, and Zazu ran off.
C'est le sentiment solitaire dans le monde - de vous trouver debout quand tout le monde est assis.
Pour avoir tout le monde vous regarde et dire «ce qui est de la question avec elle?" Je sais ce qu'on ressent.
Marcher dans une rue vide, écoutant le bruit de vos propres pas. Volets fermés, rideaux tirés, portes verrouillées contre vous.
Et vous ne savez pas si vous êtes à marcher vers quelque chose, ou si vous êtes juste de s'éloigner.

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