Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby Shawry111 » November 17th, 2015, 11:36 pm

Look, it is the most groovy sing alone song in the whole movie. So I guess what you can put it as is it's when Simba is at his happiest. Sure Circle Of Life and Can You Feel The Love Tonight have deeper meanings but they're nothing compared to the euphoria of Hakuna Matata. Simbas voice (Joseph Williams) is amazing at the end and it just hypes me up every time I listen to it. It's also the point in time where we see Simba change the most and you can't help but feel happy for him. I would love to hear what you guys have to say however, and if you would like to ask me some questions (around this general topic) I would love it. I feel as if all my posts go to waste. :P I guess you could post other opinions here but I would rather an agreeing insight on why you like ("Not like, LOVE" see what I did there?) Hakuna Matata and what you think it means/why you like it.

Just on a side note this may seem really weird but sometimes when I am listening to the songs I always imagine us TLK fans just sitting together singing along with each other however you may sound. Not that I know what you look like but it always makes me happy to have thought like that knowing that it is not just me. :cry: :) :lol: :evil:
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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby Tsuki » November 17th, 2015, 11:48 pm

Hmmm...it's an OK song and it has a good meaning. And yes I suppose it makes us smile after the sad part of the film but I personally don't think it's the best song in TLK. I prefer The Circle of Life. Great lyrics and that opening scene always gives me goosebumps.
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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby ScarsLove » November 18th, 2015, 12:50 am

Hakuna Matata is arguably my least favorite song in the entire song. It's a nice song I suppose but that's it. But to say it's the best song? Nah. I'd say Circle of Life is truly the best song, if anything although that's in my own opinion.

But putting aside my distaste for Timon, Pumba, their 'Hakuna Matata' life style and the song, it's a nice pick me up scene after all the stress and sadness the viewers and Simba went through in the following scenes.

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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby Ultra Fox » November 18th, 2015, 1:06 am

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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby MiKuna Matata » November 18th, 2015, 1:48 am

I think Hakuna Matata is a joyful song indeed. And I like it quite much. But at the same time, I listen to different songs base on what mood I'm in. Hakuna Matata is perfect for tiring and sad moments. :togetherness: While Can You Feel The Love Tonight and Circle Of Life are different flavor. :lick2: I love all of them! :D

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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby DGFone » November 18th, 2015, 2:16 am

I actually disagree in that the song does what it's supposed to do very well: It's a temporary intermediate step/break between the horrors of the first part of the movie and the return of Simba to the Pride Lands in the second part.

Just listen to the music in Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, and Can You Feel The Love Tonight: Hakuna Matata out of the three is the least musical of the pick. It has long segments where not much is going on, because in the movie, characters are talking. Apart from the excellent bridge where the trio are walking... on a log bridge, the song is rather bland for most of it.

Story wise, it serves to show how Simba abandoned his identity to become carefree, and for the movie audience, it is a comedic break from right after seeing Mufasa die. Howerever, Circle of Life has a much better message and very much serves as a one-song summary of the movie, and CYFTLT is well... there's a reason why it still gets played on the radio.

What Hakuna Matata is supposed to do, it does very well. But in terms of actually being a song, it doesn't quite cut it, which is why I can't really agree that it is the best song.
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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby WildSimba » November 18th, 2015, 6:57 am

I don't like Hakuna Matata. It's just bland, and kinda elementary sounding to me, especially when compared to some of the other music.
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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby Shawry111 » November 19th, 2015, 3:44 am

Oh well then, I was not expecting this at all. Not one person agreed with me, well that's kind of sad really. But it is most definitely a song, it a has a beat, multiple vocals etc. etc. Therefore it is a song, and I don't see how it can't be. I think Circle Of Life is great but it is very mediocre sounding. Sure it gives you goosebumps but I also prefer He Lives In You over Circle Of Life. Hakuna Matata is good because it's such a happy sounding song and it easily has the best vocals. The other songs sound kind of blabby to me. And I hate to say this but I feel Hakuna Matata differs from most Disney songs as nearly all the other songs apart from Circle Of Life sound like generic Disney songs. I wasn't expecting great things from this post but I was certainly not expecting the responses I got. Could one or multiple people please explain to me why eighty percent of the people here said CYFTLT/Circle Of Life were better. I don't get it they are so much more emotional. Which can be a good thing but you feel it like (when listening to the song not the whole opening sequence) maybe once or twice but it's not that great. I don't know guys, yes, I am rather dissapointed that not one person agreed with me. And I know it's been done but could you please vote I can't be bothered adding a poll so just say which one you like best in a sentence or two, yes I know some of you may be repeating yourselves but that was going with the whole disagreeing with me. So post why you like that song please: :P
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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby HereWeStand » November 26th, 2015, 10:34 pm

I'd have to disagree to be honest. I mean yes, he did look pretty happy compared to what he looked like before he was rescued by Timon and Pumbaa, but it was still after his father's death and from what we've seen in the stargazing scene, he was still pretty miserable and troubled about the whole ordeal and refused to talk about his past still. I think Simba simply used 'Hakuna Matata' as an avoidance coping mechanism, like in his argument with Nala where he was trying to deny responsibility for the trouble in the Pridelands by using 'Hakuna Matata' as an excuse, despite clearly still looking unsettled. IMO his happiest song was I Just Can't Wait To Be King, when he truly was carefree and didn't have to deal with the emotional trauma his father's death caused.

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Re: Hakuna Matata Is Arguably the best song.

Postby Shawry111 » December 5th, 2015, 1:27 am

Okay I will try and show you guys a new light. Although I doubt anyone will bother to read this anyway but hey! So I am going to ask a favor:

Grab Hakuna Matata only! Now, that needs to be a completely music version only so there's no movie dialouge, only singing.
This is best done at night time. Your second task is to get a good pair of headphones and plug them into whatever device you are using. Crank up the volume and close your eyes and enjoy it. Listen to the fantastic bass rift, and Simba's amazing voice. An example of this:

Every night I go to sleep listening to music. I also rock myself to sleep, I know it's strange but I think it's an compulsive thing and it's probably OCD. It's very difficult for me to sleep without this actually, I will cancel myself out from the world and just enjoy music. Not necessarily TLK but music in general. This is how I know every lyric, to every song and I can name all of them no problem.

But anyway I think this is the best way to listen to any kind of music. Have fun!
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