KD's TLK doodles

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby TheWhistlerify » May 2nd, 2014, 9:27 pm

The one with Nala and Kopa is so adorable!! (Kopa fan here, behold profile picture...) <3

Do you happen to have drawn any more / have any plan on drawing more? ^^
Sometimes I simply sit down and write because I cannot help it. Who knows, perhaps one day something will come out of it. Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else.
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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » May 2nd, 2014, 10:12 pm

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Here are the links to my two dA accounts (primarily TLK dA, anything goes dA), and you can view my gallery on the FAA here on MLK. That's where all of my art that's uploaded is. I do plan to draw more, but who knows when that will be. First I intend to finish up some of those sketches digitally. :)

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby MooLion » May 8th, 2014, 4:51 pm

Great variety of drawings and poses here. :) *Browses your DA account*
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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » May 10th, 2014, 4:49 am

^Thanks! :dreamy:


Here's one I've done all with my mousepad in Photoshop CS6. I'll put the description from the FAA and DA in a spoiler for those interested in my ideas for the fic. Enjoy!


accompanying text: show
Okay, here's some concept art/text for the fic I'm working on. It will explain Zira's background as Scar and Mufasa's half-sister and other such information starting at Ahadi's "rite of passage" and going on into post-SP adventures from there. The text included with this image may not appear in the final work, but something similar certainly will. Here we go.


"Each day, it was more of the same. Zira saw all the other cubs return to loving mothers after the day's activities. There, they were lovingly cleaned and then cuddled to sleep. Sometimes in the daytime, the other cubs' mothers would play with them even. Zira was the only cub left to her own devices each and every day. While she sat alone, she watched Sarabi and her sisters (Diku, Dwala, and Naanda) going to their mother to share food and being looked after with car. She watched the same happen for Sarafina, and even her own brothers, Taka and Mufasa.

After being out all day, they all got dirty. The girls from playing and practicing hunting skills; Taka from spending time with Zira, his hyena friends, or doing whatever he wanted; and Mufasa from following Ahadi and participating in a royal lessons to learn to be king. Ahadi did not show Zira any love, but she did not expect him to. She was not his cub and did not mind his interest in her half-brothers and not herself. But Uru, that was a different story. Uru was her mother, too, and she greeted her sons in the same way as the other mothers greeted their cubs. With love. Zira would have wondered if it was just because she was female, but she knew that was not it. Uru was kind even to the cubs who were not hers.

It was only Zira who was left alone like this.

And it was only Taka who ever showed her any sympathy. Her half brother always told her, as if he were trying to convince himself, that Uru was not so cold as she seemed, that this was strange and unexplainable, but that their mother surely had a good reason and that it couldn't be bad. It couldn't be. She had always been nice to him and Mufasa, after all.

At last, she'd had enough. Uru was nuzzling Mufasa welcoming him home from his lessons, and she had just greeted Taka as eagerly moments before. The other cubs were all happily in the den with their mothers and friends. Zira approached her mother with determination.

'Is it because I'm the youngest?' she demanded of Uru. At first the queen did not respond, she just looked around as if spooked by something, her eyes glazed over and frightened.

'Pardon?' she asked at last.

'You NEVER bathe me. You never welcome me home. You never show any affection at all; all you do is ignore me!' the cub accused.

Uru did not answer, she merely looked to the ground. Mufasa walked away from the awkward scene, but, like Taka, remained close enough to watch. But as time passed, still her mother did not answer.

'Answer me! Why do you treat them nicely and not me?' Zira shouted as her eyes began to tear up.

Still there was no answer.

'You love them, but not me!' the cub shouted again.

Once more, silence greeted her ears.

'WHY NOT ME?!' Zira demanded.

'Because you bring back the bad memories!' Uru finally snapped, tears in her own eyes.

Shocked, and unsure of how to respond, Zira turned and fled, tears streaming down her face as she wailed and abandoned Pride Rock."


characters (c) Disney
Art & story (c) me

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » May 19th, 2014, 4:58 pm

More concept art for my fic. Uru playing with her sons, Mufasa and Taka, before Zira's birth.

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » June 30th, 2014, 8:43 pm

Well, here's a sketch that well... what can I say? "The Madness of King Scar" is one of my favourite TLKoB songs, right after "Shadowland." So here's a sketch I whipped up while listening to it. I've been thinking of making some sigs based on it too, and the song's inspired a fic from me that may or may not be long and may or may not be completed soon.


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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby electricocomics » July 4th, 2014, 2:50 am

How much I wish I had it down like you do. I was getting better but I sorta let it drop. My gifted talent is carving guns from Halo and such in styrofoam and painting them nicely though. Oh well, better bust out my fine arts sketchbook from it's vault of forgetting...

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » July 4th, 2014, 3:06 am

Thanks, though if I'm quite honest I've been working on TLK style for something like... 20 years now! :lol: I've only recently gotten to be able to draw like this absent a ref, sometime within the last 5-6 years or so. My talent lies almost solely in stylized animals.

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » September 23rd, 2014, 4:40 am

Zira doodle, just cos. :P

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Re: Julie's TLK doodles

Postby Carl » October 7th, 2014, 4:59 am

A quick and sloppy animation of Sarafina running. It's my first entirely digital animation, as well as my first animation of a lion. The individual frames are terrible, and the bg is just there because it kept acting weird when I uploaded it to the FAA without one.

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