"The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby SimbasGuard » October 28th, 2017, 8:26 am

I loved this episode, it was far less halloween-ish than Beware the Zimwi. Aside from The Guard dressing up as lions (which I liked) and Fuli scaring the Buffalo (which I liked) I enjoined finding out about the tradition between The Elephants and The Lion Guard. It was Awesome to find out the name of the first leader of the first Lion Guard. The song was awesome. (Especially Fuli's Solo). It is always enjoyable to see Makini. I very much enjoined the nod to Timon and Pumbaa's Theater experience (even though Nathan Lane is not voicing Timon). I got a kick out of Mtoto crediting Beshte for Fuli saving him. As well as Fuli's reaction to that. Even though they had nothing to say it is always great to see Nala and Kiara. Getting an appearance from Tiifu and Zuri O.K. as well. Now I didn't even notice this until I watched the episode a 2nd time, but Wow we finally saw Pridelander Lionesses :-o 8-) :thumbsup:

The only knocks I have against this episode are that I would have liked to see the play that was put on. Also while I doubt they will do this in a preschool show (and also due to the fact that he was never on The Lion Guard). I would hope that they dedicate an episode to Robert Guillaume. Still Given that The Lion Guard is suppose to be canon to The Lion King Franchise I think this would be an acceptable thing for them to do.
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby Kallo » October 30th, 2017, 12:39 pm

I wasn't gonna have much to say about this episode. Just thought it was a fun episode. A few of those things that I was gonna say, included that I enjoyed the humour, was great seeing Makini again (I like her character development so far). Was also cool seeing Timon & Pumbaa again, though I lost it and was slightly confused about seemingly slightly pervy Timon rubbing himself against Fuli. xD Fuli was adorable in the episode, and especially when she was acting scary. She was also really cool and badass looking in the moonlight. And that shot of her and Kion singing and looking at each other... hmm, definite shipping material, if not hinting. ;) Speaking of the singing, apart from Fuli (whose VA is a great singer) and Beshte (who I was really glad finally got to sing a non-rap song) the rest of the TLG cast seem to be having a bit of trouble sounding young and in-their-character while singing. It's still good, but just something I noted. Also, I was really glad they didn't shoehorn Scar in. :)

That was all I was GONNA have to say. But then the episode hit its midway point, and wow... sorry, gonna ramble a lot here. This is one of the best episodes the show has done. It might be THE best episode. First of all, we FINALLY got to see more of Simba's pride!! Perhaps, at this point in the timeline, that's the entire pride. I'd be fine with that. I wonder why now, all of a sudden? Was it a budget issue before, or perhaps (and I'm just hoping here) they might actually be reading some of the feedback the older audience is giving them online? I'd REALLY hope that was the case. This makes me happy beyond belief, cause I was starting to doubt it'd ever happen. Secondly, the animation in this episode was SO good. Best it's been, and looked like it improved ten times just within this episode. The animation so far has always been the one thing in my mind that has kinda made me feel like... I dunno, not necessarily guilty, but somewhat "off" about watching the show. But if it keeps at this level (plus if the episodes keep being this good in general), then I will definitely no longer have to feel that way, and I can fully enjoy it without feeling like it's a guilty pleasure. I'm proud how far they've come, because now not only does this show have the most detailed backgrounds and character puppets in a Flash animated show, it now also has good animation ON TOP OF those elements, which is very hard to combine. The song was really good, and different. It felt like a required song, that mattered, was interesting to listen to and wasn't forced in. Sounded like the people who made the song, actually WANTED to make it, as opposed to a lot of the other songs. I loved the lore we got. That's the main thing for a life-long TLK fan about this show. It could explain so much lore from the TLK universe, and this episode delivered on that front. This is something I feel the show needs to focus on more, as it can be one of its best parts. Not only can it explain things from the movies, it can also build new lore and world within the series. And it can connect the series to and make it feel more like The Lion King this way. This episode also had the best Bunga moment in the entire series yet. Bunga has gotten much less annoying, but to see him save the day and that moral dialogue of bravery at the end... that was just great and emotional. THAT moment, with the background music and great delivery from both voice actors, felt like a CLASSIC Renaissance Disney movie moment. Perhaps the only time this series has yet gotten to such feel. Gotta admit, that part and the song, both got me a bit misty-eyed. I rarely cry at shows/movies, but I'll admit getting misty-eyed happens quite a lot with me, especially when I'm tired, but this is the first time TLG has done that to me. Finally, I couldn't help but notice... maybe just a coincidence, but I swear I heard a few notes of "Be Prepared" in the background music in the very last scene. Probably just me, but it definitely got my attention. I mean, the notes were there when I re-listened a few times but not sure if it was intentional.

Not sure if 10/10 episode overall, but I think this is as close to 10/10 as the show has gotten so far. Dunno if my personal favourite episode, but all things considered, I think probably the best episode from an unbiased point of view.
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby Simba_Lion » October 30th, 2017, 9:25 pm

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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby Kallo » October 31st, 2017, 8:43 am

If that is indeed Sarabi, then holy crap... what if we actually get an episode explaining her disappearance/death and Simba having to deal with that? Just really stretching my hopes here, but... just what if? :-o

I have a hard time believing the show would be allowed to do something that dark, but right from the get-go, they have gotten away with a few other rather surprising things, such as showing a dead body on screen as well as childbirth happening right off-screen and being discussed very casually.
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby SimbasGuard » November 4th, 2017, 7:12 pm

[quote="Kallo"] And that shot of her and Kion singing and looking at each other... hmm, definite shipping material, if not hinting.[/quote]

I did not notice that until it was pointed out, but even I can't ignore that kind of symbolism. Although part of me can't help but wonder if the animators are just messing with (Us older fans. Of course for them to actually be doing that they would have to know how many fans ship Kion and Fuli. Which would indicate that at least the animators are (or at least could be) paying attention to online feedback. Unless I'm wrong in this assumption, that could be possible. Unlike writers who have to avoid hearing any outside ideas for fear of being subconsciously influenced.

[quote="Simba_Lion"]I was so glad to see more lionesses in the episode. And geez, Great Kings above, it must be Sarabi and Sarafina![/quote]

The lioness that was standing next to the lioness that looks like Sarabi has the wrong markings to be Sarafina.

[quote="Kallo"]If that is indeed Sarabi, then holy crap... what if we actually get an episode explaining her disappearance/death and Simba having to deal with that? Just really stretching my hopes here, but... just what if?

I have a hard time believing the show would be allowed to do something that dark, but right from the get-go, they have gotten away with a few other rather surprising things, such as showing a dead body on screen as well as childbirth happening right off-screen and being discussed very casually.[/quote]

Interesting possibility for a story. With considerable potential given the points you mentioned. For the moment I'll settle for confirmation that that lioness was actually Sarabi and not just a random lioness that looked exactly like her. The one thing I do not understand is this: If that lioness is in fact Sarabi. Why was she not sitting with the rest of The Royal Family?
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby Kallo » November 4th, 2017, 8:52 pm

[quote]Although part of me can't help but wonder if the animators are just messing with (Us older fans. Of course for them to actually be doing that they would have to know how many fans ship Kion and Fuli. Which would indicate that at least the animators are (or at least could be) paying attention to online feedback.[/quote]

Might be them messing around with us, but then again maybe not. Doesn't necessarily need to have anything to do with reading fan feedback. It could be just that the two were always intended to end up together from the very beginning, and this is their way of hinting at it/building it up.

[quote]The one thing I do not understand is this: If that lioness is in fact Sarabi. Why was she not sitting with the rest of The Royal Family?[/quote]

I have some theories: 1) Maybe it's actually not Sarabi and we're freaking out over nothing? She sure did look like her, but I still wouldn't dare bet money on it being her. Show's proven me wrong before. xD 2) Maybe she just feels like her time as the queen has passed, and it's not her place to be there in the front with Simba, Nala and Kiara anymore. Could serve as a potential storyline for a future episode. Also, note that Sarabi and Sarafina (if it is them) WERE sitting separated in their own special spot, away from both the Royal Family and the rest of the pride.

Of course, if we look at it from a more creating-the-show kinda angle, the more reasonable explanations could possibly be that 3) They didn't want to immediately draw attention to the two by putting them in front and center. This is the first time we've seen ANY other lionesses in the pride, so maybe they felt like it'd be too obvious and sudden if we immediately got Sarabi and Sarafina thrown in our faces. Not to mention, it could be confusing for children who don't know who they are. They probably want a slow build-up to them and the rest of the pride finally appearing in the show. But they likely knew older fans who knew them were gonna love it and freak out just seeing them in the background, and felt like that was enough for now. 4) Another, perhaps a slightly more far-fetched theory, is that if they indeed are gonna do Sarabi's death in the series, they obviously wanna show her in the background quite a bit to not just make her appear out of nowhere suddenly, but they also might wanna just keep her in the background as a rather non-prominent character, to avoid young kids from getting too invested/emotionally attached to her, and thus keeping her death from being too heavy for the show. Of course, that's only if they're gonna actually do her death, which is just a random possibility at this point. I, myself, am most leaning towards theory #3.
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby SimbasGuard » November 5th, 2017, 12:53 pm

[quote="Kallo"]Might be them messing around with us, but then again maybe not. Doesn't necessarily need to have anything to do with reading fan feedback. It could be just that the two were always intended to end up together from the very beginning, and this is their way of hinting at it/building it up.[/quote]

Well if anything it is worth keeping an eye on.

Vitani, you need to step up your game if you want to have a chance with Kion...or...at least start playing.

[quote="Kallo"]I have some theories: 2) Maybe she just feels like her time as the queen has passed, and it's not her place to be there in the front with Simba, Nala and Kiara anymore. Could serve as a potential storyline for a future episode. Also, note that Sarabi and Sarafina (if it is them) WERE sitting separated in their own special spot, away from both the Royal Family and the rest of the pride.[/quote]

I did not take notice that it was them sitting apart from the other lionesses...and I call myself a fan :x

As for you other theories they all are very good and make complete sense.
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby Elton John » November 6th, 2017, 7:34 am

I just thought of something.

We got to see the other female lions of the pride, but no males.

Which begs the question, is Simba the father of tiifu and zuri?

I mean in real lion prides he’d be mating with all the adult females. However, this is Disney so I doubt they’d do that.

If these other males existed, where were they?
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby TTB-Kun » November 6th, 2017, 10:38 am

[quote="Elton John"]I just thought of something.

We got to see the other female lions of the pride, but no males.

Which begs the question, is Simba the father of tiifu and zuri?

I mean in real lion prides he’d be mating with all the adult females. However, this is Disney so I doubt they’d do that.

If these other males existed, where were they?[/quote]
Other male lions exists in the pridelands, Simba talked about that with Kion when he was mad about his picks for the lion guard in return of the roar, we just never see them cause..reasons? Seen how is animated the mane of Simba i think it's for the best that we don't see other males XD
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Re: "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Season 2 Ep. 10

Postby gothprincesskiara » November 8th, 2017, 7:29 pm

(Hey Everyone I'm back! and I dont know why I have not been getting notification emails from the form anymore, but it took me long enough to notice so I came back to find out and check, and of course this episode with FINALLY seeing Lionesses in this made me want to hear your'alls opinion, but you pretty much covered it all) Now when it comes to other males its possible that males will mate with other females of Simbas pride and continue on with there lives alone else where, but with Simba accepting them into there pride, may not be they way of laws of the animal kingdom as males will kill other cubs if not theirs, but this is Disney and a kid show, and I'm sure we all know that Disney hasn't followed the laws of nature all the time.
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