Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby ScarXZira10889 » August 24th, 2017, 10:39 am

Note: If this is in the wrong forum category, I do apologise. Hey all! I was wondering :? what you think if Kion had a love interest (or maybe is going to have a love interest, who knows?) personally, I think it would be cool depending on who the character is. I think that Vitani would be a good potential love interest for Kion. She would be able to understand more about the pride (and the circle of life too) and what she has missed out on. I think I'm okay with Zuri being a love interest too. I don't really like Kion and fuli together (in my opinion) as Fuli is a cheetah and a lion x cheetah hybrid doesn't exist. I personally just like them as being pals. I know that ships are ships but, I doubt Simba would let Kion be with a cheetah as pride rock is just a lions type of thing. Don't get me wrong, I understand that people like to ship Kifu because, why not? People can write AU's which is good for the writers imagination and they can do whatever they want. I don't think Disney really makes a lot of interspeices couples. I think that they may have made a couple of them though. I don't really like Jasiri x Kion either for the same reason. Keep in mind that this just my opinion. You have the right to agree/disagree. Everyone has opinions and I respect them. What do you think about Kion having a potential love interest. I love to hear people's opinions! :)
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby Elton John » August 24th, 2017, 10:46 am

Jasiri is Kions bae.



But in all seriousness I can't see Kion being interested in tiifu, zuri or even vitani. Or fuli.

Jasiri is his most compatable personality wise. And like how Jeff Goldblum says in this completely irrelevant Jurrasic Park quote.


It might go against the circle of life. It might go against real biology. But gosh darnit in tlk3 we're gonna see, lion and hyena hybrid babies!
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby ScarXZira10889 » August 24th, 2017, 11:11 am

@EltonJohn haha, yeah lol. But JP is just fictional lol. I don't think a Lyena exists. I respect that you ship Kion x Jasiri, but, we haven't really seen Kion and Vitani talk at all. Sure, she dislikes the hyenas but, maybe she was just brought up to be like that? I don't really like the idea of breaking nature and biology lol. I think it would indicate that we've messed up the world and we've kind of killed nature lol. Like a man being pregnant for example. So much nope. XD :lol:
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby Elton John » August 24th, 2017, 11:20 am

I don't ship the two, I just don't see any current character on the show being both compatable with kion personality wise or biologically.

The show is young and they might introduce a new lioness character for kion.

.....but what if Kion is gay? Not that they would put it in a disney jr show but homosexuality is a trait found in lions.
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby ScarXZira10889 » August 24th, 2017, 11:37 am

Yea, it would be cool to see a new lioness that is wise like Kion but isn't weird like Zuri and Tifu lol. Ah, okay. My bad lol. To be honest, I doubt he would be gay. In the lion world, I think it's about mating and reproduction. I've done some research about lions having a homosexual trait in them and I think that's been disproven by some animal researchers as just bonding and working together to help find female mates. This news was soaring online once and quite a lot of people assumed it was indeed homosexual behaviour. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.live ... t-gay.html
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby Elton John » August 24th, 2017, 11:59 am

Oh, I was talking about over a decade old research and not that.

Plus, i've also read somewhere that those two might not be both males, but a male lion and a maned lioness.

Lionesses with manes are real too.
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby ScarXZira10889 » August 24th, 2017, 12:30 pm

Yea I saw on the article. It's quite cool for a lioness to have a lion mane. I think it's interesting lol.
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby Panpardus » August 24th, 2017, 6:34 pm

I doubt it's something they'll really pursue until much later in the series - if at all - possibly Season 3 assuming it's set in the next wet season. (Wet season is usually breeding season for many animals, which could be used as a contextual reason to raise the topic, although lions don't have a set mating season.)

That said, assuming Kion is into the ladies - gay lions do exist (or at least some lions of both sexes exhibit some form of behavior that could constitute as 'gay', if less anthropomorphized than our human connotations of it) but I doubt Disney is going to go that route; too much of a public backlash and there's nobody to pair him with anyway unless they introduce a new character - I don't think Disney is going to go into an interspecies romance, which eliminates both Jasiri and Fuli, even though I do think Kion has/had a crush on the latter. (He seemed particularly happy to hug her in "Fuli's New Family".)

Tiifu and Zuri are both too underdeveloped at this point to make for an interesting pairing, and Disney doesn't seem to want to do anything substantial with those characters except have them be present to remind us that other lions exist in the pride. Plus, Kion doesn't seem to like them too much anyway; they really haven't had any positive interactions and I think he just tolerates them because they're Kiara's friends. (I'm tempted to think he actually resents them somewhat for hogging his sister.)

Vitani would be the most interesting pairing; it doesn't have to be something that lasts, but some sort of frenemy relationship between the two would do well to flesh out both of their characters and possibly subtly contextualize Vitani's turn at the end of Simba's Pride, since I think it would take more than just a speech by Kiara to make her change her mind so soon about her mother's ideology and end goal.
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby SimbasGuard » August 24th, 2017, 11:05 pm

Well ever since finding out when The Lion Guard was set I know who I have wanted Kion to end up with :testify:

Although this is a particular area where I feel that being a Disney Jr. show will likely hold the writing back. I am not sure how much they will actually want (or be able) to go into the topic of romance. Then again Lion Guard has really pushed the envelope with what a preschool show is willing to do. Especially this season. Keeping that in mind, let's assume that they do tackle the topic of romance. Here what I think of every possible love interest for Kion. most of this will will likely echo what has already been said:

Jasiri: Out of all of Kion's potential love interests Jasiri is the one that comes the closest to openly flirting with him. However as has been stated the difference in species is insurmountable. It would defy the Circle of Life and defeat the purpose of The Lion Guard.

Tiifu or Zuri: I hate to lump these two together, but the end reason for either of them not working as a love interest for Kion is the same. Zuri is too self absorbed to care for anyone other than herself and she seems to have a genuine disdain for Kion. Tiifu at least has a softer heart, and at is at least capable of showing concern for others. Although there are also times that she seems very clueless in general. The biggest obstacle to a relationship between Kion and either of these (I assume) sisters is the fact that Kion sees them as being like family because they are his sisters best friends.

Fuli: There seems to be what could be considered flirtatious banter between Fuli and Kion. There has also been more than one occasion when they have demonstrated great concern for one another. Although those reasons mentioned could just be signs of comradery and a deep friendship between them. Also despite the fact that they are both cats, there is still the fact that they have the species gap between them (as much as I wish I could ignore this fact in Fuli's case). The fact that they are also teammates could cause problem for them relationship-wise.

Vitani: This is what I'd most like to see happen. Despite the fact that Kion ultimately used The Roar on her when they first met. Vitani would be a great match for Kion personality-wise. They are both a warrior type. Similar to what Panpardus said I could easily see Kion And Vitani having a (Target audince appropriate) chemistry that is similar to the dynamic between Batman and Catwoman. I think that Kion And Vitani could have a permanent (if highly complicated) relationship. There is also the fact that Panpardus mentioned. It would add more weight to Vitani switching sides at the end of Lion King 2. I can't see a downside to this parring. I could easily see them together if we ever get a post Lion King 2 movie.

An Entirely New Lioness: This is a very realistic possibility. She could be a Crown-Princess from another Pride. As such that could provide the writers with a very easy way out of the Where was Kion (and everyone else) during the 2nt half of Lion King 2 question.
Last edited by SimbasGuard on November 14th, 2017, 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opinion on Kion having a love interest?

Postby AnonLion » August 25th, 2017, 4:04 am

I agree with everyone Vitani would be an interesting option, though the writers would have to handle it correctly considering Kion wouldn't be too keen in hanging out with Zira's daughter after what happened in the Outlands (then again Kion didn't trust Jasiri when they first met either and now they're good friends).

Though I like his chemistry with Fuli it's pretty easy to guess it won't go that route, mostly because it would go against the Circle of Life Kion tries to keep safe every day. And of course this also applies to Jasiri too.

I don't really see Kion with Tiifu or Zuri either because 1) they're Kiara's best friends and he probably thinks of them as sisters too, 2) Just like SimbasGuard said Zuri doesn't seem to like Kion that much, and their interactions haven't been that great either 3) Giving the protagonist a WAY under-developed character as a love interest is just a bad move. What I can imagine is maybe Tiifu having a little crush on Kion as a one-episode thing (perhaps after being saved from danger by Kion or something of the sorts) but not the other way around or going any further.

A completely new lioness is actually really plausible. So far in the show we've seen big herds and groups of animals except for Simba's pride, and maybe introducing lions from other territories could be a good way to finally show some lionesses from the pride.

If Kion does get a love interest though I'd see it happening sometime in season 3. Right now season 2 is more focused on Scar's return, and I doubt the writers would worry over adding a romance in the middle of that.
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