Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Elton John » December 17th, 2014, 11:23 am

As a song, including the awesome elton version, I think CYFTLT superior lyrically and the visuals accompanying it are simply incredible.


The love between Simba and Nala wasn't the major focus of the movie. They could've had simba and nala fall in love without it.

It is a song I can listen to over and over due to the excellent lyrics by tim rice.

TLK to me was a love story, not the romantic kind but the loving bond between a father and a son.

Simbas Pride definitely had a larger focus on romance, and while the visuals lacked the creativity of CYFTLT kiara and kovus romance felt a lot less tacked on.

"There's a perfect world, shining in your eyes

and if only they could feel it too, the happiness I feel with you"

I've seen a good number of gay couples who have seen this movie tell me that these lyrics are meaningful to them. Their love was a very taboo subject back in 1998 and in a large portion of the world still today.

That only if others could understand their love for one another. Love is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. It sounds corny but when you love someone, genuinely, you'll move heaven and earth just for them.

As a ranking

Best lyrics - CYFTLT
Best vocals - it's a draw
Best visuals - CYFTLT
More important to the story - love will find a way

Overall I think CYFTLT is the better musical number, and that's not taking into account the gorgeous elton john version.
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Carl » December 19th, 2014, 2:40 am

I've sworn off this part of the board, and I'm probably going to get a lot of crap for this and never hear the end of it, but I agree, particularly this part: [quote="hey101hey"]"There's a perfect world, shining in your eyes

and if only they could feel it too, the happiness I feel with you"

I've seen a good number of gay couples who have seen this movie tell me that these lyrics are meaningful to them. Their love was a very taboo subject back in 1998 and in a large portion of the world still today.

That only if others could understand their love for one another. Love is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. It sounds corny but when you love someone, genuinely, you'll move heaven and earth just for them.[/quote]

Being in a gay relationship, I can certainly vouch for this. I've heard so many things about how it isn't love and that I only deserve to be happy if that happiness involves marrying a man--and far worse things; it is because of this constant and quite frankly ignorant hatred that I relate more to SP, because I feel the whole movie with its "forbidden love" focus really speaks to people like myself, and I wish it similarly spoke to the oppressive people who think that they should have more of a say in my love life than myself.

Anyway, despite that personal tie to SP and "Love Will Find A Way," I do find both versions of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" to be more powerful, just as the entirety of the first movie was more powerful than the second. I do find "Love Will Find A Way" more comforting when I'm feeling down, but there are times that CYFTLT is much more appropriate. IMO both songs fit their respective movies rather well.

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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby PrincessKiara » March 18th, 2015, 11:41 pm

I love both these songs/scenes for different reasons.
CYFTLT is more romantic in a sweet way, if you know what I mean, plus like the OP said, it`s not a main point in the story, it would have worked well without it.

LWFAW is to me deeper and more poignant. This song is about two lovers reuniting, trying to show their respective families how happy they make each other and how there is nothing wrong with feeling the way they do. (Also point well made on this speaking to gay relationships: Love is never wrong!! :) )

Kiara and Kovus love song is definitly more important to the story, as them falling in love is one of the main plot lines. As to which song I prefer, I can`t decide. They`re both love songs, but too different that I can choose one over the other.

Best lyrics - LWFAW
Best vocals - CYFTLT
Best visuals - CYFTLT
More important to the story - LWFAW
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby DGFone » November 4th, 2015, 7:35 am will find a way

As long as we believe in love

Oh, wait, that's a Scorpions song. I was about to make a very lengthy and detailed response to how despite having a completely different style of heavy metal/rock vs CYFTLT's pop melody, but then I remembered that the Scorpions don't make an appearance in SP. :oops:

Anyone here think that that would have been a good idea though? :P
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Carl » November 4th, 2015, 8:29 pm

^ I am unfamiliar with that particular Scorpions song, however, I think that their typical style wouldn't have really fit within TLK SP.

Having some more life experiences and as such new thoughts on the topic, I'd like to say a few things that may or may not come across as controversial.

Firstly, I'd like to say that, to me, "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?", while as I previously stated is the more powerful song (even with Timon and Pumbaa's comedic relief), it is also more of a fleeting thing. Let me explain: any time you are sharing a romantic moment with someone, this song could apply. It could fit into any situation between two romantically involved or interested people. The song would have still been fitting and served its purpose in the film well even had Simba decided not to return to Pride Rock with Nala and the two had never seen one another again. CYFtLT is a very "in the moment" type of song that makes you feel good in the moment. This is not necessarily a negative thing, and it doesn't detract from the song, or the scene, or the beauty of the moment.

In contrast, however, "Love Will Find A Way" is about the other kind of romantic loveㅡthe lasting kind. Kiara and Kovu's relationship is the second movie, it's the entire plot, everything else that happens exists to exacerbate matters. While this can be a major flaw, and has caused a decent percentage of the fanbase to dislike the movie, it does have its purpose. A lot of people disagree with the line "Love is never wrong, and so it never dies," but I don't, even in light of having lost love, because quite simply, the love this song refers to is real love between two individuals who both feel it. It doesn't necessarily mean "wrong" in terms of whether or not it is correct, but in another sense. Perhaps when you fall in love it isn't the correct person. But loving them wasn't wrong, being in love is never wrong, no matter who you are in love with. It may not be right, but it isn't wrong. Once you have fallen in love, real love, that love in your soul doesn't die. It can fade away, if it must, but, from my own experiences and my research, it doesn't ever die. Perhaps you were in love with the wrong person, it can happen... but that still doesn't mean the love itself was wrong. I don't know if this is followable, but what I do think is that when you have the kind of mutual real love that Kiara and Kovu were meant to have in the film, it won't ever go away. It can't. Not if it was really and truly love for both people. I think that's why this song has a deeper connection with some people, and similarly, why other people can't stand it, because obviously, not everyone will feel the same way about this as I do, and some people maybe did have (or at least thought they had) that kind of mutual love and it didn't work out.

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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Captain Cupcake » November 5th, 2015, 11:14 am

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight" comes off as the more better number of the two. There's a timeless quality to it, no doubt due to having a disembodied and ethereal voice singing the bulk of the material, which harkens back to some of the Disney classics. Its lyrics are more original and stronger too, and they don't teeter on the edge of becoming too sentimental like the sequel's love song.

"Love Will Find a Way" suffers from having some jarringly noticeable poppish instrumentation backing Kovu's part of the song, and the vocals in general come off as a tad too saccharine before it reaches the duet. I always found its implementation in the background score as a reoccurring love motif for the two characters to be much stronger than the song itself.
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Shawry111 » November 7th, 2015, 12:42 am

Hmmm, I think as a song when you count the originals. CYFTLT is better, because it just has more meaning. As far as vocals I think I prefer Love Will Find A Way because you hear more of Kiara and Kovu rather than some random chick singing most of the song... But I do like CYFTLT better, just, hell! It's that small of an amount I don't even see the point in voting. On the contrary I would listen to CYFTLT more, so it's basically even. But I am not sure if you guys have heard the cover for Love Will Find A Way, although it's not the voice actor/singers singing it is so easy to imagine them singing it, it is so god damn powerful towards the end. So then I would say that is ten times better than CYFTLT and I am not even kidding. But in the end as far as OST's go I am gonna go with the first. But not by much; and that's an understatement.

If you haven't heard the other Love Will Find A Way, well, here it is:

(I was like, eh on this at the start but now. It's so good!) XD
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » December 6th, 2015, 4:25 pm

Well, I personally think TLK2 was never meant to be a movie to stand on its own. It's meant to be a sequel, a fine continuation of the previous story, and therefore it didn't have or need as much originality and creativity as the original. However, one thing it did do differently from most sequels is that its story seems pretty big too - and therefore I would say that it's actually pretty good for a sequel. They decided to keep the Shakespeare theme, which I also find cool.

When it comes to comparing the two songs, I feel that they are both wonderful, but 'Love will find a Way' just feels more powerful - probably because love and romance are, as many mentioned, of bigger importance is TLK2.

I like how all TLK movies are about a character growing and facing responsibility, but all in a different way.
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Shawry111 » December 9th, 2015, 12:58 am

^ Yeah I couldn't have said it better myself. No really...
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Re: Can you fel the love tonight vs love will find a way.

Postby Soren » April 21st, 2016, 7:37 pm

I like LWFAW more than CYFTLT because the meaning seems to go much deeper than Simba and Nala falling in love in less than five minutes screen time. Plus it's so beautiful and emotional to me that I always get tears in my eyes. LWFAW is also more of an original Disney sing along style song, I think. In CYFTLT Simba and Nala only get a few lines.

Best lyrics - LWFAW
Best vocals - LWFAW
Best Visuals - CYFTLT
More important to the story - LWFAW, no question about it.
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