The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby LilTiger » August 10th, 2009, 2:55 pm

Okay. So, this was originaly a RP, but was locked even though it didn't even start. So, I decided to make a fanfiction of it. So, there might be a couple of chapters that are for adults only. Btu still, a few chapters shouldn't stop you from reading it! So, all I'm asking is for you to read it, but I want you all to wait until you see "The End" on a post. So, no comments until you see "The End". So, enjoy.

The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness
Original Fanfiction By:LilTiger

This story is takes place all around the Pridelands, including the Outlands and Elephant Graveyard in some chapters. But it starts in the night when Kiara's cubs are born, they grow up. Soon, when they become cubs, a lion and his pride want to take over. But then, the pridelands fight. They fight for years. But will the pridelanders win, or will the lion and his pride take over? Find out. Note:This is really not my theroy of what happened after TLK:SP, I'm currently writing that, so, you'll have to wait for my real theroy.

Chapter 1
It was a cool night in the Pridelands. And at Priderock, it was even cooler.At the end of priderock, Simba was gazing at the stars.
“Father, Kiara is due anytime now, I’m wondering if I’ll be a good grandfather. Will I?” Simba asked the stars.
"Simba?" Nala asked coming out of the main den.
"Hi honey", Simba said nuzzling his mate.
"What are you doing out here, it's so cool?" Nala asked with a puzzled face.
"I'm talking to the great kings", Simb said with a smile.
"What about"? Nala asked again.
"Well, I'm wondering if I'll be a good grandfather", Simba told Nala.
"How could you worry about that? Of course your going to be a good grandfather", Nala told him.
"Well, I'm not sure, I just hope it's not a bad reign for the cub", Simba said with a worried face.
"Don't worry Simba, it won't be a bad reign, not at all", Nala said leaving Simba alone.
Then, Simba followed her into the main den.
Inside, the pride was all sleeing, except for Kovu and Kiara. Kovu was worried that he'd be a bad father. While Kiara was having bad cramps coming from her stomach. Even Kovu was worried about that. He had a feeling the cub would come that night. And Kiara thought that too. Soon, Simba walked over to Kiara.
"Hello Kiara, how's your stomach"? Simba asked as he looked at her stomach.
"Not to good daddy, I have a very weird feeling in my stomach", Kiara said with a sickish face.
"Well, I hope you feel better in the morning", Simba said going to lie down. Soon, they all fell asleep, except for Kiara.
Soon, it was almost midnight, and Kiara was moaning in her sleep. She was twisting and turning, then, her eyes snapped open.
"Kovu, Kovu wake up", Kiara said in a worry.
"What is it Kiara?", Kovu asked with sleepy eyes.
"Kovu, I think the cub is coming", Kiara said while trying not to roar.
"What? It is? I'll get Nala", Kovu said getting up so he could get Nala.
"Nala, Nala wake up, Kiara's going to have her cub", Kovu said trying to wake her up.
"What? Kiara is?" Nala asked and soon got up and trotted over to Kiara.
"Alright Kiara, take deep breaths, and when it hurts, let out the pain", Nala said.
Soon, Kiara did as she was told. And soon, the cub was born. Kiara licked it.
"It's a girl", Kiara said. But then she soon roared louder. "I think there's another one!" Kiara said in pain.
"Do as I told you!", Nala said with a hopeful face.
Then, Kiara did what she was told to do again. The, the second cub was born again.
"This one is a boy", Kiara said with a smile. Then, Kiara soon felt one tiny kick from her stmoch again. "I think there's one more", Kiara said with a tired face.
'Alright, it might be a runt, so be very careful", Nala said with a hopeful face.
Kiara was very careful, she didn't want to hurt the runt, then it was born.
"The final one is a girl", Kiara said with a smile.
Then, Kiara cradled the cubs between her paws.
"Kovu, what should we name them?" Kiara asked.
"Hold on, let me go get Rafiki", Kovu said as he ran out of priderock. Soon, he got to Rafiki's tree. Rafiki was sleeping.
"Rafiki wake up", Kovu said.
"What do you want", Rafiki said as he was tired.
"Rafiki, Kiara had her cubs, will there be a cermony tommorow?" Kovu asked.
"Of couse there will be, but I'll anouce it when I wake up tommorow", Rafiki said as he fell back to sleep.
Then, Kovu left. But then ,Rafiki open his eyes and laughed.
"Haha! Dat silly Kovu, I'm going to tell da animals now! Haha!", Rafiki said as he smiled as he waited for Mufasa to make his wind. Soon, wind appered.
"Alright Mufasa, go tell de animals!", Rafiki said. Then, Mufasa's wind blew off and went to the animals.
"I'd better get the fruit ready", Rafiki said as he grabbed three mango fruits.
"I'd better get going", Rafiki said as he ran out of his tree and to priderock.
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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby ScaЯ » August 12th, 2009, 4:13 am

Awesome job! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
(I love the "silly Kovu" part) :lol:
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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby LadyAislinn » August 12th, 2009, 4:17 am

Great job so far. I cracked up at "Dat silly Kovu". :) :lol:
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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby LilTiger » August 13th, 2009, 9:06 pm

Chapter 2:
As Rafiki ran towards priderock, the animals started waking up, and the sun rised very high that morning, because of the princesses and the prince. As he ran, he wanted to get there to see the newborn cubs. Soon, he was there. It took at few mintutes for Rafiki to get up on priderock. Since he was older, he knew he'd be up with the Great Shawmans of the past when Kovu and Kiara's cubs where teenagers.
"Well, well, well, let me take a look at them first", Rafiki said as he walke over to Kiara and the baby cubs.
Kovu silently growled at Rafiki, he didn't want Rafiki hurting them, but Rafiki heard the growl. Then, he cloncked Kovu with his stick.
'Dat's what you get for growling at me. Hehehe", Rafiki said as he laughed at Kovu.
Kovu was mad, but he was protecting his cubs.
"Now, what do we have here?', Rafiki asked as he looked at the cubs.
"Well there's two-"Kiara managed to say but then was cut off. "I mean which one is the heir", Rafiki asked.
'Well, we haven't decided, either the first born female or just the male", Kiara replied.
"Well, I'd go with the male because it's always said that the male should be king", Rafiki suggested.
'Okay', Kiara said as she nuzzled her mate.
'So, what his name?", Rafiki asked while he had a pain in his joints.
'Rafiki, are you okay?', Kiara asked with a worried face.
'Yes, I'm fine, but what's the little tykes name?' Rafiki asked.
'His name is Tero', Kiara replied.
'Fine then', Rafiki said as he picked up Tero, as he did, Rafiki saw that the animals where already there. Rafiki then walked towards the edge of priderock and then lifted Tero into the sky. Then, light shined on Tero. Then, Rafiki then put Tero back to his mom, then, he broke his mango, took some with his finger, and then rubbed it on Tero's forehead. then, Rafiki got sand from priderock and then shook it over Tero's head. Then, Tero sneezed. Tero's eyes weren't open yet.
'Now I'll present this brown one, what's her name?', Rafiki asked.
'Maua', Kiara replied.
Then, Kiara looked at her daughter Maua. then, she saw Maua blink.
'Oh my! Kovu look! Maua blinked!', Kiara said with a smile.
Maua's vision was a little fuzzy, but she did turn her head like crazy. Then, soon, he eyesight was clear. She saw the big baboon. Then, she was scared, so she crawled over to her mother chest. then, she hid her face from the monkey.
'Maua, don't be afraid, it's Rafiki', Kiara said trying to cheer her daughter up.
Then, Rafiki picked up Maua. Maua squirmed as Rafiki picked her up. Then, she started crying. Then, her paws were swinging all around tryin to get out of Rafiki's hands. But still Rafiki walked towards the edge to priderock, then lifted Maua up to the sky. She was crying as she was lifted, she was afraid that she'd fall. But then, Rafiki walked her her back to Kiara. When Rafiki put Maua down, Maua crawled over to her mother's chest and snuggled into it.
'Why are you afraid of Rafiki, he's not our foe, he's our friend', Kiara told Maua.
But still, Maua was close to her mother.
Then, Rafiki finally presented Shani, the third cub born to Kovu and Kiara. Then, Rafiki went back to his tree.
'Geez, I'm very tired, maybe I sahould get some rest', Rafiki said as he was gtting ready to lie down. Then, he fell to sleep.
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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby RayCat » August 13th, 2009, 11:40 pm

Wow, that's such a good story! :D I can't wait to read more!
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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby KopsTheTerminator » September 6th, 2009, 11:24 am

This story is really interesting! :) I can't wait to read more of it! :)

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Re: The Lion King:A New Reign...of Darkness

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 11th, 2009, 4:41 am

Nice i like it so far.
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