Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby KopsTheTerminator » April 24th, 2010, 9:04 pm

Time of Mourning

Type of Fan-Fiction: Character Development.
Length: Short.
Warning: None.
Author: Kops.
Characters: Scar, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Sarabi, Sarafina.
Plot: The story makes an attempt to fill in the gap between
the stampede and Mufasa's funeral.
Location: Pride Lands.
Time: Sunset/Night.

Time of Mourning

He sent the hyenas after his nephew. A smile could be seen in his muzzle. He had finally done it. After much plotting, after many failures, it happened. After working with the unintelligent but essential hyenas, his extreme, insane plan had worked. For a few minutes, he was in shock, though he didn't show it. Finally, he had succeeded on killing his brother. An unusual and unfamiliar feeling surrounded him, something he hadn't felt for a long time. He was feeling... joy. After years surrounded with bitterness and hatred, something finally broke the ice. His own brother's death. He stayed in his position for a few minutes, deep in his thoughts, then turned back and walked up to his brother's corpse.

"Pathetic", Scar thought upon seeing Mufasa's lifeless body laying down. He stared at him while sitting in front of him. Mufasa's expression was peaceful, and Scar knew why. He might be losing his own life, but his dear son and heir was safe. Scar sneered. Ironic, his 'dear son' would join him in a matter of minutes... Oh gullible, gullible Mufasa. However, something else was also bugging him. Another unfamiliar feeling, and it definitely wasn't positive. Guilt. Such feelings were sealed deep within him after his jealousy and hatred consumed him. Mufasa thought that his son would live on, even though he was dead... but now, the hyenas will be feasting on him, a death much more cruel for such an undeserving little cub. Those thoughts clashed deep within him, revealing another emotion he had sealed: Sorrow. His expression changed; his never-lasting anger ceased for a moment. He pitied his brother. It didn't last long; alas, only a few seconds until the deep hatred returned, among with his ambitions and tyrannical thoughts.

Scar heard footsteps coming from behind him. He didn't have to turn behind him to know who it was; it was Shenzi, his trusted comrade, among with Banzai and Ed. Scar knew the three hyenas since he was a little cub. However, the friendship between them turned into stealthy manipulation when Scar became a teen, something the hyenas never suspected.

"Did you finish the job?" Scar asked Shenzi.

Shenzi refused to answer at first. She looked at everyone else, hesitating. Banzai barely looked scared, but Shenzi knew that Banzai was actually screaming in his own mind. As for Ed, Ed was a carefree being. He really knew how to live life with ''Hakuna Matata'', even if he didn't even know about its philosophy. He simply drooled. Shenzi then focused on her answer. It wasn't exactly easy to fool Scar, but Shenzi had to answer quickly, otherwise Scar would surely get suspicious. All she had to do is to act natural.

"Yes! We feasted on the little brat. It was a king fit for a meal!" Shenzi said and faked a laugh, and so did Banzai and Ed.

"Yeah pal, we finally managed to make it a 'cub' sandwich!" said Banzai and faked another laugh, with Ed joining him.

"Hey, you stole my joke!" Shenzi said, but she couldn't help but join in with them. Even Scar seemed slightly amused by their sadistic jokes, that was his sense of humour. Sadism and sarcasm. In his own personal thoughts, he didn't seem to realise that they were faking.

"Good. Now, for the plan," said Scar and explained his plan to the trio.

The plan was really simple. The hyenas would remain hidden to a spot close to Pride Rock until Scar announces that he's claiming the throne and becoming the king. Scar had to go and tell the lionesses about Mufasa and Simba's death and make a speech in their memories, so they wouldn't suspect anything. The only things he was worried about were Sarabi and Zazu. He was afraid Sarabi would realize what Scar had done, but Zazu was way more of a threat. He was in the stampede. What if he had gained his consciousness before Scar killed Mufasa and saw him throwing Mufasa back into the stampede? Scar was too uneasy about it to even go and check.

The hyena trio agreed with Scar's plan and rushed to inform the hyena pack to go hide to a spot close to Pride Rock. Scar watched them leave. He turned to his brother and looked at him for one last time.

''Goodnight, my brother."

He frowned for a second, realising that his cubhood was gone for one last time. Those warm and sunny days where he'd play with his sibling, without a single care in the world, were gone. Not dwelling on the feeling too long, he decided to head back to Pride Rock and finally claim the throne.

The moon had come out. Nighttime. A cold, dark night when Scar arrived to Pride Rock. When he was close enough, he rushed to Sarabi, whom was talking to Sarafina and her daughter. Sarabi, worried about her husband and son, felt glad that Scar came back.

''Scar! Thank the Great Kings you're back! Do you know where Mufasa and Simba headed to? I haven't seen them since morning!'' Sarabi asked Scar with a worried look. Sarafina and Nala were both looking at Scar, desperately waiting for an answer.

''Sarabi, that's what I wished to tell you when I came back. This is a tragedy... I must tell the whole pride,'' Scar said with a fake expression of grief.

Sarabi's eyes widened, and so did Sarafina and Nala's. Tragedy? What was Scar talking about?

''Tragedy? What tragedy? Scar, what happened to Mufasa and Simba?'' Sarabi asked, starting to get extremely worried.

''Be patient, Sarabi. And please, stay strong. Now, go tell the pride to gather on the bottom of Pride Rock,'' Scar answered impatiently.

Sarabi did as she was told to do. All the lionesses had soon gathered on the bottom of Pride Rock as requested, and Zazu, whom had returned not a long while ago, was there too. Scar stood on a large rock on the foundations of Pride Rock.. It was time to tell the pride about the stampede tragedy.

''I've gathered you all here because I've got some really horrible news to announce. It's really shocking and hard to accept, but... Mufasa and Simba won't be coming back," Scar said with a serious, yet a sad tone in his voice.

Suddenly, whispering could be heard through the pride. Everyone's eyes widened.

''WHAT?! What happened to them?!" Sarabi shouted.

''A stampede... in the gorge. Simba was sadly playing in the gorge, when a stampede occured. A huge number of wildebeest started rushing through it, and I saw Simba helplessly trying to escape death. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't strong enough to go and save him.... But then, I found Mufasa and Zazu. I immediately told them that Simba was in danger, and Mufasa rushed to Simba's rescue. But Mufasa didn't make it. The wildebeest were simply too many. He died trying to save Simba, whom didn't manage to escape death..." Scar told the pride.

Everyone gasped. Soon enough, tears started coming out of their eyes, especially Sarabi's. Zazu flew to Sarabi and tried to comfort her, but Zazu wasn't enough for her to stop crying.

''Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy; but to lose Simba, who barely got to live... Mufasa died a hero, he gave his own life to save his son. But alas, both are dead.. For me it is a deep personal loss", he said and looked at the lionesses crying. It was time to announce that he was the new king, rightfully.

''So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne.''

Immediately, the hyena spy around the area gave the hyenas the signal to come to Pride Rock.

Suddenly, the lionesses started hearing hyenas laughing. Starled and gasping, they stared at the massive hyena back and looked back at Scar. He was king; he couldn't let the hyenas stay in the Pride Lands!

''Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future!'' Scar shouted as he ran on the top of Pride Rock impatiently, which resulted in the loss of the serious tone in his voice. The lionesses gasped again, but for a different reason. How could Scar bring the hyenas in?

It really was the dawning of a new era. Scar roared, claiming the kingship. It was the beginning of a brand new reign; not of a peaceful one, but one of hatred, pain and abuse...
Last edited by KopsTheTerminator on July 26th, 2012, 11:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Time of mourning

Postby SimbasMate » April 25th, 2010, 12:32 pm

.....That was one of the best movie addtions fan fics I've ever read... I could clearly see it all in my head. Kops, I'm your #1 fan of your fics now XD Keep up your amazing work. Can't wait to read more of your masterpieces. :)
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Re: Time of mourning

Postby KopsTheTerminator » April 25th, 2010, 12:34 pm

o.O A fan? Yay..? XD Thanks! It means a lot to me. :)

...actually I'd continue with Paswa's Quest if it wasn't for that nasty writer's block. >.>

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Re: Time of mourning

Postby AustralianChaos » May 25th, 2010, 9:06 am


I just decided to read this out of the blue, and I must say, I'm stunned!

It was short, and to the point, but what really got me was just how well it tied in with everything that had happened. You took an oversight in the movie, and made it your own, and I love it!

It's a thumbs-up and a pat on the back for you, kopa23!
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Re: Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby KopsTheTerminator » July 26th, 2012, 11:17 pm

I have no clue why, but I decided to rewrite this a bit and strengthen it. I wish I could make it longer, and I certainly detect some flaws, but I've ran out of TLK creativity so bear with me... Anyways, enjoy.

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Re: Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby DGFone » July 27th, 2012, 12:08 am

I don't remember ever reading the original version, but seeing as it was posted almost 2 years ago, it's very likely that I missed it, even in my half-a-year of lurking MLK before I signed up. But reading this new edited version, I have to say, I am very impressed! It's great to be able to read what Scar was thinking after the stampede, and how he had second thoughts about what he did, but not enough to stop his actions.

But what I really liked is how final you made Simba's death seem. We the audience know that he survived, but the way you wrote it, I even got around to thinking that in this story, Simba really did die. But it's from Scar's point of view, and he believes that Simba died...

Well done, Kops! This is an excellent story! :)
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Re: Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby KopsTheTerminator » July 27th, 2012, 12:25 am

Haha thank you :] The original's vocabulary was kinda poorer so I thought I'd give it another shot because I still liked the idea. I didn't cut anything so it's basically the same thing, just with better writing.

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Re: Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby cleargreenwater » July 28th, 2012, 3:50 pm

You know, this is really cool, cause I never really thought about how Scar would've brought it up to Sarabi and explained it so that wouldn't have made Zazu suspicious. I always just assumed Zazu got amnesia, haha. But of course Scar would cover his tail seemlessly.

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Re: Time of Mourning [Remake!]

Postby TheBlackCatCrossing » July 29th, 2012, 3:22 am

Wow, this was very well written!! Good job!!
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