I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil, and even more so after TLK came out. Huge inspiration! As a kid I had dreams of being an animator for movies like this...but with traditional animation becoming a thing of the past, so are those dreams... At any rate, I continue to draw. I've never had any lessons, I teach myself everything and I'm always learning. I'm most comfortable with traditional materials (pencil and paper) and have even done some animations this way (yknow the serious oldskool way) haven't tried any TLK animations yet, so none are up in my gallery. When I signed up for MLK I of course set up an art account too, so instead of spamming a bunch of pictures in this thread here's a link to my gallery: http://www.mylionking.com/fan/art/Artists/Farren/
Here are a couple previews of my work:
I don't like to stick to one style, I like to explore and expand. So my art may not always look exactly like Disney's, and I consider that a good thing in most cases. This picture here was done in an extremely "toony" style, I always have so much fun with toons!
I love drawing all the characters but have a particular fondness for drawing scenes from the "pre-Simba days" aka when Mufasa, Scar (Taka) and everyone were cubs. I find the various back stories, both semi canon and fan based, to be very interesting.
You can see the full versions of these and more in my gallery