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Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby TheWhistlerify » October 23rd, 2013, 7:25 am

An Alpha & Omega RP. What else? l_l

Basically, it will follow the storyline of the first movie (and possibly the 2nd one when we get there) while expanding on the events and dialog of the film (with possible minor changes) as well as adding our own ideas in between. The RP begins after Kate's first hunting attempt, when the wolves from the eastern pack leave.

Character Distribution (In case somebody decides to read this thing)


Humphrey - DGFone
Kate - TheWhistlerify
Lilly - TheWhistlerify
Garth - DGFone

Other characters:

Winston - DGFone
Tony - TheWhistlerify
Eve - TheWhistlerify

The rest of the characters will be randomly brought into and removed from the story whenever one of us feels like they're needed.


"Great... my first hunt and I blew it..." said Kate with a heavy sigh as she slowly walked away, her head hanging low in disappointment. And to think that it was all going so well until the eastern wolves had shown up. But did it really matter whose fault it was? The pack probably wasn't going to care much about that; what it was going to care about was the fact that there was no food. She was going to have to tell a hungry pack, as the one who had led the hunt and as her father's daughter, that there would be nothing to eat until the next hunt, which wouldn't take place until the next morning if not later. Not that mentioning the next hunt would be of any consolation, seeing how her first one had ended up being a complete failure.

Having heard about how there weren't nearly any caribou left in the east, she knew more than well that the Eastern Pack wasn't in a very good position. But how was spoiling the Western Pack's hunt going to help them? What good were they hoping to achieve by making another pack hungry? Were they really thinking that that was the way to increase the chances of coming to an agreement with the Western Pack regarding their crisis? The lack of logic in the whole matter was what made Kate even more frustrated about it.

For a moment back there she had also felt like lashing out at those 2 wolves, but she knew that it wouldn't have changed anything if she had. Hurting them would have achieved absolutely nothing. Not only that, but as the daughter of her pack's leader as well as his heir apparent, she knew more than well that she had to remain neutral when it came to that sort of thing. She couldn't do anything that the Eastern Pack might interpret as an aggressive policy of her pack's leadership. As her father's daughter, an action of that sort could get them to think that it was an order from Winston, her father, rather than a result of a loss of control (like when the rest of her hunt group attacked the 2 Eastern Wolves in rage). It could also get them to think that, as leaning towards peace between the 2 packs as her father was, the next leader cared nothing about peace whatsoever.

Now that she was thinking about it, having the members of her hunting group hurt the 2 eastern wolves while she was there could have ended up sending a very bad message as well. It was a good thing Humphrey and his friends had shown up, seeing how she was also a complete failure at preventing her own pack members from hurting other wolves as well as from putting themselves at risk. How was she going to lead the pack one day if she couldn't even do something as simple as that? Luckily, Humphrey and his gang managed to calm everybody down. At least they were doing their job well, unlike her.

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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby DGFone » October 23rd, 2013, 9:05 am

Humphrey smiled as he saw the consequences of his and his friends' actions. The group of omegas only had one job, and today they did it brilliantly. Kate's first hunt threatened to turn violent due to the interference by two eastern wolves, but the omegas stopped the fighting before it got too out of hand. Especially when Winston saw what had happened, it always felt nice to get recognition from the pack's leader, especially considering how many non-alphas considered omegas as rather useless. Don't they know? For an Omega, having fun is training!

Still looking up at where Winston was, Humphrey almost missed Kate as she quietly walked past him. He almost missed her complaining in a gloomy voice about the hunt, so he didn't know what to do initially when he saw just how depressed she looked. He was hoping to get to talk to her after all the time he spent waiting for this moment, but now it looked like a reunion was rapidly walking away from him. He had to think of something fast.

"Kate! Kate, Kate, Kate! Don't beat yourself up, you were amazing! If anyone's hungry, they can eat uh..." He quickly looked around him for anything that can be used as food, but the hunt was a failure, and the only things he could find were grasses and twigs. Not food for wolves. "They can eat uh..." Desperate, he motioned with a paw to his friends for help. Out of them, Shakey found some berries from somewhere and got them passed along to Humphrey, who at first had no idea what was handed over to him.

Feeling Mooch place something in his paw, Humphrey looked at whatever it was with hope. This will be his chance to allow her to forget about the hunt and perhaps even spend time with him, her friend! After all, the last time they talked was an entire winter ago...

Except that when he actually looked at what he was holding, his heart sank. Berries Why berries?. No wolf in their right mind would ever eat such a thing. But what choice did he have? "They can eat... berries!" Humphrey concluded, pretending to be cheerful. To further the act, he took a bite out of the twig and chewed the disgusting things in order to somehow convince Kate that he actually found a solution to her problems. "They are very... nutritious!" Whatever they were, the berries tasted absolutely horrible and Humphrey hoped secretly that he wasn't going to regret this in the future, but on the outside, he forced on a smile, waiting to see if Kate would buy his bluff.
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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby TheWhistlerify » October 24th, 2013, 7:24 pm

Kate slowed down and eventually came to a stop as the voice of her childhood friend reached her ears. She slowly looked at him over her shoulder, his words on her mind. Amazing or not, that didn't change the fact that her pack was going to have to chew on bones for dinner. The posibility that some of them might give her a few accusing stares before the next hunt didn't matter either; it wasn't what would possibly be their opinion of her that bothered her so much. Yes, her mother did mention that keeping an image every now and then was important, but in this case it wasn't as important as what hunts were for - taking care of the pack.

The newly trained Alpha wolf continued to stare at the Omega with a depressed expression as a brief look of surprise and annoyance appeared on his face upon noticing the berries in his paw. She knew more than well how horrible berries tasted, and it wasn't too difficult to figure out that he was only trying to make her feel better. That was Humphrey alright. He didn't seem to have changed much, unlike her. There were so many things that were different from the last time they had seen each other before the winter.

And to think that the first thing she had said to her best friend after having not seen him for so long was "we don't have time for fun". True, she had had that fight between her hunting group and the wolves of the Eastern Pack back to worry about, but it still bothered her a little. She was definitely not feeling like even pretending to show the slightest sign of appreciation as a result of how the hunt had turned out, although it wasn't necessarily directed at Humphrey. She didn't feel like talking to anyone, regardless of who they were. "Yeah, tell that to a hungry pack..." she said with another sigh, walking away from the Omegas.

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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby DGFone » October 25th, 2013, 12:47 am

Humphrey kept on smiling despite the horrid taste in his mouth. However, as soon as Kate turned back away from him, clearly not buying his "solution", he quickly spat out the disgusting things. "Gah..." He quickly rubbed his muzzle with a paw, making sure to rub off whatever berry juice remained, but for the most part, the sticky stuff refused to come off, and it looked like the only option for him was to endure the bitter taste until he can rinse his mouth with some water. Where did those berries come from, anyways?

Looking back at his friends, Humphrey connected the dots. Oh, right. The vegetarian sisters. Sure enough, a few squirrels were there, along with more berry branches. How can those sisters like these things, anyways? A part of him wanted to run back to Kate and try to make her feel better, but he was an Omega long enough to know that very soon, the hungry pack will learn that no meat will be available for dinner. At times like these, tempers will flare, and it was the Omega's job to keep the peace, a proposition that right now wasn't looking very good.

Eyeing the berries again, Humphrey started to grin as he thought of an idea. "Hey, guys, get those berries after all." If the sisters can live off these things, why can't the rest of the pack? Kate's suggestion is going to be the words of wisdom he will need: this is exactly what he will tell the pack! And after taming the hungry wolves, Humphrey will be able to find the time to find Kate and talk to her once more.

Making sure not to actually get any of the horrible things in his mouth, Humphrey grabbed a branch-full of berries. "Guys, we have a pack to feed. Let's go!" With the squirrels following them with more branches, Humphrey and his gang headed home.


Winston waited for Kate to make her way towards him before stepping besides her. "Kate, there's nothing to be ashamed off. Hardly anyone succeeds in their first hunt, and that's excluding having other wolves to deal with. Considering the situation, you did very well." He didn't think that he improved his daughter's mood at all, and wished that he had the wit and humor of an Omega. Stealing a glance to see if he can potentially use one of the Omegas now, he was surprised to see them trotting back to the dens, with bushes full of berries of all things. Perhaps asking one of them for help might not be the best idea after all... "It's not your fault, Kate. I want you to know that."

The presence of the two eastern wolves was a great concern to him. Was Tony really this desperate as to disrupt their hunts? And for what? Petty revenge? The two of them had already agreed to unite the packs in order to eliminate the tension between them, but today's little stunt wasn't going to improve the path to stability. Looks like a talk with Tony was in order, and find out just what in the world the Eastern leader was thinking.
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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby TheWhistlerify » October 25th, 2013, 4:54 pm

Salty, most likely like Shakey and Mooch were, wasn't too surprised when Humphrey's little attempt at cheering Kate up didn't work. Berries were probably one of the most repulsive edible things out there. Everybody knew that. Well, except for the vegetarian sisters, but they were weird. "Sorry, Humphrey..." he said, trying to sound supportive (something which was usually difficult because of his voice). "Berries are horrible. But at least you tried, right?" He was more than surprised when his friend responded by telling him and the others to gather all the berries.

"Um... are you sure this is a good idea?" he asked as the group began to head home with the berries and the squirrels (who also had berries). He knew what Humphrey was thinking - soon the pack was going to become hungry and, therefore, quite short tempered. It was their job to make sure things didn't get too out of hand, but this probably wasn't Humphrey's finest hour of coming up with a plan. Many Alpha wolves weren't too fond of Omegas to begin with (especially the females, although that wasn't as important). Therefore, offering them berries as a replacement for fresh caribou meat probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.


Kate carried on walking in silence, paying no attention to the ruckus caused by the group of Omegas as they gathered berries and began to noisily make their way elsewhere, all the while thinking about how that day's hunt had turned out. She snapped back into reality when her father's voice reached her ears and looked aside to see him walking alongside her. "I know, dad, I know..." she said, once again looking at the ground in front of her. She wasn't ashamed about the results of the hunt as she was worried about the fact that there would be no food for dinner.

The wolves from the Eastern Pack were also worrying her a little. There was absolutely no logic in what they had done, so what could be the cause of their behavior? There was no guaranteeing that they wouldn't interfere in future hunts, and if that continued happening then things might take a bad turn between the hunting group and the saboteurs, even with the Omegas attempting to calm everybody down. "I couldn't even stop them from fighting..." she added after a short silence, sighing once more.

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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby DGFone » October 25th, 2013, 6:45 pm

Humphrey grunted through the mouthful of berry branches. "Come on, Salty! Of course this is a good idea guys! I mean, what else will they have? Old, dry bones? Dirt?" As he spoke, he accidentally bit down on a berry, and struggled not to choke as the bitter juice made its way down his throat. Obviously, this didn't have a very good effect on his friends, who were already hesitant about his idea. Humphrey had to stop and set his branches down on the ground. "Guys, guys, just think about it. We are going back to an entire pack that is about to learn that the fresh caribou they are waiting for will not arrive. You know as well as me that they will not be happy. Especially the alphas."

He sighed and too a moment to scratch an itch. "What would you rather do? Feed the alphas berries, or try to break up a fight over whatever old moldy bone someone would dig up from the ground?" He picked up the berries again and resumed the walk back home. "I know what I would rather do. Hungry alphas tend to explode on you without any reason. So unless you have a better idea, keep the berries."


Winston let out a small grunt when Kate mentioned the eastern wolves. "Good thing the omegas were there to stop the fighting then," he muttered. "Let's go home, Kate. We should still have enough left overs not to have to worry about this too much. There's always tomorrow to try again." Not knowing what else to say, he walked back to the den with Kate in silence. He didn't like how depressed Kate was, but he also understood why she felt like it. What he didn't know was how to make her feel better.

By the time they finally made it home, it was starting to get dark. Eve was waiting for them near the entrance, but Kate barely gave any sign of recognition, instead disappearing inside. Winston stopped next to his mate. "A pair of eastern wolves ruined Kate's hunt," he informed her, "luckily, the omegas were there to stop the fighting."
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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby TheWhistlerify » October 25th, 2013, 7:51 pm

As discouraging as the very core of Humphrey's idea was to begin with, Salty and the others found their friend's reaction to another mouthful of berries to have a concerning effect. Although, when thinking about it, Humphrey's idea couldn't possible get the Alphas to be more annoying than they would be otherwise. Also, there was a very slim chance that his crazy plan would work. And, either way, he was going to be the one to do all the talking (as usually was the case), meaning that the Alphas would most likely focus their anger towards him, leaving Salty and the others safe enough to survive and say "we told you so".


Kate couldn't help but sigh at the mention of the Omegas. It wasn't because she was upset about the fact that Humphrey and his friends had stopped the fighting in time but because she knew that Humphrey and his friends, or any other omega, for that matter, wouldn't always be there in order to help her out. What would happen then? When they arrived at the entrance of the family's then she looked at her mother for only a mere second before heading inside, not even paying attention to her sister.

Eve was obviously disappointed to see Kate's depressed expression when her daughter simply walked into the den, leaving her and her mate outside. She could tell by the look on Kate's face that the hunt hadn't gone very well, but that wasn't why she was disappointed. She didn't like seeing her daughter like that, especially when thinking about how much Kate had wanted to do well in her first hunt. So, naturally, seeing that she was so upset about the matter was not what she had expected, because she was confident in her daughter's abilities, and therefore it was disappointing.

The fact that the hunt had failed because of wolves belonging to the Eastern Pack was unknown to her, so when Winston told her that their daughter was so down because of two Eastern wolves she couldn't help but bare her teeth and snarl in anger. She did calm down when her mate told her that the Omegas had gotten there in time in to prevent it all from getting out of hand. As far as she cared, it was only a good thing to hear because Kate and the other Western wolves could have been hurt. She wouldn't have minded if the Eastern wolves returned to their pack with a few bruises.

Realizing that there wasn't anything she could do about it now, the Alpha wolf headed into the den. "Lilly..." she said with a smile, getting the attention of her other daughter who was busy playing with her own tail.


"Very funny... Stop playing with your tail." She then looked at Kate, who still had the same sad look on her face. "Kate, you're slouching!" Kate responded by silently sitting in an upright position, although her expression remained the same. "Thank you, honey. Do you see how strong and beautiful you are?" Then came Lilly's usual reaction to the bones that were piled in the center of their den. "Any food," she silenced a fly by squishing it against the floor with her paw, "is a blessing, dear. Winston!" She looked towards the entrance, seeing that her mate was still there. "Come join us for dinner. NOW!"

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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby DGFone » October 25th, 2013, 9:45 pm

The Omegas made their way back to the main pack area, where sure enough, the wolves were already very close to fighting among themselves over who would get the choicest of scraps. Humphrey looked around and was not encouraged my what he saw. At one patch of dirt, a wolf had just dug up a bone, and was about to pounce on it to keep it away from three others when a young pup ran out of nowhere to steal the bone. The wolves were left very shocked, not to mention angry. At least for now though, pack honor dictated that the pup will be left in peace.

"See what I mean?" he asked his omega friends. "These guys are almost ready to go at each other." Humphrey looked for a good spot to grab everyone's attention and found one promising place. "Let's put the berries over there, and I will show you that I am not thinking crazy due to bad berry juice..." He knew his friends were still very skeptical about this plan, but as long as he did what he told them, at worst nothing bad will happen, and at best the hunger problem will be solved. "So just grab some berries, hide them behind you're back, and uh... just follow my lead."

When he was satisfied in the order of things, Humphrey cleared his throat and prepared to make his big announcement. "Western wolves! As most of you know by now, the alphas in today's hunt were very rudely interrupted, which means that we don't have any meat for tonight. However, I believe I found the solution! So if any of you are hungry, just gather around..."


Winston stayed outside the den, looking at his pack down below, making sure that nothing got too out of hand. So far, things were looking tame enough that he wasn't worried. However, that could easily change, something that he was not looking forward to. While he himself wasn't hungry yet and was content to simply watch over his pack, Eve's calls from inside the den made it very clear to him that he was wanted elsewhere. With a grunt, Winston got up and walked inside the den.

Upon seeing the "dinner", Winston grunted again. The bones of caribou from a previous hunt didn't look very appetizing, and the smell coming from them, combined with the cloud of flies surrounding them, made Winston feel that these bones were not in a good enough condition to eat anymore. "Scarps and bones is no kind of dinner. Not for my pack!"

There was no other food, but Winston was feeling like would rather wait this one out. However, Kate used up a lot of energy in the hunt today, and she would most likely need to eat at least something. He looked at his daughter, feeling worried about her. Maybe he should spend some time picking out the best bones and leaving them for Kate, or it might be better if he would split them up between Kate and Lilly, who while an Omega, was still his daughter, and he didn't want to play favorites. It's not like Lilly had a choice in what she became: her white fur meant that she sticks out against the greens and browns of the forest, so she simply can't become an alpha.
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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby TheWhistlerify » October 25th, 2013, 10:20 pm

"I never said you were thinking crazy due to bad berry juice, Humphrey." said Salty with a blank expression. However, just because he hasn't said it didn't mean he didn't think it. Maybe the vegetarian sisters were so weird as a result of eating too many berries. After this whole thing was over he and the others were going to have to make sure Humphrey wouldn't eat anymore berries. They didn't want him turning weird like those two. He and Shakey were also going to have to keep an eye on Mooch who might, in a state of despair, end up eating some berries as well. The thought of his two friends becoming complete weirdos and running off with the vegetarian sisters to start their own pack sent a shiver down his spine.

He and the rest of Humphrey's gang couldn't help but wince slightly at the sight of a puppy stealing a bone from a group of four wolves. Yes, the pack law said that pups came first whenever food was scarce, but because of the way some higher-ranked wolves liked to treat Omegas they couldn't help but experience a small sense of worry. The three silently followed Humphrey's orders, becoming more and more uncertain about the whole thing as other wolves began to gather around them, including the four who had just had their bone stolen. This was going to be so bad.


"Thank you, honey." said Eve with the smile she usually had whenever she was done raising her voice (or whenever she said something disturbing in a surprisingly calm manner).

One look at the pile of bones she and her family were surrounding reminded Kate of the fact that she had no appetite. It was mostly because of the way the hunt had turned out and because of the many possible meanings the interference of the Eastern wolves had. "I'm sorry, dad..." said she with a sigh, "It's just those Eastern wolves..." Although she had to admit that looking at the bones and smelling them would be enough to ruin the appetite of any wolf.

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Re: Alpha & Omega RP - DGFone & TW (Private)

Postby DGFone » October 26th, 2013, 4:07 am

Winston looked at Kate with sorrow. "It's not your fault Kate." He had already told her this, but he didn't know what else to say that could potentially make her feel any better. There was a reason why he allowed Omegas in his pack, even if many others didn't: Omegas made the best diplomats and peacekeepers. Alphas spent too much time training to hunt and fight to know how to prevent such things in packs themselves.

As for the eastern wolves, Winston knew that he had to settle the matter as soon as he can. "I will have to talk with Tony about this," he informed Eve, "he can't have his wolves ruin our hunts like this."

At this time, Hutch's voice echoed through the den, the Beta was calling for Winston. The pack leader got up without a word and went outside to see what the matter was, Eve with him.

Hutch waited impatiently for Winston to come out, but didn't allow his impatience to show. Finally, the leader emerged. "Candu was jumped, sir." He motioned behind him, where two other wolves were helping Candu stand. The smaller Beta had several deep red scratches on his side, and was clearly hurt more than he would admit.


One by one, wolves started to turn their attention towards the omega group. Humphrey began to feel some nervousness creep up as some rather big wolves looked at him like he was going to be their next dinner. "Oh gosh, this doesn't look that good anymore," he muttered under his breath, so that only his friends can hear. "Well, here goes nothing..." It was his own idea that had now dug them into a whole, and it was up to him to get them out of it.

Taking in an uneasy breath, Humphrey got himself relaxed and put on his perfected Omega Smile before turning his attention to the hungry wolves of the pack. "Guys, guys, now keep your minds open about this, but if anyone is hungry, we have the food for you... If you're hungry, I present to you..." he held out the branch that he was hiding behind his back. "...berries!"

Sure enough, as Humphrey expected but dreaded, the wolves were not buying into the new fad diet. They wanted their meat, and started to growl threateningly at the omegas. Quickly tossing the berries away, Humphrey reached out behind him and was relieved to grab what came with the berries: "Um... What about squirrels?" The wolves broke out into drooling pants, eager even for a small meal such as the rodent in Humphrey's paw. The squirrel, however, wasn't eager to get eaten and let out a startled shout.

Tossing the squirrel away as well, Humphrey grinned at the wolves. "Whoops, bad joke." He then quickly corrected himself as to not get his pack mates any angrier at him than they already were. "For the squirrels!" He let out a nervous chuckle.
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