These are terrible and humiliating,please no bad comments,
These were when i was 6 years old,in my old diary,my mom was gonna throw these out,and im like what the heck,ill jus tpost them.
I modified them to make them not as embarrasing,but yeah,they are
Short songs
Yeah,just yesterday,I was that shy girl hanging out there
Then you turned around and stunned me with your stare
Bits of love came out
and now,and now,and now.....!
Woah,its just...crazzyy love
its just crazyyy love
Us,holdin hands
Us,havin plaannss
Woah,us being usssss
Knocked on my dooor
You being sure
you got my heart stuck to you
Its just craazzy lovve
crazzyyy love
just perfect...
words just can't decsribe it...
And noww....
We are here...
and some people shoutin out!!!!
It's just crazzyyy llove
its just crazyy looove
Its just craazzzzyyyy loooveee