Chaos had ruled over the Equestria for a while. Nopony was very happy about it, but nopony was willing to stand up to Discord, either. After all, most of his chaos didn't stop them from living, it just created so much unpredictability, which in turn caused a lot of suffering and hardship to be sure, but what could they do about it? It was, however, a horrible tragedy amid the chaos that brought a looming wave of rebellion into the hearts of two young ponies. Their parents lay dead after a mishap invoked by the very anarchy that Discord had created. What mishap it had been, exactly, the eldest child could not say. She had found her parents in this state, she and her younger sister, and knew only that they had bits of cotton candy stuck in their manes and were drenched in chocolate rain. Canterlot had once been full of alicorns like themselves, and despite having moved to their castle in the Everfree Forest, the princesses had still cared about the alicorns, and their parents, as well as the rest of Equestria.
When Discord had risen up, they had tried to stop him, but they could not find any spell that worked against him. Star Swirl the Bearded had been at a loss as well, insisting, however, that the princesses could overcome Discord simply by manifesting the opposite of what the mischievous draquonequus represented. They had pondered for a long time on this as the ponyfolk around them suffered, and their own race became less common than it had been before. Now the two sisters stood on a street in Canterlot, at the corpses of their parents, with much anger and sadness in their hearts. Normally a full funeral would be performed, but in this land of Discord's, that simply wasn't possible.
Celestia gestured with her head for her sister to follow as she lifted the bodies of their parents into the air with her magic and cantered away to the area nearest where the graveyard ought to be. Without speaking, she placed the bodies on the ground and crafted two graves for them with her alicorn magic. At length, she lifted each of them, one at a time, and placed them lovingly into their graves, waiting for a long moment so that she and Luna could both say their goodbyes before covering the parents they'd loved with earth. She lowered her head, igniting her horn and casting off a few sparks in memory of the lost ones, before raising her head again, the wind tugging at her colorful mane. It was now that she uttered a single sentence, brief, to the point, and in a voice full of determination and anger.
"We must stop Discord."