Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby Timon the great » February 19th, 2014, 9:21 pm

I was just wondering what people think about his behavior, particularly in this TLK film. He doesn't seem to be as hyperactive in the other films as he is in this one.

As far as I remember about TLK 2, there may be behavior inconsistencies here, and it seems his behavior from TLK 1 was followed more closely in 1 1/2, even though that TLK film is about my fav, Timon.

Apparently though, his "craziness" seems to have spun off onto the process of helping them, to Simba in this TLK film and to Timon from TLK 3. :looney:

For further insight, take a look at this TLK 1 scene of him, from YT Image:

And just for laughs, this one Image:
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby EdtheHyena » February 20th, 2014, 1:36 am

He's no more crazy than Ed ;)

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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby TheBlackCatCrossing » March 21st, 2014, 5:53 pm

I see Rafiki as the absent minded professor/cool teacher/crazy but likeable philosopher. #doctorrafiki
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby TheLionPrince » March 21st, 2014, 8:47 pm

It appears that Rafiki's "craziness" is just an extension of how he teaches the main characters a lesson. That particular scene when he discovers Simba is alive is that his "craziness" is also his expression of exuberant joy. He does express other emotions such as the feeling of sadness when he learns Mufasa is dead, and Kovu being banished. So, he does a rational mindset that can understand the events in the film, and feel an emotional connection to it.
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby MooLion » March 21st, 2014, 10:59 pm

Many of the wise or generally 'thinky' types can come across a bit crazy to some. He is rather crazy in patches it has to be said, but he's also controlled where it matters and knows what he's doing.
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby Regulus » March 21st, 2014, 11:02 pm

Yes, he's crazy. There's no denying that.

Consider it a side effect of his brilliance. Being crazy is just a small price to pay for being a genius, really. I know this from experience.
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby The Spirit of Life » March 22nd, 2014, 7:48 pm

The way I see it, Rafiki is kind of the physical embodiment or representation of "the spirit of life", (which is what my username is based on). I'm not sure what exactly that entity is, or how to label it, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd guess I'd call it the higher power that oversees the natural world. Rafiki is like a Shaman practitioner who is completely in tune with the will of this higher power, and his job on earth is to represent and reflect this. Rafiki often seems a little loopy, but as we've seen time and time again, there's always a method to his madness, such as when he helped Simba realize that he had to go back and challenge Scar for the throne. What we may consider as insanity could just as easily be called genius, as very often the degree of separation between the two realms is negligible.
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby DGFone » March 30th, 2014, 9:54 pm

Yeah, I think that Rafiki is at least somewhat crazy. But I think that just like Ed, Rafiki knows a lot more than he lets on, but instead of pretending (or not pretending) to be a dumb mute, Rafiki has his hyper craziness to distract the creatures from the fact that he probably knows more about them than the NSA.

Do I think that his craziness is a sort of cover up? At least a little. Not fully, but I don't think that he is actually as crazy as he acts. After all, would the same crazy little monkey who would dare to hit Simba over the head with a stick and call him a baboon be the same monkey who waits patiently by his side as he stares into a pool to discover who he really is? I don't think so.

So in my opinion, Rafiki is only crazy when he can get a chuckle out of it, and when a little bit of fun and games won't hurt anyone. But if the situation calls for seriousness, he can deliver as well.
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby Animal of the Wild » April 2nd, 2014, 7:38 am

Of course! But the kind of crazy that makes him so awesome! ;)
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Re: Is ol' Rafiki really crazy? : ))

Postby juhouh » April 2nd, 2014, 11:19 am

He's smart and crazy. Probably a mandrill version of Einstein :P

In the second movie his "crazy" side comes more visible
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