the Rogue: sneak encounters with a nomad

the Rogue: sneak encounters with a nomad

Postby thanigraphics » April 26th, 2010, 11:44 pm

The sky was clear blue, a little wind blew over the fresh green grass. Spring had made his entry in the Pridelands. The first spring in young prince Simba's life. More to see, than can ever be seen, more to do, than can ever be done.. or not?

"play tag?"
"..hide and seek?"
"inviting Malka and his family and have them stay?"
"Malka's mom is busy hunting.. she won't let him go alone.."

Nala sighed. "Simba. I come up with ideas and you just don't like any of them!"
Simba shrugged. "I'm sorry Nala, we just already did all those things you summed up!"
"Is there not ONE thing we didn't already do? Why don't YOU come up with an idea?"
Simba stretched and layed down. "Let's just sleep till this boring day is over and our mums are back from hunting.." the young prince yawned.

"..pah! You're calling me boring.. look at yourself. Boring!" Nala rolled her eyes and walked into the den of Pride Rock, which was nearby the little grassfield where the two cubs were beeing bored together. A perfect day. Just nothing to do. And that was exactly what Simba was trying to make Nala think.

The young cub wanted to go out on his own. No comments about things beeing "too far" or "too dangerous", nobody complaining about beeing tired and wanting to go home. Simba considered Nala as his best friend. But this time, the prince wanted to go out on an adventure ALL alone.

He just forgot one thing. Outside the borders of the kingdom, saying "I'm the prince" has no value and is not providing any safety. Outside those borders, king Mufasa was unknown. Simba would be unprotected. No Zazu to warn others, no lionesses, no Nala. But the little prince was too young to understand yet. He just kept walking.

"Everything the light touches.." the tired cub spoke to himself after he had been walking for over four hours. ".....where does that kingdom end? I still see light after all.." Simba looked up. The dusk was starting to set in. The sun was lowering down. Simba smiled.
"It's getting darker! I've passed the borders! I am....outside!" the little cub shouted in excitement.

Simba climbed upon a thick dry treebranche that had broken down. In his excitement, he didn't spot the clawmarks on the branche. The young prince wasn't even able yet to read the marking's meaning: TAKEN.
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Re: the Rogue: sneak encounters with a nomad

Postby Arani » July 3rd, 2010, 12:03 pm

Intresting. Very nice work! :)

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Re: the Rogue: sneak encounters with a nomad

Postby axx1000 » July 15th, 2010, 4:11 am

Interesting? check
Suspenseful? check
Cliff hager? check

cant wait to read your next part
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Re: the Rogue: sneak encounters with a nomad

Postby thanigraphics » July 15th, 2010, 8:21 am

thanks guys :excited: there sure will be a next part, within a short time ^^
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