Should there be a rule against spam?

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Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby FlipMode » September 13th, 2012, 8:13 am

So if people have such an issue with spamming then why no just add a rule against it, and actually enforce it. This pretty much makes any further posts in "pointless threads" such as "How are you feeling?" "what are you thinking?" and any of the general chat threads would be against the rule.
Spam, to me is anything posted that is irrelevant so I wouldn't say get rid of the den entirely but that only actual discussion of OT should be going on in there. If we can agree that spam = anything irrelevant then we can agree that all the examples I gave are not relevant ( really no one cares what you are eating, it IS irrelevant).

You could still post simple messages but the rule basically would ensure more of what is posted is actually worth reading. At the moment spamming is happening so much because it's actually allowed on here which just makes little sense to me. For example people who spam the word association thread, that thread shouldn't even exist! It has nothing to even do with TLK.

So if it is added then mods would be free to lock whatever existong threads they feel are spam inducing (count to 35 would be another thread to go IMO) and then the rule would be against creating or continuing a spam thread. Thus getting rid of the current pointless threads and at the same time ensuring that it doesn't return in the future.
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby DGFone » September 13th, 2012, 8:23 am

Because at least half the forum will rebel? As ugly as it sounds, but 99.99% of MLK's new posts are in these spam topics. To lock them all up, or worse, ban anyone who will post in them, you might as well ask Moka to save his money and stop paying the monthly MLK bill. At least that way, it will suddenly cease to exist and will blow up quietly, versus a huge flame war that will almost certainly end up with close to all the members banned or leaving. This is why the chatbox was created: it helps lower the spam somewhat, and it doesn't require any topics to be locked, which again, if that happens, people will get mad.

Plus, I myself read what people have to say on the spam topics every now and then, and you never know. I already got a few good laughs out of these spam topics, and I would also hate to see them go. This is the best thing about the spam topics: Don't like them? Don't read them. But don't block them, or try to create a rule that will make it against the rules to post in them.

When you mentioned that it will still be okay to post 'meanigful posts' you are basically asking for trouble. If there is something worse than an ill-willing rule is one that aims to help, but is vague. What is a 'meaningful post'? If you warn one member that they posted something worthless, what if they felt that what they had to say was meaningful?

So my stance is simple: Don't lock the spam threads, don't make new rules against spam.
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby FlipMode » September 13th, 2012, 8:35 am

Trying to create? I'm asking for opinions and nothing more.
As for the vagueness; I mean is it really that hard to post something you think people may actually want to read? Again the rule would be not to post anything irrelevant, which is pretty much all I meant by it.

And if moving the chatroom was to help combat against spam filled generic chat threads then surely the better way would be to just not allow them in the first place.
And if you are one of the said people who will get mad just because they can't tell the forum that they ate toast for breakfast this morning; you have some real growing up to do (As do all the others you mentioned who will "get mad" over it)
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby DGFone » September 13th, 2012, 8:45 am

And if you are one of the said people who will get mad just because they can't tell the forum that they ate toast for breakfast this morning; you have some real growing up to do (As do all the others you mentioned who will "get mad" over it)[/quote]

I never said that I will be one of those who will get mad. I will be severely disappointed, though, I will give you that. I don't enjoy the spam that much, granted. But for 90 posts of spam, there is one random spam post, that for some reason or other, I really like. Don't ask why, but I will see the occasional spam post that I find funny, or pleasant to read, but either way, one that I enjoy coming across. Is it spam? Yes. Is it irrelevant? Yes. Do I want a rule that will stop it from being posted? Nope.

Seriously, edit your first post here to create a poll: Lock up all spam topics or not? Watch the 'no's pile up. I'm telling you: here on MLK, people love spam.
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby FlipMode » September 13th, 2012, 9:19 am

I never said you were either I said IF; if it doesn't apply to you then no need to mention it
And why shouldn't I ask you why you enjoy reading the occasional spam? I am quite curious to be honest...
Not creating a poll; like I said I only want opinions on the matter.
The other day Kops made a thread called "Kops spam thread" or something along those lines; and really... That is acceptable on here? We have a post random stuff thread already which is bad enough, let alone threads like last person to win, granted I made that one but I was making a statement with it really; the den is still a spam haven despite the fact attempts have been made by the staff to reduce spam in there sooo surely having a rule for it, I mean that makes sense to me.

And yeah you are right about people here enjoying spam but my question is to those people is this; WHAT THE HELL?!
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » September 13th, 2012, 5:17 pm

I agree with this somewhat, some of the forum games should go because they are really pointless. But...are you saying we should get rid of the 'What are you thinking' 'How are you feeling' threads? I like those threads. Person A might not care about what Person B is thinking, but pretty much all active members post on those threads. People will not be happy (including me) if they get locked/deleted.
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby AdAstrα » September 13th, 2012, 5:30 pm

I agree with Amy, I don't think What are you thinking etc. should go. As for the other topics that get spammed...sure why not. But generally I don't mind a bit of spam as long as it stays in those topics, it's when it shows up elsewhere that it bothers me (aka trolling).
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby SophieCub » September 13th, 2012, 5:56 pm

[quote="AmyMarie"]I agree with this somewhat, some of the forum games should go because they are really pointless. But...are you saying we should get rid of the 'What are you thinking' 'How are you feeling' threads? I like those threads. Person A might not care about what Person B is thinking, but pretty much all active members post on those threads. People will not be happy (including me) if they get locked/deleted.[/quote]
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby WildSimba » September 13th, 2012, 6:05 pm

I agree with Amy on this one. I think threads like what you're thinking should be kept. But those stupid arcade games like last person to post and count to 35 are just contributing to make this forum more spammy then it should be. And DGFone, you were the one saying just the other day this is a TLK forum. So man, everything here should be about TLK. You're just being a hypocrite. Wanting to keep one thing because you like it, but wanting to rid of another because you find it annoying. That's mature.
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Re: Should there be a rule against spam?

Postby KopsTheTerminator » September 13th, 2012, 6:12 pm

I'm with Amy here, too. The games should go, they're completely pointless... But the feeling/thinking threads should stay IMO.

And Flip, don't insult my 'chat thread' like that please. :)

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