How to draw these characters?

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How to draw these characters?

Postby Ravvij » June 28th, 2014, 6:04 pm

Okay, so, I've been looking around the net for a good tutorial on how to draw lions like they do in The Lion King. So far I've found a few good ones, but nothing solid and all-encompassing. Anyone know where I could find something like that?
I mean I could figure it out on my own, but I'd like a place to start.
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby LadyAislinn » June 28th, 2014, 7:33 pm

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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Ravvij » June 28th, 2014, 11:21 pm

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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby LadyAislinn » June 28th, 2014, 11:55 pm

Yeah there aren't a lot out there. :/

But good luck! I still can't draw the characters exactly on model.
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Ravvij » June 29th, 2014, 2:19 am

[quote="LadyAislinn"]Yeah there aren't a lot out there. :/

But good luck! I still can't draw the characters exactly on model.[/quote]
Well, I'll probably make a "How to" as well once I figure it out. I'm pretty good at figuring out that kind of thing. No, I'm not boasting, you should see some of the things I've taught my self how to draw.
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Captain Cupcake » July 6th, 2014, 3:50 am

You'll also need to have a basic understanding of form drawing and perspective. Just following a "How To" tutorial and getting down the basic proportions isn't enough for a perfect rendering. There's a deeper thought process involved and you need to be able to think more three dimensionally as you draw. These are the fundamentals and how Disney's artists go about their work. They build up their models using basic forms(like the cube, spheres, etc.) while keeping in mind the rules of perspective.

Recommended books on the subject are:
Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair
The Vilppu Drawing Manual by Glenn Vilppu
Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Norling
All books by Andrew Loomis(starting with Fun With a Pencil)
The Natural Way to Draw
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Ravvij » July 6th, 2014, 4:25 am

[quote="Captain Cupcake"]You'll also need to have a basic understanding of form drawing and perspective. Just following a "How To" tutorial and getting down the basic proportions isn't enough for a perfect rendering. There's a deeper thought process involved and you need to be able to think more three dimensionally as you draw. These are the fundamentals and how Disney's artists go about their work. They build up their models using basic forms(like the cube, spheres, etc.) while keeping in mind the rules of perspective.

Recommended books on the subject are:
Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair
The Vilppu Drawing Manual by Glenn Vilppu
Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Norling
All books by Andrew Loomis(starting with Fun With a Pencil)
The Natural Way to Draw[/quote]
I actually have an advanced understanding of basic forms and some advanced ones. I own a few of the Andrew Loomis books and many others. I'm just looking for the "circles and lines" of the basic form so I can start out drawing relatively close to the Disney models, but will move to a more personalized style once I'm confident I can draw TLK lions without a reference.
Thanks for some of those suggestions! I really like them! ;)
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Jammy » May 18th, 2015, 10:25 pm

There is this really cool place, too! It's got all of the character sheets and concept art, so it's good if you want to look at the character's defining features. It just doesn't have much TLK2. :(

But it's seriously cool. 10/10 would recommend.
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Claws » May 21st, 2015, 9:06 pm

[quote="Jammy"]There is this really cool place, too! It's got all of the character sheets and concept art, so it's good if you want to look at the character's defining features. It just doesn't have much TLK2. :(

But it's seriously cool. 10/10 would recommend.[/quote]

Woooow really cool :D
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Re: How to draw these characters?

Postby Timon the great » July 23rd, 2020, 6:15 am

There are plenty of (free) resources online you can use to learn how to start drawing and including how to use guide lines, etc.
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