SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » February 20th, 2013, 10:45 am


Ok.. I will start by saying that I am not the best of writers. I was slightly dyslexic at school so any minor spelling errors please bypass xD I started writing this last week as my RP's have influenced it. This is the back story for my Nord, Silver who I have used in my Skyrim games.

SilverEye is a 26 year old Nord who was the first character I created for the game and spent many an hour developing her. She is blond haired, about 5'7 and has silver coloured eyes hence the name. Usually she wears dragon scaled armor, well she did atleast whilst in the companions. Silver is the older sister of Astrid therefore making her a proud blooded Nord of Skyrim. I always picture her with Lightning's voice from Final Fantasy as she is wise, sarcastic and determined (Lightnings voice if interested:


Chapter 1 - The Parting of the ways

As Whiterun awoke to a fresh blanket of snow, the folk of the town began to rush about their days, clearing the snow that got in their way. Belathor made his complaint to the snow somewhat audio-able, whilst Arcadia merely giggled and continued to sweep the snow off her doorstep. Both were shop keepers of the village and had a fantastic trade here in one of the main cities of Skyrim.

The guards often shivered against the cold, their bones dry and frozen from the previous night of the watch. None complained though, they were loyal to the Jarl and always carried out his orders without question. Some were a little testy this morning however as they told children off for throwing snowballs at one another.

Whiterun was an old city, but not the oldest in Skyrim. The great Dragonstone keep watched over all the city, it's proud banners rising high into the cold skies. A large stair case descended down from the mouth of the keep into the town where a mini market could be found along with the three main shops and a fantastic fountain in the centre of the square. The lower part of the town consisted of one weapons shop and of course the villagers home.

The proudest part of the city however was the Skyforge. Eouland Greymane resided here most of the time, a grizzled old sword maker who was proud of the steel he produced and had made all the Jarl's guards their weapons and armor. Below the Skyforge lived the companions. They kept mostly to themselves unless called upon.

Now, in the lower part of the town, in a little house called Breezehome, a twenty year old Nord was polishing the sword lying across her knee's, watching the scenes outside with mild interest. The young Nord was looking a tad nervous and her brilliant silver eyes bulged with worry. She sat in her now bare bedroom with the exception of two large sacks of clothes and weapons at her feet. And of course the bed she was comfortably seated on.

The room had been bare for a time now as cobwebs and dust had spread across the walls where weapons and posters once hung. The house itself also had an eeiree atmosphere to it and as the young Nord slowly got to her feet she heard footsteps on the stairs. She hoped it was who she thought it was.

"Silver, are you done collecting your things?" came her aunts voice.

No. It wasn't. Silver sighed and attached the polished sword to her side.

"Yes auntie" She replied in a tone which suggested she wished she'd not been interupted.

Fortunately for her, her aunt did not pick up on the tone but instead she barged into the room, grabbed her things and began to haul them out. Silver made no effort to help her. She knew how much her auntie wanted her things gone aswell as her. Ever since Silver and her sister had been 'dumped' as her aunt put it on them when their parents had died she had always looked forward to the day the pair of them left.
Silver had left three years ago as she was so fed up with the treatment here, but her sibling had not as she was five years younger than Silver. Silver remembered how she'd begged her to take her along with her, but her aunt was insistent that the younger sister stay behind to help with house work and that she wasn't to leave until she turned sixteen.

Silver and her sister had lost their parents many years ago. Silver was only a child of eight, whilst her sibling only three. The pair of them were both knights and went to fight the Falmor one day and never did return. For a time, Silver tried to convince herself that her parents were not dead and that they would come back for them. It never happened. Silver became very protective of her sister and their bond was a strong one that got them through their tough childhood after the loss.

As she walked down the stairs, she kept an eye out for signs of her sister's presence but she was clearly not in the house. Breezehome was up for sale and the family were collecting the last of their things to move on to Falkreath, a city in the western region of Skyrim. Silver however had plans of her own. It pained her to leave her sister, but she had promised that in ten months time, when she too turned sixteen she'd return to Whiterun and find Silver in the Companions.

Back to the Companions. The Companions were a fighting guild in the city of Whiterun who were currently seeking out new members and Silver was determined to join. She was good with a sword and had always wanted to be a part of their family. Nervous was not the word, Silver felt physically sick about presenting herself to the halfbringer later on that day. She shook her head as if to shake the thought away.

Straightening up, she turned back to her aunt who was struggling to get her bags out and over the threshold.

"Silver, will you get over here now! I am not your slave" She yelled out at last.

With one last glance at the damp, lonely looking house, Silver leapt down the last three steps, snatched the bags out of her aunts hands and gently put them down outside the door. Her aunt, a slightly plump Nord gave her such a glare that passers by began to look weary.

"Aren't you going to wish me well? Say goodbye? Or are you just so overcome with excitement that you'll be losing one of your brats you cannot speak?" Silver asked abruptly.

"Oi, manners" Came the voice of her Uncle from behind her.

There was always something about this man that Silver hated. She couldn't quite make it out though. He was a tall Nord, with a large bushy beard, brown eyes and he wore leather armor today. Silver took note of this immediately and raised an eyebrow. He was a harsh and bitter man and had never shown her any kind of care.

"Expecting trouble on the roads Uncle?" She asked, trying to sound like she cared.
"Bandits have been seen outside of Riverwood so I ain't taking any chances. I'll protect your aunt and your pretty little sister, don't you worry"

Silver held her tongue. Bandits? What good would her uncle be to her sister and aunt? Suddenly Silver felt like abandoning her plans and going along with them so she could protect her sister. She'd let the bandits have her aunt and uncle, but she'd protect her sister till her dying breath. She was the only family and the only person in the world she cared about.

"Im sure you will. Safe travels" Silver said, picking up the bags and walking off without another look or word to her foster parents who had always been so cold towards her.

Her heart dropped as she walked off towards the companions hall. Where had her sister gone? Why had she not come to see her off? What if she never saw her again? What if the Bandits got her? But as Silver rounded a corner she found herself being embraced in a hug by a Nord of fifteen. She was skinny, green eyed, was shorter than Silver, but looked a spitting image of her. She was also wearing fur armor and held Silver tightly. Silver suddenly felt relief sweep over her.

"Astrid. I wondered where you were!" Silver said, pulling away from the hug and placing an armored hand on her shoulder.

"You know what their like. I wanted to say a proper goodbye to you sister. I still wish I could go with you now" Astrid said sulkily.

"Soon. Your birthday is in ten months time. On that day I will ride out and meet you along the road and the two of us can both be companions of Whiterun. We'll have a real family and never have to look upon those two monsters again" Silver said.

Astrid smirked and Silver laughed. There was something off about her little sister today, but she put it down to the fact that Silver was about to walk out on her so she had every right to be sad and negative. Silver just hoped the next ten months would pass quickly for her sisters sake.

"I hate them" Asrid said, turning her back on Silver and leaning up against the wall of the stable.
"I know. You and me both. But they fed us and kept us warm for many years so it's not all that bad. Just promise me you'll be good and meet me at Riverwood on your birthday" Silver said taking two slow steps forward.

Astrid was looking at the cow in the barn, but Silver's voice seemed to bring her out of the trance she was in. The younger Nord nodded and folded her arms as she heard her name being called by her Uncle. She actually winced as the name pierced the air.

"Come here" Silver said, pulling her sister into a hug.

"You'll be fine. I'll be with you again soon. I'll come and visit you too, I promise" Silver assured her.

"Ok. You better" Astrid teased as they both stood there for a moment enjoying each others company.

"Here, i've got something for you" Silver said, pulling away once again and going to her knees.

Silver began to go through one of the bags she had collected from the house and found what she was looking for in a second. Standing up, she placed the wrapped dagger in her sisters hand.

Astrid took it slowly from her and unwrapped the cloth to reveal a small dagger with a golden dragon helm with a ruby eye. The blade was a brilliant silver and it felt well balanced as Astrid held it up and inspected her eyes in the reflection.

"There's danger on the road I hear. This was my first weapon and has served me well. It was forged up at the skyforge so it's the finest steel in this part of Skyrim. It'll keep you safe" Silver said softly.

"I can't accept this.." Astrid said going to hand it back, but Silver shook her head.

"Yes you can. It is a gift"


Astrid smiled up at Silver and nodded. Hearing her uncle yell however, she turned her head and yelled back this time.


Silver couldn't help but laugh at this and put a hand on her sisters shoulder.

"If you need me, all you need to do is write to me and i'll come." Silver assured her little sister.

"I'll see you soon SilverEye" Astrid said sadly as she walked off. She walked deliberately slowly to annoy her uncle that little bit more.

Silver stood there watching Astrid's retreating back and felt a deep sadness fill her. Once she walked off round the corner and out of sight, she stood there to see if a shouting match would start, but after a minutes silence she knew it was safe to go. So with a heavy heart once more, she turned and headed off towards her new life. This was the first time she'd left for a long period of time and she prayed to the nine her sister would be safe.
Last edited by Shadowfax on August 24th, 2013, 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby ScarsLove » February 20th, 2013, 4:58 pm

I'm really liking it so far (:

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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » February 20th, 2013, 5:02 pm

aww thank you ^^ I've got chapter two written up so I'll post it when I get a sec :)
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby ScarsLove » February 20th, 2013, 5:08 pm

No problem ^^ and that's awesome

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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » February 21st, 2013, 8:07 pm

Slightly longer one xD

Chapter two - Milk Drinker.

The smell of fresh bread filled her nostrils as she walked the steep stone steps towards the market. For some reason, though she'd visited this part of the town on many occasions the walk seemed to last an age. Never before had Silver walked up the stairs to the Companions so it all felt so surreal that's where she was heading.

The bustle of the market wasn't even helping her to take her mind off things. Two children were chasing each other and cut right across Silver's path which annoyed her greatly. Scowling at the brats she held her tongue and walked past the meat stand which was to the right of the stairs.

The great fountain was looking beautiful today and a preacher was calling from the foot of a small Talos statue his words of wisdom.

"Heh, another one for the companions I see?" The market keeper asked, a nord in tatty robes.

"Looks like" Silver said, not looking at him but up at the building before her.

"Well, your not the first i've seen stop here and take it in. You know, it doesn't make it any easier on you to stop and stare. You might aswell start walking. I guarantee you half way up those stairs you'll feel better about it" He said.

"I wasn't stopping to stare. I was being polite and listening to you talk" Silver retorted.

"So your easily distracted? Hmm.. That's a good start lass. Good luck" The market keeper laughed, turning back to his now busy stand.

Silver kept her next insult to herself. What was the point in arguing with a lowly Nord who was obviously trying to provoke her. And maybe he had been put there as a test by the companions? She merely smirked to herself and proceeded up the stairs not even looking back.

She was tempted to turn back around at the top however to see if she could spot Astrid, her aunt and uncle at all. But she couldn't do it. She knew if she saw Astrid out there she'd go riding out. Shaking her head once again, she looked up at the marvelous building before her. It looked like an overturned ship with many windows, great oak doors and flags were blowing in the breeze around the house.

The Skyforge could be glimpsed just behind the house of Jorrvaskr and in the right hand corner she could see a dark elf practicing dueling with a mannequin. For the first time since she'd thought of joining the Companions, it suddenly occured to her... Where was she meant to go? Who was she to report to? Panic took over and she looked around awkwardly.

"I'll just go through the doors... Surely that's it?" Silver muttered to herself.

Making her mind up she proceeded and pushed the large oaken doors open and began to step inside. The inside of the hall was very welcoming. There was a large table in the middle surrounding a fire. Fresh food was on the table where chairs sat neatly tucked under the table. There were weapon racks, chests and drawers littered around the room also. Even the floor felt welcoming. It was a soft red velvet that felt soft under her feet.

"You lost?" Came a gruff voice.

Silver turned her head to the left to see a man of about twenty five if she had to guess. He wore steel armor, had shoulder length brown hair a scarred face and slight stubble. His eyes were a brilliant blue though, his most redeeming feature.

"No. Where is your leader?" Silver asked the man, detecting he was not a very welcoming nor co-operative individual.

"Not here right now. What do you want?" The man asked rudely.

Silver was about to retort, but a female elf walked up the stairs. She had war paint across her face, a bow strung across her back and wore tight armor. Her crimson hair was unusual, but she had a warriors face.
"Now, now Farkus don't bite. It's a wonder we get new members these days" She said looking at Silver as if inspecting her.

"This one can't be a companion. No way" Farkus said with amusement in his tone.

Silver so very much wanted to say or ask 'Who let you in then?' But she held her tongue though it was very difficult.

"I dunno. We will see what she's got first. Atleast she's armored and armed unlike the last idiot that came in here" the elf said.

Silver was not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment. Still, standing there saying nothing made her feel foolish so she found her voice.

"I'll be of use to you. I've fought before and my parents were both in the Jarl's army. It's in my blood"
"Being a Companion isn't all about fighting. But you seem determined atleast. My name is Aela. This is Farkus. I've been a Companion for years and will be for the rest of my life as will you should you prove to be worthy. What is your name?" Aela asked.

"Silver. And I know what it entails. I wish to join" Silver said with a nod of her head.

Aela smirked and looked over at Farkus as if proving a point. With that she turned round and began to walk off down the corridor, her bow creaking as she moved.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the man in charge here"

Silver looked over at Farkus for a moment. She wanted to smirk and say something clever, but nothing came to her and she knew she needed to behave herself this early on. Once i've been accepted, i'll challenge him to a duel. Prove I am stronger, then he will back off She thought as she glared at the man.
Farkus merely glared back and cracked his neck. Straightening up, he walked past her and stopped next to her to whisper;
"Off you go Milk Drinker. It was nice meeting you" He growled as he walked off.

The words made Silver actually smirk and gave her more determination if anything. Farkus went through the door and closed it rather forcefully. Once he was gone, Silver sped after Aela.

She climbed down the small set of stairs before her, turned right and then down a concealed set of stairs at the back of the house. Aela pushed open the door ans stepped into the barracks. It was a long room with small bedrooms sectioned off all down it's sides. The corridor was again full of barrels, weapon racks, the odd coin purse and benches.

Silver followed Aela in silence. Part of it was nerves, the other was interest in the building which all seemed so ancient and worn to her yet she liked it somewhat. Once they reached a set of double doors, Aela stopped and turned to the young Nord.

"The man you need to speak to is Kodlak. He will tell you what you must do" And without another word, she turned and walked off back the way they'd come.

The silence engulfed Silver once more and she wished Aela hadn't left her here. Did she have to bow to the Harbringer? Fight him? She felt like a foolish young child all of a sudden and wanted to run home. No. She no longer had a home. This was to be her home now and then when Astrid joined her in a few months time she would be happy.

That thought itself calmed her greatly. She'd always promised Astrid one day the two of them would be together fighting and living alongside one another with no aunt or uncle to torment them.

So Silver swallowed her nerves and pushed the door open boldly. As she entered the room, Kodlak, a white haired grizzled old man sat at a table. He wore silver armor and had a wine glass in his hand. Opposite him sat for a moment she believed to be Farkus. But she soon realized this man had darker hair, different armor and a slightly uglier face.

"Who are you and what are you doing in here?" the Farkus look alike demanded.

Yep. He must be Farkus's brother or something Her suspicions confirmed. She ignored him however and looked over at Kodlak, bowing her head slightly as a sign of respect.

"I'd like to join your company" She said as she raised her head.

Kodlak was silent for a moment as Silver said this and surveyed her through glossy eyes. This man has seen true hardship and is one to respect Silver thought as he studied her through his aged eyes. He seemed to be reading her and she switched off her thoughts as best she could.

"What is your name lass?" He asked her after a time.

"Silver" She replied again.

"I can see why. You have brilliant eyes lass" Kodlak said leaning back on his chair.

"You can't be serious sir. Ain't no way she'd be able to be one of us!" The man on the right said.

"Be silent Vilkas. Last time I checked there were some empty beds in our hall for those with a fierce fire burning in their hearts. I see something in this one. She will be a great asset to our group I am sure, though to be sure i'd like you to demostrate your skills to me Silver one. Let us go upstairs. I will put your blade to the test myself" Kodlak said rising to his feet.

Now that thought scared Silver. Before she could stop herself, she had already said it.

"I don't want to hurt anyone in your hall"

"Heh! I like you kid. You have determination and trust in yourself. Fear not, you will only need to block my attacks"

If he thought that was going to make her feel better, it didn't. She followed Kodlak up the stairs. Vilkas made some joke about not wanting to miss this for the world and was swiftly following them up the stairs. Silver tried her hardest to block out all thoughts and feelings at that moment as she followed them, their footsteps the only thing audioable.

Once in the large front room with the fires, tables and to her horror, Farkus they halted. Aela was there also, along with four of the others. An audience was to watch which made Silver feel physically sick but she hid it well.

"Prepare your blade child" Kodlak said calmly as he began to wipe the smears off his own steel blade.
Silver placed her belongings down on the chairs next to her. Her own sword was ready for battle as she'd spent the previous night polishing it and tightening the handle. She span on the spot, unsheathing the sword in a flash. This move silenced Vilkas who was in conversation with his younger brother.
As she held the sword in her hands she walked a few steps closer to Kodlak who was also in a fightning stance.

"Right, see what you can block lass" He said calmly, ignoring the gathering crowds around him.
Must they ALL be here?! She desperately wanted to say, but she kept her thoughts to herself.
"Don't hold back" She said boldly.

Kodlak laughed a little before launching himself forwards. Silver caught the sword with her own and pushed him away. He had alot of power and weight behind that stroke. More than she thought a man of his age would have. But as soon as the first strike had been blocked he was back again, coming from the side this time. Silver moved swiftly and caught the blow a little later than the last time. The sound of clashing steel rang in her eardrums and she again pushed the blade away.

Again and again, Kodlak kept the blows coming. Silver kept up well, inputting her own techniques in as and when she could. The last move was something unexpected and Silver hurt her back with her sudden reflexes. He had landed a blow atop her head, so she quickly had to raise her heavy sword and caught it just in time. This pleased Kodlak greatly and he beamed.

"Not bad. Now, your turn. You must land a hit on me this time" Kodlak said, lowering his sword and stepping back a few paces.

"But you said I was only blocking your attacks" Silver said, letting her arms fall.

"Yes I did. To begin with I meant" Kodlak said with a soft smile.

Silver gulped, but took up arms again. The grip on her sword was tighter than it ever had been. This sword master was good and had held back a little when fighting Silver. She had to do this though. She had to prove she was hounerable enough to walk among the companions and she intended to prove just that.
With a nod of his head gesturing to her to start Silver sprang into action. She threw her sword upwards in a fast motion, but Kodlak caught it and the clash of steel was heard. Silver went for the traditional spin then, but again Kodlak saw this a mile off and blocked once more. Kodlak pushed Silver away with his sword on hers and she stumbled slightly.

Regaining her balance, she went in for another strike. This time he was slower to react, but he caught the blow she'd aimed above his head. She then made out to swing right, but swapped her direction at the last moment and went left. Kodlak had not seen this one coming however and his reaction was a slow one. He caught the blade on the tip of his, but hadn't the power to push her away this time.

Her silver eyes locked with his cloudy ones and for a moment they were staring at one another, their swords entwined in battle. Silver ducked and span away. When she came back however she aimed for his left side. Kodlak was far too slow to stop this motion and Silver knew this. She allowed the blade to tap his side, though it did rip his leather coat however.

Kodlak began to laugh and dropped his sword as Silver kept the blade at his waist. Had she won? Or was he merely teasing her and was about to put a dagger in her back. Either way, she remained with her sword at his side incase he tried anything.

"Rise my dear. You fight well and I acknowledge your skill in battle" Kodlak said, stepping back.

Silver stood up so quickly it made her feel dizzy. Her sword hung loosely in her hand and her expression was one of confusion rather than joy.

"You must do one more thing before becoming part of the family. For now you have the right to sleep and eat among us in this hall. In two days time I will send you on your trial. Farkus will be your shield brother in this time and will tell me if you were worthy to be one of us" Kodlak said, sheathing his sword.

"Yes sir. But, Farkus?" She said.

"He will not lie to me Silver one. He may be harsh and appear cold, but that boy will not lie. Should you prove worthy he will say so. Should you prove to be a coward out in the world he will say so. Fear not" Kodlak said, his words somewhat short.

Silver decided it was best not to argue so she too sheathed her sword and nodded her head in agreement. Two days? She knew the time would go slowly. She knew.

"Rest and eat child. You'll need your strength come the time of your trial. It's a long ride to the caves I am sending the pair of you to. You'll be gone a week i'd wager"

"A week?" Silver replied some worry in her tone.

"Aye. If you need anything, ask us but for now your room is downstairs first door on the left" Kodlak said, walking off this time leaving Silver standing there with a crowd of people dispersing around her.
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » May 15th, 2013, 10:55 am

Ahh, sorry it's been a while! D:

Chapter 3 - Journey to the South

Silver spent the next few days alone in her room. She occasionally visited the dining area where she'd often find the two other newest members Torvar and Athis. Out of all the ones here, they were the only ones who seemed willing to talk to her thus far. Farkus and Vilkas had made it clear they wanted nothing to do with her, Kodlak was always in his chambers and Aela and the others were off on a mission elsewhere.

The days were long and dull and Silver had taken to shining her sword and polishing her armor. The room they'd given her was lonely and she could have sworn she'd seen resident rats running around one evening. Still, she was happy none the less to be here even if some were not making her feel welcome. She was waiting for the chance to prove herself.

As the evening before they were due to set off finally arrived, Athis offered her some words of encouragement and even some supplies. She appreciated his words, but wished he wouldn't divulge into detail about what she may come across. The dark elf wasn't one for choosing his words carefully.

"You'll be fine so long as you keep your wits about you!" He'd said. "Last time we lost a companion there.. Got his belly embedded on the end of a Bandit's sword"

He must have been a lousy companion to be had by a bandit Silver had thought, but didn't challenge it incase it was a friend of Athis'. She struggled to make friends anyway and as Athis and Torvar were the only ones speaking to her at present she kept her thoughts to herself so she merely nodded.

Farkus was pacing around the room. He looked on edge and that somewhat satisfied Silver. They locked eyes momentarily and both looked away hastily as if too proud to be seen staring at the other. Silver hated that about him. He soon got bored however and left the room, but doubled back and said to Silver;

"Don't be late tomorrow milk drinker or i'll leave without you"

"Wouldn't dream of it" Silver retorted with a smug smile.

Muttering under his breath, Farkus took his leave and disappeared down the stairs to his bed chambers. She looked over at the fire and saw that the old maid was standing there stirring a large pot of stew.

"Is he always so friendly?" She asked the withered looking woman.

She chuckled. "Oh don't mind him dear, he's just a grumpy ould nord. No offence of course"

Silver wasn't sure to take that as a compliment or not so merely smiled politely and resumed cleaning her sword which was a regular pastime these days. She hoped tomorrow she could put something to the death. She missed weilding a sword and fighting.

She had killed her fair share of bandits in the past and was also a good hunter back when she lived in the wilds. If Astrid had been with her, she'd have still been living that life. She allowed her mind to wander to her sister for a moment. She hoped that Astrid had made it safely to the city of Falkreath and that her aunt and uncle were treating her fairly.

Silver stood up suddenly and began to walk towards the stairs leading down to the sleeping quaters. The maid bid her a good night as she always did and Silver replied by nodding. She'd decided she had better get some sort of sleep if she was to outdo Farkus tomorrow and she intended to do just that.

On her way down the stairs she passed Tovar.

"Hope it all goes well tomorrow. Just don't let him get to you" He advised, gently punching her arm and Silver nodded.

"I'll try my best not to stab him"

Tovar laughed and continued up the stairs. Where he was going Silver didn't find out. She continued on to her bed chamber and once inside she closed the door and began to pull her armor off. Getting used to wearing it all the time was tiring, but she was pleased with how well she had done thus far. She felt free and able to move once she was in her tunic and allowed her tired body to collapse on her nice straw bed.
Within seconds her eyes were closed and she was in a deep sleep dreaming of the far away lands where she thought may face her tomorrow.

Sleep was shaken from her early that morning when Farkus roughly pushed her out of her bed onto the stone floor. Silver instinctively made to grab for the sword under her pillow, but she was already on the floor by the time she reached out. With her hair all over her face she glared up at Farkus with utter hate.

"I told you not to be late" He growled.

"It's not even sunrise you moron" She snapped, her words sounding sleepy but harsh.

Farkus grunted and left the room as Silver struggled to her feet. Groaning, the nord sat on the edge of the bed, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. Honestly, what had she done to make that man hate her so? She pushed her hair back over her head and examined herself in a mirror opposite the bed. She looked tired and angry.

She wandered over to the mirror and wiped her face, tidied her hair and began to put on her armor. She'd spent only four hours without it and it felt too soon to be putting it back on as her body ached as soon as she allowed the weight to fall on her shoulders. I need to get used to it. She reminded herself.

As she got herself changed and her weapons sheathed and tightened she took one last look around the room to check she had not forgotten anything. The room was tidy and empty so she began to make her way to the entrance hall.

Being so early, she didn't meet anyone on her way to the top of the stairs. She did however find Farkus standing with his back to her at the front door. Rolling her eyes, Silver approached him and folded her arms with annoyance.

"Well, are we leaving or what?" She almost demanded.

Farkus ignored her and proceeded out the door. He was also looking tired and his steel armor didn't look polished like Silver's was. This made her feel like his superior and she smirked as they left the room and stepped out into Whiterun.

"So, we are going to walk in silence? Won't this be a lovely week" Silver snapped as soon as she was outside Jorvaskar.

Farkus suddenly rounded on her though and pushed her up against the wall by the scruff of her collar. Silver blinked with confusion yet her expression remained unchanged.

"Let me make one thing clear. This is your test. You piss me off or mess up, that's your fault and you'll be out of the companions for good. Secondly, keep that attitude of yours under control and third... Stop talking so much"

"Your a rather poor shield brother Farkus. Can I not trade you for someone else? I'd rather take that cow with me" Silver retorted, nodding over at a highland cow next to the house.

Silver knew it took every inch of his being not to punch her for that. She saw the look on his face and his eyes were practically bulging from his sockets. For a time they stared at one another, both breathing heavily and hating each other.

Farkus eventually let go of the scruff of her collar, roughly at that. He turned away muttering something. Silver massaged her neck for a moment before she followed him. She was annoyed with this man and intended to make this week very difficult for him. If her skills were good and Kodlak said Farkus would not lie, then she could treat Farkus however she wanted. That thought made her feel a little happier and she walked speedily after her shield brother.

The sun was just about rising now and Whiterun was lit by little torches and the morning stars. It was odd seeing the town so quiet as Silver had never been awake at this hour in a town before. The peaceful air to it made her relax and she momentarily felt happier and almost forgot she was here with Farkus.

"Hurry up" he called soon however.

The happy feeling went and Silver sped up a tad. She's already promised herself she wasn't going to let him get to her during this trip. Maybe, if she killed a few bandits she would even earn the nords respect. The thought of Farkus ever excepting her seemed amusing as she walked down the steps and past Breezehome.
There she halted for a moment and looked at the front doors longingly. It then dawned on her that Astrid had gone. She'd left for Falkreath the day before and there was no way she would be there. A sadness over took her for a moment, but she shook it off and walked after Farkus.

Soon.. Astrid will meet me at Riverwood and together, we can return to the comapnions. I hope Farkus is nicer to her, or I might have to geld him. Silver thought. Again, that thought made her chuckle.

They were soon approaching the big doors that lead out into the plains of Skyrim. Silver watched as the guards pushed it open for Farkus and she followed shortly after. The weather was colder out in the open and snow was only just starting to melt over the plains. A shiver was sent down Silver's spine as the wind blew down the road leading up to the castle.

The two of them approached the stables and saw that two horses were saddled and ready for them. Silver was relieved that they were riding to this place, it would make it all the more quicker and she enjoyed riding.

The stable boy came out of the little wooden hut infront of them and held out a hand. Farkus placed a handful of golden coins in the mans gloved hand before turning back to Silver.

"You can have the mare, she's bad tempered like you" Farkus growled.

"Shouldn't you have her then?" Silver shot back again, but this time Farkus ignored her and mounted the bay gelding in the yard.

Silver approached the piebald mare and gave her a gentle stroke on the forehead before leaping up onto her back. She fidgeted a little, nothing more so she assumed she was either a bad tempered mare once being ridden, or she just took a liking to Silver. She chose the latter once they were trotting down the lane and out onto the plains of Skyrim.

She was a comfortable mare and kept a steady pace and to Farkus's delight kept up well with the gelding. Silver felt happier on horseback than she did on foot and took a deep breath as they passed a small stream. She tasted salt and freedom and the smell made her feel free and content for a time.

Farkus then broke into a gallop and Silver's mount followed suit. It unbalanced her for a moment, but soon her mare was galloping alongside Farkus's gelding and the wind was lashing at their faces and Skyrim rushed past them.

They slowed down once the plains started getting hilly and the terrain became a little uneven. The horses snorted out cold air from their nostrils and were grateful to walk through a shallow stream at the foot of a mountain.

After two hours of riding through the scenery which consisted of fields, small fisher villages, mountains, a small forest and a few streams Silver decided to break the silence as it was starting to make her feel rather uncomfortable.

"So how much further is it till we reach these caves and what am I expecting to find there?"

For a time she didn't think Farkus would answer. He had already nearly beaten her to a pulp earlier for asking questions. She sighed and looked down at the floor again.

"In the caves there will be bandits and not just normal bandits.. These are all wanted and are all twice as dangerous as your normal bandits. You and I are going there to kill them all" Farkus explained after a while, his tone blunt.

"Bandits? Is that all?" Silver said, almost sounding disapointed.

"Wanted bandits... These bastards have killed, raped, stolen and hurt many people. Their dangerous and the city guard will be pleased to know they are all dead" Farkus replied, again bluntly.

"Doesn't sound very good for 'proving' myself by killing a bunch of low lifes" Silver said.

"Have you ever killed before?" Fakus asked harshly.

There was silence for a moment, then Silver found her voice again.

"Yes. Yes I have"

"Well you shouldn't have a problem then. You need to prove to the companions your strong enough to look a man in the eye and end his life. You need to prove you can kill and not be killed. That's what this test is all about and more" Farkus said.


"That, you'll have to discover for yourself" Farkus shot back, sounding rather irritable now.

Silver couldn't be bothered with another argument so she held her tongue that time. She shifted in her saddle untill she felt more comfortable and settled. The mare stretched her neck as they walked onwards.

The sun began to set rather late that evening and Silver and Farkus had ridden the rest of the way in silence. They were nearing their destination, but Farkus decided to stop and camp before the last few miles. Silver had argued they should make it to the outskirts of the caves that night, but Farkus ignored her and began to set up a small makeshift campsite. Defeated, Silver began to help.

They had a few sleeping furs and some makeshift tents, but no wood to make a fire. Silver sighed, but Farkus was already making his way over to a nearby tree to cut some wood down. Her next thoughts turned to food, but again she saw a small pack on Farkus's mounts saddle.

She took the mounts saddles off and allowed them off to graze. She knew horses of Skyrim were loyal and never strayed too far from their nord masters so she was satisfied with letting them graze as they pleased. Both got down and had a long roll and shook the dust off their sweaty coats.

Farkus then returned with the firewood and placed it down infront of Silver.

"Go on then, show us what you can do and make a fire"

Silver looked almost insulted, but knelt down and began to rub the two sticks together until she felt the wood warming and the sparks began to fly. She knelt and blew the smoke to encourage the fire to flare up and sure enough the fire started to roar.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am a pro at making fires. Lived out in the wild for a few months. No warmth out here, you die" She told him.

Farkus shrugged his shoulders and went and sat on a stump near the fire. Silver assumed she would get the floor so fell back and allowed her body to relax. She was tired after the ride, but didn't show it for fear of being mocked.

The night went dark quickly and Silver soon found that all around them was no longer visible aside the whites of the horses eyes against the flames and the small perimeter around the fire. Farkus reached into the travel pack and tossed Silver a small loaf of bread and helped himself to one too.

"Eat, sleep and we'll move out again in the morning" Farkus exclaimed getting to his feet and heading over to the tent.

Silver said nothing, but accepted the bread and began to tear off chunks. As she ate her meal, she listened to the sound of the horses snorting, the wind whistling through the trees, the fire crackling and the odd distant cry of a wolf. Silver felt back at home and began to relax and felt happy.

After a while though her eyelids became heavy, so she finished her food and clambered into her own tent. She night was still and nothing had bothered them so she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby ScarsLove » June 4th, 2013, 7:48 pm

It has been awhile since I've checked up on your story. x_x I hope you update some more.

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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » June 4th, 2013, 9:46 pm

Thanks hun ^_^ I haven't finished the next chapter but I will get to it eventually =D
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » June 19th, 2013, 12:16 am

Chapter 4 - The cave.

Farkus woke her the next morning by again shaking her roughly by the shoulder. Silver turned slowly over and allowed her eyes to slowly focus. When she saw Farkus leaning over her, she shuddered and shifted away quickly.
"Come on. The day is young, let's get to that cave and we might make it back in four days rather than five"
"Why are you suddenly so eager to get there? Last night you were the one who insisted we made camp here on the outskirts, so what's changed this morning?" Silver queried as she slowly sat up.
Farkus pretty much growled as he pondered on his answer, for he didn't have an immediate response. After a while he sighed and turned his back on his fellow Nord.
"Because.. I said so"
It was a pretty lame come back, but Silver was too tired to argue this morning, so slowly began to sort her hair out which was a total mess. She looked up at the sky to see the dim sunrise slowly fading from the clouds. Today would be sunny, though cold.
Farkus began to pack away their little makeshift camp as Silver gathered her things. The horses had stayed close by as expected and Silver's mare was standing with a hind leg resting, whilst Farkus's mount was still off grazing apparently aware they were moving out so intended to eat as much as possible.
Silver was handed an apple by Farkus without a word, so she ate it, making sure to feed the core to her horse. Farkus did no such thing and ate the whole thing before throwing the saddle over the horses back.
Once they were both saddled up, had their things together and double checked the fire was out, the two of them rode off again towards the mountains, again in silence. Silver checked over her shoulder every so often for game or enemies. It felt just like old times to her as they trotted off towards their destination.
"We will be there in an hour, so you better prepare yourself" Farkus called to her as they sped up into a canter.
"I'll be fine, you just worry about yourself" Silver retorted, but she sounded bored of all these jibes Farkus kept throwing her way.
In truth, she just wanted to get along with Farkus to make this outing go quickly and gain his respect quicker, but she knew respect was earnt and it may well take some time, if anything longer with Farkus. Being a nord, she knew how stubborn they could be and Farkus was no excpetion.
The hour passed rather quickly thankfully and Silver soon saw the path to a small cave along the foot of the mountain. The terrain was rocky and unstable, so the two of them leapt off their mounts to allow them to miss out on walking there. Silver was reluctant to leave the horses, but Farkus insisted they had to.
Grudgilly, she left her mare by a large rock, twisting her reins and runnig the stirrups up aswell as loosening the girth to make it more comfortable for her if she did choose to wander off to find grass.
"I hope your ready for this milk drinker" Farkus said as they faced the cave door.
"Heh, bring it on" Silver said, clutching the hilt of her sword as she caught up with Farkus, standing alongside him for a moment.
Farkus again, grunted and moved on pushing the cave door open and disapearing from view.
Silver wasn't hesitant and was in the cave behind him moments later. It was the usual cave. Damp, cold and depressing. There were torches on the wall to show that it was occupied and here and there were barrels of bread and vegetables. Blood stains could also be seen on the floor. It was almost like they were there to ward off univited guests, but to Silver it just made her blood boil with eagerness.
Farkus was silently treading through the cave. There were no sounds to be heard other than the faint footsteps of themselves. Silver kept her hand on the helm of her sword, daring anything to appear and attack her. She was ready for anything, her eyes on full alert and her ears listening as their shadows danced across the dimly lit walls.
They rounded a corner and came to an opening in the cave. There were a few tents here and there, dotted around a small pond that was looking rather dirty and shallow. Silver wrinkled her nose as the smell hit her and she realized just what the pond had been used for. Those bandits had no hygeine whatsover.
Farkus too stifled a cough as he advanced on the tents. They were all empty.
"Damn it" Farkus muttered with frustration.
"You really think it was going to be that easy? That you'd just walk up to them as they sleep and slit their throats?" Silver asked with bemusement as she tossed an empty bottle aside.
"I was hoping so. Meant I wouldn't have to of spent as long with you" Farkus growled.
Silver again ignored the attempted insult and began to pace up and down the little makeshift camp. There were a few weapons lying on the floor, but nothing of any value and a skeever was roasting on an open fire. Sometimes a shadow would move and Silver would leap to defence, but it was only a cloth on one of the tents caught in the breeze.
"This cave must go deeper. Or they know we're here and are waiting to ambush us" Silver said, her hand still clasped around the hilt of her sword.
"We keep moving" Farkus said stubbornly.
Silver rolled her eyes wishing the Nord wouldn't be so reckless. She wasn't the most sensible Nord, but she knew when to be on her guard and when to suspect an ambush. Still, Farkus was infront so if he wanted to risk his life like a fool she couldn't stop him. Atleast that was if he were hit she had some time to get away.
But would she flee or fight? Once her mind was in a fight, she was there till she won or died in the attempt. A foolish Nord trait, but an admirable one.
Farkus soon halted as he heard muffled voices up ahead and Silver felt her heart thumping as she too heard them. The thought of spilling blood excited her and she drew her weapon. From the voices she counted five or six. However Farkus sniffed the air of all things.
"There are twelve of them. All scum and very dangerous. Still wanna do this rookie?" He whispered.
Silver's eyes looked dangerous as she asked him this. Of course she wanted to do this. She'd never run from a bunch of pathetic bandits. Ever. She wanted to give him a good speech of determination but all that came to her were the words;
"Lets just get on with it"
Farkus smirked and put his sword down on a nearby rock. Silver tilted her head with confusion.
"The hell are you doing?!" Silver spat through clenched teeth.
"Easy, and don't freak out milk drinker. This might scare you" Farkus growled, his eyes changing colour.
The next moment Silver felt herself glued to the spot in fear and confusion. Farkus began to change. He dropped down onto his hands and knees and a black mist engulfed his body. His back arched and his hands transformed into clawed paws. A muzzle sprouted from his face and his teeth grew.
A moment later, there was a werewolf standing infront of Silver. She had to remind herself constantly that the beast before her was Farkus, but that wasn't easy. Farkus bit at the air infront of her and she nearly pulled her sword on him. By some miracle she resited though and she glared back at him before he padded off into the bandits hiding place.
"Oh.. [censored]! WEREWOLF! KILL IT!!!!" She heard one bandit call.
The savage howls and rips of flesh could be heard as Farkus attacked them. He was faster on four legs than she was on two so Silver began to wonder if he was actually going to let her help at all.
When Silver nearly rounded the corner she heard a yelp which made her freeze in her tracks. She was about to leap out, but the voices stopped her.
"Ahaha! Got the vile beast. We'll be feasting tonight lads! And some human flesh for the dogs too"
"Now who else wants to die?" Called out the bandit.
It was then Silver heard a groan and her worst fears left her. Farkus was alive, though for how long she had no idea. And why should she help him? All he'd done was made her life in the Companions so far miserable. She turned her back for a moment as she heard the bandits rediscover Farkus. Now was her chance to escape.
But then she wasn't like Farkus.... She wanted to be in the companions and to help protect the others in the reach. She wanted to live life honestly and live with her sister when she finally became sixteen. But to get into the companions she needed to change her attitude. Wether she liked Farkus or not, he was one of her own and she had to protect him.
"Damn it..." She muttered, releasing the sword from its hilt.
A bandit stuck his head round the corner at that moment and tasted the silver blade as it sliced his head clean off his shoulders. The blood spattered Silver's face as she rushed forward and into full view of the bandits. The blood gave her an auror of danger and seemed to make the seven remaining bandits back off.
From what Silver could see, Farkus had ripped the other four to pieces before getting an arrow embedded in his back. She also saw he had changed back and lay on the floor groaning as blood seeped through his armour. Atleast they didn't hit a vital point Silver thought to herself.
The room they were in was leveled. There were two floors above them with huts and chests on, but the floor they were on was brown stone with a few bed rolls and a large fire in the middle. Silver's eyes were soon back on the advancing bandits though.
"You just had to go and rush in didn't you" Silver growled at Farkus.
"G...Get out.. Of" He managed.
"Shut up. Like i'd run and let you have all the fun. Besides, your one of my own so like it or not i'll protect you" She replied, bringing the blade down.
"This nord has fire, she does. But she has no idea who she's up against either!" The cheif bandit spat at the floor infront of Silver.
He was an elderly man with steel armor on and a small mace on his hip.
"And manners" Silver said with a slight smirk.
"You know what. Im gonna cut your tongue out as soon as i've defeated you. Then Im gonna tie you up and let my men ere have their way with you. Right after i've killed your friend here infront of you" The chief said darkly.
Silver found that amusing and the smirk spread even further across her face as she stood their infront of Farkus. The odds were against her, but she wasn't seeing that. All she saw was blood to spill.
"He's not my friend. And if any of your men come near me.. I'll geld them" Silver snarled.
The dance began. She slashed her sword right and took out the first man. She chose his specifically for his weak armor and killed him with one hit. As expected, another came at her and she dodged his sword. Correcting herself, she bought her own sword back down and hacked into the mans back before raising her sword to clash with anothers.
She parryed that one away and kicked the other man who had got behind her and attempted to bring the sword down on her. Back on the chief who's mace struck her shoulder. Silver stumbled, but avoided the next aim. Another bandit came at her then, but she tripped him and sliced his neck as he fell.
Three down. The bandits looked a little worried now, but could see Silver was tiring. She was a woman and didn't have quite the strength of a man and all the men before her looked tired, yet amused.
"A true nord never backs down. It's true what they say!" A wood elf called.
"Silver, look out!" Farkus yelled.
Too late, one of the other bandits had got behind her and stabbed the top of her arm with a dagger. Silver just about felt the blade go into her arm and winced with discomfort. She yanked the dagger out and thrust it through the bandits head, killing him in an instant.
"Your right about that. And I ain't backing down. Come on you bastards. Let's finish this" Silver growled, her eyes practically glowing with excitement as the blood lust was on her.
"KILL THE [censored]! CUT HER LIMB FROM LIMB!" The chief yelled as his last two bandits ran at Silver.
So predictable... They both ran at her aiming for her head and chest. Silver leapt out the way to see their exposed back. She stabbed one, pulled back her sword and locked with the other. She glared at him and saw the fear there. Her eyes were intimidating and she knew it. Silver saw the bandit quivering with fear beneath her blade and that gave her odd satisfaction. Silver pushed him away, the bandit managed to hit her with the blund of the blade however and a trickle of blood began to form on her lip. Silver snarled and sliced his neck, more blood spattering her face.
The bandit fell to the floor with the rest of the bodies and Silver locked eyes with the chief once more. Her hair was a mess, blood covered her face and her blade was a deep crimson.
"Now.. It's your turn" Silver snarled, spitting blood on the chiefs boot.
That angered him and he locked swords with the Silver eyed nord. They slashed at each other for a good few minutes, both tiring and both landing hits, but nothing serious. Silver got a scratch across her face and a few dents in her armour, and the cheif's armour was starting to weaken.
"You could just surrender" Silver intimidated as she dodged another of his blows and caught him with her own.
"NEVER" The cheif yelled, throwing all his weight into his next aim.
Silver again dodged. She was tired, but her wits were still sharp. Whenever she caught his eye she smirked, angering him even more. Exactly what she wanted. With that throw however, he unbalanced himself so Silver seized her chance. She went for the weak point and got him.
Her blade shot through his neck and out the otherside. Blood began to form in his mouth, his eyes began to fade and his mace fell from his hands. Silver leant in close.
"You know, for a group of the most feared bandits in the area.. Your pretty lousy fighters"
With that she forcefully pulled the sword out and let the last of the bandits fall to the floor before her.
After a moment of soaking in the victory, she turned to Farkus who was sat up against a pillar now, breathing rather heavilly. She walked over to him, sheathing her sword in the process before dropping down infront of him to look at the wound.
"Can you walk?" She asked.
"I think so...." Farkus said weakly.
"So your a werewolf then. If it's a fullmoon tonight your wounds will heal up nicely" Silver said.
"How did you?" Farkus began.
"There's alot about me you don't know. One of my old travelling companions used to be a werewolf. Was quite amazing one night. He went to bed with a broken leg... Woke up the next morning good as new"
Farkus laughed quietly before struggling to his feet. Silver knew she'd have to take that arrow out, but she would wait till they were outside, then knock him unconcious. She followed Farkus towards the exit in silence for a moment, but halfway along the passage way he turned back to her.
"You er... You fought really bravely back there. Nice work"
Silver blinked with confusion. Was this cold hearted Nord, the one who hated her, actually offering her a compliment. Yes. He was. She smirked slightly and looked away for a moment.
"I told you I could look after myself"
"And you saved me.. So.. Thanks. You er.. You'll make a good companion milk drin-.. Silver" Farkus said.
Acceptance at last. It felt so good to be getting along with this nord after what seemed like an age and Silver felt a feeling of hope wash over her. She smiled fondly as they walked along towards the cave exit.
It was nearing the evening when they re-appeared outside. The sun was still up and the birds were singing. Silver unsheathed her sword silently and watched Farkus carefully.
"I guess we should make camp" Farkus began, but soon fell to the ground as Silver's blunt end of the sword collided with his head.
"We will as soon as I get that arrow out your shoulder"
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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

Postby Shadowfax » June 25th, 2013, 9:16 pm

Chapter 5 - Hail companion

Silver was no medic, but getting an arrow out a mans back seemed an easy task. She got the metal out with no problem and managed to stop the bleeding before it got serious. She then boiled some water on one of the bandits pots to wash out any infection to the wound and finally bandaged it with some supplied Farkus had on his saddle bag.
On her way back from the bandits cave she had found some vegetables and some mead which she stole before leaving that dank place for good. Farkus was heavy, so she stuggled to get him on the back of his horse, but after a good ten minutes struggle she had him secure over the mounts back.
To be safe she tied him onto the saddle with some rope and took the horses reins in her own hands. Her piebald mare took the lead and they began to tread their way through the mountain pass.
They encountered two bandits on their way back to the plains, but Silver took care of them before they even spotted her. She was quite the archer and took them both out in one hit, which gave her an odd satisfaction.
Once they had returned to the plains, Silver felt at ease. She travelled untill the sun went down and made a makeshift camp in the small woodlands just on the outskirts of a giants camp. They couldn't see her, nor hear her so they were safe. The horses obviously felt safe too for they were off grazing in a matter of minutes.
Silver heaved Farkus off his mare and places him against a fallen tree log before setting off to make a fire. She knew no bandits would trouble them out here and that Farkus would awaken soon so she intended to get the camp ready.
Though he had finally accepted her, she didn't want to give him any excuse to criticize her ever again so made sure that the fire was going, the stew boiling and the water collected.
Silver let herself collpase by the fire after a moment and let the feeling of exhaustion take her. She'd been fighting and travelling all day so the tiredness engulfed her as she sat there before the fire. The nord took out a bottle of mead and began to drink, her thoughts drifting back to Whiterun.
About half an hour later, Farkus opened his eyes. He immediately winced as the pain shot through his back and realization hit him. The wound was sore, but felt clean. He turned to Silver who was smiling with a bottle of mead in her hands. She raised it to him before downing the contents.
"Don't worry, I got plenty more" She said seeing the horror on Farkus' face.
Silver slowly got up, retrieved a bottle of mead and a bowl of vegetables for Farkus, placed them down next to him and went and sat on the otherside of the fire against a rock. Farkus blinked, but ate the vegetable soup gratefully forgetting how hungry he was.
"You knocked me out" Farkus said after a while.
"For your own good, you wouldn't have wanted to be awake when I took that arrow out"
"I would have been fine" Farkus complained, starting on the mead.
"I doubt it" Silver said, helping herself to a second bottle of mead now.
Farkus drank a large mouthful of the mead and heaved a loud sigh as he fell back against the log. Silver watched him carefully, taking small mouthfuls of her own mead as they sat in silence for a moment.
"So, when did you learn to fight like that?" Farkus asked after a while.
Silver lowered the bottle and grasped it with both hands, twirling it between them. Her answer was going to sound rather lame she knew.
"I taught myself and picked up a few skills from a few travelling companions a few years ago. I guess most of my drive comes from wanting to protect the most treasured person to me" Silver said, taking a swig of mead.
"And who might that be?" Farkus asked genuinely intrigued.
"My little sister, Astrid. She's hoping to join the companions in a few months time when she comes of age. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. I love that girl to pieces and miss her" Silver said sadly, letting the bottle of mead twist in her hands again.
"Well, if she's anything like you then she'll get in with no trouble. How come you didn't wait then so you could both join?"
"My aunt and uncle hated me and wouldn't have let me stay with them. As soon as I turned sixteen I was kicked out the door. Poor Astrid was only twelve then. I tried to get a home in the city, but nobody would let me work and the guards turned me away when I tried to make camp. The only work I was offered made me sick so I turned that down rather swiftly. So I headed out into the wilds and lived there for a time. I kept a close eye on Astrid when I visited though and sometimes we'd camp on the outskirts of town. For some reason my Uncle would never let me take her with me though. Said it was too dangerous out there for a girl teenager, yet he was fine with me being out there" Silver held her tongue.
She had drifted back to the past unexpectadly and tears had formed in her eyes. Talking of her sister still made her sad and she realized how much she missed her.
"I know what a sibling bond is like. Vilkas and I only had eachother when our parents died when we were three. Kodlak took us in and raised us as companions the kind soul. The blood bond of a sibling is one of the greatest, most powerful things in the world. That and love" Farkus said downing the rest of his bottle of mead.
Silver blinked at those words. So, Farkus and Vilkas were just like her and Astrid? Orphans and had only one another. She felt a deep pity for Farkus then for never knowing the love of his parents. She had known her parents for a short time, but she could remember their love and care.
The blood bond of a sibling is one of the greatest, most powerful things in the world. That and love. Silver thought over Farkus's words in her head. Love? That was something she never thought possible for herself and in her heart she knew that no matter what, Astrid would always come first. Always.
"I guess we have alot in common then" Silver said after sometime.
"I guess we do. We better get some rest if we want to make it back to the city by evenign tomorrow" Farkus said lying down on his side.
"Hopefully we will. I miss sleeping in a bed. Let us also hope your back heals up nicely for the ride back tomorrow too" Silver said as they began to get themselves comfortable.
"I'll be fine come the morning. Whoever gets up first can be on breakfasy duty" Farkus said with a smirk.
"Why don't you be a gentleman and do it?" Silver teased.
"Im no gentleman and you know that" Farkus laughed.
"That's for sure" Silver said turning over and closing her eyes.
A smile spread across her face. She finally felt like she belonged with the companions and looked forward to her ceremony toomorrow when they got back to Whiterun.
To her suprise, Farkus was up and about the next morning. His back had healed nicely and his spirits were high. He'd even been out and cooked them some eggs for breakfast so being presented with a plate of eggs as soon as you woke up was a welcome sight rather than being kicked in the side.
"Remind me to save your skin more often" Silver said as she took the bowl from her comrade gratefully.
They both ate in silence as the odd flake of snow began to fall around them. It was surely going to be a cold day, but nothing could dampen her spirits on this day. She was excited and ready for the ceremony later on in the evening.
Farkus took their bowls and washed them in a small puddle once they had finished, whilst Silver packed away their things and dampened down the embers of the fire. The giants were still unaware of their presence and had left them alone all night. Silver could just about make out their loud footsteps up ahead though so started to get a move on.
Once all was packed away and their things were sorted, Silver leapt up onto her piebald mares back and began to ride east for Whiterun, Farkus following at her side.
They spoke of battle tactics and armour all the way back and both learnt something from the other. Their mounts kept pace with one another and every now and then they would have a gallop across an open field. They were chased by a pack of wolves at one point, but the horses outran them with ease leaving them in the dust.
Silver smirked as she whirled round in the saddle to watch them vanish from view. The feeling of freedom she felt then was extrodinary. The sun was shining, snowflakes hit her face and the cool breeze blew through her hair as they slowed to a walk as they approached a stream.
Gratefully, the horses plodded through the water and soon their legs were sodden with ice cold water. Silver's eyes suddenly caught sight of something in the rocks though and she blinked with confusion for a moment before leaping off the mares back and into the water.
The water ran over the top of her boots, but it didn't phase her as she waded through the water to the rocks. When she got there, the young nord peered into the pool to see a small and very injured looking wolf hound dog. There were many a nord who had one of these as a companion out here in the reach, but why this one was alone and wounded she had no idea.
It had mud matted in it's fur. The grey coat was dull and his eyes were rather dim, but still threatening as she approached.
"What is it?" Farkus asked, grabbing hold of Silver's mares reins for the mare had tried to bolt when she saw the dog.
"A dog. A very wounded dog" Silver replied, heaving the poor beast out of the water.
The dog was clearly aggitated and attempted to snap at Silvers hand as she pulled him out the water. He missed her arm due to his reflexes being so slow. Silver saw him aim for her ages before his jaws touched her so she moved out the way and whispered soothingly to the dog in an attempt to calm him down.
"Leave him be. Looks like he was finding somewhere to die" Farkus said with a sigh.
"This one still has fire in his eyes. He wasn't meant to die" She said, applying water to the wound, then mead to kill off the germs.
As the mead hit the wound, the dog yelped and made to get up but Silver held him where he was, whispering to him gently. Her voice must have had some calming influence for the dog as it immediately settled and allowed Silver to dress his leg with a bandage. She worked quickly however as she wasn't sure how long he would tolerate this.
Once the bandage was on she stood up allowing the dog to move freely if he wished. The young dog stood, swaying on the spot slightly then turning to knaw at the bandages. Silver frowned and took some meat out the bag she was carrying. She tossed it to the dog to try and deter his attention from the bandages.
"Don't go chewing that you hear? You'll keep the infections out if you leave that bandage on if only for a time" Silver said, patting the dogs head as he ripped the meat to pieces, clearly very hungry.
Farkus handed the reins back to Silver as she leapt back onto her horses back. With one final glance at the dog she and Farkus began the last few steps of their journey. Whiterun was visible now in the distance and Silver felt a surge of excitement rush through her as they got nearer and nearer.
"Home at last..." Silver muttered.
"Yep, but don't relax too much yet for you will have your ceremony tonight" Farkus reminded her.
"Wow, you sure don't hang about do you?" Silver said with a slight laugh as they came to a halt by the stables.
Both slid off their horses and gave them gentle pats on the necks. The steeds had been loyal and of great help to them so Silver took extra care to praise her horse before departing. She loosened the girth before leaving and as Farkus left the stalls, she too followed him closely.
Together they climed the steep steps of Whiterun towards the main city. The snow was getting heavier, but the walls shielded most of it from them as they continued onwards. When Silver saw the large oaken doors ahead she smiled to herself. The last time she had walked through those, her and Farkus were enemies, now they returned as comrades.
Even the guards were shocked to see them getting along and also being back earlier than expected. Silver didn't stop to talk to any of them, she was eager to get back to Jorvaskar and by the look of it so was Farkus. Finally they climed the large stone steps and there they were. Home. Kodlak was around the back of the building, enjoying the snow and the fresh breeze.
When Silver and Farkus appeared he smiled widely before standing up.
"I assume you took care of them?" He asked neither in particular.
"Yes sir. Silver fought very well and would make an excellent companion" Farkus replied.
Silver never thought she would hear those words escape Farkus' mouth. She appreciated it so much and had to stop herself smiling like a lunatic. She bowed her head as Kodlak's eyes fell upon her.
"Excellent, this news pleases me. Both of you go now and get some rest. The ceremony will take place as the sun goes down. Meet us outside on the courtyard and you shall be welcomed into the companions young one" Kodlak informed Silver.
She nodded and smiled gently at the elderly man before turning back towards the building. Silver pushed the door open and was nearly leapt on by Athis and Tovar. She was so pleased to see them.
"Silver! Your alive!" Athis said, patting her on the shoulder.
"Takes more than a few low life bandits to get rid of me" Silver said proudly.
Farkus walked past and caught her eye. He smiled and headed off towards his chambers. She saw nothing more of him in the next few hours after that.
"So you managed not to kill him then?" Tovar said with amusement in his tone.
Silver smirked and gave a low chuckle. The last day of their little journey had been enjoyable so she told her two friends all about it. Both were intrigued to hear Silver's story and listened intently from start to finish. When Silver mentioned about the bandits numbers, they gasped at how she had taken them on single handedly.
"No doubt about it, you'll make a good companion alright!" Athis said.
"Damn right. That's quite a story Silver. Did the werewolf thing scare you?" Tovar then asked.
"Not really. I've been around werewolves before, though I must admit it was a little out of the blue. Didn't see it coming"
They laughed before the two companions left leaving Silver standing there with her thoughts. Just what would this ceremony bring? Would she have to fight again? Maybe she would have to fight Farkus? Farkus.. .How did he become a werewolf? For the first time since he transformed she found herself asking this question.
As she made her way along the corridor to her room, she began to make up stories in her mind as if trying to work out how he had come to posess the power of the beast. How on earth did he control it so well?
Silver slumped down on the bed when she entered the room and slowly began to begin taking her armor off to give her time to rest. The feeling was amazing when she took the armor from her body. She felt as light as a feather all of a sudden and fell back onto the soft bed.
For a time she slept, but as if by instinct she awoke come sunset. Just enough time to get ready and up to the ceremony. Assuming she would be fighting, Silver put her armor back on, buckled on her sword belt and made her way up the stairs towards the courtyard.
She assumed that everyone was already outside for the ceremony for everyone but the maid were not in the building. Panic engulfed her for a moment. Was she late? With a burst of speed she threw herself through the oaken doors and into the streets of Whiterun.
When she halted and looked up she saw them all lined up neatly in a half circle around her. It was like they had all known she would come through the door. Stupidly she stood catching her breath. Her hair was a mess, but the look on her face was probably more of a shock to the rest of them.
"Am I late?" Silver asked with worry.
Kodlak laughed kindly before the others joined in. Silver wished they wouldn't laugh and grit her teeth with annoyance, her nord nature threatening to take over. Aela was there, along with Vilkas, Athis, Tovar, Skjor, Farkus and the other three companions she had yet to learn the names of.
"Relax child, you are not late. We will begin now you are here though" Kodlak said cooly.
Silver relaxed a little and knelt down before the others, wondering what was going to come.
"Today we welcome a new soul into our order. This nord has shown her skills in battle and longs to be one of us. Who here will stand witness to the soul before us?" Kodlak said.
There was a murmer from the others and Silver feared the worst. They don't want me here.. They don't want me to be one of them. She thought.
"I will stand witness to the bravery of the woman before us" Came Farkus's voice.
"Would you raise your shield in her defence?" Kodlak asked.
"I would stand at her back, fight along side her and be proud to die alongside her" Farkus said.
"And would you raise your sword in her honour?"
Farkus then pulled the sword from his belt and rest it across his face.
"I would raise my sword to defend her. I would raise a glass of ale in her honour. I would call her my allie and a fellow companion"
"Then the judgement is complete. This womans heart is pure, the fire of battle rages in her eyes and she has done this order a favour by riding us of those bandits. Rise now and call out your name companion" Kodlak said, turning to Silver.
Silver stood to her full height, her hair tugging at the breeze. Then she did something which even shocked her. In that moment she thought of Astrid and her name echoed through her own heart.
"SilverEye. My name is SilverEye"
"SilverEye huh? Welcome to the companions, SilverEye!" Kodlak called out, the others copying him.
Silver smiled and blinked back tears as all the others around her raised their swords to her. She had never felt so happy as she had in that moment and never would she forget this day. Ever.
"SilverEye, I have something I must discuss with you. Come" Kodlak said, gently putting a gloved hand on her shoulder.
Silver blinked and wearily followed Kodlak back into Jorvaskar.
Never give up;

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