Art Trades and Requests (Open)

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Art Trades and Requests (Open)

Postby Labatis » August 28th, 2014, 7:49 pm

Hello there! Currently I am drawing felines, but I really can't think of anything to draw. Also, if you only have human characters, I will be happy to give you a cat/lion form if you wish! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

I know a couple popular things that people draw, so you can also suggest scenes from the things below. I will also do character things, so if you have a character you want to draw, I will do my best. The highest number of characters I will do for one picture are 5, I'll extend it later. If it is from a scene from the things listed above, of course I will draw all the characters in it.

1) Lion King
2) Warrior Cats
3) Why can't I think of anything?! Dx Okay, well, since I can't currently remember what all popular things I know, suggest anything in TLK and Warriors.

-Art Trades-
Now with art trades! I will draw any animal for art trades, it just might look a bit worse than the things I draw constantly.

For those who don't know what Art Trades are, all you do, is write out a description of your character, then the other person will send you theirs. You draw their character, they draw your character. Simple!

Now for the rules! ^^

1) Follow MLK's rules.
2) Keep things appropriate
3) Don't be too gory
4) In your comment, please say if it is Art Trade or Request, then write the species it is. I will send you a form in this topic or in PM the form for it. :3
5) Be patient! If I am busy the day you send it, the drawing may not be done on that day. I will try to make sure your drawing is done within a week. If it is over a week and I haven't showed you the link MLKFAA, notify me! I may have forgotten or accidentally skipped yours.
6) If you have any questions, PM me or write in the comments below.
7) Feel free to criticize, I'll need it if I wish to improve!
8) Please don't be rude in this topic, if you don't like my work, politely ask me to redo it, and criticize me if you must! ^^
9) I will tell you in the same PM with the link anything I didn't do if there was something I accidentally skipped or purposely skipped.
10) Have fun! This is meant for creative purposes!
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