

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » November 11th, 2012, 6:19 pm

“Ya’ll have 5 minutes to gather your things!”, a loud, bellowing voice shouted through the house. “Then we’re gonna take you to the Center!”. The rush between the family of four was immense, they grabbed clothes and possession and flung them into bags. Aimee, the older child was gathering family photos instead of her own things. “This damn zombie apocalypse...the world’s gone to s***” she thought to herself.

When one of the Government officials popped his head around the door, he looked straight at Aimee. “Wait...there’s 2 kids?”, he said, noticing Aimee’s younger brother at her side. He shook his head, and left the room. Suddenly, there was raised voices between the officials and her parents. Aimee rushed up onto her feet and into the kitchen.
“What do you mean we have to leave Louis?”, her father shouted.
“He’s only 8 years old!”, her mother cried, tears flowing out of her eyes. The officials were trying to calm the couple down,
“I’m sorry, Sir and Madam, but it’s oldest first!”. Aimee was shaking. Louis, on his own in here? He wouldn't survive...
“I’ll stay...”.

Everyone in the room turned and looked at the 15 year old. Her mother shook her head,
“No. Aimee, that’s out of the question. We’ll work something out”. Aimee walked up to her mother and stared at her, before looking at the officials,
“Listen here, if I stay, my brother will get to go right?”. The three men nodded awkwardly. She felt her mother’s hand grip her own.
“, Dad and Louis have got a place, at the Center. Things are good there. I’ll be fine here. Her mother still shook her head in disbelief.

“Aimee...your my daughter, I could never-“,
“Mum, please...please don’t argue. I’m not going to regret this, and neither will you when I turn up safe and sound soon”. The officials were the ones to break the silence that followed this.
“We really have to leave...”. Aimee’s father turned to them and glared,
“Give us a moment with our daughter”,
“But sir-",
“I SAID GIVE US A MOMENT!”. The officials collecting the family’s bags and waited, slightly miffed. Aimee’s father bent down to her level.

“Now, Aimee. The house is boarded up real good. You know survival off the back of your hand. We've been out in the forest many a time and brought home dinner without going to the supermarket. I’ll give you my shotgun. You know how to load and fire it. You have the kitchen knives too. Stay strong and survive, we’ll see you in the Center soon ok?”.
Aimee tried to take in all these words, and once she had done so, she nodded. Her father hugged her tight and gripped her shoulders. “You’ll do good”.

“Bye Dad, good luck”. Her dad cracked a smile before getting up and leaving. He knew that his daughter would be fine, her mother however was devastated.
“Aimee, my darling”, she said, pulling her close. “You promise me you won’t do anything stupid? You’ll stay safe?”. The teenager nodded, burying her face into her mother’s shoulder.
“I’ll stay safe. Make sure Dad doesn't have a sudden turn and try and come back for me ok?”.
“I’ll keep an eye on him hunny”. Her mother kissed her forehead, and gripped her hand. They walked to the door where Louis was standing.

“Mum, isn’t Aimee coming?”, he asked, in his innocent voice. It was then Aimee felt like she was going to cry. No, she’d stay strong. For her mother, her brother and her father. It was Aimee’s turn to lower herself down to someone’s level. She gazed at her brother with loving eyes.
“I’m staying here to look after the house. Now, you gotta be a big boy and look after Mum and Dad. You know how silly they can be sometimes”. Louis laughed,

“Yeah, I’ll protect them from everything!”. Aimee grabbed him for a hug, ruffling his hair. He handed her a photo, “Look Aimee, it’s all of us. You should have it!”. Aimee glanced down at the photo, not really taking it in.

“Thanks little bro, now, you gotta be going”. The three people she was closest too left the house. Her brother was grinning and waving, oblivious to the fact he might not ever see her again. Her father gave her a solemn look, but nodded. She nodded back. And her mother, eyes glazed over with tears just stared.
She was about to get into the van when she ran back, Aimee ran out of the house and leaped into her mothers arms.

“Mum, I’m gonna miss you so much”, she murmured, sniffling.
“Oh Aimee...we could just stay-“,
“No, please...”. Her mother, finally having to be pulled away from her daughter by her husband, just gave Aimee a look of despair. “I love you!”, Aimee called out. She didn't get a response, the van had taken off by the time she said it. Realizing she was now alone, Aimee ran back into the house and bolted the door.

Fumbling around in the kitchen, she got all her supplies together. Her head was telling her to plan out how she was going to live now, her heart...well, she didn't want to listen to it for now. Once she had made the living room into a mulit-purpose room, where she decided she would stay, she made the most of still having electricity.

She knew it was gonna go down soon, so she charged up her iPod in the hope of finding electricity again to listen to music, because she would miss that. She flicked on the TV, to find no signal. She sighed, of course all broadcasting would be stopped. She had hoped that the TV would get her too sleep, she’d just put it down really low, just enough so she could hear it. “DVDs would work though..”, she thought to herself. She got up and looked on the selves, until she found a childhood favourite. The Lion King. She stuck it on and put it on repeat. She sat on the sofa, tucked up her legs to her chest and watched. Stopping herself from drinking or eating anything yet.

Once it ended for the first time, she sighed and looked at the time. 7pm. It was getting dark quickly, and she had been told the zombies are more active at night. She crept to the bathroom, which thankfully was near the back of the house. Aimee fixed herself a mug of tea and let herself have a biscuit. She began watching the TV again, pulling the blanket she put down over her. Sighing, she lay back, just to feel something beneath her. Reaching behind her back, she pulled out the photo her brother gave her.

Aimee looked at it. It was last Christmas. All 4 of them. Smiling. Who knew an apocalypse was just around the corner? Aimee hugged the photo close, letting a few tears escape, just as the sun was rising on the Pridelands for the second time. The TV wouldn't be a great help that night.
just an oddball

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Re: Goodbye

Postby Kopalover » November 11th, 2012, 6:26 pm

I really like it! ^^
Such emotions with the family leaving! Great job!
Signatures by Shadowfax, thank you love <3

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Re: Goodbye

Postby Dark Huntress » November 11th, 2012, 8:05 pm

So good! I'm tempted to write one about Tamras last few minutes with her parents...
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Re: Goodbye

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » November 11th, 2012, 8:15 pm

Thanks guys ^^ And you go for it ^^
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Re: Goodbye

Postby Dark Huntress » November 11th, 2012, 8:17 pm

Kk :) thx ^^
Thx Silver ^^ Image
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And thx, Silver for the kickbutt siggy!

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