A Feature Film of Lions

A Feature Film of Lions

Postby Amur_Tiger » June 28th, 2016, 7:22 am

So lets say Disney decided to throw down the gauntlet and take TLK seriously and wanted to make a film that they'd show in theaters, what would you like to see most?


Setting, do you still want pride rock to be around or would a different setting with the same theme of talking animals governance interest you more?

Cast, do you want to see any cast from the existing films or would a whole new cast interest you more or perhaps a far reduced cast of familiar faces.

Time, informed by the last two questions when do you see this story taking place compared to the original films, past before TLK, Future after SP or tucked somewhere between?

Tone, while still perusing an appropriately 'Disney' ending how much darkness and drama would you want to see in the story.

Run-Time, related to the last would you like to see another ~120 minute film or more of a 180 minute epic aimed at those who saw TLK when young but now might enjoy a more fleshed out story.

Hope for some interesting comments. :hey4:
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Re: A Feature Film of Lions

Postby Regulus » July 6th, 2016, 5:50 am

Hmm... interesting topic.

1. I would want to see Pride Rock somewhere in the film. It doesn't have to be based on the pride lands, but some relation to it would be ideal.

2. Keep some characters, but not all. Two or three would be fine, whether it's Scar, Mufasa, and Sarabi, or just Zazu, or just Simba and Nala or something.

3. I don't care, as long as we can pretend TLG and TLKII don't exist.

4. As dark as possible while still maintaining a PG-13 rating.

5. Anywhere from 120 to 180 minutes would be a dream. I'd be happy to just have something at the 90 minute mark, honestly.
Is differentiable...

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Re: A Feature Film of Lions

Postby Amur_Tiger » July 6th, 2016, 6:53 am

I sorta thought so and was waiting for some other comments before setting my own down.

1. Different setting, though tangential relationship to Pridelands is fine, nextdoor neighbors and all. Just want a more varied depiction and set of locals personally.

2. As few as possible really, I think baggage and attachments from other installments have been a drag on telling effective stories after TLK. One or two could make for an interesting story so long as the main character in the new movie isn't a major from any of the extant movies. A movie about Sarabi or Sarafina would be quite neat, Mufasa a bit less so because he's got the baggage of having to setup this poisonous relationship with his brother instead of something closer to a blank slate.

3. Probably before the events of TLK though a detached enough setting would make this less important.

4. As with Regulus, something Darker then usual Disney fare. This isn't to say I want anything like the brutality of Game of Thrones or real lions but a world where bad things happen and have consequences that stick and matter to the main characters. TLK had this, subsequent movies didn't and were lesser films for that difference.

5. As with Regulus here, something a big longer and slow-burning would be nice. Though I did forget that Disney's usually 90 minutes not 120, too used to seeing the times in hours:minutes .
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