What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » January 12th, 2013, 4:23 pm

Haha, nice. X3
And to people awaiting Ch. 21, I apologize, and I am working on it.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » January 22nd, 2013, 11:09 pm

Lovin the siggy pic btw <3
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » January 23rd, 2013, 10:34 pm

Haha thanks. c:

-still working, my muse for mheetu is slow these days *cries*-
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » February 6th, 2013, 10:09 pm


Oh.. and welp, ya know, you done started the story and so are now gonna finish thy story.. :D YupYup
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » February 7th, 2013, 1:18 am


Yesh'm. It's been bugging me for so long...gottafinishgottafinish...but ack the words just aren't flowing. ;n;
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » February 19th, 2013, 10:26 pm

Happy (late) V-Day Darling =)
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » March 27th, 2013, 11:18 pm

{ Look what I did!!!! It's been so long, and I apologize. Writing should be coming sooner now. Here's to the long awaited chapter twenty-one! <3 }

Chapter 21:
Finding Sunshine

A soft pelt pressed gently into Mheetu's side, making him shift and lift his head. The scent of Uchawi washed over him, and he found himself looking into her lovely violet eyes. Her expression was comforting, a mix of sadness and love. He knew she still loved him, as he did to her. She had treated him as her own, given him the same care and love that she had given Kishindo, her true son. She, and the rest of the Meadowlands pride, knew that he now knew the truth of his birth. Asubuhi had told them the day after they went to see Sarafina. A few of them, specifically Kitawi and Madini, had opted to comfort him. He appreciated their care; it made him feel a true part of the pride.

Mheetu pressed his forehead against the golden lioness's shoulder. He felt Uchawi rest her head oh his for a moment, her warm breath stirring his mane-tuft. His paws rustled on the grass as he tucked them close to his chest. Both lions lay just outside Log-Place, resting in the tall vegetation. Mheetu had been there for the whole mourning, moping about. He knew it wasn't good for him, but he just needed time to sit and think and wonder.

"Thanks." Mother, he added in his head, knowing how close he had come to speaking it. At first, he didn't think it was bad to keep calling her that, but after he had met Sarafina, he felt like it was betraying his real mother to call Uchawi that.

Uchawi licked his ear. "I'm worried, Mheetu." she began, any traces of happiness now vanishing in her expression. "You've been so down lately." Her motherly concern was something that made him wonder if his real mother would have been as caring. Though, from what he had seen of Sarafina, she seemed that she would have been just as good a mother as Uchawi was to him and Kishindo, and regretted that he hadn't gotten a chance to see it.

Mheetu pulled his head away from her side so he could look up into her face. He didn't know the right words to say, as she had spoken the complete truth and he couldn't deny it. "Well..." he broke off, unsure. “I guess I'm just thinking." he meowed. That was true, and it was the only thing he could really say to her.

"Just tell me if you ever want to talk. I'll be here for you." Uchawi's voice had a slight shudder to it, but it was so faint Mheetu couldn't be sure. He recognized the words as a conclusion. Uchawi knew she wouldn't be able to glean anything more from her son, and was leaving him in peace. Mheetu pushed his nose into her leg as she slowly stood up, hoping she didn't feel disappointed. He watched her pad away to greet Madini, feeling as if he should have said something more.

The young lion let his head slowly drop back to his paws, alone once more. He lay still for a few moments, his thoughts wandering unchecked like the butterfly that fluttered around nearby. Then it struck him. There was one lion, or rather, lioness, that he wanted to be with now. Hatari could comfort him; at least, he hoped she could. It would at least cheer him up to be with her. Mheetu lifted himself off the ground, stretching out his stiff muscles.

His blue-green gaze scanned the waving field of lush grass. He had no idea where Hatari--or any of the others, either--would be. Mheetu took a step forward, flexing out his claws. The Meadowlands looked lush and peaceful, with the soft waving grass and scattered shady trees. The weather was bright and calm, sunshine and white puffy clouds drifting lazily past. It was a marvelous day, really, but Mheetu’s sour mood hid all the delightful things about his surroundings.

The young lion’s nose twitched as he brought in the scents on the breeze. He detected the odors of many of his Pridemates; Madini, Mjanja, Kitawi, Filimbi—some were strong, others were fainter. The pride wasn’t busy today. The lionesses, minus Uchawi, were on a hunt in the northern parts of their land. Mjanja and Filimbi were both at Log-Place. The rest of the younger generation, well, he wasn’t entirely sure where they had gone. They had left after dawn. Probably to lounge by the pond or play on Scatter-Stones.

Mheetu flicked his tongue over his muzzle, then burst into a steady trot. He followed the wind’s claim of scents, weaving through the grass. Gradually the scents of his friends were noticeable, distant but still reasonably fresh. Jeshi, Kupata, Kishindo, Hatari, and Nzuri. He broke into a gentle lope. A few moments later, he spotted their shapes lounging in the grass near the small stream. Their heads lifted as they saw him.

Hatari's face was hopeful, her eyes sparkling as she noticed him. He felt warmed by her look. She rose to her paws and ambled out to meet him. “You alright?” she asked, and he felt her eyes search his face. Mheetu started to nod, but then faltered, suddenly wanting her to know the truth.

“I’ve…been dwelling on my heritage.” he admitted, shaking his tail tip. Hatari didn’t seem surprised. She touched her nose to his in greeting as they halted before each other. Mheetu gazed at her, waiting for a reply. The dusky lioness opened her jaws, but the sound of pawsteps made her close it again. Kishindo and Kupata skipped up, both looking pleased to see Mheetu.

“Hey, brother.” Kishindo meowed loudly, pushing past Hatari and grinning at his adopted littermate. Mheetu winced slightly as Hatari ducked her head and turned away. Kishindo had always been a bit nearsighted. He never meant harm, but tended to not realize what he said or did might unintentionally hurt another.

Mheetu tried to catch Hatari’s eye, but she was already backing away. He turned back to his sibling. “Hi.” he stated. Kishindo frowned slightly, but there was concern in his gaze. Kupata hovered nearby, her expression the usual faint smirk. He’d never been to close to her, like Kishindo was, but he knew that her affection for his brother made her at least a bit worried for Mheetu. He nodded to her, and she returned with a roguish smile that made him feel better—recalling memories of playful cub-fights, running and not concerned with anything.

He looked aside, searching for Hatari. He was surprised to see she had melted back towards the stream, where Jeshi and Nzuri sat, both watching the others greet Mheetu. He saw Nzuri scowl at Hatari and wondered if they had been quarreling again. Nzuri didn’t approve of the younger lioness’s affection to Mheetu.

“See you.” Mheetu meowed brusquely and brushed past Kishindo and Kupata. The fiery young lioness had a knowing glint in her gaze, but Kishindo looked almost hurt. Kupata whispered something to him, and he shrugged, then both turned and began to trot away in the direction Mheetu had come from.

Mheetu approached the stream, where the three other lions were. Jeshi gave him an abrupt nod. Nzuri watched him with a mixture of pity and curiosity, while Hatari kept her head down where she sat next to the brook. Was she deliberately not looking at him, or was she just upset by Kishindo’s rudeness? Mheetu padded over to her and tried to pretend that Jeshi and Nzuri were not both watching him closely, as he guessed they would be.

“Sorry about that.” he murmured quietly. Hatari shifted and did not look up, but he saw her relax a bit. Relieved, he pricked up his ears. “Wanna go someplace private?” he added, feeling heat creep over his muzzle.

She lifted her head and he looked into her wide eyes. “Yes.” she mewed in a near-silent tone. He gave her a little smile, which seemed to brighten her, and then stood up. He glanced at the other two, who quickly acted like they were watching the clouds. He wrinkled his nose, but couldn’t help feeling sorry for Nzuri, who expressed in every aspect of her body that she did not like the connection between him and Mheetu.

The young lion exhaled slowly, then paced away through the grass with Hatari next to him. He lifted his face into the gentle breeze, tousling his mane and cooling his nose. The beautiful weather was beginning to cheer him up, now that he had a friend at his side. He glanced at the lioness, and marveled at her slim form, murky fur, and striking markings. She twitched her ears and turned her head to look questioningly at him. Blushing slightly, Mheetu turned away and continued walking.

A few more moments passed in silence. “How are you feeling?” Hatari asked calmly, blinking back at him. She seemed much more comfortable once out of earshot of the others.

“Better.” he told her, muzzle quirking in a faint smile. She returned it. He found himself watching her again, and she let out a light mrrow of laughter. Embarrassed, he turned away again, but suddenly her tail twined with his and his head jerked back to stare at her. Her smile faded at his expression, and her tail loosened, but then he tightened the connection with his own tail and relaxed himself. He smiled warmly at her, and Hatari grinned.

Mheetu concluded that today was not such a bad day after all.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » March 28th, 2013, 2:02 am

OMG!!! An update? Like for reallyz?! OMG!!! Thanks<33
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » March 30th, 2013, 2:19 am

<3 so sorry it took forever! I was just so out of muse x.x
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » April 9th, 2013, 9:03 pm

Darling don't worry<3
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