

Postby Novalight » August 1st, 2009, 8:52 pm

This story just pooped into my head, please don´t critic my grammar and spelling, I just got two years English (the other two, we spend to learn how to count and the difference between grapefruit and orange, so it doesn´t count) here is the first part, so enjoy :):

EDIT: Sorry guys, Actually I didn´t want to write anymore, but When I looked into the forum again, I suddenly wanted to start again, so this is the second chapter ^^



It has been about a moth since Scar took over the pride. After he allowed the hyenas into the land, the food became more rare and the lioness couldn´t hunt as much as they wanted. Or more, as they king wanted! Shani looked over the land. Once it was a green and beautiful land, when her father ruled it. Now, there aren´t much animals anymore. Most of them have leaved the land to find a better place to stay. "I would do the same if I could!", Shani thought. Her hazel eyes looked over the land once again. Suddenly she saw some lioness walking to the Priderock. "Nala, Kula, Chumvi, Tojo, Tama! The lioness are back! Come on guys!", she shouted. Behind her some excited cubs ran to the lioness´direction. "Finally! I am so hungry!", Tojo said to Shani. She nodded with the thought to eat any antelope. It has been a long time since that. "Mother! Did you have a good hunt?", Chumvi and Kula asked. "Well, we´ve managed to caught two zebras, but that´s all!", Giza smiled at her cubs. Some other lioness nodded sadly and followed her. The last one, who arrived, was Sarabi, Shani´s mother and ex-queen of the Prideland. "Mum? Are you OK?", Shani asked carefully. Sarabi nuzzles her daughter: "It´s OK my dear! Now go and play with your friends!"- "Are you sure?"- "Yes! Don´t worry about me! You are a cub, you shouldn´t break your head with things like this!" Shani knew it was better to say nothing and walked to Nala who was waiting for her. "The hunt gets worst! And Scar gets mad, he´s going to be very angry at the lioness! Oh dear, what would your father do now?", Nala whispered sadly. "Why are the great kings so cruel to us?", she asked herself and a little tear ran down her cheek. Shani knew that Nala was thinking of her brother Simba. "Nala, don´t say such a thing, I am sure, everything is gonna be OK soon! The pride can´t stay like this forever!", Shani tried to comfort her. Since her father´s and brother´s dead, the whole Pride was depressed. And most of them are Nala and Sarabi. Shani felt angry for some reason. It was Chumvi and Tojo who has broken the silent. They were at the den. "Guys! You wouldn´t believe us, but it´s Nema! She has got a cub...", Chumvi panted. "With red eyes..", Tojo continued. "...and dark fur...", Chumvi grinned. "...just like Scar!", Tojo said proudly. Nala and Shani looked at each other, then the cubs ran up to the den. Maybe that will make the pride forget the problems for a little moment.

Chapter 1- The new heir?

Nema was the new queen of the Pride, since Mufasa´s dead. She was always Scar´s fiancée. Unlike Scar, she had a good relationship with the Pride lioness and their cub. She was a golden lioness and had a headtuft, just bigger then Tama´s. She had red eye and always has got a friendly look. Nema was gentle and beautiful, no-one would think that she was Scar´s mate. Around her was a little crowd of lioness who wants to see the cub, who might be Scar´s new heir. With a little effort, the cubs managed to see the little new pride member. Tama and Kula were next to Nema. “How do you want to call him?”, Sarafina asked. “Maybe after his father?”, Hanja, Tojo´s mother asked. “Scar?!”, Chumvi asked with a little giggle, but he stopped when his mother looked at him in an angry way. “Maybe Taka?”, Sarabi suggested. The lioness talked and laughed with each other when they talked about what the cub´s name should be. Shani smiled. It has been a long time since the Pride was so joyful. Finally it was Nala who had the best idea: “Taka means dirt, right? That means, that he should named after his father, but not Taka, I think his name should be Uchafu! That means dirt either!” Nema smiled at the young cub. Suddenly Uchafu began to sneeze. “Good idea, Nala! I guess he likes it too!”, Tojo laughed. “You name will be Uchafu, from now on!”, Nema said and thanked Nala. Slowly, the crowd of lioness disappeared. At the end there were just Sarabi, Sarafina and their cubs. “Scar would be very happy!”, Sarabi smiled. Nema smiled back and looked at her cub, who watched a little confuse at Shani who tries to make him laugh. Suddenly, a lioness came into the den. She had a dark stripe on her head. It was no one else but Zira, Nema´s older sister. “Well, well, isn´t that my dear sister with Scar´s cub?”, she asked in a sarcastic tone. Nala hid behind her mother and so did Shani. Zira wasn´t the strongest lioness but she´s very sly and full of hate. Sarabi glared angrily at her. “What do you want Zira? If you have nothing more to say, then you can leave!”, she growled. “You aren´t queen anymore, you have nothing to say to me!”, Zira roared at her and looked at Nema, “why doesn´t the present queen say something?”, she smiled evilly. “What do you want Zira?”, Nema asked patiently, while pushing Uchafu closer to her. “I just want to see my little nephew! I´ve heard his name is Uchafu! What a cutie?”, Zira laughed. Sarafina hissed at her: “You better leave the queen alone!” Zira said nothing . She slowly lowed her head to Nala, then she looked at the others. “We will see us later, my pride sister!”, she said and went away. “She is scary!”, Nala whispered to Shani. “I think she´s weird!”, Shani replied and yawned. “It´s late Sarabi! We should go to sleep!”, Sarafina said. Sarabi nodded. “Good night Nema!”, Sarabi said and gently nuzzled her. “Good night everyone!”, she said. After a while the den was full of silence. Everyone was asleep. Everyone? No, Nema is still awake. She was still waiting for someone. She sighed and licked her cub. Uchafu looked with his red eye at his mother. Then it slowly closed and he felt asleep. Suddenly, a big shadow was on the cave wall. “I´ve heard that my new heir is born!”, Scar smiled and went to Nema. “Where have you been?”, Nema asked a little tired. “I am sorry dear! I had to talk with Zazu, a nosy bird!”, he answered while looking at Uchafu. “He looks a little scruffy!”, Scar mumbled and nuzzled his mate. “It doesn´t matter! I am happy that he´s OK!”, Nema said. “He would be OK for a heir!”, Scar whispered and went away. Nema looked a little disappointed and licked her Uchafu. “Heir or not, I will always love you!”, she smiled proudly and slowly felt asleep.

Chapter 2- The first danger

It was a beautiful but warm morning. Everyone was still asleep but Nala wasn´t. She still has to think about Simba and Mufasa. It has been a month, but still. Sometimes when she is with her friend, she imagines to hear his laugh next to her. Or when she sees Zazu she imagines Simba pouncing him to the ground. "This place has so much memory!", she thought. "Is he and king Mufasa watching over us in this moment? The food is running out! The animals are leaving! What do the great kings want to tell us?", she whispered to herself. Suddenly a voice disturbed her thought. "You´re already awaken dear?", the soft voice asked. It was her mother, Sarafina. The lioness licked her cub. "Go and play with the others Nala!", she smiled. Nala nodded and walked away. Nala loved her mother. She couldn´t think of a life without this beautiful smile and this kind face. The first one she saw was Zazu, he was the babysitter of Nala and Simba and a close friend to Mufasa. "Good morning princess! Why are you running?", Zazu said with his kind, but still annoying, voice and bowed in front of Nala. The cub smiled and looked with her emerald eyes at him. "I am searching for the others! It seems that they didn´t spend their night in the den! I guess they are at the secret playground!", she said and continue her walk. "Wait for me!", Zazu cried and flew above her head. "It´s better that I come with you! Hyenas are patrolling around, you should be careful!", Zazu said, while looking around for a moment. Nala sighed. Hyenas in the Pride! She couldn´t describe how much she hate those creature. "Well, well! Then come on! Or we´re going to be late!", she finally said and rolled her eyes.
The den was warm and it has got a homely atomsphere. The other cubs are already there. Chumvi smiled when he saw Nala: "Hey, she´s finally here guys!", he shouted to the others. But suddenly he stopped when he saw the blue bird behind Nala. "And the blue guy is here too!", he sighed. All the cubs except of Tojo (the bird friend) weren´t very pleased about the fact that Zazu is babysitting them. After a while of talking and playing everyone felt tired. The sun was already high and it was hot. Everyone was in the little cave next to the playground. "Zazu! I am thirsty!", Tama whispered. "Me too!", the others shouted. The blue bird sighed. Then he looked around. He wanted to take of but suddenly stopped. With his black eye he saw one of those dirty creature he hate so much. It was a hyena. Zaadi, Shenzi´s older sister and pack leader. The hyena was searching food. After she caught a zebra she rested for a moment. "What´s wrong Zazu?", Tama asked. "Shh!", Zazu hissed. "Tell the others to be quiet! Zaadi is out there! Now go into the cave, now!", the bird whispered and pushed the little cub into the cave.
From outside the cubs could here another voice. Nala was scared. Next to her was Shani. She looked angrily at the hyenas. "If father would be here, he would get rid of them!", she mumbled.
The other voice was Shenzi´s. The younger hyena was shouting at her sister. "Zaadi! I am not sure if we should stay here! After all, the food is going to run out! Scar is not going to do anything! We are going to starve!", she said. Zaadi said nothing for a while. Then she laughed. "See? That´s why mother chose me to be the leader! Come on! You always think so negative! Go and get me some water now!", she grinned in a chiefly way. Shenzi growled angrily. "I think this is not fair anymore to let the lioness hunting for us!!", she cried. "Oh my my! You feel sympathy for the lioness?", Zaadi asked but this time she didn´t smile. "No I am not! I just think it´s unfair! Even if we are not allowed to be here when Mufasa was still alive, but did you ever see a lioness hunting our pup? Did you remember when your pup got lost in the Prideland? Do you remember who brought it back? Sarabi did! Even if lions and hyenas are enemy, I think we shouldn´t treat each other like THIS!", she said and went away. Zaadi said nothing and glared angrily at her sister. "Traitor!", she mumbled and went away. Suddenly she turned to the place where the cubs were hidden and heard the conversation. Zazu thought his heart would split into pieces but then he felt relieved when the hyena turned her head away. It seemed that she didn´t see them.

Chapter 3- The first dead

That night Shani couldn´t sleep. She had to think about her brother and father. Then, she thought about the chat of the hyenas. "Shenzi was right", she thought, "we´re going to die at this place!". Suddenly, are gentle paw was touching her back. "Mum?", Shani asked. The lioness were at there night hunt, but this time they didn´t find anything. The little cub looked up at the former queen. The lioness looked sadly at her youngest child and shaked her head. Shani sighed. She wanted to say something but stopped, as she saw a dark shadow entering the cave. "Scar!", Sarabi cried suprisedly but she calmed down when she spotted Sarafina who was right behind him. Nema who just woke up smiled at her mate. But he didn´t even look at her. The other lioness pushed their cub closer to them so did Sarabi. Shani just could see Nala´s shocked face. Shani could understand. Nala loved her mother very much, and seeing her next to Scar wasn´t a very good sign. Sarafina went to Nala. The lioness looked very tiredly. "Mum?", the little cub asked. "I am OK dear!", Sarafina smiled, but her voice didn´t sound like this at all. Some other lioness looked worried at her, but no-one dared to go to mother and daughter, they were too afraid of Scar. Suddenly Sarabi growled angrily: "What have you done to my sister?!" all the lioness looked at her. They couldn´t believe what Sarabi was doing. It was the first time, that someone dared to speak like this to King Scar. Sarabi was always the bravest and strongest lioness. But facing Scar like THIS was a very brave dare. Scar didn´t change his expression. "Next time, you needn´t to shout like this Sarabi! Sarafina is just a little tired, just let her rest!", he said in a cool voice. Then, he looked at Zazu who was standing next to Nala to comfort her. "Zazu, where were you this morning?", the king asked, but this time you could hear how angry he was. "Sire, I was watching over the cubs!", Zazu said. His voice sounded dry. "Next time, you should be there if I call you!", he growled. Zazu gulped. Sarabi glared angrily at Scar. How dare he! The dark king watched Sarafina. She seemed to be ill. Scar smiled. "Well, good night ladys!", he laughed evilly, leaving the scared lioness behind him. After he disappeared, everyone turned their head to Sarafina again. Some of them finally went to the weak lioness. Sarabi was the first one next to her. "What did he do to you?", she asked her younger sister. "I am really OK, you don´t need to care about me!", the lioness smiled weakly. "If there is anything, just tell us!", Giza said. Then she turned her head to her cubs: "Well, it´s late, bedtime Chumvi, you too Kula!"- "But mum!"-"No buts Chumvi!", his mother hissed. She turned her head to the others and slept after a while. Nema who was sitting the whole time in the dark, nodded: "It´s better to sleep, it´s late. Tomorrow is a new day, and we just can hope that everything is going to be OK!", the queen said, while she licked her son´s head. The little prince looked at his mother. Soon, everyone felt asleep, except of Sarabi and Nema. The great kings were already high in the sky. "Why don´t you sleep?", Sarabi asked. Nema smiled at her. Sarabi was her older sister, well, actually half sister, they all had the same father. "I am thinking about Scar. I do love him, I always did! But the way, how he treat the Pride, and even his own son Uchafu! He didn´t even look at me. I don´t understand him! And today, the story about Sarafina, I don´t know what´s wrong with him!", she sighed. Some tears ran down her cheek. Sarabi said nothing. Then she broked the long silence: "I think no-one does! I still remember the good old time! We knew him as Taka. He was so happy, everyone was! But since Ahadi gave him the Scar, he changed!"- "But Ahadi apologized for this! So did the others.", Nema whispered. She was still dissapointed. "Nema, as the new queen and Scar´s mate, you have to talk to him!", Sarabi said. "Good night! Please think about what I´ve told you!" Nema looked at her sister. "Good night, my sister! I will talk to him!"
Last edited by Novalight on September 28th, 2009, 7:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

My Fanfiction about Scar´s reign: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3100

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Re: Shadowland

Postby Nightstar75 » August 1st, 2009, 9:54 pm

Awesome story here! 8-) And I don't mind the English, I understand your learning! ^^ Your learning very well. But I can't wait to see more of your fantastic writing! ^^
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Re: Shadowland

Postby LilTiger » August 2nd, 2009, 1:03 am

Awesome story! I like when Tojo says ""...just like Scar!"
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Re: Shadowland

Postby Novalight » August 2nd, 2009, 3:55 pm

Thank you Lil and Nightstar ^^! The next part is out :D

My Fanfiction about Scar´s reign: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3100

enjoy ;)
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Re: Shadowland

Postby KiarasMate » August 5th, 2009, 12:04 pm

A wonderful start to what is sure to be an epic Fan Fiction. :) Despite what you had said Novalight, your story was very easy to understand and you have a lot of talent my friend. ^^ Great characters and nice detailed scenes. I think the only thing I found a bit odd was how Zira learned the name of the cub so quickly, as it seemd like the other lionesses had just come up with the name right before Zira popped in, but maybe she overheard the conversation? Either way, this was still a magnificent start to an amazing story and I hope you will post more of it soon. I look forward to reading it my friend and keep up the brilliant work. :)
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Re: Shadowland

Postby Novalight » August 5th, 2009, 4:59 pm

Thanks ^^! Well, I think a random lioness just told her his name or something like this XD! I have no idea :D

My Fanfiction about Scar´s reign: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3100

enjoy ;)
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Re: Shadowland

Postby KiarasMate » August 5th, 2009, 11:09 pm

Hehe, you're most welcome my friend. ^^ Ahh, okay. :) That works. ^^
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Re: Shadowland

Postby CommandoTheLion » August 9th, 2009, 4:55 pm

very nice^^ i like it
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Re: Shadowland

Postby KopsTheTerminator » August 12th, 2009, 2:14 pm

That's gonna be epic. I love the story so far. Keep up the good work! :)

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Re: Shadowland

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 11th, 2009, 4:43 am

Agreed i love it too
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