The Birth of the Heirs ~ Part 1 of the 3

The Birth of the Heirs ~ Part 1 of the 3

Postby Kopalover » July 10th, 2012, 6:41 am

This is a Part 1 for a short story I am writing alongside an RP by Amy and I. There will be 2-3 parts, I'm not quite sure yet. So, keep posted! If you are following our RP, you will understand what is happening, if not.. than you should go read it. It's awesome!

Anyways. Here is Part 1.


The Birth of the Heirs

The golden castle lie deep beneath the ocean, resting gently on it's sandy floor. Strange creatures that had human upper bodies but coloured fish tails lower bodies seemed to inhabit the castle, they called theirselves 'Mermaids', as did the rest of the world above and below the ocean. They hid their castle with a layer of seaweed, and the ocean creatures protected humans for entering the aroma.

All seemed peaceful on the outside, but on the inside the King and his many servants were in a panic. His Queen was giving birth to his heir, and he had to wait in the corridors outside of the Birthing Room. Quickly, he swam in circles scared for the life of his two children. His tail was a beautiful blue, while his hair was dirty blonde and reached just slightly past his shoulders, while the small hairs on his chin seemed to match. His eyes shone the most wonderful shade of brown. The muscles down his body almost popped out of his skin. A tough guy like this rarely was this scared, expect for today. His child was about to be born.

To this day, he held a treaty with the other Castle of Mermaidians. A treaty which read;
If the heir of King Theo and Queen Jane is to be a female.
She will wed the first born son of King Loki and Queen Joannah,
they will rule both Kingdoms hand in hand.

This doesn't seem to bad, but the King only signed it because he was threatened with war. All King Loki wanted was to rule the entire Ocean of Mystery realm. Knowing King Theo wouldn't budge, he threatened him with war and made him sign a treaty. This happened not a year ago, and that is when King Loki forced King Theo to bare Queen Jane a child.

King Theo prayed for a male heir, so he wouldn't have to force his daughter into a marriage she wouldn't agree with. If he had a male heir, the treaty would be scraped and no forced marriages would be made. Loki would rule only his lands, and would call off his army.

Still, the king swam in circles, not being able to hear a single thing from the room behind the large door right in front of him. His nails were bitten off from how nervous he was and his lip began to bleed by how hard he bit into it. Butterflies raced through his stomach, almost giving him the feeling to vomit, but he couldn't. With all the nervous energy, and fear bunched up inside of him, he spun around and punched a pillar harder than ever. Removing his fist, which seemed unharmed, he left a huge dent and a few cracks in the pillar, he gently felt them with his hand before punching the same spot again, this time with much less force.

With a bang, the large doors to the room behind him opened to reveal a short, nurse mermaid with an Orange tail and hair, with a black shell bra let out a small sigh to alert the king as he quickly turned around with a very startled look on his face. "King Theo, your heirs are born." Saying with a very excited tone, she swam quickly around the corner and to the bed which lay the Queen. Heirs? He thought as he quickly followed her.

In the arms of his brown haired Queen lay two beautiful children. Tears glistened in his eyes as he reached down to touch their soft faces. "They're beautiful. What are their names?" Whispering into his Queens ear as he gently kissed her cheek.

"The female, your first born, is named Jenavyve." The Queen sighed and shook her head. "The male, your second born, is named after your father, Odin." Smiling up at him with her perfectly straight teeth and brown, beautiful eyes.

The King sighed, and looked to their children then back to his Queen. "You did an incredible job." Kissing her gently, then kissing the foreheads of both his children. "I promise to take care of you, and teach you the tighter ways." He cooed quietly, as he watched them sleep. With one swift movement, he brought his head back up and frowned. "No body tell Loki about the birth. We still have matters to handle. If he finds out.. My poor baby Jenavyve will have to suffer." Saying loudly to everyone in the room as he held back tears. They all agreed. Again, he brought his head down, but to Jenavyve. "Your father promises to give you the best life possible."
Signatures by Shadowfax, thank you love <3

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