

Postby nalasimba83 » October 24th, 2013, 10:54 pm

They were after him,he couldn't outrun them,and then the image flashed again.A picture of a beautiful woman, running away into the forest and holding a kid. He screamed and raced her,realizing it was his mind playing tricks. He suddenly collapsed somewhere. The boy was Erick Stewart. He had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair with blonde highlights.

"Eric?Are you alright?Eric?Eric... If you don't get up, I might be forced into banging your head with a frying pan,"a soft voice of a young girl called.

He opened his eyes to reveal the strange grey twinkle in his brown eyes. He stood up,with a sharp pain crawling up his shoulder and went back down. "Damn it, so I sprained my shoulder again..."Eric said. He looked at the young girl,long blonde hair until her shoulder,and pure emerald eyes. It was Annabelle,his neighbor.

"Yeah, this is getting old. You know, you collapsing and ending up in my house,"Annabelle said.

Another woman came by, who was very much older than both their ages combined. She was carrying a dusty box as if to store somewhere,with dirt spread across her face and wearing the thinnest and cheapest cloth of grey. Unlike Annabelle, she had normal brown eyes and grey hair, but not the same exact eyes like Eric. It was Annabelle's grandmother, Jane. Annabelle was dressed better, a normal yellow shirt and a lacy undershirt with jeans that came to her thighs.

"Oh you woke up then. Good, I was worried that I'd have to have-,"she began.

"Anne bang me on the head with a frying pan?"he finished.

"Err...well yes,"she finished. "Well, you're quick to catch on Eric. What happened? You don't normally see a 16 year old boy lying in the dirt everyday." She said looking over and finding a white blanket, covering the dusty box to keep the dust from flying into the house.

"I don't know. You might think I'm up there in the head, but I keep on seeing this woman. And then I just start collapsing...you know from like anger or something. It's like a hallucination, but it seems more real,"Eric said. He got up and reached for his car keys.

Grandma Jane turned away and took the box down the stairs. She quickly glanced at Annabelle. "My grandma's calling me. If you need anything, you can call me. I'll see you next week,"she said as she raced downstairs with her blue jean sneakers.

"Wait!"Erick called. She stopped abruptly and turned her head towards his side. "Why would I see you next week?"

"You know, if you hallucinate again and I find you lying in the dirt. It's become a habit for about a month now, I thought you'd know the schedule,"she said as she returned going down the stairs. She flashed a smile and disappeared through the basement door.

He took his car keys and shook his head. That Annabelle. He opened their door and went down the hill to his house which was conveniently located across Annabelle's.Eric knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. The strict face of his uncle greeted him. A few other of his friends were gathered around the sofa looking at the boy curiously.They seemed like very important people with their suits and polished boots.

"Gentlemen,this is my nephew Eric,"his uncle happily introduced. "He looks a bit shabby today considering he went outside without telling me again." A few laughed as if it was funny.

Eric raised an eyebrow and opened the door to his room. It was messy. Pillows were thrown everywhere and his bed wasn't made. DVD's under his T.V were out of order and the CD's were out of their case. He heartily pounced on his bed and began staring at the dull ceiling and the fan. The door slowly opened and a squeaky sound came out as his uncle came inside with his gray beard almost reaching an inch of his chin.

"Eric, you want to come out? I want you to meet an old colleague of mine. He's actually a very important movie director in California. I told him about you and he thinks that you might be a very good actor! He said you certainly have the looks. You're very lucky that he knows me personally, too,"he said winking.

"Uncle, you know that I certainly don't want to,"Eric said turning on the T.V. "All you're friends ever talk about is how many houses they have in every continent of the world. And the bald one keeps asking me whether or not I have a girlfriend!"

"Ohh! You mean Drake!"his uncle said. "Yeah, him I understand. So you're just going to stay in your room until everyone's gone?" Erick did a fake yawn and nodded. "Alrighty then! Me and my boys are going to go to the pool in our backyard!"his uncle said. Compared to his friends, Erick's uncle was the most lighthearted.

"Yeah, have fun!"Eric said. When he made sure he heard footsteps away from his door. He locked the door and peered into the hole to see if he left the room completely. Then he took out a blue and silver duffel bag from his closet. He took out a box of money and coins from his birthday, his job, and coins that he randomly found. He dumped the box into the duffel bag and it made a jingling sound. Then, he changed into a purple and blue striped shirt and jeans. "$52.86, $52.96,"he muttered to himself, counting the money. Then he packed his phone, his hoodie, and whatever else he found important."

He unlocked his door and closed it, heading towards the front door. Then he took his last view of his Uncle's house. "Sorry Uncle Spencer,"then he glared at Annabelle's house,"sorry Anne. Looks like you won't be seeing me next week...if everything goes well."

"Running away so quickly? I thought you'd at least say bye,"Annabelle said with a backpack slung across her shoulders. She tied her blonde hair into a braid and pulled it towards her right shoulder.

"What are you doing here? Why do you have a bag? Why the hell were you expecting me? What?"Eric said. His face was completely shocked and he brushed away sweat from his forehead. He was making his way across the hill into the road, completely aware Annabelle was following him. "You're following me..."

"Yes I am. You are going to go find the answer to your hallucinations right?"Annabelle said smiling. "I'm pretty sure I'd come in handy."

"How the hell-?"Eric asked with wonder. Was his neighbor a psychic? "Jane's okay with this?"

"Umm..."Annabelle began shifting her toes.

"You didn't tell her you freaking left the house! She's going to think I kidnapped you or something!"Eric said running a hand through his hair. "And you didn't even have my permission to come along."

Annabelle cupped her mouth and laughed. "Jane's not so narrow-minded, and I left her a note okay? She's going to find it as soon as she goes to the kitchen. I don't remember you telling your uncle you left, and besides, you can send me home whenever you want to."

"Err--fine, you can tag along,"Eric said. Suddenly, a figure came up towards them as they were walking up the hill together. Jane came up to both of them with a frying pan. "Is she going to use that on me! Oh great going Anne!"

"I'm like sooo sorry Eric! You have no idea,"Annabelle said.

"So you left the house didn't you Annabelle?"Jane asked. Annabelle nervously laughed and made her way behind Eric who was going to make his way behind her. "Eric!"she said. Erick grinned cheesily and she placed her hands on her hips. "Take this with you boy." Eric raised his eyebrows confused. He looked at what was placed in his palms.

"A moon necklace?"Eric said. At first, he was going to thank her for not beating him up but then he said,"A necklace grandma Jane?" She nodded and looked at it as if it was precious gold. "But...I'm a guy." Jane took her frying pan and banged him on the head. Annabelle couldn't prevent herself from laughing. He just muttered a few curse words under his breath. "Er-Thanks grandma Jane." He put the necklace on and turned around.

"Hmm. not bad. Not as girly as I imagined. It looks cool, like a guy necklace,"Annabelle said. "Bye Grandma!"

They crossed the street and Annabelle followed him as he made his way towards Kroger. "Sir, can I trade in my coins for cash?"Erik asked the cashier on the front desk. he unzipped his duffel bag and brought out the box of coins. "Thanks,"Erik replied as he took the cash and opened his wallet.

"Money? Just where do you think you're going?"Annabelle asked. She put a hand in front of a cab. "Thank you,"she said as she got into the front seat. Erik was forced into the back and looked at the seatbelt. "Please just drop us off at the Airport,"Annabelle said. She put on her seatbelt and smiled in the back as if to shove it in his face that she actually knew where she was going, unlike Eric.
Last edited by nalasimba83 on April 25th, 2014, 12:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hope

Postby AnimeFan101 » April 23rd, 2014, 3:39 pm

Oh my gawd that is so amazing!

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