TLK 4: War of Kings

TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » June 29th, 2012, 4:32 am

Ok so this is my first attempt at writing a story based on this awsome movie serries hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. I will try to have a new chapter up every few days due to work and other issues getting in the way right now and don't get discouraged if you don't see a new chapter up for a while down the road I still have a lot of characters to create for this. Anyway here it is the first chapter in Stage 1 of War of Kings which will hopefully be filled with tons of susspens and emotional moments. Read and enjoy, comments are more than welcome and apreciated :)

The Lion King 4: War of Kings

By: Fox_fighter99

Stage 1

Chapter 1: Maisha Rahisi (The Simple Life)

The sun shined over the majestic plains of the pride lands its bright orange light touching the large rock formation known only as Pride Rock. Only a few weeks ago the ceremony to show the future king had been held the cub’s name was Kopa son of King Simba and Queen Nala his golden fur shined in the sunlight he look almost exactly like his father when he was young except for the brown tuft of fur on his head and tail. Kopa leaned back stretching his front paws out his small claws digging into the hard stone while he yawned his tail flicking back and forth standing at the edge of Pride Rock looking out over the kingdom. His mind raced with thoughts about what it would be like when he became king and wondered who he would rule the kingdom with but quickly put the thought out of his head when he heard footsteps behind him. His gaze turned to a tough looking lioness it was Zira her claws always drawn like she was waiting for a fight at all times her eyes staring at Kopa as if trying to take his life with her very gaze.

Kopa could hear laughing coming from the cave when he saw Nuka and his younger sister Vitani exit and enter the suns warm light, Nuka one year older than both him and Vitani his dark brown fur and black patches flopped in the wind “Oh come on Nuka it’ll be fun just come with us.” Vitani begged tugging at his ear. Nuka knocked her down and grumbled looking over at Kopa then back to his little sister and gave a sigh letting Vitani know that she had won, her ears perking up and jumping up and down bumping into Kopa both of them falling down and laughing “You two are such children” Nuka scoffed sitting down staring out into the Pride Lands wondering how he let himself get roped into this.

“Well what’s so funny you two?” Kopa looked up to see his mother and father exiting the cave. Kopa ran up to them purring as he nuzzled both of his parents.

“We planned on going swimming down by the watering hole.” Vitani giggled.

“Alright but take Zazu with you.” All of them groaned hearing Nala’s suggestion while Simba stared at Kopa, “Fine I saw Timon and Pumbaa heading that way why don’t you meet them down there” she watched as all but Nuka’s eyes lit up with excitement before jumping down the rocks and heading to the watering hole.

“You seem to be letting him off with a lot here lately Nala he’ll never know what’s not right if you don’t scold him.” Simba lectured her but Nala just scoffed sitting down at the end of Pride Rock swatting Simba once he got closer before sitting down next to her “Forgive me Simba it must be the fact that I’m about to have another child and my emotions are all mixed up.” Simba could see the glare that she was giving him and although he wanted to say something her being ready to giving birth any day she could still give him a good chewing out and to him that was a fate worse than death. For now he was quite content with sitting with his queen watching as their son and friends running off to the watering hole without a care in the world.

Timon and Pumbaa could hear the laughing of both Vitani and Kopa as they came running up Timon couldn’t believe how big Kopa was getting already and with Nala due any day “Hey kids what’s up want to join us?” Timon smiled but the kids obviously confused Pumbaa lifting up a log revealing a bunch of bugs Vitani and Nuka gagging at the site “Oh come on guys it’s not that gross.” Kopa giggled grabbing a slimy worm and slurping it down in a big gulp and smiling at the others.

“Eeeewwww!!!” Nuka and Vitani exclaimed both cringing and sticking their tongues out, Kopa laughing as he watched his friends gag at the site “Sorry guys but I don’t think we’ll be joining you for breakfast we’re going for a swim today by that time it should be time for a snack.” Kopa dashed off past Timon and Pumbaa heading to the deeper part of the watering hole Vitani and Nuka running to catch up, Kopa knocking Nuka in the side and into the water laughing as he ran past before getting pounced on by Vitani sending both of them into the water popping up laughing.

The day went by fast with as Kopa and the others ran around the watering laughing and jumping from Hippo to Hippo. Timon and Pumbaa laughing each time one of them fell into the water and every time a Hippo rose up with the soaking wet cub grumbling that they fell into the water while the others laughed. Going farther down the watering hole coming to a rather tall rock formation hanging over the water they watched as monkeys jumped off and into the water swimming away to do it again and again “Hey Kopa that looks like fun lets go try it.” Vitani pushed Kopa a bit as he hesitantly looked at the jump the nervousness obvious on his face “Come on Kopa you aren’t scared are you?” Nuka and Vitani started teasing. Vitani teasing him made the want to show her how brave he was more and more and he didn’t know why but he agreed to the dare climbing up to the top of the rocks with her looking over the edge and swallowing a lump in his throat “T…that’s awfully high up guys I don’t think this is. . . . .” Kopa saw more water in his view before he realized that Vitani had pushed him off the rocks “SSSAAAFFFEEE!!!” Kopa yelled before making a loud splash in the water. Vitani was at the water’s edge laughing when a Hippo brought him ashore and he hopped down and sitting down sulking “Oh come on Kopa that was funny the look on your face was too funny.” Nuka laughing and rolling around on the bank so hard it was hard for him to breath.

Kopa glared at Vitani and she knew that he was mad at her, walking up slowly to him he kept turning away not wanting to look at her but she persisted wanting to say something to him “Kopa I’m sorry I . . . I didn’t mean to make you mad at me.” She started to sob a bit Nuka laughing too much to even notice as Kopa looked at her he had never noticed but the purple in her eyes made her look really pretty and he looked off to the side “Vitani please . . . don’t cry okay I don’t like to see you cry.” He stuttered. Vitani looked up at him and never really noticed just how brave and how much he cared about her, she knew that he had saved her from the crocs before but knew what he meant when he said that until now. A loving smile went across her face “That’s sweet of you to care for me like that Kopa thank you.” He looked up their eyes meeting and neither of them moving a gust of wind blowing hard pushing Kopa into Vitani their noses and lips touching both in too much shock to move but staring into each other’s eyes. Timon and Pumbaa seeing the site and just smiling while the two of them share their first kiss “Aahhh young love isn’t it grand Pumbaa old pal?”

“Yup it sure is.” He smiled before clearing his throat causing the two cubs to quickly break apart lightly blushing both of them laughing before Zazu flew down.

“Hey Zazu what is it dad didn’t send you to check on us did he?”

“No young sire I’ve come to inform you that you are a big brother.” Kopa’s eyes lit up with excitement and started to jump around.

“Did you hear that Vitani? I’m a big brother yahooooo!!” Kopa yelled as he started running back to Pride Rock Nuka finally realizing what’s happened trying to catch up “Wow a little brother or sister” Kopa thought to himself and although it was something wonderful his mind was also pulled to the thoughts of Vitani thinking of how pretty she looked to him and wondered if this was that thing his mother told him about. . . .Love.
Last edited by fox_fighter99 on August 25th, 2012, 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Kopalover » June 29th, 2012, 3:43 pm

What a lovely story! I love reading about Prince Kopa! Keep bringing the chapters! :)
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » July 1st, 2012, 5:49 am

Thank you I'm glad you like it hopefully it will draw in more fellow readers. Here is the second chapter in stage 1 hope you enjoy it and as always please PLEASE leave comments I love hearing your responses on my writting.

Chapter 2: Upendo, Maisha, na Uadui (Love, Life, and Hatred)

Kopa quickly climbed up the rocks going to the mouth of the cave slipping on one or two every now and then but not stopping him from getting to the mouth of the cave seeing his grandmother Sarabi sitting outside as if she had been waiting for him all day. Kopa walked up to his grandmother purring as he rubbed up against her hearing her purr back and smiling down at him, following him into the cave seeing his mother resting her body up against Simba and in front of both of them was a tiny cub nursing for the first time.

Kopa’s eyes widened seeing the new cub in the pride he walked slowly up to his mom and dad seeing them both smiling lovingly at the new cub and then at him, his eyes glued to his new sibling unable to look away grinning from ear to ear. “This is your new sister Kiara.” Nala nuzzled Simba as they watched Kopa lay down next to her belly and Kiara and started giggling.

“Heh heh I’ve got a little sister.” Kopa looked at Kiara and watched as the little newborn clumsily made her way on top of his back yawning and falling asleep nestled in his fur. He smiled at the site feeling his mother lick his ear “I promise I’ll never leave you alone Kiara.” Kopa smiled laying his head down and dozing off wondering where Nuka and Vitani had gotten to hoping they would come see Kiara soon.

Nuka and Vitani tried hard to keep up with Kopa but he seemed to be running faster than they knew possible stopping seeing their mother in a smaller cave under Pride Rock and headed over to her catching their breath. Zira was lying down holding something close to her and her two children came closer “Ah children please meet your new little brother . . . . Kovu” Vitani’s eyes lit up with excitement and she started pacing back and forth in front of Zira smiling wide first Kopa got a new sibling and now she and Nuka had a little brother. Nuka grumbled seeing his little sister staring at their little brother her tail wagging back and forth as he sat looking out into the Pride Lands as two of the lionesses walked past talking about the new cub “Huh so Kopa’s got a little sister ugh” Nuka scoffed, Zira’s eyes widened hearing the news knowing her plans would work out perfectly now. Nuka looked back seeing both his mother and sister smiling at the little brown cub “Termites” he growled heading up to sit on the tanning rocks.

The days went by fast the first week with little Kiara in the den Kopa had been the greatest big brother ever; keeping an eye on his little sister when his mother had to go out hunting and when dad had to tend to matters in the Pride Lands. The best part of it all was that he got to spend the time with Vitani whenever there was a hunt the two of them spent the time watching their younger siblings together and Kopa couldn’t keep the tingling feeling he got when she was around in check. Vitani was the same way when around Kopa; every time she was with him her heart beat even harder and when they were right next to each other it got harder to breath. Today was different they were more comfortable that is until Kopa felt Vitani leaning against his right shoulder he had to fight the urge his legs were sending to just let them turn to jelly “I like this just you and me spending time together.” Vitani chuckled, Kopa’s fur standing up on his back when he felt her tail wrapping around his.

“Y . . . yeah me to Vitani” Kopa swallowed a heavy lump in his throat “If you want did you want to look at the stars with me tonight?” Kopa could hear the sounds of the hunting party coming back as well as Simba as he talked with Zazu.

Vitani blushed a little bit, standing up “That sounds great Kopa I’d really like that . . . I guess I’ll see you tonight.” She turned to him licking his cheek making him go rigid not moving an inch and whispered something in his ear before picking up little Kovu gently and leaving the den to meet Zira. Kopa watched as she left still not moving at all once she looked back at him and was out of sight he slumped down to the ground eyes shut his only thoughts were now on Vitani, Simba wanted to go to the top of Pride Rock to discuss the future of him being King today and he knew that that would be the perfect time to ask his dad the question that had been on his mind for a while now. Once Nala had come into the den and praised him for being such a good big brother Kopa and Simba headed out the back of the den and up to the top of Pride Rock and got his lessons on what to do when he was King, with it getting later in the day and his lessons over now was a good of time as any.

“Hey dad what’s it like to be in love?” Kopa’s question shocked Simba but knew it was something that was bound to come up.

“Oh? Is there someone you think you love if it’s your mother that’s funny cause you’re supposed to love your mother.” Simba grinned cheekily seeing his son pouting knowing he touched a sore spot.

“No dad it . . . its Vitani” Kopa had a hard time getting that out and saw his dad smiling at him before placing a paw on his head and chuckled.

“Well that’s hard to explain but I’ll give it my best shot.” Simba closed his eyes and stared tilted his head up to the sky taking in a deep breath and gathering his thoughts. “Well it’s like being a part of one another only half complete and then when you meet the person that you fall in love with they complete you and you complete them.” Simba looked down and could see Nala resting outside the cave with Kiara and smiled. Kopa looked out into the vast Pride Lands his mind drifting to thoughts of Vitani and he knew that she was the one that completed him and wondered what she was doing right once she left the cave.

Vitani walked past Nala and the rest of the lionesses a few of them giggling knowing that her and Kopa had been spending more and more time together and had put two and two together. Heading down and into the small cave under Pride Rock she saw Nuka sitting at the entrance and glared at her calling her a little termite but she just glared back while heading inside. Vitani gently placed Kovu on the ground and smiled as he turned and looked up at her letting out a little meow. She turned to head back out when a stabbing pain hit her front left paw and saw her mother’s paw on top of hers crushing it a bit as tears started to run down her face.

“How dare you take your little brother up their around the prince like that he could have been killed if he had been seen as a threat to the throne!” Zira growled at Vitani putting more pressure on her small paw.

“No Kopa’s not like that he’s too kind.”

“That’s not a risk I’m willing to let you take with him do you hear me girl!” Zira put more pressure on Vitani’s paw knowing that it would leave a large bruise and make it hard for her to walk on it. Slowly she pulled her paw back and just when Vitani thought it was over she felt the sting of her mother’s claws on her paw now digging in little by little “You will never take your little brother up there again are we clear Vitani!?” her mother snarled.

“Y . . . yes mother I promise I won’t do it ever again.” Vitani whimpered in pain and grit her teeth feeling her mother’s claws dig in a little deeper.

“Good girl, but just to make sure you’ve learned your lesson . . .” Zira suddenly pulled her paw scratching Vitani’s paw once, her shriek of pain made Nuka’s ears hurt. Vitani put her other paw on her now bleeding left paw crying in pain and agony while Zira walked away from her and started paying attention to Kovu. After a few hours and eating their share of the kill Nuka stared at his little sister her paw in so much pain that she didn’t eat tears still running down her face while she continued to cry.

“Little termite got what she deserved.”

“What do you mean Nuka what happened and why is Vitani crying?” Nuka turned quickly seeing Kopa standing behind him wishing nothing more than for him to just disappear and leave them alone for the night. He hated that Vitani and him had been doing a lot of things together and not taking him along to have fun leaving him stuck watching Kovu.

“Vitani and I got into a scrap and she snapped at my face so mom is punishing her. She said she can play tomorrow if you want to see her then.” Kopa looked a little disappointed but simply nodded and headed back up to join the rest of the pride.

The next morning was very different the morning hunt was very lonely for Kopa since Vitani didn’t show up with Kovu like they had done for the last few days and he wanted nothing more than to go see her but he knew that he would get in trouble for moving Kiara. Once the hunt was over and everyone was relaxing inside the cave from the heat of the day Kopa took the time to go see Vitani making his way down seeing Nuka as he called to Vitani from the looks of it and headed inside the cave. Kopa’s eyes widened in shock when he saw Vitani limping outside her paw bruised and bloodied scratch marks still deep in her paw tears still soaked her fur the pain of walking on it was obvious. “Vitani what happened to you!?” she didn’t say anything and just started limping out into the savannah Kopa following right behind her gritting her teeth with each step on her paw that she took. Her footing stumbled as she felt Kopa holding her up on her left side supporting her “Let me help you Vitani, we should go see Rafiki so he can take a look at that.” Vitani smiled blushing a bit as they slowly walked together to the giant tree that was Rafiki’s home.

“Well what do we have here the young prince and his sweetheart?” Rafiki giggled swinging down from his tree.

“Yeah, but do you think you can take a look at Vitani’s paw?” Rafiki picked Vitani up and carried her into the tree while Kopa climbed up the side seeing Rafiki set her gently down and getting a large nut filled with water and dumped it on her paw making her hiss and whine. Next he grabbed some herbs from the savannah and started mashing them up into a paste before spreading it on the claw marks causing Vitani to howl in pain. The look on Kopa’s face was that of sheer panic not being able to do anything to really help the lion that he loved, he snapped back when he heard Rafiki call him over patting him on his head letting him know that everything would be ok. Kopa hopped down from the tree meeting Vitani at the base and decided that it would be better for her to get some rest. Kopa let her lean against him as they walked home sitting on one of the rocks outside the small cave as their tails curled together as they watched the grass blow in the wind.

“I’ll see you tonight and we can see the stars tonight ok Kopa.” Vitani nuzzled him and giggled when he nodded blushing a bit, slowly making her way back to the small cave wondering if he felt the same way for her since he hadn’t said the what she was hoping for when she whispered in his ear. Once night fell over the Pride Lands Vitani made her way up the rocks slowly seeing Kopa waiting for her helping her to the edge of Pride Rock both of them laying down their bodies close staring at the stars. Her heart suddenly jumped when she felt his paw gently resting on her injury so gently causing her no pain.

“I love you Vitani and I promise I’ll never leave you and that I’ll always be here to protect you.” Kopa smiled licking her cheek slowly, tears forming in Vitani’s eyes but these were tears of joy. Kopa laid his head down and felt Vitani put hers on top of him purring, tails intertwined.

“I hope it will always be like this . . . forever.” Vitani purred neither of them aware that Zira had been watching the whole time her claws digging into the rocks in anger.
Last edited by fox_fighter99 on August 25th, 2012, 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Knight of the 4 Paws.

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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby KingKovu44 » July 11th, 2012, 11:21 pm

Nice work, my friend.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » July 15th, 2012, 9:37 pm

Ok so everyone who's read my story so far just got done with the 3rd chapter in Stage 1 sorry for the wait but been very busy lately :( but here it is:

Chapter 3: Mvua wa huzuni (Rain of Sorrows)

Kopa woke up staring out the mouth of the cave seeing that the sun had just started to peek over the horizon. With it being this early he knew that no one would want to get up now and he was okay with that. His mind drifted off towards Vitani the last couple of days with her had been the best in his life, since he had told her he loved her they never left each other’s side. Kopa had made sure to check on her paw everyday which had started to heal nicely and Vitani was even walking normally and was running like usual, but every time they were together he got this feeling like someone was watching them. Right now Kopa only wanted to surprise Vitani and the only thing he could think of was getting her some of the flowers that bloomed under one of the large trees out in the Pride Lands, his only problem was that no one could go with him. Kopa looked around and saw the tree that had the flowers by it “Aw it’s not that far from home I should be able to make it there and back before anyone knows that I’m gone.” Kopa chuckled heading down Pride Rock.

Zira paced around the small den of hers furious that Vitani had fallen in love with the prince if it came to pass her plan wouldn’t succeed at all to take the pride from Simba. Staring out the hole of the den she watched as Kopa ran by, Zira poked her head out and watched him running into the savannah she grinned from ear to ear seeing that no one not even Zazu was with him the timing was perfect. Zira followed at a good distance hiding in the grass whenever Kopa turned around for any reason keeping a close eye on him deciding to wait for the right moment to strike. She watched as he made it to the flower patch gripping the ground with her claws tightly listening to him talking about Vitani and spending time with her, she looked up seeing storm clouds rolling in she had to act fast but the rain would also wash away her scent too the conditions were perfect.

Kopa made it to the flowers easily looking around for the right ones to pick for Vitani finding some purple flowers quickly plucking them from the ground. After picking four of the purple ones and then a few blue flowers he was ready to head back to give them to Vitani, when a rumble of thunder startled him dropping the flowers to the ground he looked back seeing the dark clouds in the distance. Once he regained his senses he noticed that there were no animals around and no birds singing he looked around quickly he knew what it meant, he was in danger and all alone.

Zira wanted to pounce but she thought that this revenge should best be savored; she raised herself up out of the grass and walked closer to Kopa “Well there is something that makes the prince jump.” Zira chuckled.

Kopa spun around quickly “Oh Zira it’s you. What are you doing out here?” Kopa sighed in relief while Zira walked closer.

“I saw you running into the plains and thought I should follow, your mother wouldn’t be upset if anything happened to you just like how I was upset when your father killed my beloved Scar.”

“But dad said that Scar was killed by the Hyena’s and deserved it for almost killing the whole Pride.” Kopa muttered as he picked up the flowers in his mouth.

“SHUT UP!” Zira growled smacking Kopa under his jaw sending him flying in the air his small body bouncing off the ground before sliding on his stomach to a halt the flowers he had picked littering the ground. “Scar was the greatest King to ever rule, he would’ve led the pride to glory had your father not interfered.” Zira growled walking up to Kopa who was now standing up.

“You’re wrong both my dad and grandpa were and are the two greatest Kings and soon. . .” Kopa’s words were cut short feeling pain in his right side while he went flying through the air hitting the ground again hard. This time he struggled to get on his feet he was scared but he couldn’t stop all he had to do was buy some time, “So Zira what’s it like knowing you were in love with a pathetic lion?” Zira lunged snapping at Kopa but he was able to duck down and run under her. He knew he could get the upper hand if he kept toying with her, he had always been good at thinking things through even going so far as to give his dad good solutions to problems in the Pride Lands. Kopa ran around a rock as Zira lunged at him again swiping her claws, “Yeah that must have been embarrassing to watch as he destroyed the Pride Lands heh some King.” Zira jumped in front of him cutting him off he watched her front muscles tense up and he rolled to the left just missing being caught up in her jaws. Kopa continued on mocking her and carefully studying her moves knowing just when and where to move out of the way, he caught a glimpse of the sunrise and it was still a while away before anyone would begin to get up. Kopa was starting to get winded Zira didn’t let up much but she was making mistakes and a lot of them, “When me and Vitani are King and Queen I’ll make sure your gone Zira.” Kopa grinned hearing Zira growl at that statement but was shocked when she stopped moving and started to laugh.

Zira laughed more and more she couldn’t believe that she let the kid get to her, “You think that my daughter loves you she’s just using you.” Zira scoffed, Kopa’s grin washed away. Zira swung at him again connecting this time and pushing her claws into his right side hearing Kopa howl in pain. Zira leaned in closer to him before growling in frustration as Kopa kicked some dirt into her eyes, quickly scrambling up and heading into the tall grass and laying down hiding from Zira. Kopa shut his eyes tightly, she was lying there’s no way Vitani would lie to him like that, he thought to himself. Zira finally managed to get the dirt out of her eyes and began looking for the prince, “Vitani was just using you so that I could get you alone . . .” Kopa started to cry the thoughts eating at wondering if it was true and everything that had happened up to now was all a lie. Zira walked through the grass she could smell the blood from the wound she had just inflicted on him “You know what the best thing is Kopa she was the one that came up with the plan.” Kopa’s tears ran down his face his only wish right now was that his mother and father were here to protect him. Kopa held still and silenced himself as he heard Zira walking closer “She told me that she never loved you and that she’ll be better off once you’re dead.” Zira grinned knowing that she was only a few steps from him.

“LIAR!!” Kopa screamed as he leaped at Zira catching her off guard managing to bite her right ear as he swung from her ear tearing a piece off hearing her scream in pain. He landed on his paws spitting out Zira’s ear piece he was infuriated that she had said those things but mostly that it made sense now that it was her that gave Vitani the scars on her paw not Nuka. Kopa’s fur stood up straight his eyes wide with anger, little did he know that he had played right into Zira’s plan as he ran at her she just smacked him down scratching the top of his head. Each time Kopa got back up wanting to make her pay for hurting Vitani he jumped at Zira again only to have the wind knocked out of him as Zira pinned him up against a rock her claws digging in deeply into his belly. Kopa screamed in pain as he felt Zira drag her claws across his stomach then scratching him down his side and legs, she let him fall to the ground her jaws gripping around his little body as she dragged him across the ground his claws trying desperately to keep him in place before she sent him flying through the air again he screamed for his mother hoping that she would hear him. Kopa hit the ground with a hard thump the rocks cutting and scraping his paws and body, he couldn’t move he looked up at Zira his vision was very blurry and it was getting harder to catch his breath wondering why she was just standing above him “Vi...tani.” he struggled to say slowly closing his eyes. Zira looked at the beaten prince he was lying in a pool of blood she grinned knowing she didn’t have to do anything else to the cub he wouldn’t last long, Zira started back towards Pride Rock her claws and mouth stained with Kopa’s blood not even trying to hid what she’d done. The storm had moved in fast as rain started to fall over the Pride Lands, Nala woke up suddenly her mind racing hearing Kopa scream for her looking around the den not seeing her son.

“Simba wake up I can’t find Kopa!” Nala screamed, Simba springing to alertness looking around the den not seeing his son. Nala ran to the entrance of the den “Simba I’m going to go look for him you stay here.” Nala left in a panic looking at the skies seeing the lightening and the pouring rain ahead of her she knew finding him would be hard but luckily Sarabi had followed her to help look. They ran through the Pride Lands scanning the grounds and looking under a few of the rocks scattered around the plains but coming up empty as they headed into the storm. The rain was cold as it soaked their fur and when the wind blew its sting made both Nala and Sarabi close their eyes, Nala stopped in her tracks Sarabi unsure why until she looked ahead. There lying on a high piece of ground was Kopa his body covered in scars and his blood being washed into the grass, Nala’s eyes welled up with tears the rain making it hard to notice “No….Kopa.” Nala whined walking up to his limp body. She laid down holding him between her paws licking his face “My little baby . . . how could this happen?” Nala questioned placing her head against her son. Sarabi just stood not knowing what to do knowing the pain that Nala was going through when she was told that Simba was killed, there was nothing she could say that would make it better all she could do was nuzzle against her to comfort her. Nala stood up “Come on Sarabi we need to let Simba know.” Heading back to Pride Rock leaving Kopa behind to become one with the land, Simba watched as Zira came back to the pride seeing the blood on her his eyes widening in fear, he wanted to strike Zira down but he had no proof.

Simba could see Nala and his mother coming back as the storm blew over Pride rock, one of the lionesses in the den keeping an eye on little Kiara, Simba hurried down hoping to see their son with them but seeing Nala’s face cause his knees to shake. Nala ran up to him crying as she nuzzled him letting him know what they found tears flowing from his eyes devastated with the loss of their son, but his mind raced when he saw Zira walk by and he lunged at her pinning her to the ground. Simba placed his right paw on her throat his claws digging into her skin “MURDURER!!” he screamed, “You killed my son didn’t you Zira. Why would you do that to a defenseless cub?” Simba growled.

Zira just started to laugh at him “The little brat deserved it consider it payback for taking Scar away from me.” She grinned, she coughed feeling Simba pressing his paw harder into her throat. She was in a bad spot but knew a way out “Go ahead Simba kill me and orphan my three children not to mention breaking the heart of your former sons love.” She watched as Simba grit his teeth before letting her up.

Simba looked over to his mother, “Sarabi go get her cubs. I’m going to do something worse than killing her.” Simba glared at Zira confusion obvious on her face. Watching as Sarabi left to get the cubs his mind made up he waited till everyone was present the rest of the pride glaring at Zira some growling, “Zira I hear by banish you to the outlands to live forever and never return to the Pride Lands.” He growled at her his eyes mad with furry. Simba stood his ground when Zira growled and threatened him not breaking his gaze he wanted to forgive the children but he wondered if they had had something to do with it.

Meanwhile out in the plains a lone lioness had been force to hunt far out of her normal prides territory, skulking through the Pride Lands looking for a good meal she spotted Kopa laying on the ground. She stared at the cub wondering who could kill a poor child so easily, walking up closer to investigate the cub she leaned her head down and could hear shallow breathing. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t believe that the cub was alive; picking him up and gently cradling his damaged body in her jaw she began the long run back to her pride. She knew that it wasn’t her child but she wasn’t about to leave the cub out there to die, their shaman could help him and then she could get him back home to his real parents.
Last edited by fox_fighter99 on August 25th, 2012, 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » August 6th, 2012, 3:58 am

Okay anyone that reads this please put a comment I feel so dumb for even posting this story and no one is commenting on it I really enjoy others feedback so please post a comment :(
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A Knight of the 4 Paws.

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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Tacobell Lion » August 14th, 2012, 1:44 am

Dude, that story of Kopa was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! It all fits too! This also can explain Simba's over-protectiveness over Kiara in TLK2! And it shows how Zira was banished. Man you should keep on goin with these! MAN!!!!! That story was really, really close/similar to my theory of what happened to Kopa. KEEP ONGOING MAN!!!!!!! 8-) :D :) ;)
P.S. KingKovu44, you can have Tigeress but Nala and Gia are MINE!
Last edited by Tacobell Lion on August 26th, 2012, 7:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Kopa and Vitani 4eva » August 14th, 2012, 5:33 pm

WOW!!! Amazing story I love the end of chapter 3 where Kopa is infact alive! You have got to keep going with this story! PLLEEAAASSEE! :) :) :) :)
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Tacobell Lion » August 15th, 2012, 5:33 am

Come on man Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Keep goin! :D
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » August 18th, 2012, 4:10 am

Ok so I've had alot going on here lately and some writters block but good news is that I'm starting back up on the story chapter 4 should be up by sunday at the latest and thanks to all those who have posteds comments. :)
Please go here and read my Lion King Fan Fiction and comment love to get feedback from others.
A Knight of the 4 Paws.

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