

Postby DreamEater » April 11th, 2013, 9:50 pm

Welcome to the world of AnimalHumans! You can read the prolouge below and if you're interested, a few chapters are already up so feel free to read, comment and ask me all about it!

Spoiler: show
You have just entered the world of what we call AnimalHumans. In this world there are part animal, part human hybrid creatures. They can lead normal lives, such as at a daycare or a bookstore or a clothing line, but they are also part animal. These people have three stages: looking like a regular human, having features of their half animal side while still looking like a human, and fully transforming into their animal.

However there are MonsterHumans who also travel around their world, causing mischief and ruckus to those who are and aren’t AnimalHumans. Due to the mysterious monsters, an AnimalHuman decided to form an alliance and gather up the strongest, smartest and most skilled AnimalHumans they could find and form them into groups so they could send them on missions to destroy the MonsterHumans and any or their own kind that betrayed them.

Several mysteries shadow the world of the AnimalHumans. No one knows who created the 'AnimalHuman Alliance' as well as no one knows where the first AnimalHumans came from, no one knows what these treasures called ORBS that the AHA is after, no one knows what the outcome of this world might be. Both human and AnimalHuman are only left to wonder how this story will unfold.

I hope you like the story. It's my current main focus of all my stories right now and I know it has to be one of my favorites for sure. If you like it and want to see more, you're awesome. If you want to know more details about the backstory, you can send me a PM about it. Sincerely, your big brother Roku.
Last edited by DreamEater on July 19th, 2013, 9:17 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby meeko » April 12th, 2013, 6:52 pm

This sounds really awesome! I can' wait to read more.

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » April 30th, 2013, 9:23 pm

Alright guys, here it is! The first chapter of AnimalHumans is finished! I just read over it and fixed all the errors and now it's as good as it could be. I hope everyone's still just as excited before the long wait, 'cause here we have it. You can read the first chapter below, enjoy:

Spoiler: show
Chapter 1: AnimalHumans

(What seems to be a backyard of somebody's house is shown, it's daytime and you can hear a boy's voice and a dog's barking.)

Boy: "Here boy! Here boy!"
Dog: "Woof! Woof!"
Boy: "You want the stick? Go get it!"

Narrator: "Welcome, human..."

(The dog runs after the stick the boy threw, while running it's appearance seems to become more human-like, quickly transforming into a full-human, he catches it with his hands.)

Narrator: "To a world called AnimalHumans."

Boy: "Nice catch!"
Dog: "I try."

(From inside of the DogHuman's pocket, his cellphone seems to ring.)

Boy: "Oh, that's probably your boss. You should check it."
Dog: "Man, I can never catch a break." (Picks up the phone) "Hello?"
VOP: "A new human arrived in the city. I'd like you to do the daily tour around."
Dog: "Right, I'll be there." (Hangs up the phone)
Boy: "So you're leaving?"
Dog: "Oh yeah, another new human."
Boy: "Okay, have fun."
Dog: "It won't be hard!"

(He turns back into a full-on dog, running across the sidewalk and out into the city. It clips a little later on when the DogHuman arrives in the city and walks up to the new human, now back in his own human form.)

Dog: "Hey."
Human: "Huh? Hey. Are you my tour guide?"
Dog: "Ya, I'm gonna show you around and get you used to the basics of the AnimalHuman world, 'kay?"
Human: "Uh, sure. Let's go."

(The DogHuman and human start walking around the city.)

Dog: "Well, you see this whole place is just the regular city. Regular stuff, regular people, regular everything, really."
Human: "But aren't these people all animal hybrids, though?"
Dog: "Not all of them are. Some are humans."
Human: "Are you allowed to show off that you're an AnimalHuman in public?"
Dog: "Course you can. Look at that guy, he has a tiger's tail and he's just walking down the street all casual. No one really cares."
Human: "How can you tell when you're an AnimalHuman when you're in regular human form?"
Dog: "Ya can't."
Human: "I see...What else is in here?"
Dog: "Ooh! Look through this window here. You see those pets in there?"
Human: "Pets? They don't look like regular cats and dogs."
Dog: "Cause they're not. They're called APets. Specifically bred for us AnimalHumans."
Human: "Are there still regular pets too?"
Dog: "Of course there are."

(By the side of his eye, across the streets and in the distance, the DogHuman spots a large building.)

Dog: "Oh, you see that really huge building up there?"
Human: "That lookes dramatic. What is it?"
Dog: "It's the AnimalHuman Alliance. AHA for short, but that's probably the most important place in the city."
Human: "Why's that?"
Dog: "Because that's where all of the strongest, smartest, most dang skilled AnimalHumans go."
Human: "And do what?"
Dog: "They form teams and fight against what we call MonsterHumans."
Human: "Monsters?"
Dog: "No one knows what the heck they are. They just roam in forests, jungles, they even come to the city every now and then."
Human: "So it's not safe here?"
Dog: "Well, as long as you don't live around the edges of the city you'll never get attack by one. And even if you did, one of the AnimalHuman teams would show up and kill it before you know it."
Human: "Who started the AHA?"

(The DogHuman stares off at the AHA building, in deep thought, he replies.)

Dog: "I don't know. Nobody does. Not even the team leaders of the AHA and there's no closer to get than that. Nobody ever saw 'em, they just get reports and letters but it never lists a name, just 'the leader of the AnimalHuman Alliance'. But I really, really hope that one day I get to meet them."

(The introduction fades out into what appears to be a few weeks or so later.)

Voice: "Hey!"

(What appears to be three young men walking into one of the APet Daycare buildings.)

YM1: "Yo, how's my favorite worker today, bro?"
Khan: "Oh hey, guys."
YM2: "You're here awfully early."
YM3: "What's the rush?"

Khan: "It kind of helps to be here early in case something shows up. If no one's ever here and an injured APet shows up-"
YM2: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it."
Khan: "Then why'd you ask?"

(One of the young men shrug, then all three of them walk behind the counter that Khan was sitting by. The three men look at each other and smile, pulling chairs towards Khan's.)

YM1: "So Khan..."
YM2: "We were wondering, maybe you..."
YM3: "Found yourself a girlfriend, eh?"
Khan: (Sighs) "Not yet."
YM2: "Oh, so you do want one?"
Khan: "That's not what I said."
YM1: "Okay, then what are you implying?"
Khan: "One would be nice, but I really don't think any girl in the world would be attracted to someone like me."
YM3: "Aw, of course they will! I mean, look at you-"
YM2: "Black hair, green eyes, fairly tall, honest guy, girls will totally dig you if you just put yourself out there, dude."
Khan: "Yeah, but I work at an APet Daycare."
YM2: "That has nothing to do with it. If you work and care about dogs, that means chicks!"
Khan: "I guess we'll find out then, huh?"

(One of the young men notice a young lady walk in through the doors of the daycare.)

YM1: "I guess we will."

(The outside of the AnimalHuman Alliance building is shown, then zooming in to show one of the team rooms.)

Bjorn: "Hm?"

(He lookes back to see one of his team members come in through the door.)

Crayton: "Hey there. What's up?"
Bjorn: "Nothing much. Where were you this morning?"
Crayton: "I had to get some work done with one of the team leaders."
Bjorn: "Oh, did you get in any trouble?"
Crayton: "No, that bird guy's a nice one."
Bjorn: "What was it about?"

(Crayton proceeds to talk but is now filing out some papers.)

Crayton: "A new member of the AHA. He wanted to join but they said he wasn't good enough, but he was persistent."
Bjorn: "Did he get the job?"
Crayton: "No, not yet. But they said they'd consider over the next month or so."
Bjorn: "What team was he joining?"
Crayton: "Ours."
Bjorn: "Oh? You think he's good enough?"
Crayton: "I'll admit, he wasn't that good. But with some training he could be good enough."

(Bjorn seemed to be lost in thought for a second.)

Bjorn: "You remember when we just started? We were pretty good, but nothing compared to the way we are now."
Crayton: "How long has it been since we joined? 10 years?"
Bjorn: "Somewhere around that time."
Crayton: "...And it's been even longer since our families disappeared, too."

(Bjorn clutches his fist.)

Bjorn: "That's why we joined after all. To stop those darned Monsters from hurting anyone else."

(It then clips to what appears to be an extremely tall building, it seems busy, crowded and rather noisy. It shows a man in his office with stacks of paper and computers on his desks, the man appears to be on the phone.)

Gabriel: "Sir, can't you just-"
VOP: "Be here in 10 minutes!"
P1: "Can you scan these for me?"
Gabriel: "Yeah, just- Sir, please, give me at least a half an hour!"
VOP: "Did you hear me clearly? I said 10 minutes!"
Gabriel: "But I-"
P2: "Sir, can you get the internet running on my computer again, it went down."
Gabriel: "In a minute, sir."
VOP: "How about 10 minutes, slacker?!"
Gabriel: "Sir, I beg you, please! I have so much work to do!"
VOP: "You heard me, be here!" (Hangs up the phone)
P3: "Can you sign this for me, sir?"
Gabriel: "Yeah, in just a second..."

(Gabriel proceeds to fall to the ground and soon enough passes out.)

P3: "Uh, I got a problem with one of my workers over here!"

(It then clips back to the AnimalHuman Alliance, what seems to be a large room with a long table in the center, though a fridge, a TV, Playstation
3 and several other object lay across the room.)

Mia: "I'm gonna die of boredom! Ugh!"
Robert: "Give yourself a break, will you? You just got finished two missions today already."
Mia: "But you know it's boring just to sit here and do nothing."
Robert: "Yeah, I guess..."
Mia: "So? Wouldn't that make you on my side?"
Robert: "In a way."
Mia: "What do you mean in a-- ah, forget it!"

(A strange tune starts to play from what appears to be somebody's cellphone.)

Austin: "Conner, is that yours?"

(Conner seems exhausted, asleep and does not respond to what Austin is saying.)

Austin: "Conner, your phone is ringing."
Conner: "H-huh?"
Austin: "Conner!"
Conner: "What? Yeah?"
Austin: "Your phone is ringing."
Conner: "Oh, darn, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

(Austin just looks at Conner, angry, as she the picks up her phone.)

Conner: "Yeah? Yeah. Seriously, again? Alright..."
Robert: "The deal?"
Conner: "More Monsters down by the lake, they came back."
Mia: "I so thought we killed those guys."
Robert: "I guess not. Diamond!"

(Diamond seems to be curled up on a bean bag, asleep.)

Robert: "Diamond, wake up! We got work!"
Diamond: "Oh geez, do all 5 of us need to go?"
Robert: "It's a lot easier when we do."
Diamond: "What's the problem anyway?"
Conner: "Monster by the lake..."
Diamond: "Oh come on! I thought we-"
Mia: "Killed 'em right? That's what I said."
Austin: "Well, no slacking off from any of you. As the team leaders of the AHA we need to deal with these threats."

(The other 4 appear to all shake their heads, becoming more serious, the 5 run out of the room. It then going over to show them arrive at that lake where the MonsterHumans have returned.)

Robert: "Here they are!"

(What appears to be a sort of Ox looking MonsterHuman turns over and roars the the team leaders.)

Mia: "Whoa, he looks mad."
Austin: "Figures."
Robert: "Let's take these guys out, come on!"
Conner: "How many are there? 6? We should split into groups."
Austin: "Right, me and Conner will fight this Ox one here and those two aside it, while you three fight the others, of course."
Diamond: "Fine by me."
Mia: "Let's go!"
Austin: "Right..."

(Austin closes his eyes, his body noticably becoming different. Brown hair starts to spread all over his body as whiskers start to grow out of his cheeks, pointy ears and claws growing as his teeth turn into canines, he opens his eyes as they now glow yellow like a wolve's.)

Conner: "Dramatic introduction..."
Austin: "I wanted to make it epic for the viewers."
Conner: "Eh..."

(Conner shrugs, however when shrugging sort of wings seem to rip through her sleeves, growing a rather long, fluffy tail and circle ears, several small whiskers coming out of her cheeks as her nose wiggles around, clearly clarifying she is a flying squirrel.)

Conner: "See? Could've been easier."
Austin: "Let's just get on with the show, shall we?"
Conner: "Right."

(Austin quickly turns into a full-on wolf, climbing up with of the Monster's arms, then turning back into a half-wolf, he uses his claws to slash the Monster across its face, as then Conner, gliding towards the Monster, does the small except on the opposite side of its face.)

Conner: "Think that got it?"

(Conner picks up Austin off of the Monster's shoulder and glides back down to the floor, the Monster then exploding.)

Austin: "I think so."
Conner: "Right, what about the others?"

(Another Monster smashes the ground behind them. Conner and Austin both turning into their full animal stages and dodging the attack.)

Austin: "There's one!"
Conner: "I can see..."

(Austin then runs underneath the Monster, reaching it's tail, he turns back into a half-wolf to use his hands, he grabs onto it's tail and swings himself onto its back.)

Austin: "Conner, mind distracting it?"
Conner: "No problem. Hey, Monster!"

(The Monster's attention is taken away from Austin and is now focused on Conner.)

Conner: "Hey, Monster! Hey! Man, I'm so terrible at making distractions...Hey, Monster!"

(Conner continues to shout at the Monster while Austin appears to be focusing on it's head.)

Austin: "Just like I thought. This Monster has one of the ORBS...Hey, Conner!"
Conner: "Ya?"
Austin: "This Monster has an ORB!"
Conner: "Oh really? Which one?"
Austin: "Looks like...The Ground ORB!"
Conner: "Cool, take it out."
Austin: "Right!"

(Austin sticks his claws into the Monster's head, the Monster roars as he takes out what appears to be a large brown orb out of its head. The Monster proceeds to roaring once more and then falls to the ground, Austin turning into a wolf and escaping the explosion.)

Conner: "Cool, what else can I say?"
Austin: "The leader's going to be very happy with out success. This is the first ORB anyone has ever collected."
Conner: "How could you tell it had it, though?"
Austin: "I've been researching ways to find out how to track an ORB, someone apparently knew and just took the advice and boom, it worked."
Conner: "Oh, what about the other one?"

(Austin seems to bounce the ORB off of his hand and direct it towards the last Monster, it blows straight through it and then zooms back to Austin's hand as it explodes.)

Austin: "What other one?"
Conner: "Heh, you think the others are finished?"
Austin: "There were 3 of them and only 2 of us, they should be."
Conner: "Our teamwork is the best, though."
Austin: "True, we could've finished long before them."
Conner: "Alright, enough bragging, let's go find out."

(Conner and Austin go over to check on the others who now appear to be finished as well.)

Mia: "Take that, stupid Monster!"
Conner: "Hey guys."
Robert: "Oh hey, you all done?"
Conner: "We wouldn't be here if not. Oh, look what we found."
Austin: "The Ground ORB."
Mia: "What?! Are you kidding?! You found one and we didn't?!"
Conner: "Yep, Austin tracked it."
Diamond: "You should be glad we finally got one."
Mia: "Yeah, but it's unbelieveable how they would end up with the Monster with the ORB and we wouldn't..."
Robert: "Either way it's great! The Master will be so happy!"
Conner: "If only we could see them face to face..."

(Conner, followed along by the others, look back at the AHA building, wonder who the leaer could be. It then clips over to the AHA team leaders walking back to the building, as they pass by the APet Daycare Khan walks outside and notices them.)

Khan: "Huh?"
Mia: "Ah, I can't wait until everybody sees this! Imagine the look on his face!"
Robert: "I know, right?"

(Khan considers walking up to one of them because he notices the strange ORB Austin in carrying, but reconsiders, however Conner seems to spot Khan looking at them.)

Conner: "Hmm?"
Khan: "Huh?"
Robert: "Conner, what's up?"
Conner: "Oh, it's nothing..."

(The team leaders walk passed the daycare.)

Khan: "Were they the team leaders of that AHA thing?"

(The team leaders arrive back at the AHA building, where Robert then sees Bjorn and Crayton walking down the hall.)

Robert: "Hey guys."
Bjorn: "Hm?"
Crayton: "Greetings, sir."
Robert: "Look what we found."

(Austin passes the ORB to Robert.)

Crayton: "An ORB?"
Bjorn: "That's incredible. This is the first ORB found since the alliance was originally created."
Robert: "Oh, look who's talking now Mr. Quiet, eh, Bjorn?"
Bjorn: "Oh? I just can't help but to be curious."
Mia: "Gotta wonder why the Master wants these ORBS anyway, right?"
Austin: "They hold a massive amount of power inside each one of them. That could be why."
Mia: "But why would they want power? They're the leader."
Conner: "Just because they're the leader that doesn't mean they have to be almighty powerful."
Mia: "Yeah, I know."
Robert: "I have a feeling that's not it though..."
Mia: "What else would they want them for?"
Bjorn: "You said you found this inside one of the MonsterHumans, correct?"
Austin: "Yes."
Bjorn: "Then maybe it's because they don't want the Monsters to have control over them."
Robert: "You think they formed a whole alliance just for that purpose? If it was easy enough for Conner and Austin to get one of the ORBS out of it just like that, shouldn't all it have to take is 2 or 3 people to get the job done?"

(Mia angrily face palms.)

Mia: "You know, if we could talk to the leader I'm sure they'd have all the answers we're looking for."
Robert: "If not even we know who they are, I doubt anyone does."
Crayton: "Really strange how the alliance just started one day. Before we knew it, we were in here making teams and hunting Monsters."
Bjorn: "Without even knowing who are leader was."
Crayton: "And to this day we still don't know."
Bjorn: "Sometimes I just feel like running through the whole building and busting down every door until I find them."

(Mia points a Bjorn.)

Mia: "I'm with this guy!"
Robert: "Even if, this building is huge, I doubt you could make it there in one go."
Mia: "Still...Ugh, I wanna meet the Master so bad!"
Conner: "Doesn't everyone?"
Robert: "I'm sure we'll get to meet them sooner or later."
Mia: "Maybe we can just search every building in the city until we find them."
Conner: "I think we know the whole city inside out by now."
Mia: "So what are you trying to say? When the alliance was formed they went inside and never, ever came back out since?"
Austin: "When have you ever seen the leader come in or out of this building? Never."
Mia: "Ahh! All of these questions are giving me a pounding headache!"
Diamon: "Then maybe we should call it a quits for now and keep it up in the morning, I am getting pretty tired."
Robert: "Fine by me."

(The next morning Khan appears to be on his way to the Apet Daycare when suddenly a young girl and her APet puppy run straight into him.)

Khan: "Oh I'm sorry, are you oaky?"
Girl: "Yeah, I'm fine, but I should be apologizing, I was the one running."
Khan: "It's no problem, really. Might I ask your name?"
Girl: "It's Sasha."
Khan: "My name's Khan."

(The girl's APet puppy barks at Khan, then leaping at him.)

Khan: "Uh, does he usually act like this?"
Sasha: "Only when he really likes somebody."
Khan: "So that would mean..."
Sasha: "I guess he likes you, Khan!"
Khan: "Maybe he smells all the other APets on me."
Sasha: "Oh? Do you work with animals or something?"
Khan: "Yeah, I work at the APet Daycare. I was just on my way there."
Sasha: "Oh, I'm probably gonna make you late, aren't I?"
Khan: "Not really, I always come really early, if anything you're just going to make me on time."

(Khan smiles, before Sasha could respond a giant BullMonster breaks through two of the buildings they were next to.)

Khan: "Whoa, what is that?!"
Sasha: "It looks like some sort of bull! But it's huge!"
Khan: "What would a...huge bull be doing here?"
Sasha: "Do you know how to fight, Khan?"
Khan: "Well, I...No! But even if I did, that thing's ten times my size, if I got close to it it'd eat me in one bite!"

(Sasha's APet puppy barks at the BullMonster, the Monster then roars as it progressivly gets closer to Khan and Sasha. Conner and Robert arrive at the incident on top of a nearby building.)

Conner: "There it is...and it's huge."
Robert: "You think you can handle it by yourself?"
Conner: "Of course."
Robert: "Then go for it."

(Conner transforms into a Flying SquirrelHuman and glides down to where Khan and Sasha are.)

Conner: "Hey."
Khan: "Y-you're...part..."
Conner: "Huh? Oh yeah, you're in the city of AnimalHumans, what's new?"
Khan: "It's just, I've never seen one in person before..."
Conner: "Hey, is this guy causing you trouble?"
Sasha: "You mean the bull? Of course he is!"

(Conner turns around to look at the bull who is right in front of her face, it roars.)

Conner: "Back up."
Khan: "Huh?"
Conner: "Run backwards, back up!"

(Khan and Sasha run and then watch from a distance as the BullMonster tries to ram at Conner, Conner defends herself by shoving her hands on its snout, slowing it down.)

Conner: "Er, nice evil monster..."

(The Monster roars and gets itself out of Conner's grip, stabbing the very point of its horn into her shirt.)

Conner: "This doesn't look good."

(The Monster swings its head upwards, Conner still stuck to its horn.)

Khan: "Ah, squirrel person!"
Conner: "You might wanna take cover!"

(The Monster slams Conner into the floor, causing a huge shock wave that blows up everything around it. Khan tried to call out to see if Conner's okay but the debres from the explosion cuts him off.)

Robert: "Hmm..."
Khan: "Squirrel person!"
Sasha: "Is she okay?!"

(Khan and Sasha consider running over the the hole Conner was just slammed into, however they notice the BullMonster is still after them as well.)

Sasha: "Uh, Khan..."
Khan: "I don't know what to say..."

(The Monster roars as it walks towards the two, however they then notice Conner on top of the Monster's head, she smiles and gives the 'peace' sign.)

Conner: "My name's Conner, stop calling me 'squirrel person'!"

(Khan and Sasha smile at this, however this catches the Monster's attention and it tries to shake Conner off of it's head.)

Khan: "Do you have a plan, Conner?"
Conner: "Well...this guy's a little bigger than the others...and Austin's not here to"
Sasha: "Is that a no?"
Conner: "No, it's a yes."
Sasha: "H-huh?"

(Conner then jumps onto the Monster's snout, pulling the Ground ORB out from a bag she was wearing around her waist.)

Khan: "That thing again?"
Sasha: "You know what that is?"
Khan: "Not really, but now that I think about it...I seen this girl before, she was with a few others, and one man had the orb thing on him."
Sasha: "Did he use it to kill a bull?"
Khan: "No, he didn't use it for anything. They were just walking by."
Conner: "Monster, say goodbye."

(Conner then places the ORB onto the Monster's head, causing a huge explosion. When the smoke from the exlosion clears up, the Monster is no where to be found and Conner stands there holding the ORB.)

Sasha: "What did she just do?"
Khan: "I think she used that orb thing to destroy the bull."

(Conner looks back at the two, transforming back into a regular human, walking over to them.)

Conner: "Are you okay?"
Khan: "Uh yeah, we're fine, thanks to you."
Sasha: "Yeah, thanks a whole bunch! That was amazing!"
Conner: "Aw you're gonna make be blush, that's not cool."
Khan: "But really, thanks! Conner, right?"
Conner: "Ya. What are your names?"
Khan: "My name's Khan."
Sasha: "And I'm Sasha."
Robert: "Hey, Conner!"

(Conner, Khan and Sasha look over to see Robert walking into the scene.)

Robert: "Good job, but why'd you have to wait to use the ORB? Wanted to scare the kids?"
Conner: "That wasn't why, I guess I just wanted to see what I could do without it."
Robert: "You could've done better than that."
Conner: "Yeah, but I got bored."
Khan: "Uh excuse me, do you know this man?"
Conner: "Yeah, he's Rob, another team leader of the AHA."
Khan: "So you are the team leaders!"
Conner: "Yeah, that's us."
Khan: "You walked by the daycare I work at last night, can you remember looking over at me, Conner?"
Conner: "Let me think...Oh yeah, that was you, I didn't realize."

(Robert and Sasha look over at each other.)

Robert & Sasha: "You know each other?"
Khan: "Not really, it was just that one night we noticed each other walking by."
Robert: "And you assume we were team leaders?"
Khan: "I seen the tags you wear, I thought I read 'AHA team leader' on one of them."
Conner: "I see. Do you guys know what that thing was?"
Sasha: "The bull? I guess we just assumed it was what it was: a giant bull."
Conner: "Technically, but those things are called MonsterHumans. They just go about and pretty much blow things up around forests, jungles, small towns, seas, sometimes even here in the city, obviously."
Khan: "Where do they come from?"
Robert: "That's what the team's been trying to figure out, we're not sure ourselves."
Sasha: "Do you know when they started attacking the city?"
Robert: "Around the same time the alliance was formed, I guess that's one of the reasons the Master made it."
Khan: "Master?"
Robert: "The leader of the AHA, that's what we call them."

(As they talked Conner was seemingly playing around with the ORB, Khan finally notices and asks.)

Khan: "Hey, what is that thing?"
Conner: Oh this? The Ground ORB, as we call it."
Khan: "What's it do?"
Conner: "Kick Monster butt, but besides that we really don't know."
Robert: "Yep, that's another thing we're trying to figure out."
Conner: "Austin knows most about them, but the information we gathered is that these ORBS were somehow placed inside of the Monsters and we were assigned to track the ORBS down and take them out of the Monsters who carried them."
Robert: "The alliance has been around for years and this is the first ORB we ever found."
Sasha: "You can use them to fight, right?"
Robert: "Yep, we found out how to use them pretty quickly. It's almost like controlling a toy car or something like that. You just point your hand where you want it to go and you can just fire, you can even set a pattern for it to zig-zag or something like that."
Sasha: "That's pretty cool!"
Robert: "Yeah, I know, right?"

(Conner holds the ORB out, moving her hand left, then right, then left, then right again, she lets go of the ORB and it travels in the directions
she set for it, then zooming back to her hand.)

Conner: "Cool, right? It's like the toy I always wanted when I was a kid..."
Khan: "Yeah, that's amazing. You said ORBS, that means there are more of these things?"
Robert: "Yep, this is just the one of Ground, there are still 4 others."
Sasha: "Do you know what the symbolize?"
Conner: "We're pretty sure there's one of Electric, Air, Fire and Water."
Khan: "And all of these are supposed to be inside of the Monsters?"
Robert: "Right."
Khan: "Where exactly did you find it?"
Robert: "It was by a lake, one of the Monsters there had it."
Khan: "Doesn't seem like there's any kinda elemental pattern to it, then."
Sasha: "I wish there was an easier way of finding them."

(Suddenly Sasha's APet puppy begins to bark at Khan.)

Khan: "Oh, does your dog have a name, Sasha?"
Sasha: "I named him Skippy."
Khan: "Skippy? Uh, is there a reason he's barking at me?"
Sasha: "He doesn't really bark at anyone, this is kind of an odd behavior for him."
Robert: "I know my dog always barks at me when he's trying to remind me of something I forgot about."
Khan: "Well, what would he be trying to...Oh gosh, my job!"
Sasha: "Oh yeah, that's right! You were on your way to the APet Daycare, right?"
Khan: "Yeah, I forgot all about it! I should really get going, now I'm gonna be late!"

(Khan begins to run to the daycare, looking back at them and waving.)

Khan: "I hope I can see you guys again soon! And thanks again, Conner!"
Conner: "No problem."

(It then shows Robert and Conner arrive back at the AHA building, meeting up with the rest of the team leaders in their room.)

Robert: "Hey, we're back."
Austin: "Greetings. You took care of the Monster?"
Conner: "Yeah, all done."
Mia: "What took you so long?"
Robert: "We ran into these kids along the way, they were being attacked by the Monster."
Mia: "You saved them, right?"
Robert: "Of course we did. They just made us take a little longer."
Austin: "Names?"
Conner: "Oh, they said their names were Khan and Sasha, right Rob?"
Robert: "Yeah, that's it."
Mia: "Were they humans?"
Conner: "I think so. They didn't mention anything about being AnimalHumans."
Mia: "Did they act weird around you? You know, 'cause you're AnimalHumans."
Robert: "At first, but they got used to it quickly."

(Conner plummets herself down into her bean bag, sighing.)

Conner: "I think I'm gonna go out for a bit..."
Mia: "You're kidding, right? You didn't even work that, that much today,"
Conner: "That's why I'm going out."
Mia: (Chuckles) "Do you know how weird you are, Conner?"

(Conner yawns, leaning over to her side.)

Conner: "Enough to know what reactions should be expected by now."

(It clips over to Khan running into the daycare, his three friends and a few other coworkers look over at him.)

YM1: "What took you so long?"
Khan: "Just a little held up."
YM2: "By what?"
Khan (Narration): "I'd say things changed a bit that day, but I guess I couldn't really tell."
YM3: "Yeah yeah, what could possibly have held you up, Khan? Mr. Early?"
Khan: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
Khan (Narration): "That was the first time I've ever encountered a MonsterHuman, which was different, but my friends still seemed so normal."
YM2: "I see what's going on here."
Khan (Narration): "My job was still the same, my friends could never change, AH City was still the way it was since I first got here."
YM3: "Ah-ha, you found a girlfriend!"
Khan: "No, that's not it..."
YM2: "Oh, it's not? You said we wouldn't believe you and that's pretty unbelievable!"
Khan (Narration): "That's when the thought sparked in my head: If nothing around me changed..."
Khan: "Trust me, that's not it."
YM1: "Ugh, when are you ever gonna change, Khan?"
Khan (Narration): "Maybe I'm the one who changed."

(It then goes over to show Gabriel who had just seemed to return from work. He walked in and weakly placed his suit cases down and took his jacket off.)

Gabriel: "I'm home."
GW: "My dear, what happened to you?"
Gabriel: "Boss beat me up. I was uh, 1 minute late for a meeting I had to attend."
K1: "Daddy, are you okay?"
Gabriel: "I'll be fine, little guy."
Gabriel (Narration): "On one side, life sucked, but on the other, life couldn't be better."
GW: "You should really rest."
Gabriel (Narration): "Work was living underworld, but time spent with my family was like visiting heaven."
K2: "Papa!"
Gabriel: "Hey there, girl."
GW: "I can set up dinner and put your suit cases away, please, rest."
Gabriel: "Okay okay, I'll sit down."
Gabriel (Narration): "I couldn't ask for a better set of kids or a nicer wife, but at the same time it felt like there was something wrong."
GW: "Can you keep an eye on your father for me, dear?"
K1: "Okay, mama. Daddy, stay put."
Gabriel: (Laughs)
Gabriel (Narration): "It almost felt like something was watching me, like something was right there behind me yet somehow I didn't notice it. Like something was putting this pressure on me...and it wasn't my boss for once."

(It then shows Sasha and her APet puppy walking down the streets of the city.)

Sasha: "Hey, hey Skippy, don't see the light? It's red!"
Skippy: "Woof, woof!"
Sasha: "Wait for it."
Sasha (Narration): "What was I waiting for, though? I just moved into the city and I least I thought I was ready to start a new life here."
Skippy: "Woof!"
Sasha: "Oh, how many times did the light turn green already?"
Sasha (Narration): "But what was distracting me? It wasn't guilt, but it was something similar. But why would I be feeling this way?"
Skippy: "Grr, woof!"
Sasha: "Don't bark at the other dogs, Skippy, you're making me look crazy."
Sasha (Narration): "I don't know what it is, but I don't think this will be the last time I feel it for some reason..."

(It then goes back to the AHA building inside of Bjorn and Crayton's room.)

Bjorn: "Crayton."
Crayton: "What?"
Bjorn: "When do you think the next mission will be?"
Crayton: "I don't know, hopefully soon."
Bjorn (Narration): "I feel like beating those Monsters into a pulp every day."
Crayton (Narration): "But is revenge the right way to go about this?"
Bjorn: "Yeah, the average is 2 missions each day of the week."
Bjorn (Narration): "The Monster who killed our family is long gone by now."
Crayton (Narration): "So what's the point in going around killing the rest of the species?"
Bjorn (Narration): "If a man killed your father, you wouldn't kill him, and then go around killing every person you see."
Crayton: "We only got one today."
Crayton (Narration): "But would it be worth it to stop?"
Bjorn (Narration): "Or was I just wasting my time here for years if I do quit?"

(Still in the AHA, however it shows the team leader's room.)

Robert: "You can't top my score, face it."
Mia: "I can too! Just wait!"
Robert: "Hey focus."

(Mia's ship is shot down in the video game, now viewing the game over screen.)

Mia: "Ahh! You cheated!"
Robert: "I did not cheat."
Robert (Narration): "Being a team leader's not easy, no."
Mia (Narration): "But that doesn't stop us from living our normal lives."
Austin: "Could you mature a little bit, at least?"
Mia: "Hey you shut up, whiskers! You're just mad because you can't play video games!"
Austin: "I am not."
Conner: "Wait, was that an insult on whiskers? I have whiskers, too."
Mia: "I'm aware."
Austin (Narration): "It's like babysitting little kids sometimes, I guess I'm used to it though."
Conner (Narration): "It tires me out, yeah, but in the same way it's refreshing to get back from a mission to hear they're arguing and complaining."
Mia: "Like you care anyway, right? You have no self esteem!"
Conner: "I have self's just at it's current lowest."

(Mia face palms and grunts as Diamond appears to wake up)

Robert: "Good afternoon."
Diamond: "Man, I was asleep that long?"
Diamond (Narration): "And why am I not surprised I woke up to their traditional argument?"
Mia: "What's with all the lazy people in here? These are the team leaders? Lazy, low self esteem 5 hour cat nappers?"
Conner: "It's just because you took all the hype."
Mia: "Conner, do you wanna fight?!"
Robert (Narration): "We had a lot of rough adventures and times where we almost quit or stopped being friends."
Mia (Narration): "And believe it or not this is our friendship at it's closest."
Conner: "No."
Mia: "You little-"
Austin: "Hold that thought."
Austin (Narration): "What drew us to join the AHA in the first place? I don't know, but I'm glad we did."
Mia: "Geez, why do you need a big guard dog to cover you all the time?"
Conner: "Jealous."
Mia: "Jealous of what?! A big fluffy, wet nosed mutt?!"
Austin: "Ahem."
Conner (Narration): "If we didn't join, we would have never met each other."
Diamond: "Hey, what's with all the fighting? Why don't we just have a nice, long cat nap to settle everyone down?"
Robert: "Is it really a nap if it's that long?"
Diamond: "Uh..."
Diamond (Narration): "And if not for them, I wouldn't be who I am today."
Mia: "I'm going back to my video game and nothing stopping me, guys!"

(As she says this Conner's cellphone seems to ring again.)

Conner: "Oh, I think we got work. Let me check."
Mia: "Are you kidding?! I can't be at ease for five seconds?!"
Conner: "Be right there. Yeah, Monsters by the gates of AH City, let's go guys!"
Robert: "Heh, you almost seem excited Conner."
Conner: "Hardly possible."

(Austin throws a pillow at Diamond.)

Austin: "Diamond, did you fall asleep again? Come on..."
Diamond: "I'm awake, I was just...falling back asleep."
Mia: "Whatever! Let's just get this over with!"
Austin: "Alright, move out everyone!"

Cast: "Life is wild, but what do you expect? We're AnimalHumans."

(The logo appears once more, ending the first chapter of AnimalHumans.)

There it is! I hope you liked it and if you have any thoughts on it, please feel free to comment and state your opinions! If you'd like to know anything more about AH you can either post in this topic or send me a PM. I'm gonna start working on chapter 2 as soon as possible and it should be up sometime soon. Until then, guys!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » April 30th, 2013, 10:12 pm

Whoa! That was long! Can't wait to see more ^^
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Kal » May 1st, 2013, 10:53 pm

Looks interesting Roku, very dynamically written, good believable dialogue. I'm still getting to grips with the story itself, but don't worry about that - I'm a slow learner and not really used to reading screenplay-style pieces such as this!

Nice though ;)
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » May 5th, 2013, 3:25 am

Thanks everyone. ^^ Try not to lose interest, I'm doing the best I can to progress in working on the 2nd chapter and I'm almost done! I'm glad I got so many opinions and viewers in just a few days, I need to start taking notes of favorite characters and shippings. X3

Despite that, I hope everyone can wait patiently for the next chapter of AH, it's coming soon.

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » May 6th, 2013, 2:12 am

Eep! Yay!
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Aunt: Unikels
ADORBZ [fluffy!] kitty friend: OuRaion

Credits Where Due: show
Thank-you, Darth Julie for the amazing avatar!!!
And thx, Silver for the kickbutt siggy!

My Philosophy: show
Love with every bit of who you really are, not with who you pretend to be.

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » May 10th, 2013, 9:09 pm

Alright! I just read through it and everything was good! I decided I could at least put the second chapter of AnimalHumans up before I leave for a little bit so here we go!

Spoiler: show
Chapter 2: Irony and Tigers

(It appears to show outside of some sort of store, then showing inside a girl appears to be trying on socks and shoes. Just then a young man walks into the store and sees her doing so, he looks over at her and she quickly looks back at him.)

Jamie: "What are you looking at?!"
Davis: "Nothing, I was just walking by..."
Jamie: "Good."

(Another man, though he seems to be more muscular walks into Jamie.)

Man: "Hey, move it will ya?"
Jamie: "I was here first."
Man: "Well, you're in my way now."
Jamie: "Wait a few seconds...or make me move."

(The man grabs onto the front of Jamie's shirt, as Davis still continues to watch from a distance.)

Man: "Ya still wanna get in my way or do you wanna stand down?"
Jamie: "I'm not scared of you."

(The man raises his fist.)

Man: "You should be."
Jamie: "You'd beat up a girl?"
Man: "You're an acception."
Jamie: "I'm still not scared."

(The man tries to punch her, however she dodges his punch and then kicks him in the stomach.)

Jamie: "Yeah, that was a good kick. I think I'll stick with these shoes from now on."
Man: "Why, you little..."

(Jamie 'finger taunts' the man.)

Jamie: "Come on, try that again."

(The man tries to throw another punch however Jamie catches his fist, raising her leg ready to kick him again.)

Jamie: "You want another one?"
Man: "You must want one for yourself with an attitude like that. That was a lucky shot!"
Jamie: "Let's find out."

(The visual turns black as you simply hear the kick sound, it then shows Jamie purchasing the new socks and shoes.)

Davis: "Uh..."
Cashier: "$3.99."
Jamie: "Seriously?"
Cashier: "I know, prices are crazy around here, right?"
Jamie: "Yeah."
Cashier: "Have a nice day."
Jamie: "Yeah, you too, I guess."

(Jamie proceeds to walk outside of the store, Davis following her outside.)

Jamie: "Okay, like I don't notice you're stalking me! What do you want?!"
Davis: "Nothing, it's just that..."
Jamie: "Just that what? I have place to go, you know? You can't waste my time."
Davis: "Can I ask your name?"
Jamie: "Why do you wanna know?"
Davis: "I seen what you did to that guy earlier, that was pretty cool."
Jamie: "I'm doing it daily."
Davis: "Do you live around here?"
Jamie: "I just moved here a few weeks ago...I'll be around."
Davis: "Okay."
Jamie: "Why do you wanna know who I am?"
Davis: "I haven't seen people like you around here. You seem like a cool person."
Jamie: "...What's your name?"
Davis: "It's Davis."

(Jamie turns the other way and continues to walk.)

Jamie: "My name's Jamie...Maybe we can be friends, just don't follow me around anymore."
Davis: "Uh, okay."

(It then clips to show what seems to be a girl arriving at a house in the outer part of the city, she has a few bags and begins to knock on the door to the house. A young man opens the door to see her standing there.)

Ko: "Huh?"
Kirima: "Hey...big brother."

(Ko seems to be almost confused, though he slowly begins to smile.)

Ko: " really did decide to come after all!"

(Ko tackle/hugs Kirima, however since they were on a staircase leading up to the front door, the two wind up tumbling down the stair case. Not showing the outcome, it then clips to inside of the house where Kirima and Ko appear to be sitting at the kitchen table.)

Kirima: "Ahh...What kind of welcoming was that?"
Ko: "I said I was sorry, didn't I?"
Aunt: "I see you haven't changed a bit, huh Kirima?"
Kirima: "Huh? I guess not..."
Uncle: "That's a good thing! You and Ko made the cutest little siblings ever!"
Ko: "Cute?"
Kirima: "Siblings?"
Ko & Kirima: "That can hardly be said."

(Their Aunt and Uncle laugh.)

Uncle: "That just goes to show how cute of siblings you really are."

(Kirima and Ko angrily grunt as the close their eyes, looking away from each other.)

Aunt: "Dinner's almost ready, do you mind getting the plates, Ko?"
Ko: "Sure."

(Ko gets up to get the plates from inside the cabinets as their Uncle leans slightly over the kitchen table.)

Uncle: "So Kirima, have your parents been rough on you?"
Kirima: "Not really."
Uncle: "Did they have a hard time watching you go?"
Kirima: "It didn't seem like it."
Ko: "No surprise."
Kirima: "Who asked you, moron?!"

(Before Ko could respond Uncle cut them off.)

Uncle: "Now now, settle down you two."

(Ko scoffs as he continues to grab the plates.)

Uncle: "Kirima, have you been doing good in school?"
Kirima: "Yeah, my grades improved since last you seen."
Uncle: "Your parents proud?"
Kirima: "We haven't talked much about it, I guess I don't really know."
Uncle: "I'm sure they are! Have any plans on coming over for any holidays?"
Kirima: "I'll have to ask Mom and Dad and see what they think."
Uncle: "I know you're staying for 6 months, but it'd be nice if we could see you more often."
Aunt: "Yes, we miss you Kirima. We all do."

(Ko grunts, then placing the plates down at the table.)

Kirima: "Hmm..."
Uncle: "What do you plan on doing in your time here, Kirima?"
Kirima: "I guess what I normally do despite my school work. And whatever you want me to, I suppose."
Uncle: "Plan to spend some time with your brother?"
Kirima: "Mhh, I was hoping to avoid him if possible."
Ko: "I'm sitting right here, you know?"
Kirima: "I do know, moron!"

(Kirima sticks her tongue out at Ko, but again, before Ko could respond Uncle cut them off.)

Uncle: "Not at the dinner table, kids, please."
Kirima & Ko: "Hmph!"

(It then clips over to a young lady who appears to be walking outside of a store, it's at a sort of sunset and she is now walking over to a huge bridge, leading back into the larger part of the city.)

Kathy: "Whew, a long day..."

(Kathy looks over at the clock tower and realizes how late it is.)

Kathy: "Oh my, I didn't know how late it was! I have to get going!"

(She begins to run over the bridge as quickly as she can, however her backpack is slowing her down. After she crosses the bridge she sees a young man sitting on a bench and just tosses him her backpack.)

Kathy: "Can you hang onto that for a while?"
YM: "Uh...huh?"

(Kathy continues run, finally reaching the store before it closes.)

Kathy: "Here it is!"

(Kathy goes inside of the building, next thing it clips to her walking outside with another bag in her hands.)

Kathy: "I almost missed it, that was close."

(Suddenly she is tapped on the shoulder by a young man.)

Kathy: "Huh?"
YM: "I think this is yours, right? Your backpack?"
Kathy: "How did you...?
YM: "You tossed it to me earlier, you seemed like you were in a hurry so I just held onto it for a while."
Kathy: "Oh, I remember that. Thank you."
YM: "My name's Jonas, what about you?"
Kathy: "Kathy."
Jonas: "I see. What was the hurry for?"
Kathy: "Oh, I had to buy something for my grandfather. It's his birthday tomorrow and the store was about to closed, and they're not opened on weekends."
Jonas: "Oh, that makes sense now. It's getting kinda late, would you like me to walk you home?"
Kathy: "Not if you have something else to do."
Jonas: "I'm free for the night. I was just waiting for the bus and-"

(A bus quickly passes by the two.)

Jonas: "I guess I just missed it."
Kathy: (Chuckles) "Thanks again, Jonas."
Jonas: "No problem."
Kathy: "My house is a while down these streets. It's pretty much straight from here but there are a few turns."
Jonas: "Alright, let's go then."
Kathy: "Okay!"

(It then clips back to Kirima and Ko's house, where Ko seems to be helping Kirima unpack into her room.)

Kirima: "Do you have to help me?"
Ko: "Uncle said it'd be best if you had someone to supervise you."
Kirima: "What does he think I have? Weapons or dirty magazines?"
Ko: "You might..."
Kirima: "Oh just shut up, you moron!"

(Ko scoffs as Kirima continues to unpack. She pulls out her laptop and places it on her desk, sitting down in her chair, she opens up the laptop and proceeds to going on the internet.)

Ko: "Where are you going?"
Kirima: "The internet."
Ko: "Where on the internet?"
Kirima: "It's none of your business."
Ko: "Whatever..."

(Kirima sighs, spinning around in her chair, she talks.)

Kirima: "You know, maybe if I didn't have to keep coming here I could've gotten a boyfriend by now."
Ko: "A...a what?"
Kirima: "A boyfriend. You know, a guy who you love and hang out with a lot."
Ko: "I know what a boyfriend is, I just...didn't know you wanted one!"
Kirima: "You do now. What's the big deal, you wouldn't care, would you?"
Ko: "Well, no. But Mom and Dad, and our Uncle and Aunt might."
Kirima: "I'm sure they'll understand. Most teenagers want boyfriends or girlfriends so it shouldn't be a big surprise."
Ko: "And you think you would have gotten one if you didn't have to come here?"
Kirima: "Yeah, no one wants to get with a girl who hangs around somebody like you."

(Ko slams the door closed from behind him and walks up to Kirima.)

Ko: "Say that again!"
Kirima: "No."
Ko: "Err..."
Kirima: "But, that's why I have this."
Ko: "Huh?"

(Kirima holds out her laptop in front of Ko's face, where he can read...)

Ko: "Get a Date"
Kirima: "Uh-huh."
Ko: "You're on an online dating website?"
Kirima: "It's my best chance over here, and since the school year's gone I can't date any of the boys there anymore."
Ko: "You seriously think this is gonna work?"
Kirima: "Of course it will!"
Ko: "Uh..."
Kirima: "I mean, it works for thousands of people, why wouldn't it work for me? It's known for being the best online dating site there is!"
Ko: "That's what every online dating site says."
Kirima: "Is not!"

(Ko hits the backspace button on the laptop and then scrolls down to another dating site, he clicks on it and below the title it reads 'the best online dating site there is'.)

Ko: "So...?"
Kirima: "Er!"

(Kirma quickly takes the laptop out of Ko's reach.)

Kirima: "Who said you could touch my stuff, anyway?!"
Ko: "I'm here to help you unpack, remember?"
Kirima: "Err..."

(It then goes to show Jamie again, who is eating a fast food restaurant, obviously notcing Davis is sitting on the table across from hers.)

Jamie: "If you want a bite, just ask."
Davis: "Can't you see I'm already eating for myself?"
Jamie: "It wouldn't just so happen that you walk down the same streets and go to the same restaurant as me."
Davis: "Maybe we just have similar likings."
Jamie: "If you wanna try and pull the moves on me, at least not make it so obvious."
Davis: "Pull the moves?! That's not what I'm trying to do!"
Jamie: "Then why are you following me around?"
Davis: "I already said I'm not following you."
Jamie: "And I already said that was an obvious lie."

(Davis gets up from his table and sits down acroos from Jamie's.)

Jamie: "What do you want?"
Davis: "I don't want anything, I'm just sitting down next to you because I'm talking to you."
Jamie: "People are gonna think we're a couple, get lost."
Davis: "Don't you remember when you said we could be friends just yesterday?"
Jamie: "So this is your freaky way of trying to be my friend?"
Davis: "You're the one who said it, not me."
Jamie: "One, I said maybe, and two, I said if you stop following me around."
Davis: "I'm not following you! Didn't I already say that before?"
Jamie: "Yeah, but I never believed you."
Davis: "Come on Jamie, what's up with you?"
Jamie: "You act like you've known me forever now. This is how I always act."
Davis: "Why is that?"
Jamie: "I can't have a personality?"

(Jamie gets up to throw away the rest of the burger she was eating, Davis walks along next to her.)

Davis: "That's not a good enough answer, Jamie."

(Davis points at Jamie, however she grabs his finger and swipes it away from her.)

Jamie: "Who gave you permission to use my name?"
Davis: "I did! Now do you feel like talking or not?"
Jamie: "No. I don't feeling doing anything now that you ruined my appetite."

(Davis sighs as Jamie begins to walk out of the restaurant. It then clips back to Kirima and Ko, Ko appears to be sitting on Kirima's bed as she is at her desk, on her laptop.)

Ko: "I'm telling you, give it up."
Kirima: "You're just mad because I have better chances at getting together than you do."
Ko: "That's a joke if I ever heard one."
Kirima: "Tell me, what girl has ever been attracted to you?"
Ko: "Well um...I..."
Kirima: "Mh-hm. When there are tons of boys viewing my profile right now."
Ko: "There was that one girl-"
Kirima: "Back in 4th grade? You were a little kid, it couldn't have meant anything big."
Ko: "Ehh, I'm sure there are a few more in high school now."
Kirima: "Oh yeah, that's right, because boys are always far too blind to realize when a girl likes them."
Ko: "Come again."
Kirima: "You heard me the first time. I'd say you know it's true, but you're a boy so you wouldn't."
Ko: "I-"
Kirima: "You're such a moron."

(Ko throws himself backwards on her bed, groaning.)

Ko: "I can't stand you, Kirima, you're so annoying."

(Ko gets up, walking towards the door.)

Kirima: "Look who's talking."
Ko: "Ugh, I hate you so much!"
Kirima: "And I hate you too!"

(Ko exists the room, slamming the door shut. Kirima just looks over at the door, then looking at a box she left lying on the floor, where inside there's a picture of her and Ko as children, Ko is hugging her from behind and they're both smiling towards the camera. Kirima continues to browse on her computer.)

Uncle: "Why hello, Ko."
Ko: "Hey."
Aunt: "Is there something wrong, dear?"
Ko: "No, I'm fine."
Uncle: "Did you get into an argument with your sister?"
Ko: "What sister?"

(Ko looks into the fridge to find a drink, pulling one out, he continues to walk outside.)

Aunt: "Maybe we should talk to him."
Uncle: "He'll be fine, he could never stay mad at her before."
Aunt: "Hmm, you're right."

(It then shows Kathy walking outside of her house, where Jonas was standing.)

Kathy: "Good morning Jonas."
Jonas: "Morning."
Kathy: "So you really do wanna come to visit my grandfather?"
Jonas: "Of course. I'm sure he's a great guy."
Kathy: "Okay, let's get going then, shall we?"
Jonas: "Right."

(It clips to later when the two arrive at Kathy's grandfather's house. Kathy knocks on the door and her grandfather opens it up.)

GD: "My my, Kathy, if it isn't my little granddaughter!"
Kathy: "Hi, grandpa."
GD: "Wow, you've grown since last time I seen you."
Kathy: "Yeah, in high school now."
GD: "And who do we have here?"
Kathy: "Oh, this my friend Jonas."
Jonas: "Hello there, sir."
GD: "Why hello, Jonas. You seem like a nice young man. Both of you, come on inside."

(Kathy and Jonas walk inside and sit down at the kitchen table.)

GD: "How long have you known my dear granddaughter, Jonas?"
Jonas: "Uh, we just meet yesterday, I believe."
GD: "You must be a very trustworthy man!"
Kathy: "He is, grandpa. I left my backpack on a bench where he was sitting and later he returned it to me when he found out where I was."
GD: "Quite the gentleman, eh?"
Jonas: "Uh yes, sir."
Kathy: "We became friends right away."
GD: "So you're not..."
Kathy: "Not?"
Jonas: "Not what?"
GD: "Uh, dating or anything like that?"
Kathy: "No! No, no!"
Jonas: "Uh-uh, no, that's not it!"

(Kathy's grandfather laughs.)

GD: "Just friends?"
Kathy: "Yeah, that's all!"
GD: "I see. So the both of you are still available?"
Kathy: "I know I am. Jonas?"
Jonas: "Yep, still single."
GD: "Hmm..."
Kathy: "What is it, grandpa?"
GD: "Oh it's nothing! Let's get something to eat, shall we?"
Kathy: "Okay!"

(It then clips back to Kirima in her room, sitting at her desk once more. She hears a knock on her door.)

Kirima: "Yes?"
Ko: "I'm just coming in to check on you."

(Ko starts to open the door, and Kirima seems to smile evilly.)

Kirima: "Ko wait! Don't come in yet, I'm in the middle of getting dressed!"
Ko: "Huh?!"

(Ko finishes opening the door as she says so and his face turns red, instantly ready to turn the other way. He looks to see Kirima sitting at her desk fully dressed, smiling.)

Kirima: "Hey moron."
Ko: "Ahh, what did you have to trick me for, you little pervert?!"
Kirima: "Because I knew it would work."
Ko: "Why do you have to do that stuff to me all the time?"
Kirima: "It's easy enough to do. But seriously, I'm not doing anything wrong, it'd be you for not asking before you walked in."
Ko: "Just don't do that again, alright?"
Kirima: "Whatever..."

(Ko walks over to sit on Kirima's bed.)

Kirima: "How long are you going to be watching everything I do anyway?"
Ko: "Until you're officially done unpacking. I still see boxes lying around here."
Kirima: "If I can carry them all the way here, I can unpack it from the box."
Ko: "Still..."
Kirima: "Still what? What do you want from me?!"
Ko: "I don't want anything from you!"
Kirima: "If you wanna ask me something hurry up and do it, moron!"

(Ko and Kirima remain quiet for a moment, Ko finally speaking.)

Ko: "So how's your dating site going?"

(Kirima realizes he changed subject, however does not seem to care.)

Kirima: "There's this one guy I've been talking to."
Ko: "Does he like you?"
Kirima: "It seems like it."
Ko: "Do you like him?"
Kirima: "I don't know yet. I need to get to learn more about him."
Ko: "What's his username?"
Kirima: "PanthersShadow."
Ko: "What?"
Kirima: "PanthersShadow."
Ko: "Well heard the name, but don't you think that's a little dramatic?"
Kirima: "I guess so..."

(Kirima lays her chin down on her desk. It then clips to Jamie who is walking the street, a good distance behind her is Davis.)

Jamie: "I can see you back there."
Davis: "Oh yeah?"
Jamie: "Why are you stalking me?"
Davis: "I'm not stalking you."

(Jamie looks back at Davis, who stopped walking, the distance in between them stays the same.)

Davis: "I want to be your friend."
Jamie: "Then why can't you call me and we'll talk over the phone?"
Davis: "You didn't give me your number."
Jamie: "And if I did?"
Davis: "I would still wanna do more than that. I wanna hang out with you."
Jamie: "But why?! That's what's bothering me!"
Davis: "You're an AnimalHuman."
Jamie: "...Why do you guess?"
Davis: "Because when I make you mad I can see your iris and pupil change what they look like."
Jamie: "That's a lie."
Davis: "You just changed them back now because I pointed it out."
Jamie: "I'm not an AnimalHuman."
Davis: "You're some kind of cat, which one is it?"
Jamie: "I said I'm not an AnimalHuman."

(Davis closes his eyes, he becomes fluffy as he gains claws and canines, his ears become long and furry and he grows a snout, whiskers growing out of his cheeks, a tail grows.)

Davis: "I'm a DogHuman, see? I'm not afraid to show it."
Jamie: "Neither am I, because I have nothing to show."
Davis: "What is it? Come on! Why do you not like being an AnimalHuman?!"
Jamie: "I already said I'm not an AnimalHuman!"
Davis: "Are you a lion? A tiger? Cheetah? You have a cat's eyes!"
Jamie: "No, I don't! And even if that was true, why would you have started stalking me before you could tell I had those eyes, because you didn't make me mad beforehand?!"
Davis: "Wrong! When you first looked back at me when I walked by you when you were trying on your shoes! You had the eyes the first time I ever seen you!"
Jamie: "That's a lie! That's a lie!"
Davis: "And then when you beat up that guy! You had the eyes the whole time you were doing that too!"
Jamie: "So what if I'm an AnimalHuman?! Why would you care?!"
Davis: "Because at first I wanted to get to know you because you're an AnimalHuman and because I'm one myself. Though after a while I could tell you were trying to hide the fact that you were one and now I wanna know why."
Jamie: "I don't need to tell a stalker anything!"

(Davis runs over to Jamie and places his hands on her shoulders.)

Davis: "I'm not a stalker! I want to help you because I knew somebody who was like you before, and didn't want to show that they were an AnimalHuman!"
Jamie: "...But-"
Davis: "And I don't want anyone else to have to suffer the loneliness of detaching themselves from everybody because of that."
Jamie: "I never had any friends even before I knew I was an AnimalHuman. What difference would it make?"
Davis: "I can help you. I can be your friend."
Jamie: "And then what?! One friend doesn't make that big of a difference, does it? I'm still an outcast!"
Davis: "Jamie, listen to yourself! You're in the city of AnimalHumans! AH City! Do you think people are gonna care you have a cat tail?!"
Jamie: "That's why I moved here in the first place, but nothing changed since then. Everybody still hates me here."
Davis: "That's because you think they're all going to because you were hated in your old home, so now you're too afraid to put yourself out there and talk to people because of that!"
Jamie: "But I..."
Davis: "I can help you, Jamie. I have friends now, and all I had to do was try."
Jamie: "How can you help me?"
Davis: "Take my hand and I'll show you."

(Hesitant at first, Jamie slowly lifts her hand up to Davis' and grabs onto it. Davis smiles, resulting in Jamie smiling as well. It then clips to the next morning when Ko walks downstairs to see Uncle and Aunt sitting at the sofa, watching TV.)

Ko: "Morning."
Uncle: "Good morning, Ko."
Aunt: "Good morning."
Ko: "Do you know where Kirima is?"
Uncle: "She's probably still in her room. Why do you ask?"
Ko: "No reason."
Aunt: "Did you want to talk to her?"
Ko: "No...Why would I want to talk to her?"
Uncle: "Because you're her older brother."

(Ko continued to walk into the kitchen.)

Ko: "Why do you keep saying that?"
Aunt: "Because you keep asking."
Ko: "...She's not my sister."
Uncle: "Why do you keep saying that, Ko?"
Ko: "Saying what?"
Uncle: "That she's not your sister."
Ko: "Because she's not. I thought I made it clear enough."
Aunt: "But what is it mean to say that? You're related by blood. You came from the same two people."
Ko: "Well yeah, but she doesn't act like a sister towards me."

(Kirima almost began walking down the staircase, however heard Ko and talking and decided to hide behind the railing, listening in on the conversation from the hallway.)

Uncle: "She yells at you, hits you, tells you she hates you. All sounds sisterly to me." (Chuckles)
Ko: "No, it's different! You never see the way she actually acts around me!"
Aunt: "Well what's the difference in between what your uncle just named and when you're by yourselves?"
Ko: "Uh..."

(Uncle and Aunt try not to laugh.)

Ko: "Hey, stop laughing! There's a difference, I just can't explain it!"
Uncle: "Alright, alright."
Aunt: "So you don't wish to talk to your sister?"
Ko: "Didn't I just say not to call her my sister?"
Aunt: "Well, until you give us a good reason not to, we don't see why we should stop now."
Ko: "Er..."
Uncle: "If it really makes you feel any better, we can all go and talk to her at once."
Aunt: "Yes, we'll just be in the background while you actually talk. What was it about, again?"
Ko: "Ugh, okay! I wanted to talk to her, alright?!"

(Kirima listens in a little closer to the conversation.)

Uncle: "I see."
Aunt: "Could you tell us the subject, then?"
Ko: "I wanted to ask her why she's been being so aggressive towards me."
Uncle: "As in?"
Ko: "Like, why she's been so mad at me recently. I know she's always been a little rough on me since we were kids, but since we've been split apart she's gotten a little more, uh...rough."
Aunt: "Well, your uncle did say that it's a common personality for one's sister."
Uncle: "Yes, yes. We both would know."
Ko: "So you're trying to tell me this was supposed to happen?"
Uncle: "You said it became a little worse after you split up, right?"
Ko: "Yeah."
Uncle: "Then it's probably just because she misses you."
Ko: "Eh! M-misses me?!"

(Kirima seems to refrain herself from throwing up at the thought of it.)

Ko: "What do you mean?"
Aunt: "Well, sometimes, and I'm not entirely sure why, when somebody misses someone else but doesn't know how to put into words, they can just resort to violence."
Uncle: "Yes, a common situation that goes back for ages."
Ko: "But...why would she miss me?"
Aunt: "You're her older brother after all."
Ko: "Uh..."
Uncle: "Yes, I think it'd be reasonable because it's been a little while since you last seen each other. You're her older brother, Ko, I think this is all just Kirima's way of saying..."
Ko: "Of...of saying what?!"

(Ko's eyes widen as well as Kirima's do, she tries to hear this as loudly as possible.)

Uncle: "I think Kirima is just trying to say she loves you, Ko."

(Ko and Kirima's faces quickly enough to red.)

Ko: "I..."

(Showing the outside of the house, you can hear Ko yell.)

Ko: "Ahh, no way!"

(It then goes to show the outside of Kathy's grandfather's house, where Kathy and Jonas appear to be walking outside of.)

Kathy: "It was great seeing you again, Grandpa."
GD: "It was great seeing you again, too, dear. And it was nice meeting you, Jonas."
Jonas: "Thank you, sir. You're a great man."
GD: "You're welcome, and thanks again for being such a gentleman to my granddaughter."
Jonas: "I'll help her out anytime she needs it."
GD: "Yes, you two take care now."
Kathy: "Bye, Grandpa, and I hope you had a wonderful birthday!"
GD: "I did thanks to you and your friend."
Jonas: "Bye!"
GD: "See you soon, kids."

(Before long Kathy and Jonas arrive back at Kathy's house.)

Kathy: "Thank you again, Jonas."
Jonas: "You're welcome. Wow, I've gotten so many "thank you"'s today."
Kathy: "You deserve them, Jonas, you're a great person."
Jonas: "Aw, that's so nice of you."
Kathy: "I can't lie."
Jonas: "Yeah. You're not so bad yourself. You welcomed me so easily, you and your grandfather."
Kathy: "Who wouldn't?"
Jonas: (Chuckles) "If you want, tomorrow you can stop by my house and I can introduce you to my parents."
Kathy: "Of course I wanna meet them. Please, take me there tomorrow."
Jonas: "No problem. It's getting pretty late now, you should go inside."
Kathy: "Okay. See you tomorrow, and thanks again, Jonas."
Jonas: "You're welcome. See you tomorrow."

(It then clips back to Davis, who appears to be waiting, sitting down on the stair case outside of a house, where quickly enough Jamie walks out of, walking over to him.)

Jamie: "Hey, get off of my steps!"

(Jamie kicks Davis in his side.)

Davis: "Ow! What was that for?!"
Jamie: "Get up. I don't want you sitting on my steps."
Davis: "Geez, you could've just asked."

(Davis stands up.)

Jamie: "So, what do you want me to do?"
Davis: "I'm gonna introduce you to my friends. It's not that long of a walk."
Jamie: "Okay..."
Davis: "I have't got to ask, what kind of AnimalHuman are you?"
Jamie: "Hey, don't go bringing that I'm an AnimalHuman so carelessly!"
Davis: "Sorry, sorry!"
Jamie: "Sheesh...I'm a tiger."
Davis: "A tiger? Really? That's such a strong animal."

(Jamie blushes.)

Jamie: "Shut up and let's just go, okay?"
Davis: "Heh, alright."

(It clips to Davis and Jamie arriving at another house, Davis knocks on the door.)

Davis: "Open up!"
F1: "My hello, Davis. What're you doing here?"
Davis: "I wanted to introduce you to somebody."
F1: "And who are you?"
Jamie: "Uh, my name's Jamie..."
F1: "You seem so shy. Come on inside!"

(Davis and Jamie walk inside of the house.)

F1: "So this is my living room, Jamie. What do you think?"
Jamie: "It looks nice."
F1: "Thank you, I decorated it myself."
Jamie: "You're welcome."
F1: "And so are you! So please, have a seat!"
Jamie: "Um, okay."

(Davis and Jamie sit down at the living room table, as well as Davis' friend does, on he opposite side.)

F1: "So how long have you known my friend Davis?"
Jamie: "I think I met him a few days ago. Like, two or three."
F1: "I see. Do you...?"

(He stops mid sentence, leaning over to Davis.)

F1: "Does she know you're a DogHuman?"
Davis: "Yeah, she knows."
F1: "Is she a normal human, or an AnimalHuman?"
Davis: "Uh yeah, she's a TigerHuman."
F1: "A TigerHuman! Wow!"

(Jamie hears Davis' friend shout and quickly jabs Davis in his arm.)

Jamie: "Who told you to tell him I'm an AnimalHuman?!"
Davis: "Oh sorry! That's what we're here for, though, right?"
Jamie: "But give it some time! Who said I was ready?!"
F1: "Uh, what's going on, guys?"
Davis: "It'll take a little explaining, just-"

(Jamie continues to jab Davis in his arm.)

Davis: "Er! I'll tell you when Jamie calms down."

(It clips to a few minutes later after Davis explains the story to his friend.)

F1: "Ohh, I get it now."
Davis: "Yep, that's why I wanted to introduce her to you. So she could get used to people and make some friends. Apparently I spoke too soon."
Jamie: "Yeah, a lot too soon."
F1: (Chuckles) "It's no problem, really. I don't mind that you're an AnimalHuman."
Jamie: "Huh? You don't?"
F1: "Of course not! My buddy Davis is an AnimalHuman and I don't care much for it. If anything, it's a good thing."
Jamie: "How is that a...good thing?"
F1: "You can fight."
Jamie: "I can fight without turning into a tiger."
F1: "Are you good at fighting as a tiger?"
Jamie: "I don't do it often, but yeah, I guess."
F1: "Then there you go! You can fight with human skills and tiger skills! I'm sure it's gonna be pretty useful in the future."
Jamie: "Maybe..."

(Jamie looks at her hands, turning them into tiger paws.)

Davis: "Oh...this is the first time I've seen anything change besides your eyes, Jamie."
Jamie: "Shut up. I'm trying to get myself used to it in public."
Davis: "Uh, would it be to much to ask for you to turn into a tiger?"
Jamie: "What?! Like a full-on tiger? No way!"
Davis: "Well, you have to-"
Jamie: "Can't you see I'm trying to get used to having just the paws? Turning into the full thing is way too much to ask for!"
F1: "Go on, Jamie. Do it."
Jamie: "Huh?"
F1: "If you think it's because I'll act weird, you don't need to worry about it. If something bad's gonna happen to anyone, it'll be me for getting caught with a tiger in my house."
Jamie: "But..."

(Jamie sighs, sitting up from the sofa, she walks over and stands next to it.)

Jamie: "You're sure you wanna see me do this?"
Davis: "I've been waiting since I met you."
F1: "Take your time, please. I'll be waiting until you're ready."
Jamie: "Okay..."

(Jamie inhales deeply, and as she exhales ears start to grow as well as a tail and canines, fur covering her entire body, she is forced to the floor as her arms become her front legs, followed by her back legs, the rest of her body transforms into a tiger's, her eyes becoming noticeably different.)

Davis: "Whoa..."
F1: "Wow, Jamie! I can hardly tell it's you!"

(Jamie sits down, unable to talk because she is now a tiger, she uses her front paw to scratch behind her ear.)

F1: "This must only be the second time I've seen an AnimalHuman, and is certainly the first time I've seen a TigerHuman."
Davis: "Is it that bad, Jamie?"

(Jamie lowly growls at Davis, making him lean backwards a bit.)

Davis: "Geez, it was just a question."
F1: "You know, Jamie, you are pretty threatening as a tiger!"

(Jamie stands back up, walking over to Davis.)

Davis: "Hey don't come near me like that!"
F1: "You have to remember she's still Jamie, not just a regular tiger."
Davis: "That's what worries me."

(Jamie jumps on top of the sofa, sitting down next to Davis.)

Davis: "Is it okay to have tigers on the sofa?"
F1: "Yeah, it's fine. Hey Jamie, have you had enough of being a tiger yet?"

(Jamie shakes her head 'yes')

F1: "That's alright. You can transform back now."

(Jamie proceeds to transforming back into a human as quickly as possible.)

Jamie: "Thank goodness! It feels so weird being a tiger!"
F1: "I'm sure it does."
Jamie: "Not being able to respond to people just makes me look like an idiot..."
Davis: "Talking animals is just too weird, though, and practically impossible."
Jamie: "Another reason I hate turning into a tiger, I need my voice."
F1: "Hey, on the bright side, I'm sure you're a lot faster and a lot stronger."
Jamie: "I guess..."
Davis: "Huh..."

(Davis seems to be thinking hard about something and his friend notices.)

F1: "What's up, Dave?"
Davis: "Oh, it's just that seeing Jamie in her tiger form made me think of something."
F1: "What is it?"
Davis: "I know it sounds crazy, but I've kinda always wanted to pet a tiger, and after seeing her transform into one, I wonder, would it be the same if I pet her on the head?"

(Davis sticks his hand out, reaching over to the top of Jamie's head, she tightly grabs onto his wrist.)

Jamie: "Don't you dare try to pet me, stalker!"

(Jamie twists Davis' wrist to the side.)

Jamie: "Actually, don't ever try to touch me again at all!"
Davis: "Ow, ow, Jamie let go. You're gonna break my hand."

(Jamie kicks Davis in his side rapidly.)

Jamie: "Good! I wanna break it! Creepy, crazy, pervy, stalker!"
Davis: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

(Davis' friend cannot help but to laugh. Then showing the outside of the house where you can still hear Jamie and Davis' yelling, as well as his friend's laughter, this ends the second chapter of AnimalHumans.)

There it was! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I hope you liked it and I'll get around to making chapter 3 as soon as possible! Until then!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Kal » May 11th, 2013, 12:27 am

Whoa real interesting, a whirlwind of situations and secluded little moments..! Apologies if I missed any details, I am getting used to the screenplay-orientated layout still! A really unique style though, it's a good job you have a gift for dialogue! Niiiiice. ;)
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » May 11th, 2013, 7:27 pm

Very good! I love Jamie-she reminds me of my characters that are, basically, me with no self-control. This is getting good. Very accurate brother-sister dialogue :D I like it a lot!
Thx Silver ^^ Image
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