Something to say about my love for Timon

Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Animal of the Wild » April 16th, 2014, 6:14 am

I really love Timon, to the point where I've named myself after him.

However, I only really like him in Timon and Pumbaa. Because the Timon there and the Timon of the movies are completely different.

I know this may offend some fans, but the Timon in the movies...just doesn't really do it for me. For a while I was totally against him, but then, upon seeing the series again, remembered how great he was once written.. Maybe it was the more aged, cartoony animation, or maybe it was his constantly exagerated expressions, or maybe it was him constantly calling Pumbaa a mook, but that Timon really had a charm about him that made me fall in love with him.

As I said, I'm probably going to get hate comments from users like Timon the Great who are totally into the movie Timon. And that's fine. But I'm not going to change my opinion.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Zonofon » April 16th, 2014, 11:35 am

I can only say one thing: Timon in TLK 3 and Timon in "Timon & Pumbaa" show is a completely different characters with very different feelings and thoughts. I believe that they not similar to each other. I do not want to write something bad about this show (I wrote about it before in my other posts.)

Just want to say that from it follows that our outlook on life is different too. I am interested to see Timon in TLK 1 1/2 film, because there Timon has deep thoughts and feelings, but the humor is also present there.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Animal of the Wild » April 16th, 2014, 6:51 pm

Um---you basically summed up what I said...and just wrote the opposite opinion.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Animal of the Wild » April 21st, 2014, 4:56 pm

You know, I don't know why I even bother to make topics sometimes, if people never even bother to respond.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Ninaroja » April 21st, 2014, 5:30 pm

Zonofon did reply. The reason this topic got so few replies was its quite honestly rude wording in a few parts.

I don't really know much of the Timon from the show, but yes Timon in the movies can be quite arrogant at times. He does have some redeeming qualities though, like helping his friends in various battles etc.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Animal of the Wild » April 21st, 2014, 6:35 pm

But I'm talking about how I love the Timon of the show. Does anyone care about him?

And I initiially tried NOT to be rude. The reason I ended up being rude was because I felt all he was doing was trying to talk about how great movie Timon is.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby juhouh » April 21st, 2014, 6:44 pm

[quote="Timon the Sly"]the reason I ended up being rude was because I felt all he was doing was trying to talk about how great movie Timon is.[/quote]
If he says so it's his opinion and he can defend it but I don't see him fighting over it and forcing anyone to think the same way. Why do you have to be rude to someone who disagrees with you?! Seriously, grow up already

I won't start a fight over it if someone says "I hate Nala"

[quote="Timon the Sly"]You know, I don't know why I even bother to make topics sometimes, if people never even bother to respond.[/quote]
Well, I don't know much about Timon at all so I'm not going to answer on those topics
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Ninaroja » April 21st, 2014, 7:44 pm

[quote="Timon the Sly"]The reason I ended up being rude was because I felt all he was doing was trying to talk about how great movie Timon is.[/quote]

If that's his opinion, then let him express it. No one has disrespected your opinion at all, they have merely expressed their own.

"I'm probably going to get hate comments from users like Timon the Great" was pretty rude from the get-go if you ask me. For one, you haven't received any "hate" and secondly that user hasn't replied, so now you just look like a bit of a jerk.
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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby EdtheHyena » July 21st, 2014, 5:50 am

If I understand you right, OP, you're saying you like Timon, as long as he has nothing to do with LK...?

Really, that's sort of immature. I mean, the hyenas are the only thing I like about LK, but I don't pretend to just like them outside the movies.

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Re: Something to say about my love for Timon

Postby Remorazz » July 22nd, 2014, 5:38 am

This thread may be 3 months old but it still cracks me up.
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