
Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » February 19th, 2009, 10:32 pm

Here's the newest chapter(I know this one's kinda short but the next one will be longer).

Chapter ten: Our only chance at freedom

Three months after Star's capture: The room where the wolves are kept

"Do you think this will really work?" asked number thirty four. He and Star were standing near the entrances to the battle arena and another fight was about to take place. They were distracted by the wolves rushing by them and heading off to fight.

"Well, I don't know what's going to happen. We've tried to be as prepared as possible so now all we can do is hope it all goes according to plan" replied Star. "Still, we can't afford to screw this up so let's just hope it works."

"Okay, let's just hope that the rest of us don't screw this up."

"They won't. They have just as much to lose as us if this doesn't work out right. And besides as long as he doesn't find out what we're doing then we shouldn't fail." said Star as he tried to act confident in his plan.

The previous night

"So this is all the wolves that you were able to get?" said Star as he looked gloomily upon the small semi-circle of wolves that were surrounding him and thirty four. Because there was almost no light Star had a hard time figuring out how many wolves there were but by his count there couldn't have been more than about twenty.

"These were all the wolves I could get that I could trust not to betray us" replied thirty four in a rather annoyed tone. He had spent the last few months working on finding wolves he could trust and it hadn't been easy for him because not only did he have lots of enemies, but it was hard to trust him seeing as how he wasn't able to give away any real information.

"Fair enough" replied Star "I guess I should tell them what we're going to do before they leave us." Star cleared his throat before aligning himself so he could meet the eyes of the rest of his allies.

"If you want to back out now then this will be your last chance. I'm afraid that I can't risk any of you telling the other wolves what we're planning on doing because if they know then the whole plan will be ruined" Star waited for a response and he even expected some of them to leave but after a whole two minutes in which nobody left Star felt that it was safe to continue.

"Now here's the plan. From what thirty four told me there's going to be another fight tomorrow and that's when we'll make our move. I'll only tell you this once so make sure you don't forget it. The first part of our plan is..."

The present

"It looks like we should get going then" said thirty four as he watched one of the exits close.

"Yeah, well good luck" said Star as the two of them left for the arena.
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby DaDwarf » February 28th, 2009, 7:29 pm

wow i want to read more! this is a great story :D :lol:

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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » February 28th, 2009, 10:52 pm

[quote="DaDwarf"]wow i want to read more! this is a great story :D :lol:[/quote]

And so ya shall.

The next chapter is going to updated in about one minute. :D :D
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » February 28th, 2009, 10:58 pm

Sorry that this took so long to come out but I've been so busy that I haven't been able to come on here much until now. This chapter is pretty long compared to the others but that's 'cause a lot happens in it so enjoy!!

Chapter eleven: Counterattack

Despite having fought dozens of times since he had been abducted Star never had stopped being nervous when he entered the arena, and today he was even more nervous than usual. He had learned that after his first fight that because of the darkness in the holding room and because of the unusually high amount of light in the arena it was best if he closed his eyes as he entered so he could adjust to the light changes without being blinded.

As Star was entering the arena through the tunnel he tried hard not to think about the possibility of him failing and having everybody die because of him screwing up. But try as he might that thought was always popping into his head whenever he tried not to think about it.

And then there was Ember. Star knew that he would never see her again if this didn't work out so he tried hard to not think about her and losing her forever either. But she was also the driving force behind his desire to escape so Star also wanted to keep her in mind at all times so he could motivate himself to not fail.

When Star had gotten close enough to the arena to see light penetrating the darkness of the tunnel he slowly closed his eyes as much as possible forcing him to grope the walls of the tunnel until he had finally entered the arena.

Star like most every time was one of the last few wolves to get there and he was the last of the conspirators to arrive. It was not long before entering that he had came across another wolf in the sea of carnage that was not allied with him; so Star quickly pounced upon the wolf and sliced it's neck causing blood to splatter along the cement floor.

This action and Star's arrival had not gone unnoticed because within a couple of seconds of bringing down the wolf one of the conspirators and Star's allies ran up to Star and tackled him to the ground causing Star to let out a huge gasp for air as all the air in his lungs was forced out of his body by the impact on the ground.

The wolf in question, number one hundred, was unable to enjoy his victory for long before another conspirator had begun to attack him. Pretty soon it was only the conspirators left fighting save for Janx and his followers. Within minutes of Star's defeat the battle was over as quickly as it had started and to everybody's surprise and amazement Janx was the last man standing and had had finally won.

The previous night:

"The first part of our plan is that we're going to give up on winning this time. We're going to throw the battle." said Star to the group of wolves who were around him.

As he expected the looks on the wolves faces quickly went from anxious to either downright confused or furious with many having a combination of the two looks. For a few seconds nobody knew how to react until number one hundred dared to speak up.

"Are you mad?!" shouted one hundred. "If we just throw the whole battle then how the hell do you expect us to escape?" This cause the wolves to start to murmur amongst themselves and Star had to politely but firmly get their attention back to him before they gave up.

"Listen, the reason we have you here is that we can trust you to not only not betray us but also to not tell the person who we're going to throw the battle to" said Star.

"And who would that be?" asked number one hundred to Star.

"The person that we're going to let win is number twenty eight" said Star calmly.

"But why don't we have him and his group join us?" asked one hundred.

"Because we can't trust them and we also can't have them help us because then what we're doing will be too obvious. But that's only the first part of our plan. The second part is...."

Back to the present:

"Yes!! I finally did it!!" shouted an ecstatic Janx as he stood proudly in the arena. He was so happy to have won after all this time and he couldn't help but get overly-happy at the thought of seeing his mate Amber again.

Soon after the battle the humans came marching in the room carrying stretchers to carry the wolves and guns just in case they would need them.

A small group of the humans walked up to and surrounded Janx and pointed their guns at him gesturing for him to follow them and not try anything funny. As Janx was departing the arena he took one last look back at the wolves he was leaving behind.

Ten minutes after Janx was gone and was safely leaving the building the rest of the humans began to start the process of bringing the wolves back into the holding room. It seemed way too easy for them because the wolves looked like they had fought so hard that there would be no trouble.

However after only a minute a voice came across the radio that was screaming.

The Previous night:

"The second part is that we will only fight each other and we'll have to make it look like we're going all-out but we can't waste any real energy and we shouldn't try to hurt each other much 'cause that's the key. When the fight is over and the humans come to get us we'll be playing dead and we'll be ready for them" said Star.

Back to the present:

"Hey...Wait...Aaaaagh!! Some of the wolves are getting up and are attacking u..." were the last words before the transmission ended
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby DaDwarf » March 1st, 2009, 9:18 am

oww cliffhanger :D i absolutely love this story. you're doing a good job on writhing all that stuff!

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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » March 12th, 2009, 3:03 am

New chapter!! :D :D

Chapter twelve: House of wolves

Star and thirty four along with their allies had begun their counter attack starting with the humans who were picking them up for transport back to the other room but they were just the beginning. After viciously killing all the humans near them they turned their attention to the rest of the humans in the room who were either running for their lives or aiming guns at them.

But the humans were too late because by the time they were ready to fire the wolves had pinned them to the ground and were ripping their throats out and biting them to death.

In less than ten minutes all the humans in the room were dead and four wolves that were part of the alliance had died in the process.

In one of the other rooms

The few remaining humans in the complex that didn't carry guns had all agreed to meet in a small control room to discuss how they would handle the current situation but they knew it would only be a matter of time before the wolves got to them unless they took action now.

"So what should we do?" asked one of the humans. While he was trying to talk to the people who had entered with him the person who was actually in charge of the control room had also heard him so he decided to answer.

"We can't let them escape obviously so here's what we're going to do. First we'll turn out all the lights in the room so they can't see anything and once they're out we'll close the exits and trap them there." said the human as he walked up to one of the controls and pressed a few buttons on the computer and watched the cameras to see what would happen next.

Back in the arena

With all the humans dead the rest of the remaining wolves took a brief moment to gather and decide what they would do next. Escape was the primary goal but they were still unsure of what they would do from this point to achieve that goal.

"So, seventy seven what do we do now?" asked number six who had only just stopped his brutal assault and made his way back to the group who was also looking to Star and thirty four for guidance.

"There's no turning back now and if we don't leave soon more humans will come and who knows how many more of us will die. We've already lost forty two, seventy nine, sixty seven, and fifteen and they were among the strongest of us." announced a very tired and confused thirty three.

His comment was much anticipated by number one hundred who had always questioned Star's leadership and was more than happy at the opportunity to be able to demand answers from somebody that he was afraid to blindly follow. "Instead of bickering like a bunch of dumb a***s why don't we leave for the exi..." number one hundred was cut off when all of a sudden the lights started to turn off all round them one by one until the darkness had once again swallowed them up.

The chatting in the group had increased even more with this unexpected occurrence and not even Star and thirty four were able to get back control of the situation. However when a loud clank and bang filled the lightless room everybody immediately shut up for they knew they needed to leave the room now.

As the alliance blindly pushed through the darkness and over the bodies of both wolves and humans they tried to rack their brains and remember where the humans had entered from. Star had almost left the room with thirty four and just as he was in front of one of the exits he bumped into a body on the ground.

The body was of a wolf but this one was unfamiliar to Star as he was not allied with Star or Janx. The wolf was badly injured but it wasn't dead yet and that was a good enough reason for Star to try and save him. Star began to drag the wolf to the exit in front of him but was stopped by thirty four who was blocking his entrance.

"What's that?" asked thirty four to Star. thirty four was unmoving from his position and was making no effort to help Star let alone pretend to care about the injured wolf.

Another loud band echoed throughout the room and both Star and thirty four knew the second exit had closed and the third would close in only a few more seconds.

"We gotta get this guy out of here." pleaded Star, but thirty four would hear nothing of it.

"No, if we bring him them none of us will make it. We need to leave him behind along with all the other non-allies. I know it's sad but we can worry about them later. Our top priority is getting out and everybody else has left so come on." After finishing his sentence thirty four rushed towards Star and grabbed him with his jaws and forcibly dragged him out through the exit only seconds before it closed too.

Somewhere in the woods, about a kilometer from the building

Janx and the convoy of humans that were traveling with him had left the jeep they had traveled in and walked up to a small clearing that was littered with bones. The humans hadn't taken one eye off him since they got out of the car and now they were gathering in a semi-circle in front of him and took out their guns and pointed them at him.

It didn't take long for Janx to realize what was about to happen and what all the bones were from and what really happened to the winners.

The humans pointed their guns at Janx, took aim, put their fingers in the triggers, and prepared to fire.
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » April 1st, 2009, 2:29 am

Sorry it's been so long but I had too many other things to do that got in the way. Enjoy the new chapter :smile5:

Chapter thirteen: Don't look back

When all the exits had finally shut thirty four let go of Star who quickly jumped up on his feet(paws) and lowered himself into an offensive posture and bared his fangs at thirty four. "What the h**l did you think you were doing?! You better have a good reason for this!" growled an incredibly pissed-off Star.

Sensing that Star might try to fight him thirty four took some time to think about what he was going to say and how he would calm Star down. "I did what I had to do. Even if I had helped you we would never have gotten back in time and you're too important to us to just leave in there."

"Don't you even care that we left an innocent wolf in there to die?"

"I'm not going to throw my life away for somebody who has probably tried to kill me any number of times; so I apologize if I'm not exactly enthusiastic about helping somebody that wouldn't care if I was dead or alive. said thirty four in an incredibly sarcastic manner. Besides, we can always come back here to look for other survivors if we don't get killed ourselves"

Star was beginning to worry about thirty four. After all this time he had always been helpful and understanding so this recent change in thirty four's behavior was something of a shock to Star. Star thought thirty four was just anxious about escaping but there just wasn't any time to talk to thirty four now.

But thirty four was right about one thing. They didn't have any time to waste and as sad as it made Star, he couldn't rescue everyone and there would be fellow wolves he would be leaving behind. Star thought about going back to the wolves. Taking a look back at what he was leaving behind; but doing so would only make him weaker. And Star would have to be strong because the worst wasn't over yet. With a newfound resolve Star left with thirty four to join with the rest of the alliance and resolved to leave this h**l hole forever.

But the remaining humans were just as determined to not let a single wolf leave alive. Back in the control room the humans were furious that the wolves had escaped and were coming their way. To all of them it was obvious that this was the end of their operation and no matter what they did now the wolf fighting was over.

There was much discussion about what they should do, and after some brief debate a verdict was made. They would cut their losses and leave the building behind because it was never going to be used by them or anyone else again. Even though they had never hoped it would come to this they would lock the building down after they left so none of the wolves would escape. And then they would detonate the building.

The explosives had been placed all around and inside the building early in construction just in case they were ever found out or something like this happened. They had always been a danger but it was necessary in case they ever needed to destroy all the evidence of what they had done.

Regretfully the humans got up from the room and after pressing a few keys on the main control panel and set the timer on the explosives; they left the room so they could leave before they got caught in the explosion. They moved quickly for the detonation would happen in only three minutes. As they prepared to leave they made sure the doors would close and they wolves would not escape. When the emergency lights started to flash and sirens rang throughout the building it was the humans signal to evacuate.

In one of the main hallways

When everybody was finally back together they all agreed to split up and look for the exits. They made four groups of five and began searching for exits. But for some reason all they encountered were shut doors and no way out. They began to feel suspicious and their worst fears were confirmed when most of the lights went out and sirens could be heard everywhere. While the wolves had no idea what exactly was going to happen but they knew it wouldn't be good.

But the humans had slipped up just enough to mean not all the wolves would have to die. Star's group were about to turn around and regroup with the other groups when they came across a small service door that had been forgotten about and was still open. Thinking quickly Star howled out to the rest of the groups telling them they found a way out. However time was almost up.

Thirty four's group was one of the last to hear Star so they rushed toward the exits as fast as they could, their hearts pounding with fear and excitement. After turning a final corner they some of them saw for the first time in years real sunlight. It had a tremendous effect on all the wolves and for a few precious seconds they stood mesmerized by the sun's glow.

When reality set back in they left the entrance and did a headcount about two hundred feet from the building. Something was wrong; one of the groups was missing and everybody was about to consider going back for them when the building finally exploded in a massive fireball.

Right before the explosion: in the building

The last group was led by number one hundred. Unfortunately for them they were the farthest away from the exit and it took some time for them to hear Star, and by then it was too late. They had put in their best effort to get out in time and were very close to the exit when the building exploded. As they were in the hallway they failed to notice many of the explosives were right next to them and when they detonated one hundred's group was instantly engulfed in a huge fireball and died instantly.
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » April 6th, 2009, 3:09 pm

New chapter :D There won't be anymore updates for about a week 'cause I'll be gone.

Chapter fourteen: Star's death

All the wolves were just frozen in awe of the explosion and what it mean to them. The building that had imprisoned them behind their walls was gone for good but it had taken even more of their friends with it. It was obvious even to Star that there was no way one hundred's group was still alive but the wolves knew from the moment they hatched their plan that not all of them would escape.

For a while they mourned in silent not knowing what to say or do until thirty four broke the stillness when he walked up to Star and motioned for them to walk away. Star had been waiting for any opportunity to talk things out with thirty four so he agreed to go.

The rest of the wolves understood that Star and thirty four had some things to discuss so they chose to stay with each other and wait for Star and thirty four to return.

Thirty four led Star a long ways into the woods and far away from the ruined building and the rest of the escapees. To Star thirty four seemed tense like he was looking for something in particular. He also hadn't said a word to Star since they left which made Star even more concerned about him.

At last thirty four stopped atop a large hill and called for Star to follow him up. When Star got to the top he couldn't believe what he saw. They were standing on the edge of a large gorge where there was a deep river flowing beneath them. From where they were they could see for miles of undisturbed wilderness and it was an incredible thing for Star to see. Thirty four on the other hand seemed even more tense and Star still had no idea why he had chosen this place to talk.

Then suddenly thirty four spoke to Star for the first time in what felt like ages. "I wanted to apologize for the way I've been lately. It's just that things have been so crazy and I didn't know how to deal with it all."

"Why didn't you just say something then? I'm sure we all would have helped you" said Star.

"You know I'm not like that. I didn't want them to think I was breaking under the pressure because then they might too. Anyway I'm really thankful for all the help you've given me" said thirty four.

"No problem" said Star.

"And because you've helped me so much..." said thirty four

"Yeah?" asked Star

"I'll let you die quickly!!" said thirty four and in one fell swoop he rammed into Star causing him to lose his balance on the gorge's edge. Star tried to regain his balance but it didn't work.

As he was falling down Star took one last look back at thirty four who was smirking with joy at getting rid of Star for good. Words escaped Star and all he could do was just look back at thirty four with a "why did it have to be this way?" expression on his face.

Thirty four kept his eyes on the falling Star until he saw him hit the river sending a large splash into the air. Knowing that Star was out of his way for good thirty four turned his back on the gorge and started on his way back to the other wolves.

The other wolves were suspicious when they saw thirty four limping as he approached them with Star nowhere in sight. Number six was the first one to question thirty four. "Where's Star?" asked number six.

"He's dead." replied thirty four whose tone was not even the least bit remorseful. All the other wolves were taken aback at this and now had one more fellow wolf to mourn.

"How? Did something happen between the two of you?" asked number six who eyed thirty four's supposedly hurt leg.

"He tried to kill me but before he could he fell off this hill we were on and fell to his death."

"Why would he do something like that?" asked number thirty three who joined in the questioning.

"I don't know. One minute he was as friendly as possible and the next he tried to kill me. I'm just so sick of all this. Come on, let's leave this place for good. I know a place where we can stay for a while where we can think about what we'll do next." said thirty four who moved out towards the woods. Slowly the rest of the wolves started to follow him for they needed somebody to guide them to whatever fate had in store for them.
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby whitewolf17 » April 18th, 2009, 3:35 am

Chapter fifteen: Return

They were the first three to escape. Before their capture they had never know each other but they had to trust each other and work together to regain their freedom. They had encountered each other by pure chance, and the humans who decided to take them just happened to be in the area where they met.

Back then the humans had just started capturing the wolves and were still having trouble taking them alive. They awoke halfway on the ride to the building where they would be destined to fight only to find themselves in the dark compartment of a large truck.

None of them knew what their lives would have become if they didn't escape but they knew nothing good would have been in their future. So they spent the remainder of their trip plotting how they would make their break. When the humans opened the compartment they got rushed by the wolves who quickly killed every human within eyesight.

They had no idea where they were so they were forced to adapt to this strange new area. For a while they avoided the humans as well as any fellow wolf who just happened to get near where they were hiding out.

But soon things deteriorated with the trio. The first two wolves wanted to rejoin their fellow wolves and get on with their lives and try to forget everything that happened. The third wolf was the only one who deviated from that path. He became obsessed with getting revenge on the humans who had wronged him at any cost.

For a while Star lied on the ground just staring up at the sky. It took him some time for him to realize that he was somehow alive. The last thing he remembered was being thrown from the cliff by thirty four and hitting the water. Then everything went blank for Star.

The first wolf was all alone. A year after the third wolf left the second wolf had gotten ill. She tried desperately to fight her illness but one day it became too much for her body to handle and she died a peaceful death.

The first wolf had no idea who the half-dead wolf was that floated by the river bank he was on but he knew it looked like the body of someone who had escaped from the humans. The first wolf's choice was clear. He dragged the body out of the river and when the wolf started to regain consciousness the first wolf left the wolf he saved to fend for itself.

Star knew another wolf had been near him by the fresh tracks around his body. Star also knew it would be pointless for him to try and find the wolf because it's tracks went straight into the river where they would be untraceable.

He took a walk in the surrounding woods hoping to find some landmark to help him determine his location. Star had no idea how far he had traveled down the river so he knew he could be anywhere. His searching was going slowly and he almost gave up.

It was right when he was going to surrender when he came across an all-too familiar area. It was the clearing where he was abducted and where his life had forever changed. He quickly followed the path he had taken to get there all the way back to his home territory.

Star was speechless. Nobody had responded to any of his calls when he arrived back home. He searched his whole packs territory looking for any signs of his fellow wolves. Everybody was gone. In some places Star could find blood and what looked like the scars of a battle being fought but there weren't even any bodies.

Star was all alone. He walked up to a tree and collapsed against its trunk in utter defeat.

The end.

Well, that's the end so I hope y'all enjoyed reading this. I don't have a room so if Moka doesn't mind I'll take any questions,comments,concerns or advice now.
The winner for last week's question is...NalaLionQueen. Congratulations!!

This weeks question:What is the only other known place in the universe with a stable body of surface liquid?

Winner and next question will be announced next Sunday.
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Re: Captivity

Postby Lyoko3454 » May 3rd, 2010, 4:25 am

Please check me.

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