The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 17th, 2014, 9:25 pm

Me and Kelsey stared talking through PM's and my character Adofo got her character Kelsey angry and it turns out from what Kelsey said, Kiara hates Adofo and Simba for exiling Kovu and apparently never forgave them.

Adofo: you hate me?
Kiara: ...yeah.
Adofo: Kiara!........why? I thought you loved me?! I love you!
Kiara: No... You betrayed me when you exiled Kovu, I used you to get him back in. It's about time that I'm Queen...
Adofo: Kiara, me and your father did what we thought was best for you! You don't know what we went though with Scar! We were afraid you'd end up like Zira! Zira was actually a nice lioness when we were little, then Scar got a hold of her and she changed! I....I din't want you to go down the same road. I love you, AND KOVU! With all my heart and soul! We were wrong, Zira tried to change Kovu, but because of you, you saved him!
Kiara: No!
She lunges and bites down on his arm.
Adofo: AHHHHH! KIARA! Please! I'm not going to fight you! You don't know what I went through to keep this pride from falling apart while we though your father was dead!
She pins him to the ground and shakes her head, biting down with powerful force.
He forces her mouth open and wraps around her. Hugging her as tight as he can without hurting her.
Kiara is snarling the whole time.
Adofo: I'M SORRY! KIARA!!!!! .......i'm sorry!! Please......I love you! I've loved you since the second we learned your mother was pregnant with you! Please let me explain! and can do what you want with me.....
Kiara whipped around and grabbed hold of his hair.
Kiara: Never!
Adofo: Please Kiara! Tell me what's wrong! Why do you hate me!? It can't just be from Kovu! I've even saved you and Kovu a few times before! You know i care for you both! What's this really about!
Kiara pushed him back to the floor and yanked. She had a couple hairs in her mouth.
Adofo: OWWWW!!!! Please Kiara! What would your father say if he saw you do this?!
Kiara kicked him.
Kiara: I don't care. Get out of here.
Adofo: NO! I don't leave someone I love! Please....just let me tell you what happened.
Kiara: No. You're an exiled, and so is Simba. There is nothing to fight for anymore.
Adofo: You're not the queen! And yes there is! YOU! I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR YOU!!!!! Please Kiara! You're my little girl! Remember when I took you sliding down the mountains as a little girl? When I taught you how to swim!? How I massaged your leg for days after you broke it? I love you! Please....let me talk.......
Kiara: No. I am Queen now. Kelsey's right, you're just a nobody.
Adofo: Kiara....please.....I'm sorry! When Scar took over, he and the hyenas were ruthless! When a lioness wouldn't do a 100% perfect job he would severely punish them! Within the first few weeks a lot of the lionesses almost died! Even your mother was forced to hunt! She was still only a cub, never been hunting and they punished her for not bringing back any food! They would have killed her, but I stopped them! I told Scar that for the rest of my life, when one of the others were to be punished that I would take it! All of it! I took the rest of your mothers beating, and every beating since! To protect the pride that I love so very much!As the years went by I still took what Scar dished out, until just after your mother's tenth birthday, Scar sent Nala out to find food since there was very little around. And he sent me with her! That's when we found your father! I couldn't believe it !*tears start falling from his face* The little brother that I had lost all those years ago was grown up, and standing right in front of me! I dropped my weapon and rushed to him, I hugged him and held him tight! I even kissed him on the forehead! I missed him sooooo much! At that moment I vowed I'd never leave him again! That no one would ever hurt him! We had beat Scar together and we took back this land! Then He had Your brother then he had you! I promised I'd never be like Scar and I'd never let you two be like him! Where is Kopa anyways!? I haven't seen him since this morning.
Kiara: Taking Dad down with Kovu. They told me to take care of you. The sun is setting, Adofo.
He hears something. Below, at the base of priderock, Kovu, Vitani and Kopa are backing Simba into a corner. Adofo slides of the side and lands next to Simba.
Adofo: Simba! What the heck is going on!?
Kiara grabbed his hand and dragged him back.
Adofo grabbed her paws and made her let go and he rushed back to Simba. Kiara joined the other three closing in on the two.
Adofo: Simba....before we die.....I have something to say. Simba......I love you so much! You're the most important thing to me! I'm glad I spent my life, being able to call you my little brother! And........ I want you to know.....even though you and everyone else loved me....I still felt like an outsider. Like I didn't belong. And I should have known what Scar was going to do to dad. And I should have stopped him! I'm sorry! *cries* I'm so sorry!........But if I was going to die with someone, I'm glad it's you!
He kisses Simba's cheek.
Adofo: I love you little brother!
Kiara: Kovu, we should let Kopa and Vitani handle them. For now, let’s announce our takeover.
Kovu: Diddo.
Last edited by Adofo on January 26th, 2014, 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 17th, 2014, 10:43 pm

“Well... bye?” Kopa said as his sister and brother-in-law padded away. Vitani nuzzled him.
“Focus!” The tufted lioness hissed, then they both turned back to Simba and Adofo...

Kiara and Kovu padded up Priderock and roared, and the animals gathered below. They now were no longer a Princess and a Duke. More or less, a King and Queen.
“Long Live queen Kiara! Long Live king Kovu!” Chanted the animals, immediately assuming that Simba and Nala, either one of them or both, had died . They did not know about what had just happened.
After the animals left, Kovu licked Kiara’s cheek.
“Please don’t assume this means I want cubs now.” Kiara muttered.
Kovu chuckled and brought a paw over her shoulder, pulling her in closer.
“N’aww, babe, you have blood under your ear.”
“Gee, did it splash that far?” Kiara purred. “Let’s go.”
Just as they were turning around, Kopa and Vitani ran up to them. Their eyes were widened and frantic and they were panting like the wild dogs that they got sometimes.
“Kiara! Kovu! They-” Kopa panted. “-got away!”
Kovu bared his teeth. “What? How?”
Vitani shrugged. “I don’t know who’s fault it was, but there was a gap through the roof they escaped through!”
Kiara blinked. Gap through the roof...? Oh! I know what she means. That was the gap that she squeezed through to find Kovu! They knew about it! But how? Wouldn’t they patch it up?
Kiara looked to Kovu, then to her brother, then to Vitani. “...let them run. If they come back, we kill them. Simple as that.”
“Sounds good to me.” Kopa said.
“Definitely.” Kovu agreed.
Vitani was hesitant, but she smirked and nodded. “I want the death blow.”
“Alrighty! ‘Tani’s got dibs on the final blow. I promise.” Kiara purred, and with that, they all walked in the cave.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 17th, 2014, 10:56 pm

Simba and Adofo were running from their own home and they bump into Nala.
Nala: Whoa! Whoa! Where's the fire!?
Simba: Nala....the kids....they....they tool over Priderock!
Nala: WHAT!?!?!?
Adofo: We couldn't fight them....we just couldn't!
Simba: Where to now?
Adofo: Let's head back to Nzuri. We can stay with Christen and my kids.
For the next few days they walked all the way to the distant city until they finally reach the boarder.
Adofo: Alright. There's her house.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 17th, 2014, 11:12 pm

People were rushing by them and not even bothering to stop and see the lions. Some kids pointed, but their mothers yanked them away. Nzuri was obviously very busy, but something caught Simba's eye.
“What the heck is that?” He said, lifting his paw to point at a light blue thing flying around.
“I don't know. I've never seen anything like it.” Nala said. “It looks like a prey item.”
It started to hover over them. It smiled and waved. “Chao chao!”
“...what?” Adofo said.
“Chaooo!” The thing exclaimed. “Chao chao, chao? Chao! Chao chao!”
Nala cocked her head. “Can you understand what he's saying? I can, but he's just saying chao. He said 'Are you new? Welcome, follow me!'”
“That's what I heard, too! And all he said was chao.”
The thing flew in circles around Adofo. “Chao chao! Chao chao!”
“I can hear what it's saying, too.” Adofo said. “But this little thing is annoying. What is it?”
“I think Sonic keeps one of those things as a pet, doesn't he?” Simba groaned.
“NONONO!! No talking about them.” Adofo said, trying to sound firm but not doing a very good job.
Nala smiled. “It's adorable.”
“Chao! Chao chao chao! Chao chao chao. Chao chao chao? Chao. Chao chao chao, chao chao chao chao chao chao. Chao, chao?” (Wait! I am Sonic's! I am a Chao. Isn't it obvious? Whatever. I say Chao, that's why I'm called a Chao. Ironic, no?)
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 17th, 2014, 11:30 pm

It swoops down and floats in front of Adofo's face.
Chao: Chao! Chao chao chao chao!
Adofo swipes the little blue creature.
Adofo: Get out of the way!
Nala: Awww! It was so cute!
Adofo: Come on. Lets just get inside and rest.
They go up to the house and Adofo knocks. A twenty year old guy with orange hair opens the door.
Sam: Dad?! What are you, Uncle Simba and Aunt Nala doing here?
Adofo: Hey son. Can we come in?
Sam: Uh, yeah sure dad! HEY MOM!
Christen: YEAH!
Sam: UHH.....DAD'S HOME!
Christen: Wha-....Adofo?!
Adofo: Hey Christen.
Christen: Hey!
She runs to kiss her husband and hugs him.
A teenage girl comes running down the stairs.
Shanon: Sam, did you just
Adofo: Hey there baby.
Shanon: DAD!
She runs to hug and kiss her father.
Shanon: What are you doing out here?
Christen: Yeah! What are you three doing here?
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 17th, 2014, 11:39 pm

The chao flies in the house. “Chaoooooo!” (Hiiiiii!)
Shanon gasped. “Awww, Starlight! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Sonic's ally in Central City where you belong?”
Starlight, the chao, frowned. “Chao chao...” (I'm lost...)
Adofo stomps the ground. “Sh**. Now what?”
“So what's wrong?” Sam said.
Nala yawned. “Kiara, Kopa, Kovu and Vitani took over and drove them out. They found me and we walked here. That cute little thing- a chao, or whatever you call it- gave us a little detour, but we're fine. If we come back they're likely to kill us. What hormones do to you.”
Sam chuckled.
Christen lead Adofo to the kitchen while Shanon tried to calm down panicking Starlight. Sam continued to talk to Nala and Simba.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 17th, 2014, 11:50 pm

Sam: Uncle Simba, what happened?
Simba: It was.....just an ordinary day. Kovu, Kopa and Vitani wanted me to go hunting with them like we do sometimes. Then they just started attacking me! They drove me back to Priderock where your dad was dealing with Kiara. They corned both of us but we slipped away.
Sam: That's awful! That doesn't sound like my cousin's to me!
Simba: I know! We don't know what's come over them!
Nala: Simba......I'm worried! Did we raise them wrong?
Simba: No, no no no no. It wasn't any of us. Somethings up that we don't know about. But we're gonna find out!
Christen: And they just attacked you!?
Adofo: Yeah......she said it was because me and Simba exiled Kovu all those years ago. But that was a long time ago! And they never showed any signs of hating me. And Vitani and Kopa had nothing to do with Kovu's exile. So why join them?
Christen: And I remember, when you died in the hospital, they were just as sad as everyone else.
Adofo: Ugh! We're missing something, but I don't know what!
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 17th, 2014, 11:59 pm

“Chao!! Chao!!” Starlight suddenly exclaimed. (Oh! Oh!)
Shanon blinked. “What is it?”
“Chao chao, chao chao chao chao chao chao.” Starlight said. (Ask Kelsey, she may know what happened.)
“Ummm no.” Adofo said.
“Oh, come on, Dad! Where's your enthusiasm?” Sam said.
“Whenever there's a problem, you know who is bound to be RIGHT. THERE.” Adofo complained.
Shanon rolled her eyes.
Christen pat his back. “Honey, not every time you talk to Kelsey and ask her for advice, she snaps and or Sonic and his team show up. Okay, they follow her around like a shadow a little but that doesn't mean that they follow her like they're her dogs.”
“Chao chao chao chao.” Starlight said. (That's not the point.) “Chao chao chao chao Chao Chao, chao chao chao chao Chao Chao, chao chao chao chao.” (The Stormettes moved to Central City, so if we go to Northern City, we won't find them.)
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 18th, 2014, 12:07 am

Shanon: Come on dad. Something's not right! We need help!
Adofo: *sigh* The way she looked at me.......her eyes..........they were dark and cold. I used to carry her and Kopa around in my hood while they looked over my shoulders looking at the Pridelands! They loved being around me. And I loved being around them........what changed?!
Simba: Adofo.......did you really mean all that stuff you said back there?
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 18th, 2014, 12:21 am

“Chao chao!” Starlight complained. (I'm hungry!)
Shanon grabbed her shoes and put them on. “I'm taking Starlight home and I don't really care if you're coming or not.”
She walked to the fridge, grabbed some fruit and fed it to Starlight. As Starlight ate, she glowed. Nala was fascinated.
Starlight smiled and flailed her tiny arms. There was juice all over her face.
Shanon left with Starlight flying behind her.

Meanwhile, Kovu and Kopa were busy sparring while Kiara was getting pampered by her new animal servants. Vitani was just watching over the lands although there wasn't really anything interesting to look at.
“Kiara, wanna go hunting?” Vitani suddenly blurted. The new Queen nodded and got up, and the two lionesses set off.
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