New episode 'Baboons!'

Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby zerodix » September 30th, 2016, 11:51 am

i liked the song but this episode will not me in my favorites.. it looked messy and rushed to me.. there is so much more to do within the lion king universe and they come up ....with this.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Kallo » September 30th, 2016, 1:28 pm

Welp, haven't been here in a while. Overall been enjoying the series. Some episodes have been better, some have been worse. I thought this was a simple, but a pretty cute and funny one. Liked it. :)

The hiatuses between every episode are a pain, though. There's almost a month break between every new episode. Kind of makes me worried if the show will make it past the second season. Random air dates are the biggest reason for shows like this getting cancelled.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Aelwen » September 30th, 2016, 3:33 pm

[quote]Random air dates are the biggest reason for shows like this getting cancelled.[/quote]
I have a feeling the creators don't care much about TLG. They easily cancelled Never Roar again episode and constantly delay other episodes. I am almost 100% sure the show won't be prolonged for the third season.

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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Elton John » September 30th, 2016, 3:52 pm

I think the random air dates and hiatuses are due to them releasing so many episodes at the start and not having many to fill in gaps.

This show has big ratings and that plus merch sales is likely giving disney plenty of reason to continue on with the show.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Kallo » September 30th, 2016, 4:42 pm

The show does have amazingly high ratings, I must admit. I'm not sure how the heck those ratings are even possible for a show like TLG. Especially with such irregular schedule. Like hot dang. I guess the channel itself has a lot to do with it.

We'll have to wait and see what happens. All I know is, a lot of shows have gotten cancelled for poor scheduling. Hopefully won't happen with TLG, but it's a high risk, judging from other shows. But in any case, too many breaks is still just too many. Even if it won't effect the series' future in any way, it's just very annoying, as a follower of the show.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Elton John » September 30th, 2016, 4:46 pm

It's a tlk show. A show based on the highest grossing traditional animated film, the highest selling vhs ever, highest grossing broadway musical ever. Even though it's dis jr people who are well above the target age are watching it and kids seem to love it.

The TLK remake is gonna make the box office explode. The jungle book remake did a billion, I can see the tlk remake doing well above that.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby zerodix » October 2nd, 2016, 1:14 pm

but a creative person could do so much with a concept such as the lion guard. an episode with a rivaling pride of lions, one with actual flashbacks to scar and that past (no paintcavings those were gruesomely horrid) and how about other honey badgers/cheetahs for example? about fulis parents, about the history of the lion guard and families that lived at pride rock. just sayin'. but nope, we get baboons. +1 for fulis reaction at "baboons"
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Lionkingview » October 7th, 2016, 10:03 am

Yeah that episode was a'right ....although even i have to admit that it kind of felt like a bit of a half- a**** episode. I mean the song was catchy (to an extend) and the story ok (for the most part) but all in all it just felt more like"well that shure was an episode" rather then "well that shure was one hell of an episode"
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby SimbasGuard » October 11th, 2016, 5:51 am

I liked this episode, Tiifu and Zuri were annoying, but that is normal for Zuri, but I am becoming worried for Tiifu. That being said I was still glad to see them :? (I can't make sense of that statement either.) I thought this was a pretty good episode, It was a very nice showcase for Fuli (I love it wen she sings, and I also loved how she casually threatened Mzingo). The fact that her opinion of Baboons changed as well was very significant.

I was also impressed with how Kiara saved both Tiifu and Zuri.

As many others have said seeing Kiara and The Lion Guard work together to solve the problem at hand was very enjoyable. I was also glad to see that things worked out for Kiara in the end and I was proud of her for sharing credit with Tiifu and Zuri.

As for the scheduling. Disney is consistent with airing new episodes on Fridays (however, big the gaps between them are). My guess for why Disney is dragging out this first season so long is because they don't want there to be a huge gap between the first and 2nt season.
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Re: New episode 'Baboons!'

Postby Gaze » October 30th, 2016, 3:13 am

overall I really enjoyed this one. I just love Fuli and loved seeing her bond with the baby baboon over the course of the episode. was feeling more attached to her character as the episode went on, and by the end when she was defending the baboons against the vultures, I was wanting to go home and cuddle my Fuli plush tbh. the song was cute too.

still sad about Tiifu and Zuri. I love them because they have great potential, pretty designs, and overall are very cute. I'm just so sick of the way their personalities and interests are portrayed. it is sexist, there's just no other way to say it, honestly.

there's nothing wrong at all with having girl characters who love to do traditionally girly things. I support that fully. my issue here is that their interest in maintaining their looks and having a fun and soothing 'spa day' is shown as being inherently irresponsible and shallow. meanwhile Kiara is portrayed as essentially being the only intelligent, rational character of the trio. why does she seem to feel uncomfortable around her friends and uninterested in doing these activities with them? it's like the message is that the viewer is supposed to be looking up to her because she isn't as 'girly' as the others and can focus on more important things that actually matter. why are Tiifu and Zuri written as being so oblivious and shallow that they literally don't care at all that they're stuck on an island? why does their interest in looking pretty and feeling good mean that they can't also come up with their own plans to get off the island?

like......why can't Kiara have a fun time getting ready with her friends AND go to the buffalo wallow? it's just so disappointing and irritating how having feminine interests and characteristics, and being noble and brave and intelligent, are pretty much shown as being mutually exclusive things. with Kiara appearing to be practically unable to relate to her own best friends, and with Fuli being the only female member of the Guard, the show has a depressing lack of solid female friendships.

which reminds me that I want to see more of Zuri and Tiifu's friendship specifically! the part of this episode where Tiifu worries that her nose looks too big and Zuri responds "no, it looks cute!" was easily one of my favorite little tidbits in the show so far. so cute and so good to see these characters giving one another support, even in a tiny way like that.

scruffy, muddy Kiara at the end was adorable, and when the buffalo complimented her messy appearance, leading Kiara to give credit to Tiifu and Zuri - that was pretty sweet and did serve to provide a small bit of affirmation for the poor girls. sure, they didn't intend for Kiara to look the way she did, but hey.....turned out that her appearance did help her to connect more with her royal subjects.

additionally, there is significance in Kiara's "what's wrong with how I look now?" line, don't get me wrong there. I'm not saying that I think the show should be telling little girls they NEED to obsess over their physical appearance and look the way society wants them to. definitely not. it's just that if you want to pay attention to your appearance for your own sake, because it's fun and makes you feel good and you WANT to be doing it, you shouldn't be shamed for that. it shouldn't be seen as shallow, and those who don't care as much about their looks shouldn't feel like they are superior for it. it's all about balance, and fully examining the balance between these two things would be way too complex for a cartoon like this to address fully. but doesn't mean that can't be done in more subtle and simplified ways.

(another Kiara related sidenote.....since when would Kiara care THIS much about performing her royal duties? but I guess at this point we should all be accepting that TLG Kiara is completely different from SP Kiara, right?)

sorry for the long and critical tangent about an episode that I DID, ultimately, really enjoy. I think this stuff is important to address and still can be addressed while appreciating the characters and loving the show! it was a fun episode and Tiifu and Zuri's actions were fun and cute to watch! it's more just the overall context, and Kiara's reactions, that concern me.
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