You Like Him- Short Story

You Like Him- Short Story

Postby MalibuTrashDog » March 27th, 2009, 3:31 pm

This was a quick story done in 2007. It's about a short exchange of harsh words between Sillydog and her younger sister the demon NN76.

WARNING! Slight use of strong language.

You Like Him

She stared at the glowing orb in her paw with a dreamlike expression on her face. She was so entranced by it that she did not notice the burst of flames that billowed out behind her and the little red creature that climbed out of the depths. The red one’s mouth spread out to reveal her tiny razored smile and her yellow eyes glowed with glee.

“I know what you’re thinking,” the red one hissed, “and it will end in failure, just like all the others.”

The blue one was snapped out of her trance by the words and she turned her head to glare at the small red one. Emerald eyes met golden ones and the blue one scowled, “what is it wench?”

“Why sister I’m hurt,” the red one’s ears flattened against her head as the razor sharp smile grew wider, “is that how you greet me now?”

“Leave me be,” the blue one muttered and turned back to her orb which she covered protectively with her paws, “I’m in no mood for your tomfoolery.”

“You like him don’t you?” she sneered her eyes flashing with excitement, “That boy in your orb?”

The blue one’s eyes widened and she frowned as she looked down into the orb. There he was with his brownish-blonde fur and clear blue eyes. He had a serious air about him but his eyes looked as though they hid a secret. Looking into those eyes make the blue one sigh with longing, from behind her she heard snickering which caused her to clutch at the orb tighter. She wasn’t one to be enraged much but at the moment her heart was blazing with anger. She hated the red demon that was kin to her; it had been a lifelong feud.

The red one had drawn closer, taking joy from her sister’s discomfort. “You LIKE him!!!!” she jeered and started to dance around the elder, “my older sister’s in love again and it’s going to crash and burn like the others!” She cackled hysterically and danced faster around the bigger dog.

The blue one started to growl and soon she wouldn’t be able to contain her anger any longer. “SHUT UP!” she roared and with a fist she rapidly hit the smaller creature square between the eyes causing her to reel backwards against the wall. The red one shook her head in shock. “Damn that hurt!” she whined as she rubbed her face. The blue one was back on all fours and was staring at the smaller one, emerald eyes glowing. She was in attack stance with her fur standing on end and her fangs bared.

The red one wanted to make a final statement before disappearing like a coward, “just remember the others!” She flashed her razors again and started to recite, “Glenn, Guardian, The K, Amani, Shap, Tywin, Wahkim, Suil and ALBERT!” The final name hit the blue one hard and caused her to wince. In that moment of weakness the red one burst into flames and disappeared, leaving only her echoing cackle behind.

“ARGH THAT [censored]!” she screamed as she collapsed on the carpet and sobbed, wishing she wasn’t cursed with a heart that seeks love. Curling up she eventually fell asleep, the orb held tightly in her paws.
Daddy Atsume

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Re: You Like Him- Short Story

Postby serra20 » March 28th, 2009, 9:13 pm

:disgust: Oh my...Grrreat story...
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