what Zira became

Re: what Zira became

Postby RayCat » October 5th, 2009, 12:01 am

Wow, this is great! I really hope you write the next part!
(Poor Zira, so misunderstood =' c)
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Baya » October 5th, 2009, 4:28 am

See the things many people get wrong about villains in movies is that they were just born like that. Nobody is born a villain. In fact it is actually proven that humans can't form criminal intent until they are 13-14. I know these are lions we are talking about, but seriously! Everyone be hating on the villains saying they are too cruel or evil D:

Scar- Neglected by his father
Zira- God knows what actually happened with her
Nuka- Neglected and insulted by his mother
Vitani (not as evil as i'd like to think...)

-applauds- Very well done thaniprincess. It gives everyone a little look into what's behind the evil, rather then just going off the top and saying that Zira was a bad creature.
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Re: what Zira became

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 5th, 2009, 7:46 am

[quote="thanigraphics"]aww thank you guys! i am sure going to write a next part!:)[/quote]

No problem xD
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 6th, 2009, 1:53 pm

@ KingKivuli: you've got my statement: since the lions in TLK have been given human-like personalities, I just couldn't live with the "villains are just born evil" thing.
As you say, most criminals start acting that way when they reach the age of 13-14 years.
Most "bad guys" have sad stories, and I refuse to believe that Zira is just plain evil.

She's on the edge of insanity, it looks like in the movies. I'm trying to illustrate a Zira who has lost every hope, founds her one and only friend in life and clings unto him with her whole beeing. Why I believe this? I've been trough a time like that too. So it's not just plain creativity. It's a bit of an experience-story too. (no, my father wasn't eaten by hyena's, lol)

I will continue this story with a part that makes everything more and more clear.
Zira wasn't evil. She became evil. That's the reason I chose that title! Hope you guys liked the first part, and I hope this gets some discussion rolling about several subjects I'm going to write about in part 2. Might be heavy stuff, confronting for some.

Part 2 will come one of these days :3
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Baya » October 7th, 2009, 4:11 am

Good. I am not stupid then >_<

I really enjoy these kinds of stories. The kind that makes you think twice, and that makes you feel pity for the evil people at some point.

I know this is a strong subject, but Adolph Hitler was abused as a child, and was so attached to his mother that when she died he cracked. I think that situation is similar to this one. Zira didn't really have anyone, and when she found Scar she grew so attached to him that when he was taken away from her, she felt no greater pain. I think disney made this intentional XD
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 7th, 2009, 4:02 pm

I think Disney made her intentionally like that, yes.
Here's, as promised, part 2:


A time went by, Uru became like a second mother to the cubs she had to watch. Sarabi, Sarafina and Zira felt comfortable in her presence. The old queen played with the cubs, told them stories about her hunts when she was younger, and teached them how to pounce, hunt, jump and, most of all, how to have fun. Sarabi and Sarafina became best friends, they were really stuck together. Taka stayed close to his mum, so did Zira. For her, Uru was her mum. The greatest mom she could ever wish for after all she has been trough. She almost forgot about her past.

But when time went by, the cubs became teenagers. And that ment they were no longer under Uru's supervision. A younger lioness, a skilled huntress, took the three lionesses with her. Taka stayed with Uru. Taka was happy with that. His mom was his again. No stupid girls bothering him and his mom anymore. Taka watches the tree teenage lionesses, following the huntress.

The huntress introduced herself to the three lionesses. "I'm Yani, and I was trained by a very well-known huntress when I was your age. Wanna guess who?"
The three cubs had no clue. "Uru, she was very wise and skilled, she has tought me verything. I have deep respect for her."
"Woah," said Sarabi. "I'm really curious about your skills then!"
"I'll show you....right now!" Yani answered. "Now stay low, watch....and learn!"

Yani climbed onto a rock, and jumped off it. It was like three metres, but she landed perfectly. After doing that, she catched three mice. "Here, for you." She gave the three lionesses a mouse. "Now, I'd like to see your skills, ladies!"
Sarafina started. She crawled on her belly, towards a little beetle that just has landed on a rock. She pounced quickly and catched the insect.
"Very nice, now you, Sarabi!" Yani said.
Sarabi ran off a few hundred metres. After a while she came back with a dead bird in her mouth. "Yani, this is for you!"
"How sweet! Well done Sarabi! Now Zira, it's your turn. Give it a go!"
But Zira was gone.

A few teenage boys were playing. Taka watched them, but didn't join in. Even if he'd wanted to, they wouldn't let him join. Because he wasn't popular and strong, like his brother. Taka was older now. He started thinking about Ahadi not taking him with his lessons. He know that Mufasa was chosen to be king since he was stronger. But Taka knew that strenght isn't everything. "I might be weaker, but if they just gave me a chance! I'd show them I'm worthy as a king!" Taka's older brother Mufasa didn't pay much attention to him anymore. He was playing with the young males, they were all fit and strong. Lionesses glared at them.
The only lioness that ever payed attention to him, was his mother. And another lioness. She was watching him again. It was Zira. Taka wondered why she wasn't with the hunters.

Zira layed down. She watches the boys and the brown lion with the black mane. Uru's son. He always had a thing about him, she couldn't name it. He never payed attention to her, just like the others. That was why she could easily sneak away with that hunt. Who cares if she's able to hunt? Zira didn't even consider trying. "I'm not ready yet. No more hunts with those Sarafina and Sarabi. Everybody always picks me last. Even our teacher Yani."
She started staring at Taka again. He was like hypnotizing to her. Mysterious, and different. She was different too. Not like the others. Not popular. An outcast inside the pride. Just like her.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be hunting by now?" a male voice woke her up from her daydream. A teenage lion stood right next to her. It was one of Mufasa's friends. "Well?"
"Not your business. Go away." Zira sighed. But the lion wasn't going away. "Zuka! Come over here!" A greyish brown lion ran towards her, too. The two lions started to walk in circles around her. "I know why you're not hunting. Yani has sent you away!" smirked one of the lions. "You're unable to be taking hunting lessons, aren't you?" the other lion started too.
"....I know why you're unable, you're unfit to be one of the Pride Lions! Uru just took you in out of pity!" Zira growled "So what! Go away now, and leave me be!"
"Okay, don't get mad now, I wouldn't want to get hurt by one of your mighty paws....or killed because of your, well, great hunting skills!" The two lions walked away, laughing.

She was alone again. No one even stood up for her, while those two were bothering her. No one was even watching....or was there? Zira looked behind her. Taka was standing there.
"Oh! Eh...I was..." Zira started, a bit scared by the sudden presence of her beloved one.
"Don't ever let them do that again!" Taka started. "What are you talking about?" Zira answered. She was suprised he was talking to her. It was like the first time a lion of her age said something that wasn't ment to hurt her. "Look. Those popular and strong lions, they think they are gods. Just because they're handsome and fast. But inside, they're empty. They pick on the weaker ones. Like us."
Us. He said "us." Zira looked at Taka with a kind of smile.
"Keep your face normal. You're scaring me. Well, you know what, Zira, stay with me. I'll protect you against those bullies."
Zira didn't want protection. But the presence of Taka, she couldn't wish for more.
"Okay, I'll stay with you!"
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Losty006 » October 8th, 2009, 12:12 am

Great new chapter! Poor Zira! :(
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 9th, 2009, 11:04 pm

Thank you! Here's the 3rd chapter!

New Friends

It has been a few weeks since Taka talked to Zira for the first time. Since that moment, Zira was around Taka for most of the time. Taka told her to take her hunting lessons, so she went to Yani together with Sarabi and Sarafina daily. But right after the lessons were finished, Zira rushed towards Taka. Sometimes he wasn't there when she came back, but he never told her where he has been. Even if she asked him, he remained silent.

Uru watched her son and the young Zira together. They were both pretty different from the rest. Skinnier and in some way mysterious too. She couldn't lay her paw on it. But she liked it to see her son have some company. She was also happy for little Zira. As a cub, Zira didn't want to talk about what happened to her that day they found her. It was nasty, was all she had told Uru. Uru also knew that Zira really loved her. Zira saw Uru as her own mum, and Uru saw Zira as her own cub.

That day Taka was laying in the sun. He woke up after hearing a terrible yelping sound. He watched over the savannah. He saw the two friends of Mufasa, wrestling with something. It was Zira. "Taka, help me!" she cried. Taka jumped off the little rock he was laying on, ran towards the lions and grabbed the biggest one at his troath. Zira stood up, her ear was bleeding. The second male lion attacked Taka to save his friend. Now Taka was on the ground, with the two males on top of him. By seeing this, Zira raged. Suddenly a loud roar sounded over the savannah, and one of the males yelped. Zira has scarred his face with her paw. Her paw was covered in blood. The other male backed off for help and Taka was laying on the ground.

"Brother! What happened?" Mufasa ran towards his younger brother. Taka stood up, he had some scratches on his body. "Nothing. Zira, come with me." Mufasa ran to his friends. "What happened to your face?" he asked his wounded pal. "Zira. She was....suddenly all brave.." he stumbled. Even though the lion was wounded, he smiled. Since that they, the two lions were forbidden by Mufasa to bother Taka or Zira. But Mufasa kept an eye on Zira. He didn't trust her for some reason.

Zira followed Taka to his little den at the back of Pride Rock. "Aren't you going to thank me for saving you?" she asked him. "No. I saved you. You were pinned by those two. I came in there to save you." Taka answered. "Yeah, but then they attacked you, and I saved you by.." Zira couldn't finish, because Taka started to talk.
"I need some help with something. I want to introduce you to some friends of mine. But I don't want you to tell anybody about them. If you do, I don't want to see you ever again. So promise me you won't tell anyone about my friends. Promise?" Zira nodded. She followed Taka through the savannah.

After a while they arrived at a place full of bones and fog. There was no grass at all, this land was dry. "This is the northern border of my fathers kingdom. It's called the Elephant Graveyard. This area is forbidden for Pridelanders. Well, exept for me.." Zira became curious.
"Who live here then? Aren't your friends lions?" she asked him.
"tee-hee-hee, it's our pal!"
"Taka, buddy, did you hunt something for us? We're starving!"
A trio of hyena's walked towards them. They walked around Zira.
"Since when do you offer us live prey? Of your own kind?" Shenzi asked Taka.

"She's no prey, stupid!" Taka roared. "She's a.. friend of mine." Zira smiled.
"I'm Zira, who are you?" Shenzi, Ed and Banzai introduced themselves. "Taka made us a promise, since that time we help each other out. He's our king!" Banzai explained.
"What promise?" Zira asked. "Taka will give us a place in the Pridelands.... he has a plan to.."
"Stop it. Zira, let me explain" Taka interrupted the hyena's.
"Hyena's in the pridelands? Wha.."

Taka started his story. "Nobody seems to care about me. Or you, Zira. That's why I took you with me, to this place. These hyena's will help us on our way to power. I provide them a good land, rights and food in return. I deserve to be king, instead of Mufasa. Mufasa's full of himself, he only thinks about power. I, Zira, I want to be king....everybody will see me, look up to me, adore me!" He smirked. "..and they will greet you as their queen. Help me, Zira, together we will be stronger than anything. We have an army of hyena's!"

Zira looked at the hyena's. Suddenly there came more hyena's, all smirking at Taka and Zira. "Long live our king, Taka!" they yelled at them. "I am in. What do I have to do?" Zira asked. "Whatever I tell you to do. I will train you. To become brave and vicious. And to have no mercy on that....brother of mine!" Taka snarled. Zira nodded silently. Then she smirked. One day they would rule the Pride Lands, she would ban Mufasa and his friends. Nobody would ever hurt her again, or Taka. Together they had power!
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Applejack » October 11th, 2009, 2:24 pm

Pooor Zira... :cry: :cry:
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Re: what Zira became

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 11th, 2009, 3:16 pm

i love it xD but poor Zira tho :(

cant wait for more xD ill be watching xD
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