LK II Thesis and breakdown

Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Squeely » July 26th, 2016, 9:35 am

A very well-written thesis. I do agree, though, that Kiara is a bit mishandled in places. Mostly, it's when Simba comes close to getting killed that I take issue. She does show some concern for him, but not quite enough, and doesn't question Kovu's intentions when she should have. Had she actually gotten to know Kovu over the course of a few months, it would be much more believable that she'd be willing to take Kovu's side, but the film presents it as though Kovu and Kiara met briefly as cubs, and fell in love within the span of three or so days. Not really enough time for her to never second-guess herself and Kovu, imo.
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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Elton John » July 26th, 2016, 10:39 am

She's naive, rebellious (slightly) and to be quite frank kovu is the only male lion she knows besides her dad (and her brother kion, who at this time is protecting the galaxy. Or dead).

It makes sense that she'd fall in love with him quickly. It doesn't hurt that kovu is a suave badboy who saved her. Prime swooning material.
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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Hatari05 » July 26th, 2016, 10:25 pm

[quote="Elton John"]She's naive, rebellious (slightly) and to be quite frank kovu is the only male lion she knows besides her dad (and her brother kion, who at this time is protecting the galaxy. Or dead).

It makes sense that she'd fall in love with him quickly. It doesn't hurt that kovu is a suave badboy who saved her. Prime swooning material.[/quote]

Which is frankly what Zira was probably counting on she may be angry at first but he saved her life that's going to have emotional effects one that likely blocks logic. I honestly think Zira was counting on her falling head over heels Kovu was likely supposed to exploit and manipulate those feelings clearly that didn't happen.

Either way I do agree LK II should've happened over a longer period of time since simba is right to be paranoid it's harder to support Kiara since simba wasn't wrong. As I already said good story but too ambitious for it's own good.

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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Hatari05 » October 18th, 2016, 6:32 am

Hello everyone it's been quite a bit since I commented here but I finally managed to figure out what the next part of my thesis of LK II Thesis would be. I have decided to do a character a study on Kiara and her arc as well as how it plays into the whole as I feel I did not properly touch on it before and there's actually quite a bit to it way more than originally expected. So let us study this rather divisive character.

First we will start with her viewpoints and how they are important to the movie. Kiara's views are a central part of her character she doesn't believe in good and evil as she doesn't view the outsiders as killers just people. This is shown through her meeting of Kovu; while cautious at first she quickly starts viewing him like any other cub. For her there were no differing sides just an individual. This is further showcased by Kiara's view of Scar it's brief but a lot can be gathered from it. Kiara says that her father told her there was a darkness in Scar he couldn't escape. She says this rather softly there's no anger or hint of betrayal, when Kovu mentions scar being among the stars Kiara doesn't get angry she just listens to what Kovu says before saying that line. Kiara's view of scar is quite different from Simba's who viewed Scar as pretty much the ultimate evil, he says what Kiara did but his actions definitely don't match his words. Kiara seems to view scar as someone who couldn't escape the darkness not a killer, not a monster just someone who lost their way and couldn't find his way back. Just as with Kovu when they were cubs Kiara views Scar as a person who made the wrong choice, in Kiara's eyes Scar wasn't evil he just went down the wrong path.

Kiara doesn't believe in good and evil she sees everyone as individuals who make mistakes but that doesn't mean they're beyond forgiveness. This is why Kiara doesn't question Kovu after the ambush and goes after him. Do you think there's a darkness in me too? That's what Kovu asked her. This one line about Scar and Kovu's response in truth explains a great deal of Kiara's actions, there was a darkness Scar couldn't escape this line suggests that Kiara believes Scar could've been saved. Kovu needs someone to believe in the good in him so he himself can believe in it, not someone who will question it. Kiara's viewpoint isn't black and white but it's not grey either as she doesn't accept morally ambiguous, as Kovu's exile shows. Naturally there are many possibilities and Simba could be right that Kovu arranged it but Kiara believes in the good of Kovu and the good of others as is hinted at. This could be very easily viewed as naive and not understanding consequences which leads to the next part.

Kiara consistently faces consequences be it almost being eaten by gators, almost dying in a fire, or indirectly being a pawn to murder her father due to her own innocence. Kiara faces these constantly but she often ignores them and keeps to what she believes regardless. Kiara often ignores the consequences of her choices however this doesn't seem to be a sign of naivety on her part or ignorance. Kiara knew running off during her hunt would have consequences she had to know Timon and Pumba would tell her father, she knew this but just didn't care. She was willing to risk herself to prove she could do her hunt alone to prove she could handle things alone. The truth is this a flawed perspective and while she doesn't realize it is in direct opposition with her view of the world, it's a refusal to rely on others and it stops her from seeing others view points. The only reason Kiara even has a chance to know Kovu is because she decides to let him help her. Once that happens she begins to see his view point and her morals allow her to relate to Kovu as a person. The kicker here is Kiara can only understand someone if she accepts their attempts to help her if she let's go of her own strive to do things alone. That's Kiara's flaw her refusal to listen to others because she wants to do things on her own and it is in direct opposition with the moral of the movie. The movie is all about how we should be united none of us should be alone, Kiara's desire to do everything alone goes against this and it is wrong, her refusal to listen to others is wrong.

In We are one while Simba doesn't answer his daughters question she doesn't try and understand it either she believes it means her life isn't in her own paws. She doesn't want to be this and fights against it. For the whole movie Kiara is actually against the moral until the end. Her refusal to listen only causes problems usually because she isn't thinking of others which once again contrasts her morals and values. Kiara is at war with herself her desire to be free and forge her own path and what she believes to be right. Kovu is what she needed not just because she ended up loving him but because he allowed her to find balance within herself. "That's only half of who I am", this is what Kiara said who is the other half? While very subtle almost difficult to notice actually, Kiara's story explores this. She is two people one a rebellious almost selfish teenager who only wishes to follow her heart and prove she can handle herself alone, the other an idealistic princess who sees no one as evil and is willing to give anyone a chance. These sides very much counteract each other and is exactly why Kiara is out of balance with herself her arc is allowing these two to eventually find a harmony.

This is what the reflection represents the two half's of her being out of balance because she doesn't know what she wants or who she wants be. Kiara wanted to be alone she wanted to do everything without any help. After Kovu's exile Kiara runs away again she got what she wanted she then stares down at her reflection and realizes she's on her own like she always wanted but it's not what she wanted she was wrong, all this time she was wrong. Kovu is the answer to Kiara's question because he showed her she didn't want to be alone she didn't want to be free of her title. Kovu allowed the rebellious teenager to align with the idealistic princess. The moment Kiara hears Kovu say we are one in that moment she understands not just how to unite the prides but just what allowed her to find balance within herself. The teenager loves Kovu, the idealistic princess understands him, what she wants and what she believes are in sync with each other. The question she asked her father is so clear now, the princess she rejected was her it was the compassionate idealistic princess that loved Kovu and believed in him, that's who she was not the one who longed to be free. Kovu gave her the answer he completed her allowed her heart and values to find peace. "We are one" it's the only way to bring balance to the prides it brought balance to her.

Kiara's values are the core of the movie there is no good and evil there are no sides just people who make choices sometimes poor ones. Her values are not naive what's naive about choosing to believe in others to believe in the good of this world and those in it. All the characters rejects this view instead judging everyone for not aligning with their own views. They refuse to understand the other sides perspective because of their own personal wants, Simba wants to live up to his father, Zira wants to preserve Scar's legacy none realize these wants can be achieved through unity because each are blinded by personal issues, Simba his hatred of Scar and his legacy, Zira her pain and desire for revenge. The only way to fulfill their desires is to understand the other and take their personal wants and align it with what is right, only then will you find balance within yourself and in turn restore balance to the great circle.

Kiara's struggle of balance is reflected in the cast which also mirrors the morals. In truth I was wrong when I said Simba and Kovu were the protagonists I misjudged Kiara's importance but I watched it again a few weeks back and it all fell into place. The key to Kiara's character ironically lies in one of the topics in this forum the meaning of her reflection. The entire purpose of her character and arc lies in that reflection and it's symbolic meaning. To properly align this with my previous thesis the idea is that each character mirrors Simba in some way with many going through similar struggles but each characters struggle has the same meaning Kiara's does aligning what we want with what is right in order to find balance.

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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Squeely » November 14th, 2016, 3:46 am

Very well thought-out, Hatari! I love Kiara and you covered her arc quite eloquently :kiarabutterfly:
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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Hatari05 » November 20th, 2016, 10:07 pm

Thank you for the compliment glad you were able to enjoy it did you read my other analysis of the movie which is on the first page if so what did you think of it?

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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Squeely » November 21st, 2016, 9:35 pm

I did read the other analyses you wrote, they were very well-thought out and offered some fresh perspectives on things :)
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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Hatari05 » November 22nd, 2016, 2:48 am

What did you think of the idea that every character mirrors Simba in some way or Kovu being the anti Simba? I forgot that I left out Zira and Simba's parallels though I think that was because I already have a thread about that. I don't want to go into too much detail but Zira is Simba's dark reflection, she is everything Simba could become if he doesn't let go. The similarities between Simba and Zira are staggering there isn't a whole lot separating them, this is actually a continuing idea from the first movie since Scar was pretty much an evil version of cub Simba as such the next villain is a dark version of his adult self.

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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Squeely » November 22nd, 2016, 3:39 am

You know I think thought something along those lines months ago. The parallels with Simba are staggering.
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Re: LK II Thesis and breakdown

Postby Hatari05 » November 22nd, 2016, 5:00 am

Are you referring to the similarities Simba has with Scar or Zira? I find it intriguing that the villains not only have a personal conflict with Simba but also both represent evil versions of his different incarnations and each villains flaw feeds into the main struggle of Simba's arc for each movie.

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