the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Kipekee » December 18th, 2013, 2:27 am

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chapter one
The birds tweeted and fluttered about, and sometimes two will be sitting on a branch with one mounted on the other. It was May -- mating season. Yeah, that's what they were doing.
A blonde lioness crept up towards a wildebeest, determination in her blue-green eyes. It took a few minutes, but finally she lounged, lashing out at the gray animal with sharp white claws. It's dying screams echoed through the land.
Dragging her kill away quickly, the lion would take a quick look around. Mating season brought so many challengers to her home, making her father and uncle very hard workers during this time of year.
Seeing no unfamiliar male lions, she took off running, surprisingly strong for three hundred pound prey.

She climbed the rocks and came to a cave, dropping her prey and peeking inside.
"Ma? Pa? I'm home!" She called.
A dark brown lion with a scar over his eye emerged.
"Well done, Khalfani." He said in a dark tone, before going to have his share of the carcass.
"Thank you, Father." Khalfani replied before scanning the shadows.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Adofo » December 18th, 2013, 3:35 am

Chapter Two
Kiara: Nicely done Khalfani!
Khalfani: Thanks mom!
An old male lion and an old human man come inside the cave.
Kiara: Hey daddy! Hey Uncle Dofo!
Simba: Hey!
Kovu: Look what Khalfani brought home!
Adofo: Wow! A wildebeest! Not too bad!
Khalfani: Thanks Uncle Dofo!
Kovu: Bigger than anything you've caught in a while! Hehehe
Simba: Hey we may not be as young as we used to be but the Prideland Brothers are still on top!
Three lions come inside from the gusting winds outside.
Vitani: Haha yeah, just keep telling yourself that dad!
Kopa: You know dad, Fajari said that him and Khalfani could beat you and Uncle Adofo with their paws on their backs and blind folded.
Adofo: Is that so?!
Fajari: Well I don't like to gloat but....yeah!
Simba: Are you challenging your own grandfather?
Adofo: I think he is!
Fajari: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. What are you two going to do about it?!
Simba: Bro, you up for a little old time fun?
Adofo: Always!
Fajari: Khalfani, you in?
Khalfani: How can I pass this up?!
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Kipekee » December 18th, 2013, 11:24 pm

chapter three

"Oh. Wait. I can." Khalfani growled, a smile growing on her face, then she darted away to join her parents.
"She's no fun." Fajari muttered to himself before facing his second uncle.
"I can face you two myself!" He spat, letting out an inward hiss (which sounded creepier) and flexing his claws.
"Enough of this bull----." Said an older lioness as she stepped between the three.
"But Grandma!" Fajari said, his growl now a canine-like whimper. "No fa-"
"Fair shmair! It's not an honor to hurt an old man like that!" The lioness snarled.
"I agree with Mom. Stop acting stupid and come eat." Kiara said.
"...okay..." Fajari said sadly, trotting toward his cousin and her family.
Khalfani was giggling to herself. "See why lionesses are fairer? I didn't get in trouble!"
Fajari just growled.
A tufted lioness bursted from the cave.
"FAJARI! YOU. ARE. GROUNDED." She roared, giving her son a thwack on the shoulder.
Fajari winced in pain.
"Yes, Mother." He whined.
"I DIDN'T HEAR YOU." The tufted lioness hissed.
"Yes Mom!" Fajari said, louder.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Adofo » December 19th, 2013, 12:20 am

Chapter Four

The family sits down to eat their kills from the day. the two cousins sit next to each other.
Fajari: This sucks!
Khalfani: Hey, that's what happens when you run your mouth!
Fajari: Well it's not like I meant it to be disrespectful, I just wanted to off how good a hunter I am!
Khalfani: Well honestly, Grandpa and Uncle Adofo may be getting old but I still think they would have beaten you.
Fajari: What!?
Khalfani: Think about it! All the stuff they've been through, they beat Scar, they held their own against Zira, they beat all those hunters and killed Uncle Dofo's Uncle Jack. They helped team Sonic get rid of the hyenas and killed Dr. Eggman. Uncle Dofo even DIED and came back after saving Grandpa Simba! Honestly I'm a little afraid of going up against them at ANYTHING!
Adofo: Hehehe you should!
Nala whacks him on his head.
Adofo: OW! Nala!??
Nala: Don't be a smart allic Adofo!
Kovu: So Uncle Dofo, is you family still coming over tomorrow?
Adofo: Uh, yeah. They'll be staying with us until Christmas.
Khalfani: YES! It feels like we haven't seen them in forever!
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Kipekee » December 19th, 2013, 12:40 am

chapter five

Suddenly, Adofo's phone began to buzz.
"Why now...?" He muttered.
He got up and walked away to answer it.
Simba stared after him.
"I wonder who he's talking to." The retired king muttered.
"He always says who after he hangs up." Replied Nala.
After a while, Adofo came back with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Kovu inquired.
Adofo took in a few deep breaths. "That was Kelsey," He began. "She says that Eggman is still alive despite the venom and that we have to go to Northern City --"
"Ohhhh no we're not." Nala interrupted.
Simba nudged her and nodded to his brother. "Continue."
" -- in a month. Which means, we're going to have to drag our family back to the city."
It took a while for the words to sink in.
"Well, this place ain't the Bahamas so they better not be expecting a good vacation!" Exclaimed Vitani.
They all laughed.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Adofo » December 19th, 2013, 1:03 am

Chapter Six

Adofo: Oh man, Christen is gonna love this!
Kopa: So why can't they handle it? Why need us?!
Adofo: I don't know, they just said they needed us to come..
Later that night everyone is sound asleep. Most everyone.
Adofo: Hey. Fajari. Wake up.
Fajari: Uncle Dofo?! What is it?
Adofo: You still up for that little challenge of yours?
Fajari: Yeah but I'm grounded. Remember!?
Adofo: Why do you think we're doing this at night!?! Now stay quiet. Are you in or not?
Fajari: Definitely in!
Adofo: Okay, come on. Be quiet!
Adofo takes his great nephew down a ways from Priderock where Simba is already waiting for them.
Fajari: Grandpa?
Simba: What, you think I would miss this?
Adofo: Alright, here are the rules. My and Simba against you. Whoever gets the biggest kill wins. Just don't make too much noise so the others will wake up! Get ready. GO!
Last edited by Adofo on December 19th, 2013, 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Kipekee » December 19th, 2013, 1:46 am

chapter seven

Khalfani was watching them as they ran off, and she silently bared her teeth. Idiots! ... now should I follow them or tell the lionesses? ... I'll follow them.
Walking on her toes, Khalfani left, trotting quietly after her cousin.



"So, I guess we should go now, right?" Kiara said thoughtfully, looking to her brother.
Kopa nodded slowly. "Yeah. The plane should be here soon."
"Riiiiiiiiight." Kiara said sarcastically.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Adofo » December 19th, 2013, 2:11 am


Khalfani: So mom, what's this place supposed to be like?
Kiara: It's like Nzuri but....different.
Khalfani: Different how?
Kopa: The inhabitant's are a little....strange. Just uhh don't you two piss the red guy off. Fajari!
Fajari: Okay, okay!
Adofo comes over, just now getting off the phone.
Vitani: So when are they coming? They're about three minutes away.
Fajari: So what's the story with this "Eggman" dude?
Nala: Well before you two and Adofo's grandkids kids were born we got roped into this long ongoing battle with Team Sonic against the hyenas and Dr. Eggman.
Simba: We had all thought he had died a long time ago from the bite that our friend Kelsey gave him, but apparently he survived.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Kipekee » December 19th, 2013, 2:32 am

chapter nine

"We hope not. We're still not sure if it's true."
Khalfani and Fajari whipped around, their eyes wild. "Who's there?!"
A black echidna stepped out of the brush, a smile on her face.
Adofo just blinked.
"Oh, come on." She said. "C'mere and hug me! Aren't I your sista from another mista?"
They (friendly) hugged eachother.
Last edited by Kipekee on December 19th, 2013, 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

Postby Adofo » December 19th, 2013, 2:43 am


Adofo: Hey Kels! How are ya!
Kelsey: Pretty good, considering Eggman's still alive!
Simba: How'd he make it?!
Kelsey: I don't know. My bite should have killed him not long after that fight, but I intend to find out!
Adofo: Well we're ready to go.
Kelsey: Great! Where are the others?
Kovu: Others?
Kelsey: Yeah, Adofo, aren't your kids supposed to be here? I know that they are all old enough to fight! We need everyone we can get!
Last edited by Adofo on December 19th, 2013, 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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