

Postby Mike » January 4th, 2010, 7:57 am

Having seen Avatar and loved it, I'm determined to create an epic RP to sort of relive the movie in a bit of a more personal way. Grab your Ikran people, and maybe we'll have a Toruk Makto before the game is up.

One or two things first guys ^.^

People in this RP should have seen the movie, to know what they're dealing with and have a bit of the grasp of the world we're trying to play here. If you're having trouble with names, locations, or special terms/language, check out this page, it has most of what would come up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Characters ... _in_Avatar On that note, we should be using Na'vi names for things seeing as we're a Na'vi tribe. (I've made the exception of Hometree, which is a pretty striking name that I kinda like lol, hope nobody minds.)

I know that there aren't "tiers" in OT RPs, but if there were this ought to be intermediate/advanced as a goal. one of the things that makes Avatar so amazing has got to be the "wow" factor of the scenes, plant life, and animal life. If we want a good RP that follows in the same tradition as the movie then the "wow" factor of the movie should be present in our posts.


Now into the setting. Obviously the story takes place on Pandora, but let's get a bit more specific. I'm thinking this will happen at Hometree from the movies, a generation or two before the events of the movie Avatar. Humans would just be setting up shop, and this can chronicle the later stages of first contact. The characters from the movie wouldn't appear in this RP. I don't want to split the RP in two by having a human side as well as a Na'vi side, RPs like that are really really tough to handle, so we'll stick to the Na'vi action with humans as sort of "guest stars" that can be controlled by players when needed as the RP goes on. There will be a consistent low-level threat from the humans, but most of the action will take place in the Na'vi world.


The actual plot I think should just be chronicling the lives of the Na'vi as they come to terms with having to share their world. I'm open to suggestions on the plot. When we choose characters hopefully everyone's roles will mesh and we'll have a smooth flowing story.

To start out, I'll make a first post, hopefully including enough description and characters to give the story a head start, and people can introduce themselves as needed. Life on Pandora has enough dangers, rites of passage, and mysteries to keep us interested. Again, I'm strongly open to plot suggestions, as long as they don't involve heavy war with the humans. (after all, that's already done in the movies) Like I said earlier, I'm hoping for a Toruk Makto at some point, which points to a monumental event that unites the clans. Open to suggestions on what that can be.


*thumbs down the list... setting, plot... now characters. I'll give a few roles that need to be filled, and hopefully we'll get a nice balance of characters.

Ka'nwam Atan - Mike
*Tsahik of clan Omaticaya* - a wise female, the Chief's mate

clanmembers - including hunters, secondary healers under the Shaman,or any other role you can think of.
Unil Taronyu - shadowdream
Srung Toktor - Kivuli
Sa'ni Karyu - Kivuli
Tirea Tsamsiyu - DarkLiger
Tsa'em Kimana - Mike

I'll probably take on the role of the clan chief, but if anyone else has strong interests in taking his character just say so here ^.^

Since you'll be making Na'vi characters, your OCs for TLK RPs won't necessarily translate here without some hefty adjustment. I'll be making a new OC character thread for my roles here, and it'd be best if others did the same. If not, a subsection in the profile of your favorite OC should work out as well.

Just saying that I'm excited about this, and if it turns out to be half as good as I'm hoping we'll have an amazing RP on our hands =)

Setting Details:

A gigantic tree stretching many hundreds of meters into the air, it is made up of a partially hollow trunk that provides shelter and the expansive canopy that houses Ikran. It can be reached on foot, by Pa'li (direhorse) or Ikran.
The Ikran roosts
hundreds of meters in the air live clan Omaticaya's Ikran. These Ikran are bonded to a Na'vi, but they are proud and powerful animals that can still be dangerous to a Na'vi that does not respect their space. A Na'Vi must climb Hometree, making use of the interior spirals as well as the external branches farther up to reach the roosts and call their Ikran to them. An athletic Na'vi should have no trouble making this journey in a very few moments.
The sleeping hammocks
Hanging in the low branches above the Gathering Hall and dining fires are finely woven hammocks that give the Na'vi a place to rest at night... Unless of course they're off on an adventure or a romantic getaway to Utral Aymokriya (the Tree of Voices) They are protected from the wind and rain by Hometree's thick canopy.
The Gathering hall
Not a true hall, but an area sheltered by Hometree's trunk that serves as a meeting place when something important needs to be said. It also acts as a sort of gateway to the interior of Hometree. Any Na'vi leaving from or coming home to Hometree will pass through the Hall, unless they use an Ikran naturally.
The Dining Fires
These fires are lit in the heart of Hometree where there is usually a Yerik (deerlike creature), or chunks of sturmbeest (enormous buffalolike creature) meat roasting over a spit. During mealtimes Na'vi gather here to share their food which is supplies by the hunters that are often on the prowl.

The surrounding area
This is the area directly around Hometree in all directions. It can be reached on foot from Hometree without much trouble.
The Pa'li grounds
Here you'll find the Pa'li of clan Omaticaya roaming around a small area a short distance north of Hometree's Hall. They are sometimes attended to by carers who might help you saddle up if you ask nicely. Unlike Ikran, the Pa'li don't bond for life, but many Na'vi choose favorites and care for them closely. It's very bad form to take another Na'vi's Pa'li without asking. Almost part of Hometree, the path between the grounds and the Tree is short, well traveled, and relatively safe.
The Forest
A beautiful but treacherous forest extends around Hometree in all directions for many kilometers. By day it is a lush jungle full of mysteries, wonders, beauties, and deadly dangers. By night it is no different except it is lit by luminescent plants and mosses. There is rarely such a thing as a truly dark night on Pandora. The forest is the hunting grounds for the Omaticaya, and it contains a great range of plants and animals.
The Nightwoods A short ride by Pa'li or a tough hike on foot lie the Nightwoods to the south of Hometree. In this are the trees grow so thick that they block out the light from above. The number of luminescent plants and mosses are reduced here, making visibility very poor. It is easy to get lost in the Nightwoods, and packs of nantang (viperwolves) roam freely.
The Tree of Voices
A very spiritually significant tree to the Na'vi people. It looks something like the willow tree of Earth, but much larger and with bright pink and violet tendrils in the place of leaves. By performing Tsahaylu (bonding) with the tendrils of the tree, the Na'vi can hear the voices of their ancestors (though not communicate directly with them). Atokirina (Woodsprites) float freely and serenely around and between the tree's tendril's. The Tree is a significant mating grounds for the Na'Vi as well, and it is traditional that a first mating between life partners occurs there. It can be reached on foot in the eastern direction from Hometree.

The far reaches of the realm
The Tree of Souls
The Tree of Souls is the most spiritually important site to the Na'vi. Although Eywa is in all living things on Pandora, The Tree of Souls is the place where they can feel the strongest connection to the deity. It is similar in appearance to The Tree of Voices. Atokirina are the seeds of this tree and they float around it in abundance. The Tree of Souls is a hefty trek by Pa'li west from Hometree, and can also be reached by ikran. It is surrounded by massive arcing rainbowlike rock formations that extend from the forest floor.
Iknimaya (The Floating Hallelujah Mountains)
Rising far, far above the forest floor, floating over The Tree of Souls are the Thundering Rocks; massive mountain-sized stones that float through the air due to the high concentration of unobtanium in the rocks and ground creating magnetic cradles. These mountains tower kilometers into the air and are tethered to the ground by thick vines, allowing the rocks to sway back and forth. In the upper reaches of the mountains are the nesting grounds and homes of wild ikran. A necessarily rite of passage on the way to becoming a Na'vi warrior is bonding with these animals in a dangerous ceremony far above the forest floor. The trainees are lead by the clan chief or a warrior chosen by the Chief first on Pa'li, then on foot as The Path to Heaven grows too steep.
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Re: Avatar

Postby SinChei » January 4th, 2010, 12:45 pm

I would like to join ^^ as a hunter
the discription will come soon ^^
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Re: Avatar

Postby shadowdream » January 4th, 2010, 11:45 pm

I'd like to join. I never new there was already a Avatar rp so I thought I'd have to make it lol. I've already got a OC I just posted in the OC of topic spot before I knew of this I'd like to use. :)
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Re: Avatar

Postby Baya » January 4th, 2010, 11:57 pm

I'd love to join this too Mike ^_____^


I got my character all ready and everything too ^_^

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Re: Avatar

Postby Mike » January 5th, 2010, 1:27 am

Awesome guys, can't wait to start it. Just one thing though Shadow; Grace wouldn't appear in this time: the RP occurs back before any of the characters we know were born. You can still have your character curious about the humans and all, she'll just have to have learned English from a different source.

Kivuli thanks for the plot idea, it's definitely solid and we'll probably be using it ;)

A little later after I've made my character and we have a few more players I'm going to start on an in-depth guide of the world we're playing in. I'll do my best to describe the different parts of Hometree, the Ancestors Tree, the Tree of Souls, the Floating Mountains... all that stuff as well as a few "areas" of the forest including hunting grounds, rivers, nightwoods and other stuff. I'll be happy to get some feedback on how I'm doing with that.
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Re: Avatar

Postby Baya » January 5th, 2010, 1:30 am

Awesome Mike. I'm really looking forward to it then ^____^

How will we be speaking? Will we be typing it in english, but in italics to emphasize how it's in a different language? :)

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Re: Avatar

Postby Mike » January 5th, 2010, 1:32 am

We'll be typing in english lol, as much as it'd be sweeeet to use the Na'Vi language I think that making the players pick up a new language for the sake of an RP is overkill. I think we should type dialogue in the normal bolded font. If we're all speaking the Na'Vi language (as we are in the RP) it'll be the "default" option, with English in italics if it comes up. Feel free to use classic phrases sparingly though.
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Re: Avatar

Postby DarkLiger » January 5th, 2010, 1:44 am

I might particapte in this Mike. :) I think what Kivuli was saying that we italic words to show that the Na'vi are speaking in there tongue because remember at first they didn't know english.
The one thing I wanted to note is the researchers or naturalists you were talking about. In my opinion that doesn't work for Na'vi because they are a primitive society, and they just believed in "Mother."
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Re: Avatar

Postby Mike » January 5th, 2010, 2:03 am

good point mate, I agree that a purely scientific interest in the nature of Pandora would be out of character, but there's still room for exploration I think
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Re: Avatar

Postby DarkLiger » January 5th, 2010, 2:16 am

I am just saying if you want to stick with the nature of Na'vi then there shouldn't be researchers. Even in the movie you saw that there weren't researchers. Now if you were listening closely to the movie they said that there were one's before Jake that they tried to teach. It looked as though the tribes were mainly made up of warriors and the caretakers aka mothers for the children.
Oh and encase anyone is having trouble coming up with a name for there OC for this RP. Here is a link I found of some vocabulary so that people can get creative with the meaning of the name and actually using the Na'vi language.
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