The Sun Rises With A New King

The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby thanigraphics » November 22nd, 2009, 2:06 pm

Kovu stood on Pride Rock. Next to him stood his pregnant mate Kiara. Yesterday king Simba told him that he would be king as soon as the son rises. Kovu was proud but he had mixed feelings. His mothers wish, him beeing king, was accomplished, but his mother wasn't there anymore to share his luck. He also lost his brother. Was it his fault, or was it his mothers blind rage that caused so much pain and damage?

Kiara stood next to Kovu. The only thing she lost was her older brother, but she was too young at that time to remember him. She was told that Zira killed him. She wondered what made Zira so mad. Simba didn't kill her beloved Scar. Kiara was told, that Scar was an evil and dark king, he was no good. What did Zira see in him?

The sun rose, and soon the fields were filled with zebras, elephants, antilopes, giraffes and many more animals from the kingdom. They payed their honour to the new king and queen. In the large group of animals, there was a rogue lion. He hide between the wildebeests. His eyes searched for familiar silhouettes on the Pride Rock. Vitani, she was on Pride Rock. Next to her, she saw Nala. Simba was in the back.

His plan was to pick up Vitani to speak with her. But he didn't want to be seen by the others. The rogue sneaked to the back of Pride Rock. He wasn't noticed by the lionesses of the pride. He climbed towards the rock. He was close to Vitani. Now he just had to gain her attention, but not the attention of the others. "Vitani.." he whispered.

to be continued!
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby KopsTheTerminator » November 22nd, 2009, 2:24 pm

Kovu stood on Pride Rock. Next to him stood his pregnant mate Kiara. Yesterday king Simba told him that he would be king as soon as the son rises.

lolwut? XD Their cub will rise? LOL

Anyway. I think I know who the rogue is. ;D Great story so far! I love the detail you put and the long chapters you write. =D

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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby KovusTrueMate » November 22nd, 2009, 6:04 pm

I think I know who the rogue is!!! IT'S ****!!! I wanted to say it but not give it away. So I put those stars up! I'm not cussing!!!

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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby KiarasMate » November 23rd, 2009, 2:00 am

Nice start to what could be a very interesting story here thanigraphics. ^^ I have a guess to who that rogue is too, but I won't say anything either. lol. Only small suggestion I can give you is to proof-read your work before you post it, just to find the little mistakes that Spell Check can't find. :) Other than that, keep up the great work. Looking forward to reading the next part whenever you post it. ^^
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby thanigraphics » November 23rd, 2009, 3:46 pm

Lol, I know my grammar is crappy, but I just don't care :) Thanks for the nice comments! Here's yer next chapter! Enjoy :3

"Tani....ey!" the rogue whispered. At the same moment Rafiki hold up his hands, to make the animals of the kingdom bow for their new king and queen. All the elephants were trumpeting, and the noise of these animals was distracting the lions on Pride Rock. But Vitani heard the calling of this stranger. She looked down. "You're no're....alive?!"

"Come with me, I'll explain you everything....but not here, it's not safe.." the rogue answered. Vitani sneaked away from the Pride Rock, unnoticed by the others. Both lions strolled towards the back of the big rock. "How comes you're alive? Mother told me you were eaten by alligators.. The lion turned his cheek towards Vitani. His left cheek was one big scar. "This is what happened. No alligator. It was your mother." spoke the rogue.

Vitani was stunned. "My mother? But....why would she?" The rogue shrugged. "All she told me, was that she wanted to give Simba something back for murdering Scar!" Vitani gasped. "Simba didn't kill Scar, that makes no sense....did she try to kill you? And if so, you survived, why didn't you come back?" The lion roared silently. "Dad wouldn't want me back. He didn't even search for me.." "....because he thought Zira killed you! Kopa....I missed you so much.." Vitani lay her head on Kopa's shoulder. The lost prince has returned.

"Anyway, I came back to claim my throne. Your brother doesn't belong up there with my sister. I am the rightfull king. And you, Vitani, may be my queen!" Vitani shoke her head. "You are one day too late. Simba handed the throne over to them. The ceremony is almost over. The animals of the Kingdom believe Kovu is the king. The law forbids changes in that. Unless Kovu hands over the throne to you. You know that law, as a prince!"
"I do know that law, Vitani. And believe me, Kovu will handle over the throne to me. By force, if needed!" Kopa smirked. Vitani sighted. This was not the Kopa she used to know as a cub.
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby KopsTheTerminator » November 23rd, 2009, 4:08 pm

I knew it was good ol' Kopa! Ooo, interesting new chapter! This is so very unlike cub Kopa, lol. I doubt Kovu would just give the throne to someone, especially to a stranger (to him?). BRING NUKA BACK! >:| jk, but that would be awesome. I can't wait to read more of this! =)

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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby daantje » November 23rd, 2009, 10:35 pm

cool I cant wait for the next chapter too I love reading these fan fics of yours!!
how r u doing btw? havent seen you for a while
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby KiarasMate » November 24th, 2009, 1:18 am

Hmm, well, that is up to you I guess, since this is your story, but you should always keep in mind that it makes it a lot easier and more enjoyable for your reader when there aren't so many little mistakes here and there. Not trying to pick a fight or anything though. :) Just saying is all. Good job though. Keep up the great work. ^^
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby thanigraphics » November 26th, 2009, 1:14 am

thanx for the nice comments, here it continues:

The ceremony has ended. Kovu and Kiara walked away from the edge of Pride Rock and went into the royal den. Simba and Nala followed them. "Where's my sister?" Kovu asked Simba. "She was there a moment ago.. maybe she's off on her own, she does often lately.." Kovu shrugged. "Well, in that case, she misses the nice zebra meal Nala caught for us!" Simba, Nala, Kovu and Kiara started eating. "No celebration without a good meal" Simba joked.

Suddenly a shadow fell over the eating lions. "What a joy, to see my family....having such a good time!" the raw voice splitted the restfull atmosphere. Simba roared. "Who are you? I don't know you. How did you got here?" Kopa smirked. "Well, my girlfriend here, helped me.. and to be honest, I still remember this place very well.." Vitani showed up next to him. "It's your son, Simba. It's Kopa." Simba gasped. "Son..? Is it really you? We thought you were.." Kopa didn't let his father finish.

"'d you wish me to call you? Oh wait, it's not important. I'm not important. You just forgot me." Simba walked towards his scarred son. "No, son! You are more than welcome! Join us in the meal!" Kopa sat down. For a while, it looked like he holded his anger down. He looked at Kovu and his younger sister. "How'r you doing, sissy?" he asked Kiara. "It's good....and strange, to have you back.." Suddenly Kiara ran towards Kopa and layed her head on his shoulder. Kopa felt awkward. "Good to see you too, sissy" he decided to answer.

The lions continued eating in silence. Kopa was suprised that his mother, Nala, didn't say anything to him yet. She just stared at him. Kopa felt unconfortable. The son of the lioness that nearly murdered him, was sitting next to him. Kovu, the new king. Kopa was angry. He should be king, not his murderers son. Suddenly Kopa started:"Kovu, I'd like you to leave now. I know it's against the law, but I don't want to make a fight about this. I am the rightfull king, since I am the son of Simba. You are just the son of an insane old lioness. I deserve the throne."

This time it was Nala who spoke. "Son, you are very welcome into our pride and into our family, as our son. But Kovu is the king now, since the ceremony is over. We can't change that law. Please, forgive Kovu for his mothers cruelness. Please give us a new chance as your family.." Kopa didn't even react. "I am the oldest son of the former king, the law makes ME the new king. I won't accept an Outlander as a king!" he roared angrily. Kovu roared at Kopa. "Enough! Get out!" Kopa roared. "Kovu, follow me. We'll fight for this." The two lions left the den, leaving a confused family behind.
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Re: The Sun Rises With A New King

Postby LilTiger » November 26th, 2009, 1:17 am

OMG, this is getting exciting! I hope the next part is soon!
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