Lion King Family Tree

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Lion King Family Tree

Postby Wereberess » March 31st, 2010, 3:54 am ... bereus.jpg

Sorry ahead of time if this infringes any rules(I copied and pasted it from my DA account.)

Edit 3/31/10: Now to prove my eye gene theory. I believe Vitani's parents are Scar and Zira. However Vitani has blue eyes while neither of her parents do. In the real world, eye genes can come from grandparents but what of the TLK universe. Let's explore.
The eyes of the lions in TLK are:
and Orange.
Sarabi has orange eyes. ... ab_172.jpg ... ab_753.jpg ... ab_754.jpg ... ab_778.jpg ... ab_760.jpg
Mufasa's are red. ... ab_072.jpg
Simba is usually protrayed with red eyes but they are also portrayed as orange. ... ab_397.jpg ... ab_398.jpg
Even in SP they're orange ... ab_382.jpg ... ab_325.jpg ... ab_327.jpg ... ab_611.jpg

However...Kiara's eyes are red. All the way through the movie. ... ab_018.jpg ... ab_022.jpg ... ab_032.jpg ... ab_043.jpg ... ab_062.jpg ... ab_103.jpg ... ab_196.jpg ... ab_224.jpg ... ab_326.jpg ... ab_332.jpg ... ab_409.jpg ... ab_453.jpg
Zira's do this as well. ... ab_143.jpg ... ab_162.jpg ... ab_170.jpg ... ab_250.jpg ... ab_267.jpg ... ab_307.jpg ... ab_314.jpg
Kiara's eyes(as well as Zira's) ALWAYS stay red no matter the lighting. This tells us Anytime Simba's eyes are red the lighting has something to do with it as it effects him but not Kiara or Zira.

If Simba's eyes are orange and Nala's are blue where Kiara's red eyes come from?

From one of her grandparents. Mufasa, Mohatu or Maybe Nala's father?


Edit 3/29/10: It has been linked to me many times and neither time convinced me. [link]
The characters colors are more accurate in plain daylight. That doesn't mean in the morning, at night, in the jungle, or in the outlands. Thing is we NEVER see Simba or Nala in plain daylight as adults.

I'd like to dispel an ancient myth and establish the truth -- Nala's eyes are light green and (attention) did not change color during the film! -This is the first mistake. Nala's eyes DID randomly change colors.
As here her eyes are green ... ab_179.jpg
While here(and the lighting hasn't changed) their blue?
Next, the jungle, and the hunt on Pumbaa. Are they grey or light blue? Actually, neither. The fact is, that evening lighting is placed on all of the colors here. Let's remove it.-As i said before, Nala's daylight colors are NEVER SEEN in TLK. In SP they are and as you can clearly see is not nearly the same color as ... ab_713.jpg As a matter of fact, Nala's jungle colors seem to be more similar to her SP colors. Just because He/She manipulated the picture to make her eyes look green does mean her eyes ARE green.

So if your thinking about giving me that link don't bother. For more info(NOT MANIPULATED IN ANY WAY)
Another editack on the subject of Vitani and Nuka's parentage. It has come to my attention a deviant has obtained some information comfirming Scar WAS NOT their father. I'm not inclined to believe this as it's reasoning is poor-It would make them cousins to Kiara and Simba. what? It wasn't like Nuka and Vitani were going to fall in love with Kiara or anything so why leave that void open? And According to "Proud of Simba's pride"(which can be viewed on youtube.) Simba was portrayed as not quite done with his hate for Scar(even though he's dead) and Kiara helps him do this, ridding himself of his hate for Scar. This would be shown if he accepted his murderous uncles kids but just some random cubs from Zira, Scar's queen, and an unknown rouge from who knows where isn't saying much.

Who is Nala's father:
Looking back onto some family trees i've previously commented on, i've put some peices together.
Some of you believe Nala was Scar's father.
Firstly this is, undoubtly cousin/cousin incest, which disney is against since when they found out making Kovu's Scar's cub and pairing him with Kiara was incest they spazzed. Also, this isn't hamlet. So drop that.
MY guess is that it was one of the three lions Mufasa found in the comic "Simba wans to play."

Edit(1/19/10): I just found out some new info to back up my previous theory of Vitani and Kovu not being litter mates and how Nala and Mheetu could only be a few weeks apart in age, all of it being bioloically correct. Two words.

You may have seen the two words, but i doubt you have. Anyway I have applied word number one to some of my theories. Superfecundation: It only happens in animals like felines, canines, and maybe rodents. Anyway, it means the female can have a group of offspring fathered by several different males(which is why kittens sometimes don't look like there parents). I now reapply the theory of Vitani and Kovu not being littermates because of word #2.

Superfetation: It happens commonly in cows, rodents and sheep, sometimes in felines, canines, and even humans(very very rare). When a female(in this case a lioness) is already pregnant with offspring but is still in heat. She could mate another male and create another fetus, younger than the original. One of two things could happen. The female could give birth to both young, one being premature and more likely to die or The female could birth the oldest first while the other is still developing and birth the youngest one next after it's done developing. In this case when Nuka was almost two, Scar exiles Chumvi and Tojo, and mates with Zira again. About one or two months or weeks into the pregnancy, Chumvi mates with Zira. Vitani is born a month(or week) or two before Kovu, explaining why Vitani seems more mature then him and Zira says he(Kovu) was the last born before they were exiled. Both the femaless and male reach sexual maturity at age 3.

This could also explain why Scar is younger Mufasa but the two are the same size in the book "A tale of Two brother's".

Edit(2009):All the lions I added are official(Design wise) from TLK comics. If you want to know which i will do my best to tell you. Providing the link is another story...

Mohatu sired Uru and no one else. Notice all the lions from the lion king look like both their parents and male lions get there mane genes from their fathers ONLY. This goes for Kopa as well. ... /cover.jpg so anyone depicting Kopa as a brown maned cub/adult is wrong.
------------------------------- ... /Page5.jpg

Ahadi is pictured as a stocky lion with a red mane, red eyes, brown pridelander nose, and fur a shade or two darker than Mufasa's. ... /Ahadi.jpg
If this is true and lions are never shown to take mom's tail tuft gene(which is always brown by the way) the illastrated design must be wrong.

Ahadi is described as a golden lion with a long black mane and blazing green eyes. ... TB08-1.jpg Fans seem to choose this design over the pictured one because they believe Ahadi looked more Like Scar than Mufasa. This isn't plausible either. Where does Mufasa's red mane come from?

So it can safely be said Ahadi is not of Royal blood and Uru is the heiress. Not to mention in the books Mohatu journeys to the Great river during the drought. Uru does the same simply because Ahadi wasn't the heir, wasn't familiar with much of the pridelands, and didn't know the way. That only leaves my Design for Ahadi. ... -131980121 I simlpy took traits from both the pictured and discribed Ahadi creating My Ahadi. Official+Official=Official( Or Semi-Official+Semi-Official=Official) and when i say that i mean combining two official designs of one character.
Zira and Scar are, no doubt the parents of Vitani and Nuka. Nuka looks more like his mother and Vitani looks more like her father ... ab_598.jpg if you sqint. Many people ask me" if Nuka and Vitani are full blooded why are they not the same size?" This question is quite stupid, and those with siblings know it. When a lioness gives birth to cubs she syncronizes her ability to do it again. This doesn't mean she can't do it again. It means the chances of her having cubs again are minimized. Nuka was fist born and 3 months before he reached the age of two, Vitani was born. Kopa and Vitani are not "long lost mates". This would be incest and incest isn't allowed in Disney.

Chumvi and Zira are Kovu's parents. Chumvi gives Kovu his dark fur, brown mane, anatomy, and single colored eyeshades while Zira gives him his ,outlander attributes, colors his eyeshades brown, and earstripes. Why would Zira want Chumvi if she was so loyal to Scar? Simple. After if was confirmed Nuka was not the chosen one Scar set his sights on younger, more viable lionesses. Zira stays away from Scar, as he has crushed her. Scar orders her back after he sees Nala won't fall for him and she reluctantly mates with him again and seeks comfort from Chumvi afterwards. After being pregnant by weeks or months Zira and Chumvi mate. Here's where the supefetation comes in. Zira births Vitani then Kovu a few weeks/months later. Being the faothful queen she is, she confesses that Kovu isn't Scar's. Scar attacks but the other lionesses bring him to light. If he wanted a n heir of his own he'd have to kill hi daughter as well as the rogues son. Scar goes insane, wondering why his reign is so terrible, hence the musical "The madness of King" Tired of being harrased by Scar, Nala leaves and returns with Simba. We see Sarabi and Scar conversing.

NOTE: Scar ask Sarabi " Where is YOUR hunting party? Their not doing their jobs." He says YOUR not THE suggesting the lack of food may have called for two hunting parties. The outlanders were forever loyal to Scar once he acceppted them into his lands and made their leader Zira, his queen, so they go hunting anyway still with the knowledge there is no prey. When they return, they see simba claiming the kingdom, and the only thing they can assume is that Simba murdered Scar to avenge his father, because by this time, all the hyenas were gone.
Many people like to say Kopa was murdered by Zira. There is absolutely NO proof of this and the little proof people bring up is easily overruled. Simba exiled Zira and her followers because their loyalty remained with Scar and they were dangers to his cub-to-be(Kiara) This theory can't is never hinted or proven. ... lated-Zira was Scar's Queen. <---This site which CAN'T be edited by others, proves it as it says Zira was Scar's mate. Lovers and Mate's are two different things. Most of you don't seem to get this.

Edit(2010,march the second.)Another Storyline is Since Simba was gone about four or five years, Nuka was born during Scar's reign. The majority of fans believe Scar was Nuka's father because of the simularities they share-both in appearence and attitude. Like Scar, Nuka has a brother who is the "Chosen one" or heir destined to be king. Zira basically ignores Nuka only being interested in Kovu's ability to fight and kill; as Ahadi ignored Taka and was only interested in Mufasa's ability to rule responsibly, in the Tale of two brother's book. They also have the same lanky frame and dark fur; purely outlander.

A probable theory is that Scar knew the lionesses would revolt against the hyenas and since the hyenas outnumbered the lionesses if they decided to fight, he would be left with no lionesses to rule and become a dead end as there would be no lionesses to mate with. Only hyenas, which would become a problem if the hyenas decided to revolt as well. Scar gathered up a pride of lionesses unruled by a male, then introduced the new lionesses to the pride: The outlanders. Zira led this group of outlanders. He saw Zira was the only lioness that would Cooperate with him and made her his queen. A few days after the joination,the two rulers mated, and produced Nuka. As the cub grew the pridelands deminished and Nuka became unfit, unhealthy...useless. When Scar acknowledged this, he took an interest in some of the other lionesses that were fit like Nala and Tama, but because of their age difference and Scar poor ability to uphold the kingdom they refuse his advances. His new found interest in the younger lionesses causes Zira to became depressed and dislike Nuka because she thinks it was his fault. She begins to further herself from her king, hanging out alone in the almost barren pridelands. Chumvi, a young rouge Scar exiled, feels sympathy for her and finds she isn't the mean, hateful, abusive queen she was thought out to be. Zira finds herself drawn to Chumvi and Once Nuka was a bit over two years old and she was able to reproduce again she mates him but Chumvi is chased out of the pridelands by the hyenas. Almost at the same time Scar requested more cubs from Zira. Zira happily complied, as Scar had been ignoring her ever since Nuka's birth. After a gestation period of about 3 months Zira birth's Vitani and Kovu. Being the faithful queen she is, Zira tells Scar Kovu isn't his son. Scar gets upset, but he requires an heir so lets Kovu live, with the knowledge Vitani is his and to mate Zira for heirs of his own, he'd have to kill her as well. He goes insane after this, hence the play "The madness of king Scar" wondering what his brother had that he doesn't and why all is going downhill, wondering it had anything to do with Mufasa's death. Zazu stated a "Devoted Queen." Nala just happens to walk in on this and he tries to seduce her again. Scar takes it too far causing Nala to strike him and run away.

The lands have gotten worse which calls for not one, but two hunting parties. Zira leads the band of outlanders while Sarabi leads the pridelandser who were there originally. Sarabi and the other's know there is no more prey, so no reason to hunt but Zira and the outlanders are eternally loyal to Scar. They no this as well, but to please his they go anyway.Nala returns with Simba, a fight breaks out, and Scar ends up dead, causing the hyenas to flee the pridelands. The outlanders return only to find Simba claiming the kingdom. The weren't there during the fight, so the only thing they can assume is than Simba murdered Scar and took the throne for himself to avenge Mufasa.
Edit 3/07/10:
It has also come to my attention there is a Story called the chronicles of the pridelands. Let me go ahead and say this since some of you struggle to get it.
It's NOT cannon and NEVER WILL BE.
Disney didn't write it and judging from it's contents(Mohatu says something about sex being a wonderful thing. WTF!?! Isn't this a kids movie?)it never will be.

Also here's some thing i disagree with or are just plain wrong:

The story said Ahadi has a queen named Akase. She DOES NOT EXIST OFFICIALLY because she IS NOT DISNEY OWNED.
Maybe i should get this out of the way now. Rafiki DID NOT present Mufasa and Taka as he arrived in the pridelands while they were already three years of age. Rafiki ONLY presented Simba, Kiara, Kopa, maybe Kovu, Vitani, and Nuka and Kovu and Kiara's cubs(presumably).

Well.There you go. My TLK family tree.
Last edited by Wereberess on April 13th, 2010, 8:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Ushujaa » March 31st, 2010, 3:58 am

that's really cool :D good find, or did you draw it yourself? cuz thats pretty cool if so
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby divsalley » March 31st, 2010, 3:58 pm

Great family tree and GREAT explanations and interpretations! Answers quite a few questions!
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Wereberess » March 31st, 2010, 8:44 pm

[quote="Ushujaa"]that's really cool :D good find, or did you draw it yourself? cuz thats pretty cool if so[/quote]
Was Lazy. Used Lineart.
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Wereberess » March 31st, 2010, 8:45 pm

[quote="divsalley"]Great family tree and GREAT explanations and interpretations! Answers quite a few questions![/quote]
Click meh eggs plz! :D
thx! :D
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby CheetahCat » March 31st, 2010, 9:07 pm

Fantastic Fan Art here my friend! :)

I like the description as well, excellent I must say. Keep it up! :)
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Wereberess » April 1st, 2010, 1:41 am

[quote="TeenSimba"]Fantastic Fan Art here my friend! :)

I like the description as well, excellent I must say. Keep it up! :)[/quote]
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Mike » April 1st, 2010, 1:54 am

The reasoning in there ranges from poor to irrefutable :P Great family tree either way ^.^
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby thanigraphics » April 1st, 2010, 7:13 am

Very nice and complete family tree you've got there. Question: is the lion called Adin the lion cub that's depicted in the first picture in the comic "the talking tree" ?
I thought that, referring to his colours. Koraden also made a design for the cub in that comic, and called him Panya, I drew that cub too, by her design (since only his/her upper half is shown in that pic)
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Re: Lion King Family Tree

Postby Wereberess » April 2nd, 2010, 8:53 pm

[quote="thanigraphics"]Very nice and complete family tree you've got there. Question: is the lion called Adin the lion cub that's depicted in the first picture in the comic "the talking tree" ?
I thought that, referring to his colours. Koraden also made a design for the cub in that comic, and called him Panya, I drew that cub too, by her design (since only his/her upper half is shown in that pic)[/quote]

Yes he is. I like to think Adin is a male and since he was never said to be a certain age(and that tree looks pretty old.) he's Mufasa's age.
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