Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Baya » November 29th, 2009, 7:10 am

No, No I'm rping him ;O

The position I was referring to was his daughter. You can make her angsty, or bubbly or w/e :)

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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Nightstar75 » November 29th, 2009, 7:21 am

OOPS! :oops: My bad. ^^'''' I'll RP the daughter then. I'm sorry. *embarrased*

Here :) I got the OC done. I was gonna draw a picture but I'll do that later. XD

Name: Amii
Species: Egyptian Mau
Gender: Female
Personality: Sneaky and cunning, Amii easily can talk her way in, and out, of just about anything. Usually, she doesn't make, or even care, for friends, unless making one would help her out, but there is also other expections. This doesn't make her unfriendly although.
Description: With pitch black sleaky fur and green eyes. About one inch of the tip of her tail is white. She also has two scars on one eye, and one scar down the other, from battles from street cats.
Other: Amii has no real home, but is fed sometimes from people leaving out food. She lives in the alley ways of the city, depending on her, and herself alone.
Picture: Working on one. ^^
Last edited by Nightstar75 on November 29th, 2009, 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Baya » November 29th, 2009, 7:26 am

I got a good picture of her already xD -in my mind-

Good character btw ^_^


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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Nightstar75 » November 29th, 2009, 7:27 am

Bwahhaa? XD

Thankyou very much. :3 ^^
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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Baya » November 29th, 2009, 7:51 am

Character Bios:

Name: Twoface
Gender: Male
Age: 10 in cat years
Breed: Charteux
Personality: Very bitter, and sarcastic. He despises humans, and many cats alike (including Francis). Only cat that really creeps him out is Felix. He can be a bit tough to deal with, especially if you ask a really not well thought out question.
Looks: A black cat with amber eyes, and some graying patches of fur. He is missing the skin on the right side of his face, so he has revealed teeth and flesh.
History: Twoface was born a stray in a cardboard box. He had no siblings and his mother had left him when he was only a year old. He tried to find a family of humans that might adopt him, but many of them just left him out some food. Some humans thought it would be fun to take a bit of battery acid and try scare Twoface with it. Too bad Twoface didn't move out of the way in time and it got half of his face. He went through unbearable pain for the next year until the flesh had adapted to not having any skin over it. As terrifying as Twoface looked, he didn't have much trouble finding a mate at age seven and having his daughter. He never saw much of his mate after he impregnated her, but he did get to see his daughter on a frequent basis.
Family: He only has his daughter left.

Name: Felix
Gender: Male
Age: 3 in cat years
Breed: Tabby [Meaning no specific breed]
Personality: He is a very odd, and nosy little cat. He is also very curious, which also gets him in trouble with street thugs like Kong and his crew. He shows little emotion when he speaks, and doesn't have a sense of decency. He wouldn't care how terrible something was, he'd just say whatever was on his mind.
Looks: White underside, gray fur with black stripes, blue eyes and about average weight. He is one of the better looking males in the town.
History: Felix was bred at a kitten mill, and seperated from his mother after he could eat hard foods. He was sold to a doctor through a pet store and has lived with that doctor ever since. Recently he moved into the neighborhood, and lives in one of the largest houses in the area. Kong has a strong dislike for him because of his monotone, and carefree attitude. Francis finds him odd, but entertaining. Bluebeard rarely comes to the mansion for a bite to eat.
Family: None

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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Nightstar75 » November 29th, 2009, 1:12 pm

Nice bios. ^^ Love the idea of them. Seeing this I forgot about some areas in MY bio for Amii I need to fill out. :O And I thought about some things for Twoface's daughter too. ^^ I have to go do some things but when I get back I'll fill it out, mmk? :) X3
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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Baya » November 29th, 2009, 3:49 pm

Awesome ^_^

I'm gonna do some homework ;O

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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby LadyAnette » November 29th, 2009, 7:37 pm

May I be Twoface's daughter please? And maybe Bluebeard?

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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby Baya » November 29th, 2009, 7:39 pm

If it's ok with Night that you play Twoface's daughter.

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Re: Felidae: Mind Over Murder [Experienced Rpers Only Please!]

Postby LadyAnette » November 29th, 2009, 7:40 pm

Did she want to play him?

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