Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

What religion are you?

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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Regulus » February 1st, 2017, 8:47 pm

The way I see it, everyone is an atheist to the many gods that have been contrived over the ages. Personally, I just take it one god further.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Amur_Tiger » February 9th, 2017, 8:53 pm

Strong Agnostic, which may seem an oxymoron but I'll explain.

We don't know whatever divine being(s) may or may not be, neither can we know.

As such and with even more certainty we can state that guessing at the desires of said divine being(s) is even more futile. Even theists make a point on how mysterious god's ways are.

As such it doesn't matter whether or not there are divine being(s). We live now and our actions have consequences in this life, these consequences should be the focus not some imagined punishment or reward in the next life or afterlife.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Elton John » March 4th, 2017, 8:26 am

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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby PixelLord88 » March 4th, 2017, 5:57 pm

I selected Agnostic-leaning Theist. I was raised lazily Christian. My family believed in God and took me to church, I did vacation bible school, sunday school, the works but it was never strict or forced on me. As I grew older I began to question religion as we tend to question everything as we grow older and learn more of the world. For a long time I considered myself Atheist. I couldn't fully put blind faith into a belief of a God. But there are things I also can't explain away. Religion is extremely important to my step father however. So, I pray at the table before we eat. When he's down I tell him to pray and ask for guidance. I show him respect. Recently however, he asked me to say the "Salvation Prayer". As I understand it, it's a prayer born again Christians make as a plea to save their immortal soul. In general terms; You acknowledge that Jesus is your savior and God's son. You recognize that you have not been living your life for Him and pray for forgiveness. You pledge your life to Him from there out. I said this prayer and he told me I was saved. I do not feel any different. I still have doubts. However, I do yearn for peace of mind. So, whether it's true fact or not that there is a God I choose to believe there is. I choose to see things that way, in the same way I choose to believe that Astrology is real. There's no concrete proof but I choose to believe it. I see it as a matter of perspective. There can be an event in your life, such a job loss or something, and you can choose to see it as just a job loss or you can see it as God's plan. As long as I'm not hurting anyone else I don't see any issue with that. I could see how this kind of view could be damaging, but I also know that I would never make a decision solely based on religion also. Simply because I can't make the smallest decisions without over-analyzing all the possible consequences and perspectives. I never see anything as black and white.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Sushi » March 6th, 2017, 10:23 pm

Where do I even start.
Was brought up Christian (CofE) school, scouts with church parade every month but I guess I just went along with it. Parents don't push it but would be shocked if I said anything other to them.
I haven't really thought about it for a long while but recently I've been seeing a lot of things that appeal and make sense from things relating to Wicca. I don't know for sure but it's something I would like to learn a lot more about.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Amur_Tiger » March 7th, 2017, 1:31 am

[quote="Elton John"]What.[/quote]

If that was directed towards me and you'd like to elaborate on your question I'd be happy to try and answer, as is there's not a lot to work with there.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Elton John » March 7th, 2017, 1:33 am

Oh no I made quite the uh.....post...from a lack of sleep and too much early morning coffee.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Carambulesco » March 9th, 2017, 4:32 pm

Anyone wiccan besides Carl?
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby Sushi » March 9th, 2017, 8:11 pm

[quote="Carambulesco"]Anyone wiccan besides Carl?[/quote]
As in my post above I want to learn more about it and I'm interested in it but I know nothing of it. So can't really say I am but I potentially want to say that i am.
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Re: Discussion on Religion - Where do you stand?

Postby zerodix » January 11th, 2018, 1:24 pm

brought up katholic for the first 10 yearss of my life. then my parents where like, whatever, and we were like, whatever, and now I don't do religion. I curse a lot, but that is just a linguistic thing and not directly forwared to any deity.
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